The long and short of it is, SciresM got to being awesome again, and got a 31/0/31/30/31/30 Geomancy Xerneas out there. I managed to get ahold of one, and after giving out two whole boxes of Diancies, here we are The way the Diancie giveaways went worked out extremely well for me, so here's how this is going to go: 1. You must have your IGN and FC in the name field of your reply. This is half of the means I'm able to track these. I'll have to ignore any posts that don't do this 2. I'm doing this by the box. The first 30 FCs to reply will be taken down and posted in a pastebin. From then on, I'll be adding and trading in groups of 6. I'll be keeping the thread updated as I do that. 3. If you already got one from the other dealers, have the courtesy not to post here. 4. For a little bit of fun, the Deer will randomly come with one of the following: Master Ball Ability Capsule Power Herb Leftovers PP Max Rare Candy I think that's it. Also, Midnight already has one from me, so he/she'll likely be doing their own giveaway too
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:46:00 No. 20262931 Report Added! Thanks OP!
Jack 2981-6471-9818
Tom (2208 5641 0909) !!15wVVVtaujK
Michele 0430-9117-9614
IGN: Michele 0430-9117-9614
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20262915 Added from just now, OP. Thank you!
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Zack 3325-2746-8216
IGN: Tofuman FC: 5000-2002-8067
>>20262915 I added you. Hope i did this right
Paprika 5386-8514-6326
>>20262915 Adding you right now.
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:50:46 No. 20262981 Report Quoted By:
>>20262948 Your data is in the email field dude
IGN: Minni FC: 2879-0937-7200
Chris 2251 - 4840 - 3163 (Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Chris 2251 - 4840 - 3163 (Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:52:14 No. 20262989 Report Nice one.
Stelle 0490 5495 2462
0275-8010-3689 !zap777yPE6
Kohana - 0190-0489-6251
IGN: Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
Rika 1220-7242-0498
Miu 1075-0760-9639
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:54:52 No. 20263010 Report >>20263000 need your IGN dude
Viper 0275-8010-3689 !zap777yPE6
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Rika 1220-7242-0498
Quoted By:
Adding you based OP!!
Ivy 4382-2626-9386
Shaytto - 1805 2152 4491
TY! IGN: Blue FC 5284-1458-6625
Feyd 1048-9211-4826
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:57:59 No. 20263040 Report >>20263033 put your data in the name field please. it's easier to track that way
IGN: Jasper (2578-3397-5624)
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
Adding! FC is in the email field. IGN is Miri. Thanks a ton!
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 280
>>20262915 I'll take one Aqua thanks for doing a second giveaway, I missed the first one from before.
IGN: Tofuman FC: 5000-2002-8067
>>20263010 Did i made the cut? Or i shouldn't have quoted your main post? Kinda got lost with the "reply"
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 13:59:54 No. 20263056 Report >>20263048 need it in the name field for tracking reasons
>>20263050 FC is missing a digit
BLUE 5284 1458 6625
pyk ign 2552 1675 8352
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Do you have a melloeta for trade?
Miri [2509-2651-5477]
>>20263048 Oh fuck, I can't read. My bad, OP. Fixed FC.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
>>20263056 Sorry the last digit is 4
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:00:56 No. 20263065 Report Quoted By:
Freya (2595-0568-3198)
Rae 0447-7114-0850
>>20262915 If there's still a Xerneas available, I'd love to have one, OP.
Miri [2509-2651-5477]
Quoted By:
>>20263056 Fixed. I can't read. My bad, OP/
IGN - Chris 2036-6835-5371 Munna, Wobbuffet & Gothorita
IGN - Chris 2036-6835-5371 Munna, Wobbuffet & Gothorita Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:02:07 No. 20263077 Report Quoted By:
>>20262915 Thanks OP your the best
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:02:33 No. 20263081 Report Quoted By:
>>20263068 As of right now, this person is the last one. No more requests please
Nilus fc 0559 7044 6157
Quoted By:
Mind adding me? I would love one!
Quoted By:
When do you start?
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20262915 IGN is elad and the friend code is as follows`;
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:04:14 No. 20263100 Report Ok, here's the list I'm adding the first 6 right now. I'll post as I get through each section
Tommy 1779 13539290
IGN: Tofuman FC: 5000-2002-8067
Quoted By:
>>20263100 Awesome. Not to play the waiting game.
Michele 0430-9117-9614
Quoted By:
>>20263100 I like the way you're handling this OP.
7zyzz7 5172 -1960 -1706
>>20262915 hey how was your breakfast ? hahaha.
>>20262915 IGN: James
FC: 3969-5529-9460
Thank you! I am adding you in just a moment.
IGN: James FC: 3969-5529-9460
Quoted By:
>>20263120 Going by the rules. Apologies.
gal 1332-9087-1613
Cross 1332 - 8551- 9804
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Added. Thanks for doing this.
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:09:43 No. 20263151 Report People, stop posting your FCs. I;ve got the first 30 already
Quoted By:
>>20263151 >Implying anyone read that Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199
Quoted By:
>>20263151 Will you be doing more of these later on?
If not, do you know when Midnight will?
>>20263151 >>20263151 You got 30 of them from OP already? Unless you are a cloner, talk about selfish...
>>20263176 Nevermind I'm fucking retarded.
>>20263176 >being this stupid Anonymous
Quoted By:
Damn I just barely missed it, that's ok though I don't really need it, but thanks anyways OP for doing these giveaways looking forward to future ones
Michele 0430-9117-9614
Michele 0430-9117-9614
Quoted By:
>>20263205 Oh, and sorry about the phantump, facpalmed myself while it was trading!
Are we trading a Luvdisc or just anything OP?
Simon 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto)
Simon 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto) Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:17:48 No. 20263218 Report I don't know, am I still in time for one of this wonderfull beasts?
Jason 0645-6947-9076
Quoted By:
Added. Your the best! :)
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
>>20263218 Still time bud OP has is just doing the first box
>>20263205 What number were you, site aint letting me move Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
Thank you, Aqua! I even got the ability capsule I wanted.
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831
Simon 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto)
Simon 1762 2663 9251 (Loudred - Lillipup - Ditto) Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:22:01 No. 20263253 Report Quoted By:
>>20263239 Thanks! I only hope my internet connection will keep working..
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:22:36 No. 20263261 Report >>20262931 >>20262936 >>20262938 >>20262951 >>20262958 >>20262960 Got all of these, moving on to the next group
>>20262951 >Trade evo I kek'd
>>20263118 Good thanks
>>20263176 >>20263184 >>20263187 8/10 made me chuckle
>>20263214 Anything
Pic vaugely related. It's the thread progress marker
Quoted By:
>>20263239 hey look if it isn't diancie egg kori. You would think you'd have enough legendary eggs to not have to have to beg at every giveaway you come across.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
Thanks again Aqua!
Daljit 0774 4388 3376
Quoted By:
>>20262915 I'd love one please OP!
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:28:19 No. 20263331 Report Quoted By:
thanks op
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:29:41 No. 20263347 Report Quoted By:
>>20262915 thanks op you the bes
Growleet - 0104 - 1374 - 3111
Quoted By:
Am I late? May I get one of those juicy deers? Thanks OP.
Zack 3325-2746-8216
Quoted By:
Got a Master Ball, neato. Thanks OP
IGN: Tofuman FC: 5000-2002-8067
Quoted By:
>>20263261 Thanks a bunch!
Paprika 5386-8514-6326
Andrea 5172 - 1554 - 0164
Quoted By:
I hope I'm not late!
IGN: Travis 1864-9877-5376
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Added for a PyroGeoDeer
IGN Josey 4768-7936-2258
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:40:35 No. 20263466 Report >>20262963 >>20262966 >>20262970 >>20262983 >>20262989 >>20262995 Got all of these, moving on to the next group
>>20262983 >Growlithe named "Thanks!" with a Sweet Heart 10/10 made me daww
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:41:37 No. 20263476 Report Quoted By:
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Hope I'm not too late.
Peter 1547-5693-4766
Stone 4940-5825-4230
Quoted By:
>>20262915 I'd really appreciate one. I have my PowerSaves so I'll probably do a giveaway later too. If you have a spare Diancie as well, I'd like to clone that for a giveaway too. Thanks in advance Aqua.
Viper 0275-8010-3689 !zap777yPE6
Sork 1478-4227-4594
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Thanks for doing this OP!
iGN: Chocobo
Rika 1220-7242-0498
Miu 1075-0760-9639
Quoted By:
Thank you based OP
Quoted By:
Got an Ability Capsule, awww yiss. Thanks OP.
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 14:59:05 No. 20263666 Report >>20263016 >Viper >>20263001 >>20263003 >>20263005 >>20263006 >>20263020 Got all of you. Moving on to the next group
>>20263005 >Shiny Modern Vivillon That's my native pattern too! Thanks so much!
pic for progress marker
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>20263666 Adding my name to the list
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:00:25 No. 20263675 Report Quoted By:
>>20263666 Uhh, ignore that accidental viper quote. Ctrl +P screwup there
Jake 0748-3334-4610
Quoted By:
>>20262915 I'll take one, adding you now OP
Aruruu: 0318-7679-3036 (Pupitar Webble Barbaracle)
Aruruu: 0318-7679-3036 (Pupitar Webble Barbaracle) Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:02:10 No. 20263691 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Is there any left?
Niko 1693-0908-3577
Quoted By:
Putting my name on that list
Shaytto - 1805 2152 4491
Quoted By:
>>20263666 Cool deer, thanks!
Feyd 1048-9211-4826
Quoted By:
>>20262915 And on that day, OP was a pretty cool guy
7zyzz7 5172 -1960 -1706
Quoted By:
>>20263666 how about me bro. been in2 threads with u lol
IGN: Jasper (2578-3397-5624)
Jason 0645-6947-9076
Quoted By:
You still there? I added your FC many posts ago.
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
Quoted By:
Thank you, OP!
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Thanks Aqua, I take good care of it.
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Oh you're doing deer now? Sweet. Mind if I have one of these too? I got a mudkip for you this time.
Praying for a master ball.
Remember my IGN is actually Serena AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:19:13 No. 20263836 Report >>20263025 >>20263030 >>20263038 >>20263045 >>20263047 >>20263050 Got all of you. Moving on to the last batch of this box.
Additionally, I think I'm gonna call it quits after this batch. I've been up a rather long time, and I should probably get SOME kind of sleep.
I greatly apologize to all the people I didn't get. I'll try to do another round of Geodeer and Diancie giveaways tonight.
Additionally, is anyone still out for sandstorm Vivillon? I have a box of those too
Pic for progress
IGN: Mario FC: 4270-2691-9052
Quoted By:
>>20263836 >sandstorm Vivillon Oh, I'd like one!
Freya (2595-0568-3198)
Quoted By:
>>20263836 I'd love a sandstorm Vivillon when you get to me OP
How about 6*31 IVs Yveltal with a good nature?
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:24:26 No. 20263877 Report Quoted By:
>>20263864 I don;t have one. I meant to soft reset Y months ago
BLUE 5284 1458 6625
Quoted By:
>>20263836 Oh, can't believe I missed this. I hope I can get one tonight. Thank you for doing this, aqua.
pyk ign 2552 1675 8352
Miri [2509-2651-5477]
Quoted By:
>>20263836 Thank you so much, OP!
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787
Quoted By:
>>20263836 Did i miss this by a few minutes?
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>20263836 I'll hope to catch the giveaways tonight then. Thanks for the giveaways
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:32:45 No. 20263969 Report >>20263050 Currently unresponsive
Quoted By:
>>20263969 Give it to me :^)
Freya (2595-0568-3198)
Quoted By:
you're the best OP!
Quoted By:
>>20264095 Weekend is coming bro, most people who have a job will have free time to help other anons out.
Rae 0447-7114-0850
Quoted By:
Thanks a ton, Aqua! I just wish I had something better to give, especially considering, I, one of the least competitively competent players got an Ability Capsule of all things. [spoilers]Since I was trading one ungulant for another, I was tempted to nickname the Pokemon something stupid, like "HOOF IT OVER" or something.[/spoiler:lit] Again, thanks!
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:42:55 No. 20264140 Report >>20263050 Still unresponsive
>>20264140 If dubs, its mine now.
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:47:33 No. 20264199 Report >>20264165 >literally one off >mfw Emily (5386-8562-7088)
Quoted By:
>>20262915 Added, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20264199 you want the hp ice zapdos for it if you don't have it already?
Critical Kris-chan 0576-5779-5540
Quoted By:
>>20264199 I'll take it so I can clone more when my powersaves comes in the mail. I hope this week.
If you still want that mudkip anyway.
And I have a torchic too if you do a different mon later. Andreas (3136-7766-3153 )
Quoted By:
>>20262915 i'd love one, thanks
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 15:59:25 No. 20264336 Report >>20263057 >>20263060 >>20263063 >>20263067 >>20263068 Got them already
>>20263064 Didn't respond after at at least 6 attempts, so they're being dropped.
>>20263060 >>20263063 >eggs Pic freakin related, heh
That's it for now. I need to make a new box, and I'll do that when I wake up tonight. In the meantime, with this one left here, I am in need of a HA chimchar (or it's evos), preferrably with Thunder Punch. I'll give this last Geodeer to whoever can get me one of those.
I'll do more giveaways tonight. Thanks for the trades everyone. Enjoy the deer and items
Sork 1478-4227-4594
>>20264336 I can go ahead and trade you an infernape with all of that, KB, 252 attack/speed, Jolly nature.
Chris 2208-4853-3995
>>20264336 Would you take a perfect Infernape that's already been EV trained and has Thunder Punch? You can use it out of the box or for breeding purposes.
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 16:02:59 No. 20264372 Report Chris 2208-4853-3995
Quoted By:
>>20264336 >>20264366 My Infernape is female btw, if that helps any.
Sork 1478-4227-4594
Quoted By:
>>20264372 Thank you so much for the deer!
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle
AQUA [3239-3094-8000] Azumaril, Bibarel, Wartortle Thu 31 Jul 2014 16:06:56 No. 20264412 Report >>20264366 >>20264358 Ninja'd the hell out of you, sorry dudeand with that, I'm going to sleep. Hate a good day dudes!
Quoted By:
I hate being at work :^(
Chris 2208-4853-3995
Quoted By:
>>20264412 Oh well, I'll get on eventually. Have a good sleep Aqua.
Does anyone know what and when will the next Save Editor giveaway be?
Quoted By:
>>20264485 Today in 2 hours, thread 20269000, stay tuned :^)
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
Quoted By:
>>20266117 Sorry about that I was out doing something, But yeah I already got it Aqua
sage 1160-9846-5180
Quoted By:
Still going on?
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
Am I too late for a deer?
IGN: M FC: 5215-1603-4416
Quoted By:
>>20262915 geodeer please op!
sage 1160-9846-5180
Quoted By:
is it going on still? added
Quoted By:
>>20269251 By like 6 hours