>>20362318That depends. Even something as broad as Compulsory Evacuation Device, which only requires a monster on the field, comes and goes in popularity depending on the metagame because bouncing an Extra Deck monster can be huge while bouncing a Main Deck monster can be a waste of a card. Something can be as powerful as Sophia
>>20353998 which essentially wins you the duel when its effect goes off, but Sophia is only run in inconsistent gimmick decks specifically designed around it because it's almost impossible to summon. If an effect is too hard to resolve compared to the advantage that effect would create for you then that effect/card isn't worth it.
>>20351929 as an example, there's not much point to Bright Idealism when something like Debunk, Breakthrough Skill, Fiendish Chain, Effect Veiler, etc. would do the same job without requiring you to -2 with Balance to put Kyurem or Reshiram on the field. Burning Honesty is easily replaced by something like Wiretap or Seven Tools of the Bandit because most modern decks are strong enough that, as long as they make their plays without being disrupted, it eventually won't matter what their opponent is doing. Intimidate is completely worthless because negating the attack and leaving the attacking monster with -500 ATK still leaves the monster available to be used as material for a summon or to use its effect in Main Phase 2. Counter is just a Mirror Force clone and Mirror Force is doing really poorly recently; Mirror Coat is oppressively strong and would severely shift the meta. Overall, most of the thread is out of touch with current Yugioh decks and what makes them good.
>>20363007>I honestly liked it better when people just did this for fun and not worried about making it work vs. other YGO cardsA lot of these cards don't even work with themselves, tbh. Even without comparing these to IRL Yugioh cards, a lot of these cards and effects are too conditional or costly or slow.