>>20304534I do want Red's team to be Lv. 100. Ideally Johto will take you to Lv. 60, Kanto will take you to Lv. 85, and Red will be 100.
>>20304548Trade evolutions will probably just be Level Up or use Stone.
As for the Wild Pokemon, I want to change the wild Pokemon so that there's a lot more logic to them. For example, Magikarp will be set to never appear in Oceans, only lakes and ponds, same with Gyarados. Freshwater and Saltwater Pokemon, Pokemon only around certain areas. I want to make it so there's a lot less redundancy, so Ocean routes don't always have Tentacools, only the ones in the outer coast of Kanto do. Not all caves have Zubats, only the southern ones do. It'll satisfy a lot of autism and make it so you're running into a lot more new Pokemon in each route instead of "Rattatas, Pidgeys, and a really rare weak Pokemon!" It'll likely be a lot more different in some areas than regular Crystal.
>>20304613Thanks, but I'm still working on the early stuff now. Aside from changing the Pokemon Types, I haven't done much else yet.