Here we go, last part finally, as promised. Decided to speed things up and take time to do both Xerneas and Zygarde today, so no more bothering you with this goddamn giveaways from tomorrow (at least from me) Same request for both: Deposit FLETCHLING (not fletchlinder you turds) in the GTS Message: IVEfinallyXZ Ask for a lvl 91-100 Xerneas or Zygarde>I will go from right to left, i WONT follow thread order I've prepared 30 of each with Leftovers, and can restore the save but probably wont You can ask for both, if you manage to do that in time, but i will ignore you if you ask for the same Legendary twice Cloners, feel free to join Here, read the stats while you wait: Xerneas Modest Nature -Moonblast -Psyshock -Hidden Power -Geomancy 31/0/31/30/31/30 HP Fire Zygarde Adamant Nature -Dragon Dance -Earthquake -Outrage -Extreme Speed all 31 ivs Good Luck
May I get a Xerneas if you have time? IGN: Paydon
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras)
IGN: Andy FC: 1564-4333-5313 (Spheal, Bergmite and Lapras) Tue 05 Aug 2014 16:39:10 No. 20345388 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling in for Zygarde
Quoted By:
IGN: Michal Fletchling up, I'd like a Xerneas
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Hoping for Xerneas. Thanks a lot, I've missed all these giveaways so far
Mack 2294 5355 4315
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling is going up for Zygarde.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchlinging for Zygarde
James 5043-3392-6224 (Shuppet,Phantump,Golurk)
James 5043-3392-6224 (Shuppet,Phantump,Golurk) Tue 05 Aug 2014 16:41:26 No. 20345417 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 Bird is up, thanks!
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Tue 05 Aug 2014 16:41:31 No. 20345421 Report Quoted By:
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Requesting Zygarde, Fletchling up.
Thanks Ivelor.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 ig: c rock
requested xerneas!
Thank you very much!
Fletchling for Zygarde IGN: Rinneth
Ivy 4382-2626-9386
>>20345355 Fletch is up for Zygarde, thanks
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Hey O p can i get a Xernias?
Miu 1075-0760-9639
Quoted By:
hi Zygarde pls
>>20345379 Bird up, sorry. Didn't have one on hand.
Train 5000-3602-3785
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Flectchling up for a Zygarde.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Quoted By:
>>20345355 IGN Lia
Fletching up for Xerneas. Thanks OP!
Blue 5284 1458 6625
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletch Up for xerneas
Quoted By:
I'll take a Zygarde
IGN = Biograf - 1418-6831-0216 [Psychic - Wobbuffet, Xatu, Drowzee]
IGN = Biograf - 1418-6831-0216 [Psychic - Wobbuffet, Xatu, Drowzee] Tue 05 Aug 2014 16:45:35 No. 20345470 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 Requesting Zygarde
>>20345355 Dammit, I dont have fletchling
>>20345355 Got Xerneas, thanks alot
Quoted By:
>>20345355 uploaded a Fletchling for Zygarde Thanks!
Quoted By:
Bird up fot Xerneas, Thanks OP
IGN: Jason 0645-6947-9076
Quoted By:
Fletchlings up for Xerneas
Quoted By:
>>20345355 >>20345440 Keep forgetting to quote the OP.
Bruno 1263 - 7101 - 8910
Quoted By:
Up for a Zygarde
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082
>>20345355 Fletch up for Zygarde
IGN Sergio
Quoted By:
>>20345355 fletching for zygarde thanks
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Tue 05 Aug 2014 16:47:03 No. 20345494 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 One more up for the Xerneas if you are so inclined.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 uploading a Fletchling for Xerneas!
>>20345472 Imma try to wonder trade for one
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Zygarde!
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Depositing fletchling thanks so much ign Paul.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Bird up for Xerneas, forgot qoute. Thanks op
Abe 5043-2955-5541
Quoted By:
Fletchling up for Zygarde
Zowayix 3797-7105-9486
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Zygarde.
Thanks OP
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Quoted By:
>>20345355 bird up for zygarde!
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20345355 >IVEfinallyXZ thanks!
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
Burd up for zygarde
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Xerneas
Kohana - 0190-0489-6251
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Up for the snek.
Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
>>20345355 I put one up. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
bird up for zygarde
Jesse (3239-3898-5258)
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletching up for Zygarde <3
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Tue 05 Aug 2014 16:51:29 No. 20345545 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 You are the BEST OP
gal 1332-9087-1613
Quoted By:
>>20345355 >Xerneas please Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20345473 Zygarde as well, thanks
IGN: Rodrigo Throwing up a Fletching for a Xerneas please!
IGN: Sean 0774-4414-7386
>>20345355 Fletchling is up for Xerneas. Is it okay if I try for Zygarde if I get the first one?
Quoted By:
IGN Ted Put one up for Xerneas, will put another up for Zygarde
IGN Alex
Givin you the bird for Dragon Snake Z
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
>>20345561 Read the OP newfriend
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
Quoted By:
>>20345440 Thanks for the snake OP.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Up for Xerneas. Thanks!
Baltan 2836-0287-6385 Normal
Quoted By:
Fletchling up for Xerneas, thanks in advance Ivelor!
I hope someone clones these and I can get them another day, wonder trade is just not on my side today
Quoted By:
Up for the deeroverlord Ign: Travis
Quoted By:
>>20345355 IGN: Shaquille
Hope I'm not late!
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for zygarde
IGN Shaun
Quoted By:
>HP Fire Xerneas widely available Goodbye, on-cart Ubers
Ivy 4382-2626-9386
Quoted By:
>>20345355 >>20345441 Snake get, Bird up for Xerneas now.
Thanks, OP.
Dream 3625-7860-5349
Quoted By:
Oh ya mine is up for Xerneas.
>>20345597 holy shit ten pokemon, I'm not trying, I'll wait for another giveaway or post a thread myself
Jacquelyne 2294-4894-7598
>>20345355 Zygarde plz, fletchling up, thx.
IGN: Sean 0774-4414-7386
Quoted By:
>>20345355 >>20345561 Bird if up for Zygarde now.
>>20345576 Ah, sorry. I'm in a rush.
Chaosweaver - 2363-5615-2735
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling is up for a Mr. Xerneas.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 ign is Lyra, uploading fletchling for xerneas.
Quoted By:
Grateful xerneas reciever saying thanks
>>20345355 Flethling going up for Zygarde!
IGN: 0Lunar
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
So far traded 12 Zygarde and 6 Xerneas. I was sure Xerneas would have been more requested. Oh well, let's keep going
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails)
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails) Tue 05 Aug 2014 17:01:25 No. 20345664 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletched up, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
mines up, thanks. ign Steven
Shira 3582-9620-1002
Quoted By:
>>20345639 put up a flabebe on GTS
Tell me which one of these 2 are looking for?
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
>>20345670 Go on the GTS if you wanna know how many people are before you, Anon, i'm following that list right to left, not posting order
Adrian (4785-5681-9523)
Quoted By:
>>20345662 Well, that zygarde of yours is fucking decked! Its a great set so i would immagine that people would want it
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20345355 requesting zygarde
>>20345499 they're in the first forest
also bird up
Corey 0602-6749-6818
Quoted By:
Fletchling up for Xerneas. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletching gooooo for that Xerneas
Quoted By:
>>20345702 I just restarted the game
Quoted By:
>>20345553 Putting up another for Zygarde! Thank you so much OP!
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Zygarde
Quoted By:
>>20345655 >>20345662 Okay, OP going up! Sorry for delay.
Quoted By:
>>20345741 Forgot to say requesting Zygarde
Feyd 1048-9211-4826
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Requesting Zygarde
Put a Fletchling up for Zygarde, IGN is Sayunnaise, thanks in advance OP.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Zygarde.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
>>20345355 Hey Ive, I've put one up for Xerneas, if you still got some. I'd really appreciate this. Thanks.
Quoted By:
Fletch up for zyg
>>20345355 Putting on up for xerneas
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
Ok Anons here's the situation so far: 5 Zygarde left 24 Xerneas left
Quoted By:
>>20345820 Lol, prolly late but imma try
Quoted By:
Got Zygarde, thank you OP!
Nazca 3265-5517-5718
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for a Zygarde, if there's any left. Thanks either way!
>>20345379 >>20345448 I should've been quicker to catch one.
>>20345686 >right to left Well, better luck next time I guess.
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082
Quoted By:
>>20345838 Fletch up for Xerneas. Thanks for Zygarde.
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
>>20345855 You're actually the next Xerneas that's gonna be served, hang in there
Quoted By:
Bird up for Zygarde
Quoted By:
Thank you for Zygarde!
IGN: Poly
bird up for queer deeractually wanted a zygarde but i can't request mons i haven't seen apparently :^(
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling for Xerneas
>>20345875 >>20345875 >>20345875 Thank you so much!
Will clone and give to others.
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20345570 Guess I didn't gofast enough
Quoted By:
>>20345920 When choosing a Pokemon, go down to the very bottom, pick that option and type in the name.
Quoted By:
put bird up for xerneas hope theres one left
IGN Sergio
Quoted By:
>>20345355 me not to come zygarde please
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
>>20345920 you have to directly write the name, scroll list till last letter, next option is insert name
but only 3 Zyg left so you wouldn't make it anyway
Quoted By:
IGN Lia Thanks for Xerneas. Put up another for Zygarde.
Will trade Diancie holding Mewtwonite Y for Xerneas.
IGN: Poly
Quoted By:
>>20345951 genuinely forgot that was an option as i haven't used it since bank was in limbo - i did suspect i'd have missed out tho
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
>>20345935 My Xerneas/Zygarde have LEFTOVERS not Power herb
That's the proof that other cloners are helping
So thankYou!
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>20345951 I hope to have one of those last 3
Bird is still up
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20345972 Get hype! Thank you, Mr. First Sword of Braavos. I still think you're not ded
IGN Sergio
Quoted By:
>>20345951 di, have iskipped OP?
>>20345785 >>20345838 I'll change my request to Xerneas then.
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
Update: I'm out of Zygarde but do't lose hope, other cloners look to be around or coming Note for cloners: scroll down the list until a guy named Sevven with message admnt gw 5iv -sa he's the end of the line for my requests Moving on serving Xerneas now
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
Quoted By:
>>20345802 >>20345869 >>20345989 I got the power herb Xerneas! Thanks to Ivelor and whoever is helping out!
Shira 3582-9620-1002
>>20346021 I will help you with Zygarde then
Quoted By:
>>20346021 Putting back up for X then/
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20346021 So should I leave my bird up for snek just in case someone else comes along?
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Tue 05 Aug 2014 17:39:53 No. 20346095 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletching is up for Xerneas if you still have
Got a xerneas with leftovers yay
IGN: Poly
Quoted By:
got xerneas, thanks op putting another bird up just in case any of the other cloners are still giving out snakes
Quoted By:
>>20346110 >tfw a fucking asshole asks to trade over and over and over, but has shit to trade Sophie
Quoted By:
Fletchling up for Geodeer. I'll clone it with my PowerSaves as soon as a I get it.
Quoted By:
>>20346053 Same offer of a Fletchling right?
>>20345985 Offer is still good. Looking for the Xerneas.
Quoted By:
got the xerneas thanks op
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
>>20346181 i still have around 10 xerneas, if you put a fletch up now you'll get one
>>20346181 SciresM Diancie or just some random stuff?
Quoted By:
Got the deer, thanks OP
(3239-3246-5281) IGN:wunderkind
Quoted By:
>>20346202 wut wut wut. fletching up
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Tue 05 Aug 2014 17:53:35 No. 20346241 Report Quoted By:
fletchling is up for xerneas! thanks so much
Just need green snake and I'm good to go.Séx Nugget is best Fletchling
Quoted By:
I put up a Fletchling for a Xerneas, thanks a bunch
>>20346053 Putting up a fletchling for snake
IGN: Syssinia
Once I have a Zygarde I can help clone both since I already got a Xerneas.
Quoted By:
>>20346202 Placing brah. Thank you. Ign is Samuel
>>20346213 Looking for this xerneas in this thread.
Ign: Mark 0920 0738 2142
Quoted By:
Deposited bird for zygarde
Shira 3582-9620-1002
Shadow 2852 - 7422 - 1114 IGN Giulio
Quoted By:
>>20346202 fletchling up for xerneas, i hope i make it
Quoted By:
>>20346248 Thanks OP. Take care of my Séx Nuggets.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Deposited Fletchling for Xerneas!
IGN: Poly
Quoted By:
idk which cloner's responsible but thanks for the zygarde
Now all I need in the SciresM pokemon is Zygarde, the two vivis, and Darkrai
Quoted By:
>>20346018 Just received a Xerneas! Thanks a bunch.
Would like to see if I can get a Zygarde now, put another fletchling up.
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Birding up for a zygarde
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 18:03:12 No. 20346336 Report Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletching is up if Zygarde is still available
Quoted By:
>>20346302 What ot did the legendary birds have
who is SciresM, and why everyone want his pokemon? sorry, im new here
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
Attention /vp/oreons, i just traded my last Xerneas I'm sure there are other cloners still sending stuff, but i don't know how many and for how long It probably would make their life easier if you move up your requests, some of you ended up pretty far away in the GTS In any case, cloners, if you want to keep doing from right to left, for the last (first) requests you have to scroll down until a guy name Heiko (message: i want contrary) asking for a snivy From there on there are requests for this thread For all the rest, i'm out! See You around
Ivelor !SX65.krmZk
Quoted By:
>>20346381 Noice!
On a side note, some guy traded me a fletchling caught in a masterball, today, wth
>>20346381 Are you Gts'ing these
Chris FC: 0130 - 1938 - 4884
>>20346396 Ok well I guess Imma put a fletch up for a Z
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 18:12:22 No. 20346430 Report Quoted By:
>>20346381 I have a fletching up for Zygarde
Shira 3582-9620-1002
Quoted By:
Just traded my last Zygarde Please wait for the other cloners G9 all
Quoted By:
>>20346353 I think is because those Pokemons are modified for competitive battle
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak Tue 05 Aug 2014 18:16:32 No. 20346486 Report Quoted By:
Bird up for Xerneas, and as always thanks in advance
IDub - 2638 1788 3523
Quoted By:
>>20346381 Just put a Fletchling up for Zygarde, thank you
Jacquelyne 2294-4894-7598
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletching up por X.
Quoted By:
>>20346381 >>20346396 Fletching up for Xerneas. The message is the one in OP.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>20346396 My Fletchling up for Zygarde, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20346381 Fletchling up for a Xerneas
>>20345355 OT is TravisAxel
Put up a bird for Xerneas
Quoted By:
>>20346396 Birdin up for X
Angel 4339-2760-0233
Quoted By:
>>20346722 Man I hope I get one, got the same message as Op
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Zygarde!
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Late as usual... Guys, anyone here who can lend me a Zygarde? I can give you five clones back and give you one of these Yveltals.
Angel 4339-2760-0233
>>20346780 Give me a min and I'll lend you mine when I get it
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20346804 Great, I'll take a shower in the meantime.
>>20346780 I can trade a Zygarde or Xerneas for one of them Yveltals.
Quoted By:
0Lunar here. Thanks so much, OP. This is really great of you.
Quoted By:
>>20346836 Scratch the Xerneas part- didn't expand the pic to see you had one already.
Lucas 0662-4275-8885
Quoted By:
>>20345355 If you still have Zygardes, one of those would be amazing.
Bird up, hoping not to get sniped this time.
IDub - 2638 1788 3523
>>20346722 Mine's up, haven't gotten it yet. The message is
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>20346396 Thanks for the snake Seerio
Quoted By:
I hope I get mine
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20346836 That works too, what's your fc?
>>20346913 Is mine even on there, My post is before Richards
IDub - 2638 1788 3523
Quoted By:
>>20346899 Zygarde, that is. Thank you.
Just received a Zygarde! This is a good thread, everyone cloning Pokemon deserves a nice pat on the back!
>>20346926 Whats your OT?
I'll Check that
>>20346924 2036-8876-1639
Getting clones from Pokebank then I'll head online.
Keep posting fletchings guys, I'll do what I can. I have a full box of Xerneas and Zygarde.
Quoted By:
>>20346940 Hell yeah they do
>>20346950 Angel
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20346959 Alright. Do you need clones of that Zygarde or just a single trade for one bird?
>>20346950 >>20346926 Nvm it's your turn anyways
>>20346977 Just a single trade. That Zygarde is all yours.
>>20346977 Hey do you happen to have the darkrai and the vivis from SciresM, they had very few of those giveaways
>>20346982 I wouldnt doubt it
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20346986 Nice, adding you.
Quoted By:
>>20346982 Just got it, Thank you
Tui 1220-6104-9550
Quoted By:
>>20345355 put up bird for xerneas. thanks a lot!
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20346996 No man, sorry. I'm actually looking for that Jirachi and I believe someone was giving away some penta Diancies, I only have the one from that movie event with 3ivs.
>>20347044 Thanks for the Yveltal!
Adding Leftovers to all Xerneas and Zygarde before distributing to GTS.
>>20347044 You need the Jirachi, Ive got an extra competitive one for trade and ive got the lvl ten that you can clone
>>20346587 Redepositing for Xerneas
IDub - 2638 1788 3523
>>20347089 Just put up Fletchling for Xerneas
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 18:58:47 No. 20347114 Report >>20347044 Uhm...Since you already got the you want something else for one of those Yveltals?
John | 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
Fletchling deposited for Zygarde.
Quoted By:
>>20347111 I did. Didnt know if I get pushed back in the trade queue or something.
>>20347068 No problem, enjoy!
>>20347078 Is it the shiny one that can be traded? If so, great, if not, then I can just give it to you, no problem.
>>20347114 If you have one of the injected mons that have been circulating around (specially that penta Diancie) I'll take one, and clone it if you need more. If not, just give me whatever.
>>20347168 Yea both of them are the shiny ones that can be traded
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20347168 Oops, forgot my trip.
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20347189 Sweet, I'll take the competitive shiny one then, do you need clones?
>>20347191 I thought you said you were looking for Jirachi
>>20347044 Or did you mean Darkrai
IGN: Foo
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletch up for Xerneas. Hopefully there's some left! Thanks OP.
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20347221 Jirachi, the shiny one that was distributed not long ago?
Blake 2981-6757-4289
zygardes still going? skimmed thread
>>20347215 Ok I'm confused but added and I don't need any clones, I also have most of the others injected if you need any of them you can clone them
>>20347221 Forget this post
IGN: Jim 2852-7724-4376
Quoted By:
>>20346381 Fletchling deposited for Xerneas
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:07:35 No. 20347272 Report Quoted By:
>>20347168 I have one Diancie but I'm not sure if it's the penta one, let me check
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20347257 Alright man, give me 20 minutes, I'll eat something real quick and Ill be back, what's your FC?
Quoted By:
>>20347273 Can I have both?
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:11:07 No. 20347331 Report Quoted By:
>>20347282 Sadly, is the one with 3ivs
Quoted By:
>>20345355 I'd like a Zygarde if I'm not too late
Bird up
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak
Ch64 IGN: Serena 1332-8065-4833 Cascoon Ariados Toxicroak Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:13:05 No. 20347359 Report Quoted By:
Got the deer. Thanks a lot for these giveaways
Angel 4339-2760-0233
>>20347282 for some reason it keeps taking my fc off my name, yea I've got all 4 of the birds, the axis trio, both jirachis, the just recent mewtwo y and mewtwo x, and 2 exact 3iv diancies but one had pokerus and the other doesnt, I just need darkrai and the two vivis
>>20347273 Can I request a Zygarde now? Already get one of your Xerneas.
Lucas 0662-4275-8885
Quoted By:
Fucking sweet, just got the Snek. Thank you very much.
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20347273 >>20347256 >>20345355 Birdie is up for Zygarde. Thanks to cloners and OP for doing this
>>20347382 If there is another cloner
I'm out of Z's now
Still some X's left
IGN: Foo
Quoted By:
>>20347428 Whoops, didn't notice cloners were helping. Got a fletch up for Xern. Thanks!
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:19:00 No. 20347466 Report >>20347369 You have an spare not-modified Jirachi? and a SciresM Yveltal? can lend you the SciresM Darkrai and Pokeball Vivillion
Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy)
Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:20:27 No. 20347490 Report Quoted By:
>>20347428 i'd love to get a Xerneas if there's any left up for grabs. flechling up
Angel 4339-2760-0233
>>20347466 Yea I have the SciresM yveltal and the Lvl 10 Jirachi has the moves wish, swift, healing wish, and moonblast, but I dont have any extras, cant clone
Arakasa 1993-7646-0720
burd up for the deer,hope theres some xerneas left
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Xerneas OP! Any cloners with Yveltal or Zygarde?
Quoted By:
>>20347428 Ok, thanks anyways.
Well, if somebody wants to give me a Zygarde, the Fletching is still up there.
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:29:40 No. 20347601 Report >>20347509 Aw man, that's unfortunate
Arakasa 1993-7646-0720
Quoted By:
>>20347522 deer get,thanks duder
If you've submitted a bird for either Zygarde or Xerneas, please re-deposit so I can easily find them Current number: 27 Zygarde 30 Xerneas
>>20347630 My Fletching is there with "IVEfinallyXZ" as message.
Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy)
Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:34:40 No. 20347665 Report >>20347428 Thanks for the deer, you're doing arceus' work
>>20347630 can i get a Zygarde please? bird up
Quoted By:
I'm out of my clones... Have a nice day :)
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20347601 I wish I could get a powersaves but unfortunately i dont have a computer
Arakasa 1993-7646-0720
put up another burd for the snake cuz having one would be handy,hope thats aight
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20347677 oh, got mine, thanks guys!
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:38:18 No. 20347716 Report Quoted By:
>>20347630 Bird up for Zygarde please
Quoted By:
>>20347698 >>20347691 >>20347689 Enjoy.
23/30 Zygarde
30/30 Xerneas
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
>>20346381 Can I please have a Xerneas?
Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy)
Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:39:47 No. 20347744 Report Quoted By:
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
>>20347665 >>20347735 Asking for a Xerneas
>>20347772 Don't need to ask. Follow OP and post Fletchling with proper message. You'll get one.
>>20347780 Also: you only get ONE of each. If I recognize your name you don't get another.
Quoted By:
>>20346381 Fletchling up for Zygarde
Adam (4124-5139-0596)
Quoted By:
>>20347808 no problem, all I want is the deer
Quoted By:
18 Zygarde 27 Xerneas Get 'em while they're hot!
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 19:50:20 No. 20347920 Report >>20347685 I do own a PC but I never got interested in buying a Powersaves....until last week
IGN: Female FC: 2251-5110-9369
Quoted By:
>>20347920 Hopefully I can find someone who has the Darkrai and vivis cloned, and we don't know wat SciresM is gonna inject next
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20347920 >>20347685 I'm back, fellas. Ok so, Angel, you wanted Yveltal, and you said you have the event shiny Jirachi and the three birds. Would you mind letting me clone those four?
Draco, you wanted an Yveltal too, you can have one.
Let me know if this is correct.
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:04:12 No. 20348118 Report Anonymous
General Note: I have no Yveltal clones, just Xerneas and Zygarde. 14 Zygarde 26 Xerneas
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20348118 Alrite, let me add you then.
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:06:38 No. 20348154 Report >>20348057 Anything is fine?
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348154 Yep, whatever you want to give me.
IGN Rizzoto FC: 4055-4410-1184
Quoted By:
>>20348138 bird is up for xerneas!
>>20348057 Lol I've got a SciresM yveltal already and i'll let you clone those four, the birds actually came from PKHeX, which zapdos you wanna clone the bold or the timid, the bold is SciresM
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Bird is up for Zygarde
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:10:19 No. 20348216 Report >>20348166 Yay! Thanks Pepe!
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348183 Ow, sorry I was a bit late. Thanks man! I don't know about the Zapdos, whichever is better, I guess the SciresM one. I added you already. I'll send you four shiny Deinos for the birds and Jirachi, you can keep them.
>>20348216 Hey you should let him borrow those ScireM darkrai and poke vivi
>>20348234 Ok awesome, Just tell me when your done
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
To Kay from North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: Fuck off, you already got one of each. 11-10 Zygarde 25 Xerneas
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20348138 Could I possibly get a Zygarde?
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Thank you OP, i got my zygarde.
>>20348301 Yep! Just put a fletchling up on the GTS.
Quoted By:
>>20348249 You didnt get the zapdos
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348248 I didn't get the Zapdos, I'll wait for you to go back online to clone all of them at the same time. How many clones do you want?
>>20348294 If I already have Xerneas can I het the Zygarde? Or I'm being too jew...
>>20348362 Well i guess my internets retarded, Lol. I gues O+1
>>20348374 You can have one of each!
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348386 Alrite, give me a few to clone these guys.
Quoted By:
>>20348402 Np take your time
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
IGN Rizzoto FC: 4055-4410-1184
>>20348401 thanks! fletching is up for the Z
>>20348421 >>20348427 No problem!
9 Zygarde
24 Xerneas
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Thank you, Zygarde received! Now I'm putting up Fletchling for Xerneas
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:26:05 No. 20348455 Report >>20348249 You want me to lend you the both SciresM's Darkrai and Pokeball-pattern Vivillion to clone them for
>>20348248 ?
>>20345355 fletchling up for Xerneas
IGN: Josh
YurioTy 3239-2428-9335
Quoted By:
fletch up for the x based op
>>20348455 Then I should have a competitive jirachi, the three birds, and diancie that I could give you two of them for you trouble
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348486 I'm almost done with your clones, I'll give you two back and a set of three shiny birds
Elad 4983-6313-9157
>>20348294 i didnt get Zygarde..can i have one?
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:31:52 No. 20348527 Report >>20348486 I have the competitive Jirachi and Normal Diancie, and even though I haven't got the competitive birds, I got the birds in game...
Actually I'm more interested in the normal Tanabata Jirachi and normal Pokeball Vivillion
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchlinging for Xerneas.
>>20348526 Post a fletchling with the message in the OP. I've got 8 or so left.
>>20345355 >>20348463 Thank you op i love you and wish you a happy life. Can i also get a zyguard?
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Xerneas and Zygarde with Leftovers! I love you so fucking hard!
>>20348527 I have the Tanabati Jirachi and the normal pokeball vivi, just need them cloned, Lol
Quoted By:
>>20348540 OP isn't here anymore guys. Just some random /vp/ dweller giving away clones.
Yes, you may.
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20348531 done..! hope i get one..
>>20348552 I'm pretty sure its the tanabati one, Its the lvl ten one
Quoted By:
Bird up for xerneas
IGN Saphine
Quoted By:
>>20348438 fletching is up for xerneas!
6 Zygarde 22-20 Xerneas Note: I have no Yveltal clones. If you post a Fletchling and expect a Yveltal, you have only yourself to blame if you experience disappointment.
IGN Saphine
>>20348609 Thanks for the deer, can I have the zygarde too?
IGN: Foo
>>20348609 Put a fletch up for Z. Thanks.
gal 1332-9087-1613
>>20348609 any zygard left?
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20348564 Got them, getting online in a few.
Elad 4983-6313-9157
IGN Saphine
>>20348712 Thanks for Xerneas and Zygarde!
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:47:54 No. 20348780 Report >>20348527 If it has Wish, Healing Wish and Swift, it's the one I'm looking for
Quoted By:
Arcues praise anon!
>>20348780 I think it does, If pepe would he could take my two and your two, clone them and give you my two and your two and give me my two and your two, That gives him four new pokes unless he has them already, and gives us our pokes back plus the two that we need
>>20348827 But thats up to him if he wants to go through that trouble
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348827 Yeah,no problem.
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 20:55:11 No. 20348860 Report >>20348841 Yeah
I'm available, so let me know so I can go online
>>20348857 Ok well ill give you the tanabati jirachi and ill get the poke vivi outta bank
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348827 >>20348860 Just explain again what I'm getting, how many clones and who's getting what.
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20348886 Alright. Also, I still have one of your Zapdos's.
What am I getting from Draco?
>>20348891 Ok im giving you tanabati jirachi and poke vivi
Draco is giving you SciresM darkrai and pokevivi
Clone and give me mine back plus his two and do the same with him
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348915 Alrite, so both you and Draco are getting four mons total, that is both poke vivilllons, darkrai and tanabati jirachi.
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Quoted By:
>>20348960 Cool, I'll just wait for both of you to get online.
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20348960 I'll give you two sets of both anyway.
>>20348978 awesome tell me when your done
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20349023 Waitin' for draco to get online.
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 21:10:39 No. 20349034 Report Quoted By:
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20349096 I'll be back in a min, gotta mow the lawan
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
Two sets of clones for both of you ready!
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 21:32:34 No. 20349296 Report Quoted By:
>>20349236 I'll be taking mine
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 21:42:30 No. 20349434 Report Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20349144 Ok, i'll be waiting.
>>20349434 no problem!
Quoted By:
>>20349236 Im ready, getting online now
>>20349558 Thank you
>>20349434 thank you
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus)
DRACO - 5172-1539-8786 (Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus) Tue 05 Aug 2014 21:53:36 No. 20349597 Report Quoted By:
Now I'm only missing the normal event Darkrai
Pepe 2707-1612-0147
>>20349584 I just re read your earlier post... Can I clone both Mewtwos phwease?
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20345355 Fletchling up for Zygarde
Glenn, FC: 1220-6833-4164
Quoted By:
Am I late to the party? Would love a Xerneas.
Angel 4339 2760 0233
Quoted By:
>>20349640 Omg just saw this are you still here