(Posted this in the GTS Giveaway Thread earlier but it didn't fit, so here's a new thread...) "I know there has already been multiple giveaways of these things today, but I'm bored and don't care... Anyway, I have a box of Adamant Diancie here (that I got from a past giveaway), might do more when they're gone, but it depends on how I'm feeling (don't get your hopes up). Just respond to this with your IGN and friend code, and (obviously) make sure to add me (I have my sister's 3ds so the Mii's name is "Melzy"). I'll probably trade in groups of six." So uh... yeah. jeesh, just made two other threads but forgot to change my friend code, sorry about that
arrogantz 2509.2309.6974
>>20273097 i would love one. ty ty ty
FC: 3583 0712 3337
Marty 4167-5579-1461
>>20273097 Added. Thanks a lot, OP.
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:20:47 No. 20273136 Report IGN:CROCK FC:3282-3281-2047
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:20:53 No. 20273139 Report Added you
Karumu: 1332-7928-9858
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
>>20273097 Added, thanks for doing this!
Colton [4382-3102-9523]
Hit me up please! Info as seen above
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Jason 3566 1668 7074
>>20273161 Put FC as email, oops.
Ye 4511-0567-6430
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20273097 adding ritdafuqnaow m8
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:24:31 No. 20273192 Report Marty 4167-5579-1461
Quoted By:
>>20273150 Sweet. Thanks for the Diancie, Maggie.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier
Ponder 5386-9515-7784 Wartortle/Panpour/Frogadier Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:28:19 No. 20273259 Report Quoted By:
arrogantz 2509.2309.6974
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20273097 Added. Thanks OP.
IGN:Caro [2466-2216-6645]
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>>20273097 Stepping in line
That One Guy- 3582-9072-4091
>>20273097 Added. Waiting for the fiance diance. Thanks op
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
IGN:CROCK FC:3282-3281-2047
Quoted By:
thank you so much!
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:31:34 No. 20273326 Report >>20273097 Please Op Diancie add...
My IGN: Suvi
Suvi 3625-9103-7936
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede
Mike(5000-2674-2858) - Poison - Kakuna, Garbodor, Whirlipede Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:33:00 No. 20273350 Report thanks, i remember seeing you in passerby before too
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20273135 Done, thanks for the Darkrai!
>>20273119 Done
>>20273139 Done
>>20273137 Done
>>20273136 Done (nice name for a Horsea)
>>20273129 Done
k, on to the next six, sorry if this takes a bit
Shredda 2638-0787-7519
>>20273097 Added! you are truly a Pokemon master
Quoted By:
>>20273150 TY, YOU ARE THE BEST
IGN: Leo: 3454-1782-8784
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
IGN: Abel 1005-8675-4734
You still have Diancies? If so, I'm in!
Ye 4511-0567-6430
Quoted By:
>>20273431 Thanks Maggie. and for the hatching power. :)
Xavier 0259-1001-3254
>>20273431 Thanks Maggie! Dunno if you like Mawile, but it's competitive ready!
Vallon 0147-0829-7467
Eyyyyy Maggie! I'll take one!
Grav 3583-0042-0350
Sam 4957-2823-7726
>>20273431 Are you still in here Maggie?
Can i still get one? or am i too late like the oter times :C
Jason 3566 1668 7074
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20273181 Done
>>20273187 Done
>>20273149 Done, love the Shiny Eevee!
>>20273179 Done (and now a Jirachi? Thanks you :) )
>>20273141 and done!
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
Quoted By:
>>20273431 Got it, thanks OP!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273435 >>20273519 Yes, I still have some, might have to wait a wee bit, though, sorry.
>>20273480 Sweet, love Mawile!
Grav 3583-0042-0350
>>20273097 Ign: lorenzo
Fc 2578 4533 7857
If you have one for me i'd be so grateful'
do you still have left? add me! Edd - 1736-1118-7231
Nane (3239-4581-7711)
Please Maggie, just adding you.
IGN: Abel 1005-8675-4734
Quoted By:
>>20273551 No problem, already added you, tho
ketz 2337-4691-1472
added, please tell me i'm not in too late OP
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Sam 4957-2823-7726
>>20273605 Added :D
I dont mind waiting, my ign is Sam
Austin 1048 8844 5869
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo
Noire 1134-8486-8712 Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo Fri 01 Aug 2014 03:56:16 No. 20273646 Report Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
>>20273605 Hey i added you, add me too?
Kael - 2878 9579 6916
>>20273097 I'd love one. Added you now.
CaeX !!1YCo25d3NT+
My IGN is CaeX FC: 5129 0189 1745 Thanks a lot if you can get to me!
Privya 4597-0900-1981
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot, Maggie!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273304 Done
>>20273283 Done (Thanks for the Phione!)
>>20273192 Done, really love the Shiny Mincinno. One of my favorite Pokemon.
>>20273271 Done (ha, another Phione, still very much appreciated, though!
and sorry I laughed at your button mashing, I do that a lot though as well )
>>20273311 Done! Now on the the next six, hope you are still here, I'm hurrying
>>20273097 4914-4045-9997
IGN jill
just a head up. i've never done this before. so yeah. no clue what i'm doing
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20273318 Oh crap, forgot about you, sorry
Ign:Calem 0748-3951-3099
>>20273097 would love one, thanks
IGN: Leo: 3454-1782-8784
Sam 4957-2823-7726
Quoted By:
>>20273709 No prob. Im still here :D
Quoted By:
would anybody be so kind as to explain this so i dont bungle soemthign up?
Vallon 0147-0829-7467
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
IGN: Leo: 3454-1782-8784
You just add her in your friend list, and wait in the PSS.
Shredda 2638-0787-7519
Quoted By:
>>20273789 Thanks a bunch man!!
Ign:Jill 4914-4045-9997
Quoted By:
>>20273792 okay, easy enough
Vallon 0147-0829-7467
Quoted By:
There's your friend code. I was worried for a sec
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Fri 01 Aug 2014 04:14:55 No. 20273839 Report Quoted By:
Thanks a lot, Maggiiii
IGN: Abel 1005-8675-4734
Quoted By:
Thanks I've been looking for a Diance for a while now!
Ign: Mark 0920 0738 2142
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273377 Done
>>20273326 Done
>>20273435 Done :)
>>20273497 Done
>>20273416 Done!
Whoever I skipped is not online...
Vallon 0147-0829-7467
>>20273897 Im online... ._.
IGN: Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20273789 Thank you!
Can I ask why your greeting says Air France 447?
Im a little bit curious.
Sam 4957-2823-7726
>>20273897 you skipped me & im online :C
Ign:Jill 4914-4045-9997
Paulo 3711 7231 8368
>>20273897 Is it okay if I add you still?
>>20273897 3ds says we're friends now and I'm online. I don't see you on PSS though.
Mii: travis
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273519 added
>>20273563 added
>>20273568 added
>>20273593 added
>>20273599 added
>>20273651 added
Doing this as fast as I can, thank you for sticking around if you do!
Grav 3583-0042-0350
Quoted By:
Thank you very much Maggie!
Quoted By:
>>20273976 Lorenzo
Our trade got cancelled! Do you want anything special for this?
Ign: Mark 0920 0738 2142
Quoted By:
>>20273976 Do you still have any left?
CaeX !!1YCo25d3NT+
>>20273897 I am also online
Just to make it clear, I've added you. IGN: Paulo 3711 7231 8368
Quoted By:
>>20273976 Enjoy te deoxys!
Thanks a bunch!
Sam 4957-2823-7726
Quoted By:
thank you Maggie :D
jacob 4554 0022 1538
IGN: CaeX FC: 5129 0189 1745
Quoted By:
>>20274020 I guess I should keep this in my name field
Nane (3239-4581-7711)
ketz 2337-4691-1472
>>20273097 Thnx man you rock, and tell your sis she's the boss for letting you use her 3ds.
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273622 Done, really love the Shiny Feebas!!!
>>20273563 Done, thanks a ton for the Deoxys, one of my favorite Legendaries!
>>20273593 Done!
>>20273651 Done, thank you very very much!
... and sorry I was a bit awkward on chat [/spoiler:lit]>>20273599 Done... and a Giratina! Real nice! BTW, I only have two Diancie left in this box, but I have nothin' better to do right now, so I think I'll get some more. jacob 4554 0022 1538
Quoted By:
>>20274121 ill wait as long as i have to!
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
>>20274121 Dont worry, im sure it was a supprise to hear my voice, all deep and shit in the middle of the night
Ign: Mark 0920 0738 2142
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20273568 Hmm, don't think I got you, are you online?
Ign:Jill 4914-4045-9997
Skribblez 2208-4519-5662
May I please have one if available?
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
I missed that Vivllon event by one day. I could use some joy.
Ign:Calem 0748-3951-3099
Quoted By:
>>20274121 thanks anyway, but if you get another i will be around
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273659 added
>>20273677 added
>>20273717 added ('m sure you'll get it ;) )
>>20273746 added
>>20273747 I think I got you, right?
>>20273787 you as well
>>20273894 No, cause I just added you, hopefully you are still here.
>>20273906 hmm, really? added you again.
>>20273909 ... Oh, that. Yeah, kinda hard to explain, but basically I'm currently super obsessed with that crash, and its 3 pilots. Kinda weird, I know.
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273924 Think I got you now, (I hope...)
>>20273928 I see you but you're not online right now
>>20273933 yes
>>20273959 got you as well (I think)
Sorry it's gettin' kinda confusing, I'm trying.
Ign:Jill 4914-4045-9997
Quoted By:
>>20274310 i'm online. waiting for you to initiate trade.
Ign: Mark 0920 0738 2142
Quoted By:
>>20274277 Yeah I'm still here
Ign:Jill 4914-4045-9997
>>20274310 sorry. i wanted to give my shiny hariyama. but it wont allow me to
Ign:Calem 0748-3951-3099
IGN: CaeX FC: 5129 0189 1745
Quoted By:
>>20274277 Thanks a ton! Didn't expect to ever get ahold of one of these.
Quoted By:
>>20274277 thanks a lot! dex complete ^^
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20273677 Done!
>>20273746 Done! Thank you so much for the Victini, easily one of my favorite Legendaries and Pokemon in general.
>>20273659 Done
>>20273959 Done, sorry about that.
>>20273894 Think I'm done.
And sweet, another Victini! Probably will Shiny-fy it later, if that's ok with you.
Also, if I said I got you and I didn't, please respond to this right here. Apologies.
Lorenzo here again. Thanks for the second diancie? I'll make sure to share the love. Enjoy Froakie and Deoxys!
Ign: Mark 0920 0738 2142
Paulo 3711 7231 8368
>>20274543 You said you added me, but 3DS says you didn't. Add again, maybe?
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
>My fucking face when I miss EVERY SINGLE ONE Diancie give away Holy shit, am I cursed or something?
Quoted By:
>>20274610 >yfw you'll miss the official one too Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274121 Gee, failed on the spoilers there...
>>20274373 It's fine!
>>20274026 added
>>20274043 added
>>20274111 Ha, yeah, she realy is... I probably should be delete most of the FCs registered on my 3ds soon, though. They're back from the time when I used to play Animal Crossing like mad.
>>20274083 >>20274116 You are welcome :)
>>20274175 added
>>20274547 Oh crap, gave you another? ... Ha, whatever. Sorry 'bout that. I don't mind though.
>>20274577 re-added you
>>20274588 and you
>>20274610 give me your FC
>>20274637 Maggie is queen of OPs. Hail the new queen of /vp/
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
>>20274637 Thanks! Sorry, just kinda sad bout missing that event.
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Fri 01 Aug 2014 05:13:37 No. 20274672 Report >>20274637 >give me your FC Oh I though it was done already, neat!
There you go.
Paulo 3711 7231 8368
jacob 4554 0022 1538
Quoted By:
>>20274637 waiting with anticipation
Skribblez 2208-4519-5662
I hope you weren't waiting for too long >_< Many Many thanks :D
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
>>20274637 Sorry for being a bitch, hope you enjoy that shiny!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274175 Done! Thank you greatly for that Shiny Giratina, it's awesome!
>>20274195 Done, hope that Diancie brightens up your day (night?) a little! I know that Shiny Pelipper did some for me
>>20274026 Done!
>>20274043 And done!
>>20274658 Ahaha, I kiiinda bet there are ones more deserving of that title but still, you are too kind, anon.
Thanks c:
giantsfan 0748-2268-703-
>>20274765 might i get one?
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
Quoted By:
>>20274765 >It can create diamonds by compressing air between it's hands >I can't ask it to make diamonds for me so I can become rich 0/10 worst pokemon It's ok -IGN
Seriously though, it looks cute and I am happy that I got it and am happy you are happy with my Pelipper Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274672 Done!
>>20274718 Same to you :) Hope you enjoy!
>>20274729 Wha? Shush, you were fine
>>20274666 And nice trips. Are you sad about missing the event in general, or just not getting a Vivillon? I'd offer you a clone of one of mine, but I don't think they're anything that special in terms of stats (though I'm in the minority and don't mind that)... Unless you don't mind as well?
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Fri 01 Aug 2014 05:26:46 No. 20274825 Report >>20274824 Merci Beaucoup!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274781 Yeah, you can definitely get one... but your FC is missing a number.
giantsfan 0748-2268-7030
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
>>20274824 I just want it due to me being a Karenfag, and must befriend all possible pokemon. Don't like doing battles since I get curbstomped badly due to lack of knowledge of how IV breeding works.
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274825 Haha, yay, French.
That language has been quite relevant to me lately.
mostly from that 447 stuff that's sorta been... driving me insane... but still Happy you like it!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274854 Same here with that last stuff. Maybe someday I'll figure it all out, but to be honest I don't care that much about battling in the first place.
I could get you a Fancy Vivillon, if you'd like. Obviously won't have your name on it or anything, but it's better than nothin', me thinks.
IGN: Michael | FC:1177-8036-8788
>>20274861 Hi! Are you still giving them away?
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
>>20274898 Hey, as long as I can look in my box and see those cute green wings staring back at me, I'll be happy.
IGN: Michael | FC:1177-8036-8788
>>20274918 Alright. I added you!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274933 Done... and wow, a Shiny Aagislash. Super neat!!!
>>20274921 Well you're gonna have a trade pop up in a second, then :)
Ryan 2062-9259-9705
IGN: Michael | FC:1177-8036-8788
>>20274991 Thanks! And yeah, that's the least I could do for a Diancie!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20274993 Added ya back
>>20275006 Well I love it, so thank you!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20275006 Didn't have a Thundurus yet, thanks!!!
Ryan 2062-9259-9705
Eleanor 4768-8221-7366
>>20275035 Thanks a bunch! Enjoy my Electrode!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20275087 I will, same to your Vivillon!
Lorenzo 2578 - 4533 - 7857
Did you clear me off friends list, it says you aren't online? You should re-add me, I need more active players to be friends with.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20275124 Mmm, yeah I did. You should add me with this friend code, though. It's for my 3ds
Lorenzo 2578 - 4533 - 7857
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20275149 Yup, I need more active Pokemon players as well..
Like I said earlier in this thread, pretty much all of the people registered on my 3ds are from Animal Crossing. I'm not sure if most of them are even on that anymore...
Lorenzo 2578 - 4533 - 7857
>>20275171 I have AC as well, I haven't played it much since Pokemon came out. Sorry if I'm shitting up your thread with this business hahah.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20275229 Nahhh it's fine. I talk much with people IRL because of... social problems, so small chat like this is pretty nice. Don't think I'll get much more in here tonight anyway (slightly surprised at the amount I did get, though, since there already has been quite a few Diancie giveaways recently), might continue some tomorrow.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20275258 *I DON'T talk much
Lorenzo 2578 - 4533 - 7857
Quoted By:
>>20275258 Word. It's def harder to talk to people IRL about pokemon and stuff. harder to find friends to play with, especially with nostalgia-genwunners out there.
IGN: Cake FC: 4339 - 3665 - 2368 Would love one if you're still giving them away!
Quoted By:
>>20275467 Crap, sorry about that. Yes, I am still here and I'm adding you.
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20275467 add me with this FC
>>20275525 Thank you so much!
Sorry for the shitmon, if/when I have a better pokemon to offer ill shoot you another trade offer. No promises though.
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20275580 It's perfectly fine, just enjoy your Diance!
Yo I really need two if you have two more that would be amazing please
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20275683 oops, you still here?
Noah 5241-3226-1796
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Noah 5241-3226-1796
>>20275713 I would love one if you have any left
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Yo I really need two if you have two more that would be amazing please
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
>>20275750 you can have twooo just add me
Noah 5241-3226-1796
>>20275740 Wow! Thank you! You done good anon, you done good
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
Hey, thank you a ton for those two Legendaries! They're very appreciated.
>>20275774 Omg thank you so much enjoy articuno and terrakion!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
>>20275849 No problem, you enjoy your Dianice!
Maggie 2723-9472-2866
Quoted By:
... Mkay, goin' to bed, folks. Thank you all for your time, might do another one of these tomorrow.