>>20339096The rest of Mike's team had to duck out of the hallway to avoid getting roasted by the incoming flames, and even then the heat was intensely discomforting. Serena, the Milotic in question, could've easily endured the flames if that was all there was... but the flames were being greatly enhanced by local weather conditions, not to mention a direct Solarbeam hit on top of that.
Pulling a Poke Ball from his belt, Mike gave the order he hated most. "Serena, return!" As much as he hated it, moving 350 pounds of KO'd Pokemon was even less practical. "All right, next up..." Reaching into his backpack, Mike tossed out another Poke Ball to call out Goku, his own Infernape. The friendly firemonkey rushed the enemy Ninetales, going for a Close Combat barrage.
Samus, Mike's Blaziken, had effectively gotten lost in the confusion. As tired as she was, she took the opportunity to regroup with the rest of her team. Given that she was pulling all possible speed and stamina into it, she was wide open if any attacks came her way. [Can't attack this turn, attacks against her get +1 success number.]