>>20222303>it can be powerful if handled by a skilled trainerbecause that's pretty much true, most people at best are just gonna trade you 1-1 with those first three megas I specify since they have the defenses of a paper bag. They are horribly inbalanced and need to be worked on, but 9 times out of ten it'll probably only kill one of your teammates.
>this pokemon uses this move, so I better use a different move to counter itwelcome to pokemon, where you do exactly that, or switch out. Mawile always runs play rough, sucker punch and iron head/fire fang, you practically already know its moveset the moment you see your opponent has one, its strong no doubt, but its not some uber monster that can't be killed.
>this pokemon is super weak to this one type, so basically it is not broken in any waymaybe this would hold more merit of an argument if ice type attacks weren't extremely common as hell, you need to take into account metagame when talking about these things too.
>Gee whiz, lets totally just strawman and completely ignore the fact that these pokemon have faults and let in pokemon with little to no faults