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No.20317937 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looks like Pomf got caught with his pants down.

>Hey WPM, it looks like Bulbanews put up a heavily edited version of your scan and credited another website. Just giving you the heads up. This is why I stopped visiting them. :/ They either shadow you by posting stories right after you do or they'll pull shady things like this to pretend like they get news just as fast.

>Thanks for the heads up. I contacted the story writer, Maverick Nate, but he made it clear he has no intention of giving credit where credit is due. I wouldn't doubt he knew it was edited when he posted it, especially when he's worked with that website before and tries to credit them over us whenever possible. But it's okay, people already know what Bulbanews's reputation is like. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.

>Wow! I just refreshed their article and they removed the image, but they still attribute the credit to that other website. In other words they know that the news came from PokéBeach (because they removed the image), but they're still going to credit someone else! Holy hell that's even lower on the slime scale than their initial post: they're just trying to cover it up now so it isn't obvious to the general public! It's not like the promo news is big news in the first place, but this just goes to show you how corrupt their practices are.