Hey /vp/, it's Glaceon again. Don't really have an explanation on why I picked Misdreavus today, er... Happy early Halloween? Oh well, never mind that. Misdreavus is shiny, kb, timid with the egg moves Destiny Bond, Memento, Ominous Wind, Nasty Plot, and is in a Moon ball! I have 4 boxes of Misdreavus to giveaway, so first come first served! Quote the OP! Rules:>Give me your ign, no fc needed >Put up a luvdisc on gts >Change your gts message to "/vp/" >Change the pokemon you're looking for to a level 1 Misdreavus and female, if you don't have Misdreavus in your dex yet you can just leave the gender blank >If you don't get Misdreavus, it's either because 1. I couldn't find your luvdisc on gts, or 2. You didn't give me your ign >Enjoy Misdreavus!
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Mon 04 Aug 2014 21:59:49 No. 20334356 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim)
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:00:24 No. 20334361 Report Yayayayayayayayay!
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
>>20334340 Disc going up in a sec, thank you so much!!
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Tui 1220-6104-9550
>>20334340 too bad there is another giveaway going on. anyways, i will catch a luvdisc now and put it on
Noire 1134-8486-8712
IGN Pike 2492-4995-1712
Callum FC: 5241 2433 5825 (breloom/mankey/pancham)
Callum FC: 5241 2433 5825 (breloom/mankey/pancham) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:01:36 No. 20334379 Report Quoted By:
me pls
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN Puriel, thanks glaceon!
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Could I get one please? Disc up
Akira 0877-0089-4238
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Thanks OP! Luvdisc is up!
IGN:C ROCK FC:3282-3281-2047
Quoted By:
>>20334340 depositing! ( this will be my only post so i hope that guy doesn't deframe me.) Thank you very much!
Stelle 0490 5495 2462
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up, Thanks!
IGN:Eric FC: Spocktimus 2681-1012-7971
>>20334340 hit me up with one please
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
>>20334363 It's up now, thanks
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:02:55 No. 20334401 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up!
Happy Halloween!
Ikkai 3625-8893-7501 (Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ikkai 3625-8893-7501 (Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:03:11 No. 20334407 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up! thanks!
IGN: Santa
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Luvdisc up, thanks a bunch op
Halibel 0001 3646 4597
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Lovdisc up Thanks OP !
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim)
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:03:21 No. 20334411 Report Quoted By:
>>20334361 Disc up. Thanks! Yay ghosts!
Mikhail 1521-3561-2058
Quoted By:
>>20334340 discing up! misdreavus happens to be my favorite pokemon : D
Disc going up IGN: Rinneth
Kohana - 0190-0489-6251
Taiga 1349-6886-4122 (Fire: Ponyta Pyroar Braixen)
Taiga 1349-6886-4122 (Fire: Ponyta Pyroar Braixen) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:03:52 No. 20334421 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 Yay! More for my ghost team build!
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20334340 Luvdisc going up!
Quoted By:
ign is miles, luvdisc is going up. thanks op!
>>20334340 Luvdisc up. IGN: Kyoma Hooin. Thanks Glaceon!
IGN: ...? (3024-6160-5947)
Quoted By:
>>20334340 putting up a luvdisc
Tui 1220-6104-9550
Quoted By:
>>20334340 its up! thank you!
Carlos [4914-4039-2495]
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disced up, thanks a lot Glaceon, love you giveaways
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim)
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:05:40 No. 20334450 Report Quoted By:
I got it. Thanks so much! Eeeee :)
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Discing up.
Gender field is blank.
Quoted By:
>>20334340 luvdisc up ign William
Quoted By:
discing, thanks!
Quoted By:
IGN is Dan, thank you very much Glaceon!
Ivy 4382-2626-9386
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up, thanks.
0817-5165-5203 Anieru
Quoted By:
>>20334340 disc up! thanks
IGN Rizzoto FC: 4055-4410-1184
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up, thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20334340 putting a disc up!
Musty 2981-5394-6954 !Ho4BAxol6o
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN:Musty
Disc up. Thanks OP.
Taiin 5370-0420-5407
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20334419 >>20334340 I literally read the OP three times and still didn't quote the OP, I feel stupid.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Gonna do it right now! Search for me, glaceon.
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:09:57 No. 20334528 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 disc is up! thanks sooo much
IGN Chantal 1134 - 9319 - 9769
Quoted By:
Disc is up! I don't have Misdreavus registered in my dex, thanks a bunch for this.
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette)
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Jigglypuff, Togepi, Floette) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:10:25 No. 20334532 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 I've got a disc up please OP! Misdreavus is my favourite
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up! Thanks!
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:10:54 No. 20334542 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disk is up! Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up. Thanks!
IGN Chantal 1134 - 9319 - 9769
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up! I don't have Misdreavus registered in my dex, thanks a bunch for this.
Danomen 4871-5632-1191
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Thanks based op
IGN:Eric FC: Spocktimus 2681-1012-7971
>>20334397 damn, haven't seen one in game yet, so i can't find it on the GTS, oh well
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Going to put up a disc now, thanks
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Adding you and a Happy early halloween to you?
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:12:27 No. 20334564 Report >>20334551 When you see the letters, scroll all the way down and you can type Misdreavus.
Fiona 5284-1605-8211
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up! Thank you!
Tui 1220-6104-9550
Quoted By:
>>20334370 got it, thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Discing up, thanks a ton!
IGN:Eric FC: Spocktimus 2681-1012-7971
Quoted By:
>>20334564 wow, how did i never figure this out, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Hoping Im not to late for this!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up! Thanks
IGN Gansta
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up. IGN is Robert. Thank you in advance if you get to me.
Jesus 2036-7783-3864
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Luvdisc UP. Thanks !! IGN: Jesús
Quoted By:
>>20334551 Type it's name into the GTS niglet
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc going up, thanks!
Mary FC: 3625-9144-9456
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Please and thanks!
putting disc up OP, thanks for doing this
Quoted By:
just got mine, thanks a lot glaceon, based as always!
Jake 5172-1035-4716
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Discing up, hope I'm not late.
Shadow 2852 - 7422 - 1114 IGN Giulio
Quoted By:
>>20334340 discing up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20334340 disc is up now, thanks glaceon
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966 Ice (Bergmite, Delibird, Lapras) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:18:10 No. 20334662 Report >>20334340 Disc up for ghost.
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Quoted By:
>>20334372 got her thanks op
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Quoted By:
>>20334340 >>20334526 Here again, just to remember, forgot to quote. thanks Glaceon. The D
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Thanks, based OP!
IGN: Richard
Quoted By:
>>20334619 I need your ign
>>20334340 IGN is Aesma, disc is up
Just to know if I can use it in VGC... Is he powersaved?
Also, luvdisc is level 26 and is a female, it will be faster to find it like that. Thanks a lot OP!
>>20334340 Discing up! Thanks!
IGN: Zhaituki
IGN: X (literally the letter X)
IGN:Eric FC: Spocktimus 2681-1012-7971
>>20334340 disced up, ign is Eric
Quoted By:
>>20334691 Mine is japanese named, 15lvl and in dive ball to easen the search btw. :) ~Zhaituki
hi OP hope I haven't missed out! disc is up
IGN: Niko
Aruaria 1289-8552-9697
Ty 2595-2182-9533
>>20334340 Disc up now friend!
IGN:Eric FC: Spocktimus 2681-1012-7971
Quoted By:
>>20334709 Luvdisc is 15 Male in a dive ball
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Oh, man, OP, please let me have one.
David 1607-3837-3172 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto)
David 1607-3837-3172 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:22:35 No. 20334753 Report Powers out :(....gonna have to disc up the second it comes back on
>>20334682 I didn't breed it myself, so I can't say
Quoted By:
Oooh discing up, I love me some ghost types! Ign Perry and thanks op!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Discing up.
As always, thanks for these giveaways.
Mike C !!N1ZuL/4CLu1
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN Mike
Disc is up. Thanks in advance, OP.
IGN: Kyle
disc is up OP hope I haven't missed out :)
blue 0318-8702-3903
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up thanks op
Ty 2595-2182-9533
Quoted By:
>>20334745 Tyler is my ign
Quoted By:
>>20334756 Oh, no problem. Thanks a lot tho, you're awesome!
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
Quoted By:
>>20334363 >>20334399 Got it, thank you so much, Glaceon!
IGN:Eric FC: Spocktimus 2681-1012-7971
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Thanks based OP
>>20334731 ok no offense but how do you people forget to put your igns
Quoted By:
sent, ign is lyra.
Quoted By:
>>20334798 He put it in the E-mail field.
Quoted By:
Disc up. Ty OP!
Quoted By:
>>20334798 Not him OP but I also forgot to put mine up as I was in a hurry.
IGN is Atbin
David 1607-3837-3172 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto)
David 1607-3837-3172 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:28:52 No. 20334868 Report Quoted By:
>>20334753 Mobile Hotspot FTW! Disc'in up
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:29:13 No. 20334873 Report Quoted By:
Thanks Glaceon!
Someone just traded me a normal misdreavus. For what reason?
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Hope i am not too late
IGN Gepfel disc is up
Thanks in advance
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Quoted By:
>>20334340 I'll take one if possible
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen)
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen) Mon 04 Aug 2014 22:30:25 No. 20334902 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Kat FC:3454-1187-8117
Quoted By:
Lovedisck up, thanks a bunch man! Ign: Kat
OP are you going by post or from the oldest on GTS?
Quoted By:
>>20334884 ya done been sniped
just put up another luvdisc and hope it doesn't happen again
Quoted By:
>>20334884 Japs love discs.
Quoted By:
>>20334340 >>20334340 Disc up in one sec. Ign beanie
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
Thanks Glaceon your the best
Quoted By:
my ign is StelluxSpero, please and thank you op
>>20334932 Whats the last that you did? Just to know how many time it should take
Quoted By:
Glaceon pls 1 for me! Ign Mario
IGN: Kyle
Quoted By:
>>20334798 yeah sorry OP
reposted here
>>20334764 Anonymous
Quoted By:
If op is still here, IGN is Alex. Thank you
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN: Travis
Thanks in advance if you aren't out of them when you get to me.
Jade 3024-5698-0318
Oh side note: please don't repost luvdisc on gts unless someone sniped you
Quoted By:
disc up ign javier
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Got the Misdreavus, Thanks a bunch Glaceon.
Androsh (0662-4487-0037)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Quoted By:
Glaceon, if it's my time, someone traded me a common misdreavus. Gonna put another luvdisc on gts, so please wait up.
Quoted By:
>>20334416 >>20335089 Got the ghost thanks OP
>>20334340 I'll try my luck, discing up. Thanks glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up! Thanks op! one of my favorites, ign is Lisa
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Quoted By:
Got sniped, but had time to repost luvdisc. Gotta pay attention.
>>20334426 >>20334967 Ive given away about 30 Misdreavus so far and Im on privya
IGN: Ratbone 2724::0673::6942
Quoted By:
hi glaceon, hope im not too late to get a misdreavus
D3RK [5129 - 1384 - 7688]
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up, hope I am not late.
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN: Sean
Luvdisc is up. Thanks in advance.
>>20335198 Forgot to ask for a level one, upping again.
Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Luvdisc is up. thank you op!
IGN: Calliope
Nike 0602 6314 3432
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
Disc is up, IGN Erik
Quoted By:
>>20334431 Thank you very much Glaceon!
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
Quoted By:
>>20334340 disc up! thanks again glaceon.
Privya 4597-0900-1981
Quoted By:
>>20335253 Got Misdreavus! Thanks a lot, based Glaceon!
IGN: Jason
Quoted By:
IGN: Jason Luvdisc is up, thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>20335334 >>20335198 Ign is Brutux ofc.
Captcha:loquela lediank
IGN: Angel
Quoted By:
Got mine, thanks again!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN is Furlong. Luvdisc is up. Thanks in advance OP
Red 4639-8952-2635
Quoted By:
>>20334340 I'm gonna go put one in right now
IGN: Andre
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up, thanks a lot Glaceon.
Quoted By:
IGN: Ruben Disc is Up, thanks OP.
atomic 1864-9283-2468
Quoted By:
>>20334340 disc is up, not only is this awesome but i needed this poke to complete muh dex
ign; beanie
>>20334340 Have I been skipped??
Quoted By:
>>20334340 IGN: King Jami
Just put up a Luvdisc, Thanks!
>>20335253 Hey Glaceon, are you still there? Thread is dying
>>20335715 No, OP is just taking their time. you'll have to wait a while.
>>20335715 No.
>>20335746 Yeah, Im on Nough at the moment
Quoted By:
IGN: Mandy Thanks for this. :)
Quoted By:
>>20335786 Wow, that is way up from where i am, hope i get one anyway, gonna check for sniper every so often.
Quoted By:
>>20335786 Dang, you've got a ways to go, and by the time you get down here you'll be out.
Haya 2964-8709-1986
Quoted By:
>>20334340 discing up! thanks!
Ban 1118-0232-4885
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Quoted By:
YAY! Got one, thank you so much, I love you OP!
IGN: Pablo
Disc will be on GTS soon...
Martin 0834-1581-2994 (Ditto/Dunsparce/Audino)
Martin 0834-1581-2994 (Ditto/Dunsparce/Audino) Mon 04 Aug 2014 23:27:57 No. 20335949 Report Quoted By:
Think im to late but discing up anyways IGN:Martin
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Disc up, Thanks OP!
Robert 0559 8067 4518
Quoted By:
>>20334340 disc isup thamks!!
>>20336074 that feel when,,,
>>20336074 >tfw >that feel when jacob 4554 0022 1538
>>20334593 update for anyone who hasn't received a misdreavus yet, Im on Gangsta and have about 60 misdreavus left
Quoted By:
bumpin out of love for da op
>>20336205 ugh, Gansta* sorry
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Doubt I'll get one, but Misdreavus is up! IGN is Sayunnaise.
>>20336103 >>20336110 Alwais known that as
>the face when IGN Gansta
Quoted By:
>>20336223 Just received the shiny ghostly, thank you!
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc going up now
Quoted By:
Just received mine. Thank you OP!
Quoted By:
IGN: Gereme Luvdisc is up
Quoted By:
>>20334340 probably too late but
IGN is Euni
Thanks if you make it to me
Quoted By:
>>20336205 Yay, i should barely fit in.
Kustem (´・ω・`)
Aaron 5043 2267 2933
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up thanks op
IGN: White
Quoted By:
Luvdisc up! Hope I'm not too late.
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20334340 Disc up thanks op
>>20336231 well u have been wrong this whole time. the more u know
Quoted By:
if you count the amount of op replies, theres 106, and she said she has 120, so if I'm not mistaken there's room for 14 more people
>>20334340 I would very much like one! Im sorry for asking but could you please name it mustard for me? I would be eternally greatful!
Quoted By:
welp, the wifi has gone into maintainance, for me at least anyway.
Quoted By:
>>20336358 It has always made sense too...
There were even that occasional tfw no face...
Quoted By:
>>20336422 you forgot your IGN, hows she supposed to know which one is you
Quoted By:
Thanks alot OP! :D ~Zhaituki
Quoted By:
>>20336422 Sorry, but my name field went blank. Also the server is being updated :/
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Am I the only one who cant access to the GTS?
Quoted By:
gts down or hwat
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Quoted By:
>>20336556 No problems connecting here.
Matt :: 1263 6711 7174 ::
Quoted By:
Blind optimism Luvdisc up ign is matt fashionably late expecting this luvdisc to sit there for eternity.
Quoted By:
>>20336572 I hope Glaceon wont give up and Ill get my pokemon..
Glaceon, you would be awesome if I can get my Misdreavus!
Quoted By:
>>20336223 How are you doing OP?
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20334340 >misdreavus >shiny oh my god yes. Still going?
Disc is going up now!
Quoted By:
>>20336223 It's getting pretty late here, better go to bed. Thanks in advance for the Misdreavus, OP.
- Ruben.
Bumping, are you still there OP?
Blake 2981-6757-4829
>cant connect to server just me?
Quoted By:
>>20334340 I'm probably too late but asking never hurts. Are there any left?
>>20336697 On Kiva at the moment with a box and a half left
Blake 2981-6757-4829
>>20336761 >>20336643 says the online functions are down on their site, you're still able to use it? Why can't I connect fug
;_; goodbye pokebro in shiny format
>>20336786 Odd, gts is working fine for me
Red 4639-8952-2635
>>20336798 Good to know that at least one end can do this. I'm the same as the others, though; it claims the wifi's going through maintenance.
Quoted By:
I wonder my chances of being able to connect before she gets to me..
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20336798 Disconnect, then reconnect. Then you'll get the maintenance notice.
Kustem (´・ω・`)
Quoted By:
>>20336798 Why don't you sent me the shiny ghost then.
Blake 2981-6757-4829
Quoted By:
>>20336798 >>20336812 of all the times, eh?
>>20336826 why would you want her to do that
Quoted By:
>>20336798 Did you send mine?
Mike C !!N1ZuL/4CLu1
Quoted By:
>>20336798 Got it! Thanks Anon!
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
>>20336798 GTS seems fine for me as well seing as I went to see if I got the trade but I didn't
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Quoted By:
>>20336840 >>20336837 Just a matter of what'd happen if she does. Of course I don't want people to not get their Shiny Sp0o0o0o0oky ghosts.
>>20336887 I just sent you a misdreavus, didn't see your luvdisc earlier since you reposted it
Tachi 0430 8766 0473
Quoted By:
>>20336900 Oh just rechecked, thanks Glaceon
captcha: victory woining Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20334662 >>20334340 Was I skipped Glaceon?
Filix 0662-4044-8879
Quoted By:
>>20336900 I hope I'm not late
>>20336934 I don't see your luvdisc on gts
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20337045 Ill re upload it.
Cory 2165 - 5754 - 6609
IGN Gepfel
>>20337045 Is GTS still working?
Quoted By:
>>20337075 Mines is down atm as well
>>20337075 Its working for me anyways
Cory 2165 - 5754 - 6609
Quoted By:
>>20337075 Mine I also down
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20337045 Nvm servers are undergoing maintenance.
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20337105 maintenance work in Germany can't use GTS for the moment
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20337105 Hey Glaceon did you find mine? Fucking Gts is down, can't check if it was sniped.
>>20337105 Did I get mine? I cant check since gts is down
Blue 0318-8702-3903
>>20334340 do you still have some left op i was sniped
>>20337217 yes
>>20337210 haven't gotten to yours yet but Im pretty sure I saw it on gts
>>20337227 yes, put up luvdisc if the servers still working for you
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Reset your Ds and it should come back up.
>>20337251 Shakti! I remember you from a thread you made a couple night ago.
Are we going to get a diancie distro soon?
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20337236 Ok, managed to connect, not sniped.
Blue 0318-8702-3903
Quoted By:
>>20337236 ok luvdisc is up thanks op my server is working fine for me
jacob 4554 0022 1538
Quoted By:
>>20337236 have you gotten me my friend?
btw GTS is up again
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Quoted By:
>>20337264 I'll have one coming up soon. Dog got ahold of my Powersave, so I'm cloning the traditional way. I'll sit down and crank out a couple boxes then give 'em out.
Connor 4768-7911-9530
>>20337272 Hey Brutux I'm the guy from the last thread who offered you a melo.
In case you want it just add me back
Matt :: 1263 6711 7174 ::
Quoted By:
>>20337236 got sniped and severs were down uk too
putting another up, is there any hope op?
Quoted By:
>>20337236 Thanks a lot, youre awesome!
Quoted By:
>>20337236 My servers are working now, hopefully I could get a hold of one
Quoted By:
disc up, hope I'm not late
Blake 2981-6757-4829
Quoted By:
>>20337236 >>20336643 server is up again on my end.
disc is up from before now!
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20335167 I already gave you a misdreavus
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
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Where are we in the thread anyways?
Puerce 5258-0220-6043
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thanks for this OP, this is one of my favorite lines
>>20337401 weird, you have a melo already.
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20337437 A Jonathan had asked me to a trade, what is your ign?
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
Blue 0318-8702-3903
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>>20334340 got mine thanks again op
>>20337437 ok ok, just making sure as this guy is still trying to request a trade
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20337475 Thanks a bunch m8, i'm trying my best to complete the pokedex.
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
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>>20337508 I love how the thread got deleted just after i showed my shinies, some higher power must be at work here.
Captcha:ettingu recompensed
IGN: Oscar 1306-5817-0165
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>>20334340 Put one up. Hope I'm not too late.
IGN: Kaylee (2122-7833-0558)
Ok, out of misdreavus, and I have a terrible headache. Sorry to anyone who didn't receive one. :(
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
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>>20337623 Wow, made it! Thanks op!
>>20337623 i hope is brain cancer
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
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Are any of the people who got one willing to clone it? I can pony up a jirachi/diancie/Bolddos/Moltres for it.
Evan 1091-8677-8991 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Barbaracle)
Evan 1091-8677-8991 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Barbaracle) Tue 05 Aug 2014 01:40:01 No. 20337714 Report >>20334340 I'll take one if there's any left, thanks
Evan 1091-8677-8991 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Barbaracle)
Evan 1091-8677-8991 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Barbaracle) Tue 05 Aug 2014 01:41:28 No. 20337739 Report Quoted By:
>>20337623 Oh, didn't see this when I posted, hope you feel better
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20337714 Kek, read the thread.
>>20337684 Don't listen to butthurts, ur good.
>>20337710 >being this mad for not getting one George
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I will cry salty tears into my pillow tonight because of no mustard ;-;
>>20337771 about 120 people have one now, shouldn't be too hard to find someone to clone for you
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>>20337771 >>20337710 >>20337667 Grow up you self-entitled piece of shit.
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>>20337787 Nah I was waiting too much, I'm out, get well soon.
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Anyways, not sure when my next giveaway is going to be, but all of the pokemon I have are on this list-
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gre6ULJykpqkNP7C7y7fKffkqqR5T18cpdaDi97ZhV4/edit#gid=0 IGN Gepfel
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>>20337623 Thanks OP
(couldn't get online sooner)
if you guys have any suggestions please tell me, I usually don't know what to giveaway half of the time haha
>>20338045 Metagross is so common though
>>20338114 >Gaiz suggest something pls >Do this dude >BUT DAT'S SO BORING XD Why the fuck are you asking for suggestions then you chucklefuck?
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>>20338022 Wouldn't mind a good Klefki giveaway
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>>20338126 nice b8 m8 I also h8 k8 her sk8ting isnt that gr8 what would you r8 it? Id give it an 8/10
Haya 2964-8709-1986
>>20338022 Female Ralts ... I know so much people already have it or dont want it because not muh wifu... b-but...
>>20338178 would you rather have it in a moon ball? I know my friend originally bred it in a premier ball and it isn't powersaved, but changing the poke ball doesn't change the TID or anything, so just wondering
Haya 2964-8709-1986
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>>20338217 M-moon ball... but only if you can, and I would be happy either way, thank you... I'll be on watch till then :)
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>>20337381 I think it should be another Miles, but thanks anyway Glaceon!
Juan (2020-1041-1749) [Dark: Absol,Cacturne, Nuzleaf]
Juan (2020-1041-1749) [Dark: Absol,Cacturne, Nuzleaf] Tue 05 Aug 2014 03:31:32 No. 20339430 Report Quoted By:
>>20334340 Probably a little late since there are som any replies but I'll give it a shot. Misdreavous is a gen 2 fav.
IGN: Juan
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Tyvmmm Glaceon!!!!