>>20237637 >>Is there a PokeGen for gen 6 'mons? >NO wrong retard, there is PKhex and those with Cyber Gadget can inject genned mons into 6 gen
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Quoted By:
Alrighty, let's get some requests going. Don't know how long I'll be here, so request while you can.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237654 >implying anyone on /vp/ has access to those and is willing to gen gen6 mons for people Anonymous
>>20237663 doesn't matter, you're spreading misinformation imbecile.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Quoted By:
>>20237670 Its a copypasta imbecile, it gets updated as time goes on.
Quoted By:
>>20237670 Then you'll have beggars flooding the thread asking for Gen6 shit when nobody currently has the Cyber Gadget thing
>IGN: Ewan >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Everything left blank doesn't matter. I can offer you: * Any Y exclusive Megastones * A Shiny Stunfisk * Breeding leftovers (Corphish, Scyther, Natu, Binacle, Scraggy, Rotom)
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
>>20237663 >Pokemon: Aggron >Nickname: Galvatron >Level: 60 >Nature: adamant >Ability: rock head >Game of Origin: [doesn't matter] >Pokemon Gender: Doesnt matter >Shiny: nah >item: choice band >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: random >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: all >EV's: 252 att/252 hp/ 4 spd >moves: ice punch, iron head, aqua tail, super power >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you >Pokemon: Arcanine >Nickname: Apollo >Level: 40 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: intimidate >Game of Origin: up to you >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: nah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: 31 att/31 sp att/31 spd/ 31hp >EV's: 248 att/252 spd/8 def >Moves: close combat,crunch,wild charge,extreame speed >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you >Pokemon: luxray >Nickname: Shadow >Level: 40 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: intimidate >Game of Origin: up to you >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: nah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: 31 att/31 sp att/31 spd/ 31hp >EV's: 252 att/252 spd/ 6 ho >Moves: ice fang, wild charge,crunch,super power >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you Changed some stuff from yesterdays post
Dean 1676-3803-7109
But the thread from yesterday is still here
>>20235595 Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
>>20237637 >Pokemon:Breloom >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Nature:Careful >Ability:Poison Heal >Game of Origin:Pokemon Black >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:Any >Specific pokeball:Pokeball >Date of Creation:Today >IV's: 31 in all stats >EV's:252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD >Moves:- Leech Seed - Drain Punch
- Protect
- Spore
>OT Gender:Your gender >TID / SID:Any >OT:You >Pokemon:Breloom >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Nature:Jolly >Ability:Technician >Game of Origin:Pokemon Black >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny:Yes >Hatched/Met at location:Any >Specific pokeball:Pokeball >Date of Creation:Today >IV's: 31 in all stats >EV's:4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe >Moves:- Bullet Seed - Mach Punch
- Spore
- Protect
>OT Gender:Your gender >TID / SID:Any >OT:You Anonymous
>Pokemon: Registeel >Nickname: Registeel >Level: 100 >Nature: Careful >Ability: Clear Body >Game of Origin: Hoenn >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Hoenn >Specific pokeball: Default >Date of Creation: Default >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Def >Moves: Curse, Iron Head, Rest, Sleep talk >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Darren Can offer a kalos shiny or something. Someone replied in the last thread but I got called into work suddenly.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237719 It was 404ing, so I made a new one in its place.
But I'll go ahead and grab your two mons, along with:
>>20237707 >>20237710 >>20237734 >>20237739 and one more Pokemon if anyone submits a request before I finish the first batch.
Going to Pokegen now, see you all in a bit.
>>20237750 are you able to do mimics of past event mons
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237762 Yup! Down to every last byte.
Darren (Duke) 2320-7225-5166
>>20237777 >>20237739 Added while you work.
>quads (IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>IGN: Rafael >Pokemon: Landorus >Nickname: Landorus >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Sheer Force >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: BW >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: doesnt really matter >IV's: all 31 >EV's: 252 att / 252 speed / 4 spd >Moves: Super Power / Earthquake / Stone Edge / U-Turn >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 36041 >OT: Ralph Pls? I still got some gibbles, kangs and forakies protean all 5iv also any BP item
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237798 >lucky 7 quads confirm every event is possible Anonymous
>IGN: Travis - 0619-5008-5122 >Pokemon: Dugtrio >Nickname: N/A >Level: 50 >Nature: >Ability: >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 0 HP / 31 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpDef / 31 Spe >EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spe >Moves: Beat Up >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any
Quoted By:
>>20237854 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Arena Trap Selena (0146-9973-7576)
>IGN: Selena >Pokemon: Meloetta >Nickname: >Level: 50 >Nature: >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: Black or White >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: The red event ball >Date of Creation: March 4, >IV's: >EV's: >Moves: Relic Song, Psybeam, Echoed Voice, Teeter Dance >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: SPR2013 My friend has always wanted A meloetta, so I would really appreciate it if you could make it look as legit as possible. Everything I didn't include doesn't really matter. Also, if its possible, could you give it the wishing ribbon? I don't really have much to offer you myself, but I could give you a shiny mawile for your help.
Hopper FC:2036-7740-3850 IGN:Diego
>Pokemon:Arceus >Nickname:Arceus >Pokemon Gender:NA >Level:100 >Shiny:no >Nature:Timid >Ability:- >IV's:31 all >EV's:252hp/6spAttk/252speed >Moves:- >Specific pokeball:the cherish one >OT:doesn't matter >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:- >Game of Origin: doesn't matter >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't matter >Pokemon:Shaymin >Nickname:Shaymin >Pokemon Gender:NA >Level:100 >Shiny: no >Nature: Timid >Ability: >IV's:31 all >EV's:252 SpAttck/6SpDdef/252 Speed >Moves: seed flare/air slash/earth power/healing wish >Specific pokeball: nest ball >OT: doesn't matter >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:- >Game of Origin: Platinum >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't matter i have shitnies, breeding leftovers 5IV, (all females KB), Ability Capsules and bp items. thanks
Jasper 2981-6706-7224
>>20237637 >>IGN: >>Pokemon: >>Nickname: >>Level: >>Nature: >>Ability: >>Game of Origin: >>Pokemon Gender: >>Shiny: >>Hatched/Met at location: >>Specific pokeball: >>Date of Creation: >>IV's: >>EV's: >>Moves: >>OT Gender: >>TID / SID: >>OT: >Also, mention what you are offering in return: BP items, mega stones, breeding leftovers.. >IGN: Jasper >Pokemon: Landorus >Nickname: n.a >Level: 40 >Nature: modest >Ability: sheer force >Game of Origin: Pokemon Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Dream World >Specific poke ball: Dream ball >Date of Creation: 18-07-1990 >IV's: Maxed >EV's: 0-0-0-0-0-0 >Moves: earth power >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >OT: Jasper I have a box full of event pokemon from mew to dance for you to choose from :)
Quoted By:
>>20237750 Should I disc up? If you're wanting anything in exchange we can trade disc for disc and then trade directly.
Ign Joshua 4141 3994 2158
>>20237777 >Pokemon:Genesect >Nickname:Genesect >Level:100 >Nature:hasty >Ability:download >Game of Origin:White 2 >Pokemon Gender:genderless >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:event >Specific pokeball:Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: July 13 2013 >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:4/252/0/0/0/252 >Moves:Extremespeed, zen headbut, blaze kick, shift gears >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: have some maison items, shinys, and breeding left overs
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
>>20237833 Can you do event lucario world08?
Roza 4398-9108-0692
>IGN:Roza >Pokemon:Dialga >Nickname:N/A >Level:70 >Nature:Modest >Ability:Pressure >Game of Origin:Platinum >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny:N/A >Hatched/Met at location:Spear Pillar >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball, i guess >Date of Creation:Up to you >IV's:I don't know jack shit about IVs' or EV's so that's on you >EV's:See above >Moves: Roar of Time, Thunder, Flash Cannon, Fire Blast >OT Gender:any >TID / SID:any >OT:any
Ric 3308-5789-7291
>>20237637 >>IGN: Ric >>Pokemon: Eevee >>Nickname: No nickname. >>Level: 50 >>Nature: Calm >>Ability: Anticipation >>Game of Origin: BW2 >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: no >>Hatched/Met at location: Hatched at N's castle >>Specific poke ball: dream ball >>Date of Creation: 18/7/14 >>IV's: all maxed >>EV's: none >>Moves: Hyper voice, Heal bell >>OT Gender: Male >>TID / SID: doesn't matter >>OT: Nui harime >i can offer you event legendaries, and latios and latias mega stones. Anonymous
>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: n/a >Level: 50-70 depending on what can get through >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Ruby >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: whatever >Specific pokeball: Mega Ball >Date of Creation: whatever >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Speed >Moves: Draco Meteor / Psyshock / Thunderbolt / Defog >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 65314 >OT: Maehak I can offer some 5IVs or a shiny Pansage if you'd want it. 1263-6852-5403 leon Thanks a lot in advance.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Tue 29 Jul 2014 21:34:46 No. 20238131 Report >Pokemon:Kyogre >Nickname: >Level:50 >Nature:Timid >Ability:Drizzle >Game of Origin:SS or HG >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:Yes >Hatched/Met at location:dosent matter >Specific pokeball:Love Ball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:31 all >EV's: 4HP 252 SpAtk 252Speed >Moves:Ice Beam/Surf/Thunder/Water Spout >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: >Pokemon:Mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:70 >Nature:Jolly >Ability:Pressure >Game of Origin:HG or SS >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:Yes >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:Friend Ball >Date of Creation:any >IV's:31 >EV's:4Hp 252Atk 252Speed >Moves:Bulk Up/Ice Punch/Drain Punch/Zen Headbutt >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: could attach some bm items to breeding leftovers
can you use powersave to get the save file, then use pokegen?
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>>20237637 Oh shit!
You're back! Still have my Manwile?
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
I know you said to use the format, but can you get my shiny mightyena from my emulated run to a real game?
Here's the .pkm file: Have 5IV poochyena with HA and egg moves play rough and poison fang to offer.
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
If someone could gen this shiny kyurem for me that would be wonderful. I have a diancie to offer in return because i know you cant gen it and there's a sudden thirst for diancie so yea
.PKM file: Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237719 >>20237707 >>20237710 >>20237734 >>20237739 Awesome, all your mons went through Bank! If you haven't already, add me!
If you had me added before, double check, just purged ~30 people from my friends list. After I trade off these mons, this'll be my next batch:
>>20237831 >>20237854 >>20237925 >>20237936 >>20237946 >>20237964 >>20238057 >>20238072 Anonymous
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238351 Dunno, I've never worked with Powersaves.
Quoted By:
>>20238365 me either. looking to get a powersave and wondering if it will fit two roles
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
>>20238345 C-caleb sama! You're back!<3
Could you gen my gardevoir from yesterday?><""
>>20228973 >>20229003 Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
>>20238365 still have you added so im good and online
>>20238345 Ok, here's my FC: 4313-2144-9816
Do you want anything for the Ditto?
Dean 1676-3803-7109
Quoted By:
>>20238345 I'm ready to trade
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Dugtrio)
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
>>20238345 Yo!
>>20238201 Hopefully still on, if not here it is. Hopper FC:2036-7740-3850 IGN:Diego
Ign:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
>Pokemon:heatran >Nickname:n/a >Level:100 >Nature:calm >Ability:flash fire >Game of Origin:n/a >Pokemon Gender:m >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:n/a >Specific pokeball:n/a >Date of Creation:n/a >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252SpD,252hp,4SpA >Moves:stealth rock,toxic,flash canon, lava plume >OT Gender:n/a >TID / SID:n/a >OT:n/a >Pokemon:chansey >Nickname:n/a >Level:100 >Nature:bold >Ability:natural cure >Game of Origin:n/a >Pokemon Gender:f >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:n/a >Specific pokeball:n/a >Date of Creation:n/a >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252def,252hp,4SpD >Moves:aeromatheropy,wish,thunder wave,seismic toss >OT Gender:n/a >TID / SID:n/a >OT:n/a Have any BP items to offer
Darren (Duke) 2320-7225-5166
Quoted By:
>>20238345 Added. Ready to trade.
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Quoted By:
>>20238365 Idk if you have me added
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238444 Nope, I think I may have released it since you never came to claim it.
I'm sorry. Other people, I'm getting on now, wait on for your TR!
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20238345 thanks caleb senpai
gonna uncensor a hentai for you Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
Quoted By:
>>20238535 That's alright. I'll request it later. Maybe a Hydriegon to go with it. They make a good pair.
Dean 1676-3803-7109
Quoted By:
>>20238345 Thanks Caleb. I hope you enjoy the lucky eggs
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Dugtrio)
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20237750 hey! glad tou see you're not 404'd, how've you been?
feeling better? Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238611 Been pretty good actually. Aside from rain, weather's been good too for Summer.
Haven't seen you either, Wipi. Everything good?
>>20238419 Ewan, you there? I'll take anything for the ditto.
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:19:50 No. 20238647 Report Helpful list to know what Pokeballs are compatible
>Pokemon:Treecko >Nickname: >Level:1 >Nature:Modest >Ability: Overgrow >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Dive Ball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: Pound/Leer >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Offering Diancie or BP items.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20238634 i remember you were sick or something then disappeared for some days
i thought you were kill it's been raining like a motherfucker over here for almost 2 months now but other than that im cool, moving onto giveaways instead of genning
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20238647 that treecko is missing an IV, also it wont be able to transfer
Austin 1048 8844 5869
Quoted By:
If anyone can make me a breeder ditto that'd be swell. Have bits and bobs if you want something.
Made this, but apparently the as egg part doesn't save, so I'm not sure about the legality of it. Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:24:08 No. 20238692 Report >>20238664 oh, why wont it transfer?
I'll fix up my post
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Quoted By:
>>20238653 Naw, I came down with something for a few days but it cleared, I genned for a day, then a friend from out of state came up for a week to visit so I left /vp/ for the time to actually go outside.
>>20238634 Yeah, I'm here.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20238692 i THINK it needs to be kalos born to have that specific pokeball since you cant catch a trecko at level 1 in previous games and females only pass down the pokeball in gen 6
can someone gen this for me? i need it quicky! can offer a 5iv Timid Xerneas>Pokemon:mewtwo >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:jolly >Ability: pressure >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: master ball >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252 Atck 252 Spe 6 hp >Moves: Drain Punch >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT:
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238723 Then I'll need you to accept my TR so you can get ditto.
>>20238726 Yup, every starter pre-gen6 has to be in a pokeball.
>>20238745 No problem!
Marco - 2122-6799-2172
Quoted By:
>>20237637 >>Pokemon: Politoed >>Nickname: MakeItRain >>Level: 50 >>Nature: Bold >>Ability: Drizzle >>Game of Origin: >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: Yes >>Hatched/Met at location: >>Specific pokeball: Default >>Date of Creation: Default >>IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpAtk >>Moves: Encore, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Endeavor >>OT Gender: >>TID / SID: >>OT: Marco >>Pokemon: Kingdra >>Nickname: Flow >>Level: 50 >>Nature: Modest >>Ability: Swift Swim >>Game of Origin: >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: Yes >>Hatched/Met at location: >>Specific pokeball: Default >>Date of Creation: Default >>IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: 4HP/252 SpAtkf/4 Speed >>Moves: Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Signal Beam >>OT Gender: >>TID / SID: >>OT: Marco I can offer breeding leftovers or BP items
>>20238759 I can't see your TR. Do you want to try trading over the GTS instead?
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:32:04 No. 20238796 Report >>20238759 Ahh, serribi said Diveball Treecko was possible >_< I guess the japanese dream world Treecko is male only then...
Oh well I guess i'll have to pray for friend safari in OR/AS
Quoted By:
>>20238736 also have 6iv adamant zygarde, flawless hp ice zapdos and 5iv timid yveltal
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238781 Sure, put up a disc, ask for a level 100 ditto.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20238796 it is in gen 6, if you just want it to pass down the pokeball, you can try with a grovile; iirc you can catch one of those in colosseum/XD
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:37:35 No. 20238859 Report Quoted By:
>>20238820 oh really?!! nice!
is dive ball Grovile genable? (sorry i'm new to this)
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:39:53 No. 20238884 Report >>20238820 Also, yeah i'm just trying to get the pokeball, I don't mind what stats it has tbh.
I've been trying to get this for over a month and when I saw the serribi pokebal list I gained a little bit of hope
that it existed
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
Got my acekard working. Who wants some Pokes? I can work on some for about an hour, but I'll be back later tonight.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
>>20238885 Yes, please.
>Pokemon: Machamp >Nickname: Hulk >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: No Guard >Game of Origin: NA >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: NA >Specific pokeball: Repeat Ball >Date of Creation: NA >IV's: 31s >EV's: 240HP/248Atk/16SpD/4Speed >Moves: Dynamic Punch, Payback, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge >OT Gender: NA >TID / SID: NA >OT: Yourself >Pokemon: Emboar >Nickname: Ganon >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Blaze >Game of Origin: NA >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: NA >Specific pokeball: Premier >Date of Creation: NA >IV's: 31s >EV's: 252Atk/4SpD/252Speed >Moves: Flare Blitz, Superpower, Wild Charge, Head Smash >OT Gender: NA >TID / SID: NA >OT: Yourself Anonymous
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Hi there, I'm looking for 7 shiny pokemon>IGN: Poképhile >Pokemon: Eevee (x7) >Nickname: None >Level: 1 >Nature: Whatever >Ability: Whatever >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Any >Shiny: PLEASE >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: Any >EV's: Any >Moves: Wish >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any Honestly, if someone could get me the extra shinies I'd like that'd be great. But I don't really have anything valuable.
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
>>20238905 Gotcha. Can I get a Xerneas in return m8?
>>20238916 You'll be next.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:44:49 No. 20238938 Report Quoted By:
>>20238885 could you gen mine
>>20238131 and if possible could you make a 30 iv all ditto for hidden powers breeding
somedude in a HURRY
>>20238934 yes but i need it quicly sorry if i sound pushy
Quoted By:
>>20238933 That IGN is too long for a gen5 game
>>20238933 >asking for 7 pokemon at once IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20238957 I never said at once. I just want 7 in total.
Ign:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
Quoted By:
>>20238934 Mine too
>>20238487 If possible please
Or Caleb
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
>>20238949 You just want Drain Punch on it?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20238966 you asked at once
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>20238949 Also I need your FC.
somedude in a HURRY3067-6621-2482
>>20238974 other random movees if possible but no needed IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20238988 I probably just conveyed it the wrong way.
Jade 3024-5698-0318
>>20238885 >IGN: Jade >Pokemon: Anorith >Nickname: Anorith >Level: 10 >Nature: Brave >Ability: Swift Swim >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Entree Forest >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >Date of Creation: 07/30/2013 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Scratch, Stealth Rock, Cross Poison >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 12345/whatever >OT: Jade Pretty please? I have some breeding leftovers i can give.
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Quoted By:
>>20238334 >>20238385 bumping my requests :>
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
>>20239011 You'll be the last one I can do. Something came up.
>>20238966 nonetheless, greedy cunt
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
Requesting this if anyone is still genning>IGN: Galadriel >Pokemon: Jigglypuff >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Friend Guard >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: any >Date of Creation:any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP 252 Sp Def 4 Def >Moves: Protect, Wish, Toxic, Defense Curl >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: any >OT: Iain
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238072 Can't have it in a dream ball at N's Castle, only in Entralink. Is that alright with you?
Kranic 4055 5077 6396
>Pokemon: Shedinja >Nickname: Virtue >Level: 50 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Wonderguard >Game of Origin: Platinum (gen 4 at least) >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever the message is for pokemon from gen 4 >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 7/7/2011 >IV's: X/31/X/X/X/31 >EV's: 4HP/252Att/252Speed >Moves: Sword Dance, Shadow sneak, X scissor, Toxic, Sandstorm >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: N/A >OT: N/A I have some 5IV shroomish with bullet seed and a few boxes of breeding rejects, but that's about it.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20239028 I have autism to satisfy.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
>>20239048 Just wondering Caleb. Dream Ball is legal to all Gen V mons and below just no Gen VI?
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
hey caleb, you doing the second batch
>>20238345 Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238072 Also, the OT can only be 7 characters long.
Jasper 2981-6706-7224
Quoted By:
>>20239048 Sure man! no problem at all!
Ric 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
>>20239079 ''Nui'' is fine bro
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Tue 29 Jul 2014 22:59:13 No. 20239097 Report Quoted By:
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20239074 dream ball
aegislash is also legal
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
>>20238994 added you dude. should come up as Emily.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Moving slowly, genning while eating some dinner.
Exporting the second batch now into Black 2, I'll post again with what made it and what didn't.
>>20239099 You shut your whore mouth. somedude in a HURRY3067-6621-2482
>>20239119 im not emily im crush live did you put my fc right?
Jade 3024-5698-0318
Quoted By:
>>20239026 Cool, cool. No biggie if you don't get it done right now, I can wait.
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Quoted By:
>>20239119 >>20239137 i think he/she was implying that they would show up as emily
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>20239137 I'm using my fiancee's ds. Her name is Emily.
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
>>20239133 Requesting these, please and thanks:
>IGN: CARMEN >Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: Sirknight >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: HGSS >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Route 34 (Swarm) >Specific pokeball: Love Ball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: 31/00/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 6 DEF, 252 SP.ATK, 252 SPEED >Moves: Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Will-o-Wisp, Trick >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 62002 >OT: CARMEN >IGN: CARMEN >Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: No Nickname >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: HGSS >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Route 34 (Swarm) >Specific pokeball: Love Ball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: 31/00/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 6 DEF, 252 SP.ATK, 252 SPEED >Moves: Psyshock, Hyper Voice, Focus Blast, Protect >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 62002 >OT: CARMEN Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237831 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
>>20237854 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
>>20237925 Meloetta was blocked. Not sure why. I'll throw her into the next batch though, I'll regen her no worries!
>>20237936 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
>>20237946 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
>>20237964 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
>>20238057 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
>>20238072 Your mon is in, moving to Y!
Alright, if your mon made it through, congrats! Add my FC, I'll be on Y in a few!
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20239167 Change 6 DEF to 6 SP.DEF in the second Gardevoir if possible, please.
Jared 2766 8060 2134
Quoted By:
>>20237637 IGN: Jared
Pokemon: Zapdos
Nickname: TheClap
Level: 75
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
Game of Origin: FR
Pokemon Gender: Genderless
Shiny: Yes
Met at location: Power Plant
Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball
Date of creation: 5/15/2005
>IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 68 SpA / 20 Spe Moves:
- Roost
- Defog
- Heat Wave
OT Gender: Male
TID/SID: 02305
OT: Jared
Offering Breeding leftovers: Larvitar, Sableye, Nidoran(HA), Rotom,
Item: ability Capsule
Quoted By:
>Pokemon:Arceus >Nickname:Arceus >Level:100 >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Multitype >Game of Origin:Black >Pokemon Gender:N/a >Shiny:Nope >Hatched/Met at location:Entree Forest >Specific pokeball:Dream >Date of Creation: February the 12th 2012 >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 240hp, 252 atk, 16spe >Moves:Extreme speed, sword dance, Earthquake, shadow claw >OT Gender:Genners >TID / SID:Genners >OT:Genners I can offer some 6th gen 5/6iv pokemon and most stones and bp items
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
Quoted By:
>>20238916 got your machamp.
Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
>>20239207 Ahh.
That's a shame.
I guess that means I can go eat dinner now. I'll keep waiting.
IGN: Dash FC: 5112-3603-7821
Fuck, I messed up everybody. I'll be back. Sorry.
Jade 3024-5698-0318
somedude in a HURRY3067-6621-2482
>>20239235 dont trying to be an enrique but i cant wait anymore :c
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20239207 awesome! just tell us when to set the luvdisk up
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20239246 >luvdisc Oh, b-but I like to do personal trades.
Hopper FC:2036-7740-3850 IGN:Diego
Ign Joshua 4141 3994 2158
Quoted By:
>>20239207 nice
when ever your ready
IGN: Emily FC: 3754-7840-8916
>>20239244 Add my fiancee's FC instead.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20239254 hm alright
when ready send the TR!
I added you already
IGN:Roll 1907 9922 4110
>Pokemon: Lopunny >Nickname: No Nickname >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Cute Charm >Game of Origin: Black/White >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesnt Matter >Specific pokeball: Love Ball / DreamBall >Date of Creation: Don't Care >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 AT 252 Spe 4 HP >Moves: Drain Punch / Fake Out / Low Kick / Ice Punch >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: N/A >OT: N/A I can give you some Kalos Born shinies. Or BP items. Anyone, Thank you.
somedude in a HURRY3067-6621-2482
>>20239281 gotcha gonna send trade reequest now
IGN: Emily FC: 3754-7840-8916
somedude in a HURRY3067-6621-2482
IGN: Emily FC: 3754-7840-8916
Quoted By:
>>20239350 Gotcha. Sorry it took so damn long. This was my first time.
Aight, /vp/, I'll be back.
somedude in a HURRY3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>20239350 check the judge if you dont belive that xerneas is 5iv timid missing atk nigga
Serena 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
Ah, a new thread. So this is why I got no response after I got back for
>>20226037 .
Priority on Anderson, since I have a multi-request.
I can be here for a little while longer or else I'll have to come back for it tomorrow.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237964 Alright, so Genesect won't be traded. Shit.
I'll regen him next batch for you.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Jasper 2981-6706-7224
Quoted By:
>>20239254 Thanks a million man!, i can't thank you enough!
Ign Joshua 4141 3994 2158
Quoted By:
>>20239499 thanks man
made me kek Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
>Pokemon: riolu >Nickname: Anubis >Level: 5 >Nature: adamant >Ability: inner focus >Game of Origin: [doesn't matter] >Pokemon Gender: Doesnt matter >Shiny: yeah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: random >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: all >EV's: 252 att/252 spd/ 4 hp >moves: crunch, blaze kick, high jump kick, shadow claw >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you >Pokemon: squirtle >Nickname: shellshock >Level: 5 >Nature: Modest >Ability: torrent >Game of Origin: up to you >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: nah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: 31hp/31spa/31def /31sp.def/31 spd >EV's: 248 spa/252 hp/4 spd >Moves: water pulse, aura sphere >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you >Pokemon: skarmory >Nickname: starscream >Level: 100 >Nature: impish >Ability: sturdy >Game of Origin: up to you >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: nah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: 31 def/31 sp def/31 spd/ 31hp >EV's: 224 hp/252 def/ 32 sp def >Moves: spikes, roost, whirl wind,brave bird >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you
nArc FC: 2122-6006-0390
>>20239499 When's the next batch getting pitched, Saleb-shishou Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Quoted By:
>>20239503 >paying with porn Your my new favorite trainer.
>>20238057 Waiting for you to hop online.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20239585 Probably not for an hour or two. Got some IRL stuff to deal with after i trade off the last mon.
I have having to keep people waiting. But I gotta do what I gotta do. Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20239655 Fuck I *hate having to keep people waiting. Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>20239677 Do whatcha gotta do, brah.
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20239677 You are doing it
for free , so it's okay, at least for me.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237925 Fixing Meloetta now, gonna try and find out what's wrong with her.
>>20237964 Left a wishing ribbon off of Genesect, gussing that's why he didn't trade.
It raises the question of how he broke bank though. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and these as well:
>>20238098 >>20238131 >>20238210 >>20238334 >>20238385 I'll be back in like, 30 minutes.
If I said I'm adding you to the next batch, go ahead and quote this post so I know you're still here.
I'd hate to gen something and have it go to waste. >>20238057 I still have your Dialga, if you're not kill, I'll trade it to you next batch.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
>>20239914 I'll wait patiently and barf this
>Pokemon: Machamp >Nickname: Hulk >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: No Guard >Game of Origin: NA >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: NA >Specific pokeball: Repeat Ball >Date of Creation: NA >IV's: 31s >EV's: 240HP/248Atk/16SpD/4Speed >Moves: Dynamic Punch, Payback, Bullet Punch, Stone Edge >OT Gender: NA >TID / SID: NA >OT: Yourself >Pokemon: Emboar >Nickname: Ganon >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Blaze >Game of Origin: NA >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: NA >Specific pokeball: Premier >Date of Creation: NA >IV's: 31s >EV's: 252Atk/4SpD/252Speed >Moves: Flare Blitz, Superpower, Wild Charge, Head Smash >OT Gender: NA >TID / SID: NA >OT: Yourself leon
Quoted By:
>>20239914 Awesome, I'll wait then.
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Tue 29 Jul 2014 23:57:46 No. 20239975 Report Quoted By:
>>20239914 dont know if you saw it but could you add in a 30iv ditto for hp breeding if not its cool man i appreciate what you are doing
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 00:02:46 No. 20240042 Report Will offer BP items, jolly kanga, adamant SB baton pass torchic, adamant SB veinpede, jolly egg move tyrunts, adamant mawile elemental fangs+sucker punch, quiet honedges w/ wide guard leftovers. All 3-5 ivs.And an couple shones. Also have every mega stone from x and y>IGN: Justin >Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: n/a >Level: 70 >Nature: modest >Ability: trace >Game of Origin:white >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: white forest >Specific pokeball: luxury ball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: all perfect, 0 atk ivs >EV's: 252 sp atk 30 defense, 236 speed evs >Moves:will o wisp, hyper voice, psyshock, shadow ball >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: n/a >OT: Justin >IGN: Justin >pokemon:conkeldurr >Nickname: n/a >Level: 70 >Nature: adamant >Ability: guts >Game of Origin: black >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: castelia city hatched >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: today >IV's: perfect >EV's:4 hp, 252 atk, 252 speshul defense >Moves: knock off drain punch, ice punch, mach punch >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: n/a >OT: Justin
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 00:07:07 No. 20240111 Report Quoted By:
>Nickname: Cobalt >Level: 50 >Nature: calm >Ability: synchronize >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: hatched route 3 >Specific pokeball: moon ball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: all >EV's: 252 hp 252 sp.def 4 def >Moves: heal bell, foul play, wish, baton pass >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: idc >OT: Silver hi caleb! whats up bro
Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
>>20239914 I really appreciate the effort you're putting into this. Take your time.
ABB FC-4484-8817-9435
>Pokemon: Shedinja >Nickname: Husky >Level:50 >Nature:lonely >Ability: wonder guard >Game of Origin: Ruby >Pokemon Gender: NA >Shiny: nah >Hatched/Met at location: Route 116 >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any past 2004 >IV's: 0 HP / 31 Atk / 0 Def / 31 SpA / 0 SpDef / 31 Spe >EV's:none, I like training EV's >Moves:Shadow claw/ X-scissor /hidden power ice/ sword dance (obtainable through a glitch in ruby/sapphire, if it don't fly then hone claws.) >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 13002 >OT:Cordell >Pokemon:Electrode >Nickname:KABOOM >Level:50 >Nature:Timid >Ability:aftermath >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location:Power Plant >Specific pokeball: no >Date of Creation:anytime after 2005 >IV's: all 31 >EV's:NA >Moves: Electro ball, thunder wave, others don't matter >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID: 7402 >OT:Cordell >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname:Na >Level:5 or higher >Nature:Timid >Ability:NA >Game of Origin:NA >Pokemon Gender:NA >Shiny:nope >Hatched/Met at location:Whatever works >Specific pokeball:nah >Date of Creation:whatever works >IV's:all 31 Rest doesn't matter If someone does this for me you have no idea how'd happy I'd be. I've been wanting to make a team on my favorite pokemon for a long time and this will greatly help. I don't have much to give back in return but I do have a few international poks from gen 6 that I could trade.
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 00:19:46 No. 20240292 Report Quoted By:
>>20239914 Hey Caleb when you come back could you be a bro and do
>>20240042 ? I'm pretty much offering a little bit of everything Scotty 2165 6849 7476
>>20237637 >>IGN: ^ >>Pokemon: Blastoise >>Nickname: Not Perish >>Level: 50 >>Nature: Modest >>Ability: Rain Dish >>Game of Origin: Any >>Pokemon Gender: F >>Shiny: Y >>Hatched/Met at location: Any >>Specific pokeball: Love ball >>Date of Creation: Any >>IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef >>Moves: Water spout, Aqua ring, Toxic, Rain Dance >>OT Gender: >>TID / SID: >>OT: All blanks don't matter, thanks in advance, offering 5 IV breeding leftovers!
>IGN: Brandon >Pokemon: Alakazam >Nickname: None >Level: 31 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Magic Guard >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Route 1 >Specific pokeball: None >Date of Creation: 7/27/14 >IV's: Perfect >EV's: 252 SpAtk and Speed >Moves: Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Hidden Power Ice >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Make it whatever >OT: Mark
Brandon 1220-8407-0131
Roza 4398-9108-0692
Quoted By:
>>20239914 Shit Caleb, had to do somethings sorry. I'm here now
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
Quoted By:
>>20239914 Thanks bro, really means a lot to me, spent quite a while gathering ribbons across several games and didn't realise they'd shut down the whole wifi stuff.
Calem 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
>IGN: Nick >Pokemon: Tornadus-T >Nickname: Silverbolt >Level:45 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Regenerator >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Dusk ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 132 HP / 160 S.ATK / 216 speed >Moves: Focus Blast, Hurricane, Knock off, U-turn >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Nick I've got the following penta-perfects to give for it: Pineco, Aron, Treecko, Honedge, Corphish, Snorlax, Bagon, Totodile, Elecrike.
Chris 1435-5661-8294
Quoted By:
If Maison items are fine...if not I understand...>IGN:Kristian >Pokemon:Mawile >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:Adamant >Ability:Intimidate >Game of Origin:White >Pokemon Gender:Female >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:Whatever works >Specific pokeball:Pokeball >Date of Creation:Whatever works >IV's:Perfect please >EV's:252hp 164attack 92speed >Moves:Play Rough-Protect-Iron Head-Psych Up >OT Gender:Female >TID / SID:Whatever Works >OT:Chris IGN:Kristian>Pokemon:Porygon2 >Nickname: >Level:100 >Nature:Bold >Ability:Trace >Game of Origin:White >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:Whatever Works >Specific pokeball:Pokeball >Date of Creation:Whatever works >IV's:Perfect please >EV's:252hp 252defense 4special defense >Moves:Thunderbolt-Icebeam-Recover-Toxic >OT Gender:Female >TID / SID:Whatever works >OT:Chris
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Ditto x4 >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold, Calm, Impish, Careful >Ability: ehh >Game of Origin: ehh >Pokemon Gender: ehh >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: ehh >Specific pokeball: ehh >Date of Creation: ehh >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: ehh >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Asking for 4 6IV dittos here. Got a 5iv shiny KB roselia for a reward.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
I'm not kill just yet. Had to go to fix my dads comp. He downloaded some free malware and he sent me off to fix it. I'm mentally kill. My comp also shut down for an update as well, losing all of my pokegen shit I had. Special snowflake aside, I'm tired as fuck. I'm doing the batch I promised then getting some rest.
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
Quoted By:
>>20241507 Awe, okay, have a good snooze Caleb, thanks for everyone you helped.
Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
>>20241507 Try not to burn yourself out buddy.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Wed 30 Jul 2014 01:53:45 No. 20241655 Report >>Ariana >>Ralts >>None >>Lv. 1 >>Modest >>Trace >>Doesn't matter >>Female >>Yes >>Doesn't matter >>Pokeball >>Doesn't matter >>31 /XX/31/31/31/31>>252 Spa. 252 Spe. 4 HP>>Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond >>Doesn't matter >>Doesn't matter >>Doesn't matter I usually get skipped in these, but I'll try anyway. Thanks in advance if anyone does this.
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 01:54:03 No. 20241659 Report >>20241507 oh my gawd youre back lol
>Nickname: Cobalt >Level: 50 >Nature: calm >Ability: synchronize >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: hatched route 3 >Specific pokeball: moon ball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: all >EV's: 252 hp 252 sp.def 4 def >Moves: heal bell, foul play, wish, baton pass >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: idc >OT: Silver ive got breeding leftovers n stuff
Gnar Gnar (3883-7070-2482)
IGN: Gnar Gnar Pokemon: Mew Nickname: N/a Level: 40 Nature: Hardy Abilty: Protean (if not able, Synchronize) Game of Origin: Emerald Pokemon Gender: N/a Shiny: yes Hatched/Met at location: Faraway Island Specific pokeball: Cuteball Date of creation: I don't care. IV's: 31's in all EV's: 252 spa / 252 def Do what you will with the rest. Moves: psychic, Aura Sphere, psycho boost, Thunder OT Gender: Your choice. TID / SID: Your choice. OT: Jesus IGN: Gnar Gnar Pokemon: Meloetta Nickname: N/a Level: 40 Nature: Hardy Abilty: Super Luck Game of Origin: White Pokemon Gender: N/a Shiny: No Hatched/Met at location: N/A Specific pokeball: Cuteball Date of creation: I don't care. IV's: 31's in all EV's: 252 spa / 252 def Do what you will with the rest. Moves: Acrobatics, Close Combat, Retaliate, Relic Song OT Gender: Your choice. TID / SID: Your choice. OT: Jesus IGN: Gnar Gnar Pokemon: Arceus Nickname: N/a Level: 100 Nature: Hardy Abilty: Multitype Game of Origin: I don't care. Pokemon Gender: N/a Shiny: yes Hatched/Met at location: Hall of Origin Specific pokeball: Cuteball Date of creation: I don't care. IV's: 31's in all EV's: 252 spa / 252 def Do what you will with the rest. Moves: Judgement, recovery, Wild Charge, Incinerate OT Gender: Your choice. TID / SID: Your choice. OT: Snakes IGN: Gnar Gnar Pokemon: Darkrai Nickname: N/a Level: 50 Nature: Hardy Abilty: Bad Dreams Game of Origin: I don't care. Pokemon Gender: N/a Shiny: yes Hatched/Met at location: Faraway Island Specific pokeball: Cuteball Date of creation: I don't care. IV's: 31's in all EV's: 252 spa / 252 def Do what you will with the rest. Moves: Dark Void, Shadow Force, Trick-or-Treat, Dream Eater OT Gender: Your choice. TID / SID: Your choice. OT: Snakes Can offer two master balls, some mega evolution stones, all the Eevees ever, and tons of great breeds.
Quoted By:
Let our Lords David and JK deliver us from this hell.
Quoted By:
>>20241710 Mew and Arceus are extremely hard to gen, man. I'm not sure how much luck you'll have.
Quoted By:
>>20241710 hi new league champ
>>20241507 thank you so much caleb youre a great person
>>20241659 can you read?
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Wed 30 Jul 2014 02:08:28 No. 20241836 Report Where's my baby JK? Hmm? Where he at? I ain't seen him in days, y'all. A girl has needs goddammit. If y'all see him let him know Zaade's lookin' for his ass.
Quoted By:
>>20241710 You uh.... you gunna get Gnar when he comes out, or what?
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
Quoted By:
>>20241655 are you still here?
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 02:28:03 No. 20242065 Report >>20241836 Seriously JKs the only nigga who comes through for me. I get constantly ignored for simple ass requests, while offering practically anything and everything in return, while JK just does it in 2 minutes for free no less. He's a cool ass dude
Gnar Gnar (3883-7070-2482)
Quoted By:
Just being hopeful, been trying to get these guys for a while in X and Y and have not had any luck. So, I am really hoping that Caleb will do these guys. I will be happy with even just one or two of them but honestly I don't think I will get another chance to get them.
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue)
Zaade 3582-9867-6076 (Mankey, Throh, Tyrogue) Wed 30 Jul 2014 02:34:47 No. 20242150 Report Quoted By:
>>20242065 This guy knows what's up.
I'm jonesin' here.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20237925 Is through. Moving to Y.
>>20237964 He's through again, this time he should be tradeable.
>>20238098 Latios is in! In Y!
>>20238131 Your mons are through as well.
>>20238210 Blocked. I'll take a look for you to make it legal.
>>20238334 Your Kyruem is in!
>>20238385 Last thread was kill so I don't have the info for it to gen
</3 If you guys are here, add me, I'll add you. If you're not, I'll hold onto the mons for you!
>>20242174 aaah~ caleb here it is im sorry
>Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: No nickname plis >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: Black/White (1 or 2 whatever works for you :> ) >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes please >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: 6 Perfect IVs pls<3 >EV's: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe >Moves: Psychic / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Wish (I'll change this to moonblast once I get it :> ) >OT Gender: N/A >TID / SID: N/A >OT: N/A Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Wed 30 Jul 2014 02:37:42 No. 20242204 Report Quoted By:
>>20242174 sweet ditto too? if not its still great
Roza 4398-9108-0692
Quoted By:
>>20242174 Caleb, Your not kill yet! And sorry about leaving the Dialga
Quoted By:
>>20242174 I'm here! Already added you from previous gens.
Thanks a lot Caleb you're great.
I'll try getting you something nice for next time. Event Darkrai maybe? You have one already? Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
>>20242174 Ahh sweet! Sounds good!
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242065 I try not to ignore people, but I go in order of who requests what.
JK is a Based God Ign Joshua 4141 3994 2158
Quoted By:
>>20242174 ahh Caleb coming through
when ever youre ready hopefully genesect wasnt a pain
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20242174 hey caleb, how do you gen pokemons from gen 3, i have a problem regarding OT and nickname when i try to make one, thanks
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Be sure to add me guys, I'm adding everyone now.
>>20242249 I just gen them like any other. Get the met info from serebii. Don't forget trashbytes though.
For example, the latios I made had this as its nickname:
For the OT, it's the same thing, just type out "\FFFF" until you can't anymore.
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20242285 it's the same trashbytes for all?
that seems to be my problem
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242316 You can use "\FFFF" for all gens.
At least from what I've seen. I've yet to have trouble with it.
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
Quoted By:
>>20242339 oh thanks, i'll try it
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Wed 30 Jul 2014 02:51:48 No. 20242388 Report Was taking a shower, will be here for a little bit.
Quoted By:
>>20242249 Pokebank doesn't really care about trashbytes. There's probably something else wrong
Quoted By:
>>20242174 Thanks so much again, Caleb. You're great.
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
Quoted By:
>>20242174 Might have to do with the ribbons
For some reason the .pkm file's ribbons seems to randomly change sometimes. When I last tried to do this, I somehow ended up losing a bunch of ribbons and gaining some event-eclusive ones.
For reference, the ribbons it should have are:
-Hoenn contest ribbons:
-All cool ribbons up to hyper
-All beauty ribbons up to hyper
-All cute ribbons up to master
-All tough ribbons up to hyper
-Sinnoh contest ribbons:
-All first and second tier ribbons in each category (except cute, which also includes the third tier one)
-Champion ribbon
-Victory ribbon
-Artist ribbon
-Effort ribbon
-Sinnoh champion ribbon
-Ability ribbon
-Great ability ribbon
-All of the weekday ribbons
-Gorgeous, Royal, and Gorgeous Royal ribbons
-Footprint ribbon
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Wed 30 Jul 2014 02:58:46 No. 20242453 Report Quoted By:
>>20242174 thanks caleb hope that you get a good rest
Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
Ahhhh~ Worth the wait! Thank you so much based Caleb!
Quoted By:
>>20242174 thank you so much caleb!<3
Roza 4398-9108-0692
Quoted By:
>>20242174 Thanks Caleb! Have a nice rest
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
You all are welcome! Hope your mons were worth the wait!
I hate to keep people waiting. Alrighty guys, I don't feel like sleeping so I'm gonna stay up and gen until I drop. Because thread has been going on for a while, requote your post as a reply to this, and I'll gen it.
>>20242198 Starting with you.
Kek'd so hard at your boxes. ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:04:23 No. 20242521 Report >>20242505 >Nickname: Cobalat >Level: 50 >Nature: calm >Ability: synchronize >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: hatched route 3 >Specific pokeball: moon ball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: all >EV's: 252 hp 252 sp.def 4 def >Moves: heal bell, foul play, wish, baton pass >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: idc >OT: Silver im actualy going to read it this time lol
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
IGN:Roll 1907 9922 4110
>>20242174 Hey! Could i get this one? I can pay with BP items. Please?
>>20239297 >>Pokemon: Lopunny >>Nickname: No Nickname >>Level: 100 >>Nature: Jolly >>Ability: Cute Charm >>Game of Origin: Black/White >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: Yes >>Hatched/Met at location: Doesnt Matter >>Specific pokeball: Love Ball / DreamBall >>Date of Creation: Don't Care >>IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: 252 AT 252 Spe 4 HP >>Moves: Drain Punch / Fake Out / Low Kick / Ice Punch >>OT Gender: N/A >>TID / SID: N/A >>OT: N/A IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
>>20242505 I have a question:
Is it possible to have a shiny Jirachi WSHMKR in XY? (Obviously without shinifying method of Powersaves)
and don't forget these, please:
>>20239167 Cameron 4124-6076-9422
>>20242388 Is there any way you could do this one for me? I can send any BP item your way and attach it to a decent leftover.
>Pokemon: Probopass >Nickname: TheNose >Level: 50 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Sturdy >Game of Origin: B2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes please >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252hp/56spa/200spd >Moves: Stealth Rock/Power Gem/Volt Switch/Toxic >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Cameron IGN:Roll 1907 9922 4110
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:07:34 No. 20242560 Report >>20242505 >umbreon >Nickname: Cobalt >Level: 50 >Nature: calm >Ability: synchronize >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: hatched route 3 >Specific pokeball: moon ball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: all >EV's: 252 hp 252 sp.def 4 def >Moves: heal bell, foul play, wish, baton pass >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: idc >OT: Silver i fucking suck
Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20242505 >Landorus-I >Nickname: Calrissian >Level 45 >Gender: Male >Shiny: no >Ability: Sand Force >IVs: all 31 >EVs: none >Adamant Nature >Pokéball: Dream Ball >Specific Move(s): Superpower, Knock Off >OT: Nate >TID: 37478 >Game of Origin: Black 2 Thanks!
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:11:00 No. 20242594 Report Quoted By:
>>20242555 please ignore this
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:12:56 No. 20242613 Report >>20242225 I understand but could you at least tell me if you'll do it or not? Even if you don't have time/too busy to do someone's order at least acknowledge them so that they know it'll be done eventually, either today or in a couple days. I used to gen too way back when, when /vp/ was first created with my AR and I feel you on how you can get a little overwhelmed by all these posts, but I always made a point about responding to everyone. Now this was back when we were waiting for the release of black, with everyone saying smugleaf was gonna be the best starter 5eva during the final days of the d/p/pt meta so things were a little different, but the thread and requests were generally the same. Unfortunately I sold all my copies of pokemon after black/white came out and now I only have x and y, leaving me unable to gen anything myself. I don't remember being able to change SSID and OT trainer name though
Anyhow could you take a look at this
>>20240042 this has to be the 5th time I posted it. I would appreciate it Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242521 Uhm.
What pokemon did you want?
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:17:17 No. 20242663 Report Quoted By:
>>20242641 umbreon hahaha im sorry and can you change the nickname to cobalt
Nate 3196-4457-2922
Quoted By:
>>20242593 Whoops, ability should be Sheer Force (it's HA).
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
>IGN: 0Lunar >Pokemon: Zapdos >Nickname: ayyyy lmao >Level: 50 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: any >Shiny: nope >Hatched/Met at location: anywhere legal >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: HP Ice IVs >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def 4 / Sp.Def >Moves: Heat Wave/Defog/Tailwind/Ancientpower >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any Thank you anyone who picks this up! Sorry about the name btw
>>20242505 eheee~ do you know what time you'll be on tomorrow?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20239937 Bullet punch is an egg move. What would you like? Put it in a pokeball or replace bullet punch?
Dream 3625-7860-5349
>IGN: Dream >Pokemon: Latias >Nickname Latias >Level:50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Gen 4 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: up too you >Specific pokeball: Moonball >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Sp Atk/252Speed/4 HP >Moves: Defog, Draco Meteor, Healing Wish, Psyshock >OT Gender: idk >TID / SID: idk >OT: idk
Quoted By:
>>20242677 oops i thought you were going to bed i didnt read your post all the way but tell me when you have it ready because im gonna be checking here every few minutes :>
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Quoted By:
>>20242613 It never really occurred to me to let people know I can't get to the. I suppose I'll do it from now on.
>>20242678 Also, Emboar can't be in a premier ball pre-gen6.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>20242678 Regular ball is fine.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Dream 3625-7860-5349
Quoted By:
>>20242757 thank you that's very kind of you.
Jade 3024-5698-0318
>>20239011 >>IGN: Jade >>Pokemon: Anorith >>Nickname: Anorith >>Level: 10 >>Nature: Brave >>Ability: Swift Swim >>Game of Origin: Black 2 >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: No >>Hatched/Met at location: Entree Forest >>Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >>Date of Creation: 07/30/2013 >>IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: None >>Moves: Scratch, Stealth Rock, Cross Poison >>OT Gender: Male >>TID / SID: 12345/whatever >>OT: Jade I'm still after this, if anyone's around c:
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242543 3 egg moves, has to be in a pokeball.
Is that alright?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242551 No idea if its possible or not. If you can find the event info for it, I can try.
IGN:Roll 1907 9922 4110
Quoted By:
>>20242797 I think the only egg move is Fake Out. You can remove that.
Ice Punch Low Kick can be Tutor moves.
But if it is wrong in any way, you can remove the pokeball. Thanks for noticing me
s-senpai JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20242757 These are through. Disc up.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20242757 Discing, thank you!
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
>>20242505 >>>IGN: ^ >>>Pokemon: Blastoise >>>Nickname: Not Perish >>>Level: 50 >>>Nature: Modest >>>Ability: Rain Dish >>>Game of Origin: Any >>>Pokemon Gender: F >>>Shiny: Y >>>Hatched/Met at location: Any >>>Specific pokeball: Love ball >>>Date of Creation: Any >>>IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >>>EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef >>>Moves: Water spout, Aqua ring, Toxic, Rain Dance >>>OT Gender: >>>TID / SID: >>>OT: Blanks don't matter, thanks in advance, 5IVs for trade.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242613 Because you've been forced to wait so long, I'm bumping you up in the queue. Your in my current batch.
Dream 3625-7860-5349
Quoted By:
>>20242860 Will do thank you.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>20242860 Y-You're so fast ///
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:38:58 No. 20242923 Report Quoted By:
Reposting cause JK is back, and he's the man>IGN: Justin >Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: n/a >Level: 70 >Nature: modest >Ability: trace >Game of Origin:white >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: white forest >Specific pokeball: luxury ball >Date of Creation: today >IV's: all perfect, 0 atk ivs >EV's: 252 sp atk 30 defense, 236 speed evs >Moves:will o wisp, hyper voice, psyshock, shadow ball >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: n/a >OT: Justin >IGN: Justin >pokemon:conkeldurr >Nickname: n/a >Level: 70 >Nature: adamant >Ability: guts >Game of Origin: black >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: castelia city hatched >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: today >IV's: perfect >EV's:4 hp, 252 atk, 252 speshul defense >Moves: knock off drain punch, ice punch, mach punch >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: n/a >OT: Justin
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
Quoted By:
>>20240298 >>20242505 Like this? Yes I'm a newb.
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
Quoted By:
>>20242174 Did you manage to fix the legality problem?
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:41:39 No. 20242959 Report Quoted By:
Jade 3024-5698-0318
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20242793 >>20242886 Grabbing these. Blastoise can't be in a love ball.
>IGN: Luke >Pokemon: Hippowdown >Nickname: Late Reg >Level: 50 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Sand Stream >Game of Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: hatched veilstone city >Specific pokeball: Ultra >Date of Creation: any >IV's: all 31 >EV's: 252 hp, 16 def, 240 spdef >Moves: Eartquake, Stealth rock, slack off, roar >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: anything is fine >OT: Luke I can offer a life orb or some 4iv regen alomomola, i have a shiny sudowoodo and a bunch of other breeding leftovers as well
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20240042 Your gardevoir has a total ev of 518. Remove 8 points please!
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20243021 These are done and through. Disc up.
Jade 3024-5698-0318
Quoted By:
>>20243093 Yessss it made it c:
Discing up now, thank you very very very much!
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 03:58:19 No. 20243152 Report Quoted By:
>>20243093 jk, i want you as a friend. you procede at maximum speeed
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Quoted By:
>>20238210 >>20239937 >>20242198 >>20242543 >>20239167 >>20240042 You all are my first batch, awaiting on Justin's input before I can set it in motion.
>>20243093 Hey JK, how've you been?
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
Quoted By:
>>20243093 Thanks I'll put up a disc right now!
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 04:01:38 No. 20243189 Report Quoted By:
>>20243071 Oops, 226 speed and 32 defense
Nate 3196-4457-2922
>>20242593 Don't want to sound impatient, but my request is still up. Also, the ability should be Sheer Force instead. Thanks in advance!
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20238210 >>20239937 >>20242198 >>20242543 >>20239167 >>20240042 Sweet, all of your mons are through!
Add my FC, and get online and standby! I'll send you a TR when it's your turn!
>IGN: Nick >Pokemon: Tornadus-T >Nickname: Silverbolt >Level:45 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Regenerator >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Dusk ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 132 HP / 160 S.ATK / 216 speed >Moves: Focus Blast, Hurricane, Knock off, U-turn >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Nick I've got the following penta-perfects to give for it: Pineco, Aron, Treecko, Honedge, Corphish, Snorlax, Bagon, Totodile, Elecrike.
IGN Nico 1091-8277-1696
>IGN: Nico >Pokemon: Keldeo >Nickname: Keldeo >Level: 15 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Justified >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: --- >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Fateful Encounter, Lovely place, country US/UK/AU, met at lv. 15 >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: 10/3/2012 >IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 0 >Moves: Aqua Jet, Leer, Double Kick, Bubblebeam >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 08272 / 00000 >OT: SMR2012 >Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon >IGN: Nico >Pokemon: Victini >Nickname: Victini >Level: 50 >Nature: Quirky >Ability: Victory Star >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: --- >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Fateful Encounter at lv. 50, Wi-Fi Gift, country US/UK/AU >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: 12/25/11 >IV's: hexaperfect >EV's: 0 >Moves: V-Create, Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt, Searing Shot >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 12031 / 00000 >OT: Movie14 >Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon I can give any BP items, or breeding leftovers. Thanks in advance!
>IGN: Kael >Pokemon: Blissey >Nickname: Blissey >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Healer >Game of Origin: N/A >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: N/A >Specific pokeball: N/A >Date of Creation: NA >IV's: 31/--/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 Sp. D >Moves: Seismic Toss, Thunder Wave, Soft-Boiled, Counter >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: N/A >OT: Kael I have a newly-hatched Fletchling, HA and Pentaperfect (-Sp.A) if anyone want. I can also make it hold a BP item. Would love any genner who could fix me this.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
IGN:Roll 1907 9922 4110
Quoted By:
>>20243300 Added. Will be waiting. Thank you very very very much.
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong)
Justin[2595-2154-9760] Ice(Beartic, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 30 Jul 2014 04:19:40 No. 20243414 Report >>20243300 You're alright C
Also that honedge is 6iv I hope you give him a good home
Nate 3196-4457-2922
Quoted By:
>>20243385 Great, thanks so much!
Calem 3539 9122 0079
>>20243385 Ok, sweet, I've never done this. Do I disc up for it? or do you want any cool penta perfect mons?
I've got.
>Pineco >Aron >Treecko, >Honedge >Corphish >Snorlax >Bagon >Totodile >Elecrike Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20243414 Happy you finally got your request!
And I love it. Finally a good IV one for my steel team. JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20243446 Just disc up. I only add people who want Events and Fateful encounters now. Don't have room for more friends and I'm tired of nuking my list.
>IGN:Nilus >Pokemon:milotic >Nickname:milotic >Level:100 >Nature:calm >Ability:competitve >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender:female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball: love ball but if not possible then heal ball >Date of Creation:doesn't matter >IV's:perfect >EV's:n/a >Moves:any >OT Gender:male >TID / SID:05742 >OT:Nilus I'm willing to give hawlucha leftovers I also have prankster sableye. I can give a pp max if you'd like instead
ABB FC-4484-8817-9435
>>20239065 My request is still a go if someone would want to help.
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>20243453 Thank you, Caleb.
ABB FC-4484-8817-9435
Quoted By:
>>20243498 opps, wrong quote, ment
>>20240211 Piddles (4613-8636-2999)
>IGN:Piddles >Pokemon:Kecleon >Nickname: Top Kec >Level: 1 >Nature: Adament >Ability: Protean >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: Luxury >Date of Creation: >IV's:31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk/ 252 Def/ 4 Spd >Moves: Fire Punch/ Shadow Sneak/ Power-up Punch/ Fake Out >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: I have some breeding left overs and a shiny goomy.
Calem 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
>>20243496 Or if you want I can give a luvdisc the pp max and just put it on the gts
IGN:Roll 1907 9922 4110
Quoted By:
>>20243453 Thank you ! Hope you enjoy 'dat pangoro.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20243533 They both are. Just disc up.
Quoted By:
>>20243522 >Protean >Gen V Please do your research as well, guys.
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 04:30:42 No. 20243553 Report check it out, am completly redoing my request I'm offering a japanese shiny cobalion i got in wonder trade>IGN:Ratbone >Pokemon:Umbreon >Nickname:Cobalt >Level:50 >Nature:calm >Ability:synchronize >Game of Origin:gen 5 >Pokemon Gender:female >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:wherever >Specific pokeball:nope >Date of Creation:whenever >IV's:all 31 >EV's:252 sp.def 252 hp 4 def >Moves:heal bell, foul play, wish, baton pass >OT Gender:whatever >TID / SID:whatever works >OT:you >IGN:Ratbone >Pokemon:Garchomp >Nickname:giggles >Level:50 >Nature:naughty >Ability:rough skin >Game of Origin:gen 4 >Pokemon Gender:male >Shiny:yes >Hatched/Met at location:whereever >Specific pokeball:nope >Date of Creation:whenever >IV's:all 31 >EV's:252 sp. atk 252speed 4 atk >Moves:eathquake, stone edge, fireblast, draco meteor >OT Gender:whatever >TID / SID:whatever works >OT:you
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20243522 I'll get this. I love Kecleon.
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
>Pokemon: ゲノセクト(Genesect) >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Hasty >Ability: Download >Game of Origin: Black2 >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Movie 13. Fateful Encounter >Specific pokeball: Cherish >Date of Creation: 15 July 2013 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Defense >Moves: ESpeed, Techno Blast, Blaze Kick, Iron Head >OT Gender: >TID / SID: 07133 >OT: えいがかん Offering any BP item.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242560 >>20239569 >>20242973 >>20243026 >>20243316 >>20243328 Alright, you guys are my next batch. I'm off to Pokegen now.
Calem 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
>>20243544 Cool. Disc is up, m8.
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 04:33:28 No. 20243583 Report Quoted By:
>>20243553 am also willing to give a BP item, i have pretty much anything you want except airballoon
Piddles (4613-8636-2999)
>>20243522 My bad on the protean, forgot how limited HAs where in BW
Color change is fine
Piddles (4613-8636-2999)
Quoted By:
>>20243560 thank you, good sir
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028
>Pokemon: Manaphy >Nickname: Stanaphy (if possible) >Level: 1 >Nature: Modest >Ability:Hydration >Game of Origin: Pearl version >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: hatched at Hearthome City >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >IV's: random (21-31), but make 31 IVs for Special Attack and Speed >EV's: none >Moves: Signal Beam, Ancient Power, Skill Swap, Tail Glow >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: (if this is for trainer ID, 34976) >OT: MICHAEL I have breeding leftovers (many in balltism) to give in return
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242560 >hatched at route 3 >egg moves Re-read the OP please. Can't put custom balls onto a gen5 mon.
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
>>20243569 What about me? :(
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20243584 Fuck color change. You're getting Protean. That's almost the same set I run on my Protean Kec. Replace Fire with Thunder punch.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20243598 I have your mon, but I didn't see you online. So I ran off to gen some more. Piddles (4613-8636-2999)
>>20243599 awesome, would you like pp max or leftovers?
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 04:37:01 No. 20243611 Report Quoted By:
>>20243595 yeah that was my bad i updated
>>20243553 Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20243595 *Can't put custom balls onto a hatched mon.
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942
ratbone (ditto mincinno teddiursa) 2724 - 0673 - 6942 Wed 30 Jul 2014 04:39:12 No. 20243627 Report Quoted By:
>>20243613 hahaha ive been derping all day in this thread i think i finally spelled everything correctly and made no fuck ups, i apologize based caleb
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028
Quoted By:
>>20243594 forgot to quote the OP. Damn.
>>20237637 IGN Nico 1091-8277-1696
Quoted By:
>>20243569 Awesome, dude. Adding!
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
Quoted By:
>>20243603 Are you sure you added my friend code? The 3DS friends list says you're still provisionally registered (I checked to see if I've made any errors typing the code, and I haven't)
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20243606 Nope. Just put a disc up. Have fun with it. Mine has fucking wrecked some teams before.
Quoted By:
>>20243613 caleb sama? ouo
sycamorebecauseIwantto Piddles (4613-8636-2999)
Quoted By:
>>20243644 Disc is up, thank you once again. I'll probably run him with assault vest
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20243026 Can't have it hatched with egg moves in an ultra ball. I can remove slak off, or change it to a Pokeball.
Your choice.
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20243563 hey buddy, i got your genesect, add me so i can give it to you
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
>>20243789 You're awesome. Would you like a BP item?
Quoted By:
>>20243751 Pokeball is fine, thanks a ton btw
Quoted By:
>>20243496 Is anybody willing to do this for me? Like I said I can offer hawlucha left overs or a pp max. I can also give you an ability capsule if you'd prefer that
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20243809 it's ok man, just tell me when you are ready
Calem 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
>IGN: Nick >Pokemon: Metang >Nickname:Bismuth >Level: 20 >Nature: Impish >Ability: clear body >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Giant chasm >Specific pokeball: Heavy ball (but I don't think that's possible.) >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/0/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 ATK / 4 DEF >Moves: Stealth Rocks, Metal Claw, Confusion, Take town >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesn't matter >OT: Nick Thanks so much for the Tornadus earlier
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
Quoted By:
>>20243820 Ready when you are
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
>>20243820 You're a saint, Puriel. Thank you lots, friend!
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
Quoted By:
>>20243853 no problem buddy!
Ben 1650-2877-2429
>>20243603 hear my request, caleb-sama
>IGN: Ben >Pokemon: magby >Nickname: n/a >Level: 5 >Nature: jolly >Ability: flame body >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: castelia city >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: whenever >IV's: 31/31/31/31//3131 >EV's: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 hp >Moves: fire punch, mach punch, thunder punch, thief >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: 50548 >OT: Serena >Pokemon: shiftry >Nickname: n/a >Level: 15 >Nature: adamant >Ability: chlorophyll >Game of Origin: heartgold >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: whenever >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 hp >Moves: seed bomb, low kick, knock off, >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: 50548 >OT: Serena >Pokemon: snubbull >Nickname: n/a >Level: 5 >Nature: adamant >Ability: intimidate >Game of Origin: heart gold >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: whenever >IV's: 31/31/31/0/31/31 >EV's: 252 hp, 252 attack, 4 def >Moves: close combat, thunderpunch, tackle >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: 50548 >OT: Serena IGN: Ratbone 2724::0673::6942
Quoted By:
its the waiting that gets me
Taylor 3540 0202 5991
Quoted By:
>IGN: Taylor >Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: >Ability: >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: NO >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: and>Pokemon: Arceus >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: >Ability: >Game of Origin: Diamond/Pearl >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: NO >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: everything blank doesn't matter. if anyone could help, that'd be fantastic. i only have one shiny kyogre if you'd want it.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
Sorry I'm moving so slow, mixed a bunch of data up and fucked the entire batch, everything's fixed except for one thing.
>>20239569 Aura Sphere is a gen6 egg move. What would you like in its place?
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
Quoted By:
>IGN: Matt >Pokemon: Kangaskhan >Nickname: Wham Bam >Level: 50 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Early Bird >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: up to you! >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 244 HP / 52 Atk / 188 Def / 4 SpD / 20 Spe >Moves: Fake Out, Drain Punch, Seismic Toss, Sucker Punch >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: up to you for both! >OT: Matt I can offer a shiny Delphox (unalterable nickname: Star Delphox) holding leftovers. Thank you in advance!
Colton [4382-3102-9523]
Quoted By:
>>20237637 >IGN: Colton >Pokemon: Porygon-Z >Nickname: N/A >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Download >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched at Nimbasa City >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >Date of Creation: 7/2/2014 >IV's: 30/30/31/30/30/30 >EV's: 252 Hp / 4 Def / 252 SpAtk >Moves: Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Agility, HP Fighting >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 58427 >OT: Bill JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
I'm leaving. Gonna try to get some sleep. Same as last thread. Gonna leave this here. Everything should pass bank. Edit them how you want and get someone to transfer. Also, remember to clear the PID.
> Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Genning something for a Timid HA Male Espurr.
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20242560 >>20239569 >>20242973 >>20243026 >>20243316 All of your mons are in!
>>20243328 However, your Blissey was blocked. I can't get it to gen properly with its HA since its origin has to be FR/LG.
>>20244104 Oh snap... I can go with Natural Cure then?
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20244104 I should be able to, yes!
I hope. Taylor 3540 0202 5991
Quoted By:
>>20244051 i have a male HA 4iv Espurr, but it's bold. :/
Luke 4012 4241 1613
Quoted By:
>>20244104 Thanks caleb, adding you now
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
Quoted By:
>>20244104 So, um, now that you've added me, can I get my mightyena?
Ign:Frost 4613-8521-2324
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot, Caleb! Really means a lot to me :)
IGN Nico 1091-8277-1696
Quoted By:
>>20244104 Do yo want any BP item in particular?
Quoted By:
>>20244148 I've already added you, btw. Just tell me when you want me online?
IGN: Ratbone 2724::0673::6942
Quoted By:
>>20237637 caleb i fucking love you bro, mad respect
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
Thank you so much, Caleb!
Fc 4570-9023-4268 ign Aron
Thanks caleb can i get this too? If not i can wait till tmo >Pokemon: garchomp >Nickname: Megalodon >Level:100 >Nature: adamant >Ability: sand veil >Game of Origin: [doesn't matter] >Pokemon Gender: Doesnt matter >Shiny: yeah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: all except 0 in sp att >EV's: 252 att/ 4spd/ 252 hp >moves: dragon claw, iron head >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you >Pokemon: aggron >Nickname: megatron >Level: 100 >Nature: adamant >Ability: rock head >Game of Origin: up to you >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: yeah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: 31hp/31 att/31def /31 spd >EV's: 248 spa/252 hp/4 spd >Moves: thunder punch, head smash, >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you >Pokemon: Dragonite >Nickname: Odin >Level: 100 >Nature: adamant >Ability: multiscale >Game of Origin: up to you >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: yeah >Hatched/Met at location: up to you >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: up to you >IV's: everything except sp att >EV's: 224 hp/252 att/ 32 sp def >Moves: fire punch,eq,dragon claw, dragon dance >OT Gender: up to you >TID / SID: up to you >OT: up to you
Caleb - (4468-0967-4066) !!La6R38LVU7C
>>20244139 Hey anon, sorry, but I gotta pull out of the thread for the night. I'll be able to get your blissey tomorrow though if I'm able to get in the thread.
Everyone else, goodnight, and sleep well. I've gotta get some sleep myself. Got work in the morning.
Quoted By:
>>20244370 NP. Ty for trying. I'll be on tomorrow most likely :)
Luke 4012 4241 1613
Quoted By:
>>20244370 I guess I'll be here tomorrow then to get my hippowdon, good night, man
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20243920 hey buddy, still here? got your pokemon
Ben 1650-2877-2429
>>20244400 ok, logging on in a bit
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20244451 send a TR when you're ready
Ben 1650-2877-2429
Quoted By:
>>20244478 ty you beautiful man
>>20244478 Since you did his does that mean you're not going to do mine? If that's the case I understand and that's fine but just tell me so that I know to stop checking
Quoted By:
>>20244549 I was the one with the milotic
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20244549 i'll do it buddy, then i have to go
>>20244630 Thank you so much!, do you want the ability capsule or the pp max.
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20244663 hey buddy, it's this one right?
>>20243496 it can't have that ability in gen V i can give you a feebas and trade it to you so she evolves into a competitive milotic, that's ok for you?
>>20244692 Nah that's fine you can give it the original one
Taylor 3540 0202 5991
Quoted By:
>>20244051 yo, you still there? i could breed one for you real quick.
>>20244711 And this is my friend code, I'm not sure which way you're doing it buy I figured I'd give it to you just in case
>>20244728 Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
sorry I forgot to post it, I can be a bit of an air head sometimes
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20244736 ok buddy, milotic got in X/Y but i can't put her in a love ball, used heal ball instead, also, it's marvel scale, feebas and milotic didn't have second ability in gen v, sorry... you can disc up or TR
>>20244985 I already added you but if the gts is easier then that's fine too. And no worries on the love ball, I didn't think it was possible
IGN Puriel : 4699 6311 7958
>>20245008 i'll send you a TR then
Quoted By:
>>20245013 Thank you so much I really appreciate it, that hawlucha is pentaperfect by the way. I wasn't sure which item to give you so I just grabbed that one since I think it's more useful
Quoted By:
May there be any other genner online that want to create my Blissey?
>>20243328 It's this one.
Quoted By:
>>20237637 IGN: Kiffa
FC: 1306-4968-6937
I have 3 really weird requests.... I know they are odd but they are for nostalgic reasons.
In return I have almost all legendarys and a lot of events ad shinys, I also have a power save so nothing I own is off the table. It would actually be easier for me if you listed what you were after rather than what I have lol.
As for the pic, I am also offering a jirachi on top of...everything but also I just like the pic
>IGN: Kiffa >Pokemon: Arbok >Nickname: Dark Arbok >Level: 100 >Nature: Naughty >Ability: Intimidate >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Dusk >Date of Creation: Any, idcr >IV's: 31 All >EV's: 200 Atk, 100 Sp Atk, 100 speed >Moves: Hidden Power , Gunk Shot , Poison Jab , Poison Fang >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: TID - 01998 , SID - any I guess, doesn't matter to me >OT: BLUE >IGN: Kiffa >Pokemon: Golem >Nickname: Golem EX >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Rock Head >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 all >EV's: 100 Hp, 200 Atk, 200 Speed >Moves: Magnitude, Double Edge, Ancient Power, Stored Power >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID:TID-01998 , SID-any >OT: BLUE :( This last one I think the name might be too long...
>IGN: Kiffa >Pokemon: Cubone Or Marowak >Nickname: Mama Marowak >Level: 100 >Nature: Lonely >Ability: Rock Head >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Caught Celestial Tower >Specific pokeball: Duskball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: HP-31
>EV's: Atk-200 , Sp atk -200, Speed - 100 >Moves: Double Edge, Hidden Power, Earth power, Iron Tail >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: TID- 01998, SID- Any >OT: BLUE Kiffa
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>>20244285 Lol Those names are awesome