Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
Favorite cutemon? >Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
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Last call:
>>20353034 and I'm done for the night.
want female HA corphish . yes? *-* luvdisc on
Marx !!43r+SrgtOiM
I have a box full of shiny Smeargles with Happy Hour! Come and get 'em!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Giving away 25 4-6 IV Adamant shroomish in nest balls. Drain Punch, Focus punch, Worry seed, Seed bomb. Nicknames, Gender, Poison heal or effect spores. Double dipping is allowed
IGN: Silvaretha
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
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Yes, please and thank you.
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim)
IGN: Bianca FC: 2852-9016-6988 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) Wed 06 Aug 2014 02:33:10 No. 20353729 Report Quoted By:
>>20353699 Me pls. :) disc up in a minute. Hank you :)
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Adoption service 4-5IV: - 12x Absol Jolly Moonball : Zen Headbutt, Play Rough, Megahorn, Batonpass - 4x Skrelp Bold Healball : Toxic Spikes, Haze, Venom Drench, Acid armor - Lots Gible adamant (any abilities) Net ball : Iron head, outrage Please take them.
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20353699 4:33 AM, am i awake or dreaming?
discing up
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails)
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails) Wed 06 Aug 2014 02:34:31 No. 20353748 Report Quoted By:
>>20353699 Discing up! Thanks
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20353699 discing! thanks
>>20353732 I remember these Skrelps and Absols. I'm happy they were spread.
Harime 3625 - 9647 - 5473
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>>20353699 Happy Hour is great. Discing up.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20353753 i successfully bred a shiny absol with yours. Thanks a lot!
IGN Rizzoto FC: 4055-4410-1184
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
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>>20353780 That's pretty nice! Too bad they can't get Justified with Moon Ball tho. :(
>>20353657 give me 10 min to breed you one
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras)
Lex 2964 9051 1338 (Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras) Wed 06 Aug 2014 02:38:44 No. 20353814 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Gio
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
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>>20353699 Disc up, Message is "/vp/ Happy Hour"
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
>>20353732 I'll grab a female Absol if you don't mind, I like those egg moves, it's a wider selection then my absol has.
Discing up.
In the mean time, if anyone wants any of these poor souls, they are up for grabs.
(4) Froakie: Timid, pokeball, no egg moves, protean (HA), 5 random IVs, 3M 1F
(3) Fennekin: Timid, random 5IV, pokeball, Magician (HA), hypnosis, heatwave, magic coat and wish egg moves. All male.
(2) Petilil: Modest, random 5IV, ultraball, Chlorophyll, no egg moves.
(1) Goomy: Bold, random 5IV, ultraball, Sap Sipper, counter egg move, male.
(1) Pumpkaboo: Impish, random 4IV, duskball, Frisk, disable, destiny bond, confuse ray, astonish egg moves, female, super size.
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>>20353813 would you? thanks !
Justin 1564-3230-6500
IGN: Silvaretha
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>>20353844 Petlil pls. Will disc once I get the Smeargle
>>20353712 hey im from the other thread, i was sure i discd up but I dont think i did, sorry about that. i have a disc up for a smeargle atm so could you save that female poison heal for me please?
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20353844 Disc for pumpkin.
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>>20353699 Ok i surrender to smeargle! disc up ;D
Mugi 2294 4336 9484
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>>20353712 Discing for poison heal shroomish
6 IV's would be god-like ten JP FC(0404-6868-9884)
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20353889 Yeah, about to fall asleep though
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
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>>20353712 Could I get a female poision heal one Named Daisy
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20353712 once i get smeargle can i have one of those please? 5iv is good for me
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20353844 No Smeargle is showing up. Will take that Petlil
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
IGN Rizzoto FC: 4055-4410-1184
>>20353669 can I have a pawniard and chespin?
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20353949 forgot to ask for poison heal
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
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>>20353712 Discing for a 6IV Poison Heal Shroomish.
>>20353819 whats the best nature for this?
>>20354009 Bold or calm, depends what suits best in your team.
IGN: Gio
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
>>20353951 Feel free to disc up for it. Not seeing your disc.
atomic 1864-9283-2468
>>20353956 discing up for a kabuto
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
All Pokemon are 4-5IVs in relevent stats and in Pokeballs unless stated. Here's what I have today: 7 Eevee; Modest; (6 Anticipation 1 Run Away); Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 1 Eevee; Timid; Anticipation; Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 1 Eevee; Calm; Run Away; Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 1 Eevee; Impish; Anticipation; Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 2 Aron; Adamant; (3 Rock Head, 3 Sturdy); Stealth Rock, Head Smash, Superpower, Curse 2 Absol; Naive; Justified; Zen Headbutt, Megahorn, Play Rough, Baton Pass (Premier Ball) 1 Joltik; Timid; Compound Eyes (Fast Ball)
>>20354016 >>20354028 thanks whats your preference Gio
IGN: Silvaretha
Mike 2852-9272-6828
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Any way someone could ship over a huntail?
Justin 1564-3230-6500
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>>20353712 Poison Heal, 6IV if possible, disc up
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>>20353657 i have your corphish ready its 4 iv im going to do another batch to try to get a better one
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20353712 kk discing for shroomish 5iv poison heal. screww that smeargle haha.
>>20353911 i dont think anyones gotten their smeargle so im taking mine off. putting the disc up for the shroomish now
Robert 3866-8559-6636
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>>20353699 Disc up for smeargle if your still here
IGN: Gio
>>20354045 I'd go with Calm since its Defense is worse
>>20353732 Disc is up for an Absol, thank you!
>>20353732 I'll take a Rough Skin Gible. Disc up.
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
>>20353669 Disc up for Timid Lotad w/ Swift Swim
After that going to disc up for a Meditite
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
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>>20354040 disc up for aron
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
>>20354059 I see the problem, you're still discing up for Smeargle.
IGN Fauxton
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20353669 disc up for cherubi
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>20353669 Could I get one of those HA Kabutos? And maybe a swift swim lotad if that's okay.
IGN: Silvaretha
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
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I have x12 Poliwags with 5ivs 6 w/ Swift Swim 3 w/ Damp 3 w/ Water Absorb
>>20353669 Could i have a HA kabuto
Xavier 2208-4869-0540
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>>20354040 Discing up for timid anticipation Eevee
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
>>20354180 Alright, sent. I'm glad someone is interested in them to be honest, most people seem to prefer the own tempo ones I used to have, but I like Chlorophyll on Lilligant, I pair her with ninetails for cute team synergy.
>>20354102 alright i'll get on it
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20354107 >>20354103 sent! sorry goomy giveaway started so it was long until i found you guys haha
>>20354089 Yeah, looks like a troll post.
>>20354040 You wouldnt happen to have any bold Eevees?
IGN: Silvaretha
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>>20354234 Chlorophyll will go perfect with the Sun Team I'm gonna make. I have a Venusaur with it and Modest, but I wanna use more cute pokemon.
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
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>>20354278 No, sorry. I traded all of those away in my last giveaway.
I'd breed some more, but I'm so tired of them. So tired... Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20354040 can i have a modest runaway eevee? i'm discing
atomic 1864-9283-2468
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20353669 disc up for Petilil
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20354234 Also wondering if you have a drought Vulpix? I know I'm not supposed to ask, but worth a shot.
Justin 1564-3230-6500
Is the guy with the Stealth Rock Skarmorys still here or has he gone?
>>20353956 Sent disc up for a Chespin.
>>20354037 >>20354163 >>20354317 Sent.
>>20354114 The only Timid Lotad I have left is Rain Dish, unfortunately (missing speed). Do you stilll want it? If you don't, disc up for a Meditite.
>>20354171 Sent you the last Kabuto. See the text above. I only have Calm ones now. There are some Calm with Swift Swim tho.
>>20354228 See the text above. I'm sorry. :(
>>20354312 No problem!
I'm out of Kabutos and Petilils. Thanks for taking them!
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20354344 if you want i have impish skarmories with the sneaky pebbles and brave bird
IGN: Gio
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
>>20354326 I got some nice things today, so sure, why not. I have a named Vulpix I was keeping around to make more in some future giveaway, but I could just use my competitive Ninetails for that.
Disc up for her. It's 5IV, Timid with no egg moves.
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>20354361 Calm is fine. I can breed it if I'm dissatisfied.
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>20354361 Oh, and thank you for the Kabuto.
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20354371 That sounds good to me, thank you, disc up
IGN: Silvaretha
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>>20354393 Sounds awesome. Disc'd up
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20354415 cool let me finish this battle and i'll get to you right after
I have a dialga left from lastnight, disc up if you want it.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 03:20:57 No. 20354476 Report >>20353669 Could I get a female calm rain dish lotad? I'll disc up
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>>20354395 Right. Sent!
>>20354412 You're whalecum.
Fuck Sage and his Goomy giveaway. Now GTS is flooded with Reddit's, Marriland's and Tumblr's discs. I love this guy, but he acidentally fucked us up.
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20354464 Still got more? I'll disc for one.
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>20354371 could I have one? I've got some luvdisks burning a hole in my box.
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20354499 >>20354415 let me just find you. GTS is filled with Goomys....
>>20354512 disced thanks a lot.
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 03:25:48 No. 20354554 Report Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20354371 >>20354529 Mind if I disc up for one as well?
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20354544 thanks a lot! this'll help me so much for filling the dex
Anyone with HA Kabuto leftovers?
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
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>>20354529 Can I have one as well?
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20354415 >>20354499 >>20354557 i didnt check their IV. sorry for that.
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 03:28:28 No. 20354602 Report Justin 1564-3230-6500
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>>20354590 doesn't matter to me, I'm just gonna use it versus friends anyway
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
Quoted By:
>>20354590 I'll live. Thank you very much.
>>20354602 No problem!
Also, at least the Luvdisc sacrifie wasn't in vain.
http://i.imgur.com/KENbdDB.png Thank you, based Sage.
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Does anyone have a 6IV Hydration Luvdisc?
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>>20354627 Oh, I think that was actually a troll with his nickname. Nevermind.
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
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>>20354590 IVs aren't an issue. Having a 6IV breedingblob helps.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
ohh well. those skarmories are sent... at least i dont see anymore requests in the gts.
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
>>20354361 Damn, Disc up the the Meditite
Somebody put a disc for a regigigas
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20354711 Yooo discing for that
atomic 1864-9283-2468
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
>>20354391 quick update still working on it
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Got a 6iv male honege? i'll disc it up for dat
>>20354752 You're whalecum.
>>20354760 Sent. :^)
IGN: Silvaretha
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 03:39:58 No. 20354786 Report Quoted By:
>>20353712 I would love a Female poison heal shroomish, the more IV's the better, sure, but any number will do. Discing up, thanks!
atomic 1864-9283-2468
Quoted By:
>>20354711 whoa neat, thanks!
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20354711 discing in case you have one left
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
>>20353699 YES I've been waiting for one of these, please still be around, I'd love to get a happy hour smeargle!
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20354788 I'm up if you have more
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20354830 It was a troll, no one as far as I know got a Smeargle from this poster
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20354679 My disc is still up
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails)
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails) Wed 06 Aug 2014 03:43:50 No. 20354844 Report >>20354711 Disced up, thanks Ivory!
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
>>20354841 really? woow sorry. i didnt see it kk let me get to you right away
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>>20354767 you already sent the honoege to someone else?
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
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>>20354840 Awe dang... well thanks for telling me. If I ever find a happy hour pokemon I'll try to find a cloner to get more of them out there.
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To whoever was asking for a Skarmory, I hope you enjoy it!
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20354679 Disc going up if I could please get one of these
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Justin 1564-3230-6500
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20354841 oh well anonymous here sniped it. if it doesnt have the pebbles and brave bird redisc sorry for that
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
Same Chikoritas from other thread. All are 4-5 IVs and Calm but with varying moves x2:Heal Pulse, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed. Both males. x5: Body Slam, Aromatherapy, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed. All males x12: Aromatherapy, Leaf Storm, and Leech Seed. 11 Males and 1 Female. Im still MMing with the last moveset so if you want a female from that, just disc up and wait a bit for me to hatch more females. Reply to me what moveset youd like, I cant go back to breed females for the first two but I can for the last
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20354935 Discing for aromatherapy female
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20354935 Could I get one from the first set? disc up
Quoted By:
>>20354711 Disc up if there's one left, thanks
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20354711 If you still have any disc up now
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
>>20354989 alright. lets hope this time i can find you.
IGN: Gio
>>20354746 You could just send me the HA Foongus if you want. I could try to breed for a better nature.
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
>>20354955 Thanks, m8!
>>20354935 Can I wait for a 3rd moveset fem?
Disc's up if so.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20354953 >>20354974 sent
>>20355016 yep, ill probably have one in 5-10 minutes sent
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20354711 Disc up if there's still any left, thanks!
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20353591 Anyone with 0 speed Honedge or Hidden Power ICE for trade?
I can give a Shiny Rayquaza for they
Mari 4871-4496-5152
>>20355069 Can I have one?
Quoted By:
Anybody got a quiet 6IV honege?
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20355089 Could I have another?
I'll disc up as fast as possible but I have to catch it first.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Marx !!43r+SrgtOiM
I'm really sorry about earlier, the storm in my area cut my internet out completely. I'll try again, and I apologize for last time. I have a box of shiny Smeargle with Happy Hour to give away.
>>20355097 ign? you got the last one
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
>>20355095 sorry it only has 3 iv. ditto time i guess!
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Quoted By:
>>20355089 Disc is up, thank you so much!
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
>>20355102 understandable then. discing now!
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Quoted By:
>>20355102 I want one of that, thanks!
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails)
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails) Wed 06 Aug 2014 04:08:00 No. 20355145 Report Quoted By:
>>20355102 Not sure if ruse again, but i'll take that chance. Disc is up
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20355110 Dan. Disc already wiggling inside the pokeball.
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
>>20355045 Np, I can wait.
Anyone got a krabby just chilling around? Need one, don't care about stats
Quoted By:
>>20355102 why not
disc is going up again
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Quoted By:
>>20355102 Discing up if that's okay
Quoted By:
>>20355102 Disc going up for one. Thank you.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20355150 tell me when's up
Mari 4871-4496-5152
>>20355174 I've got a kingler with a terrible nickname if you want it
Quoted By:
>>20355174 whatcha got? and 6iv pokes?
Scotty 2165 6849 7476
Quoted By:
>>20355102 Well I do want one still, thanks if you're actually giving.
>>20355198 it's up now, message says GTS!
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20355102 Wait a minute, this is legit?
Disc up
Quoted By:
>>20355244 thank you!
gosh, I loooove the hideous mess that is its cry.
>>20355000 hey man if youre still could not get a calm mushroom disc up for the HA
Quoted By:
>>20355102 np... discing with original message. thnx!
IGN: Gio
>>20355283 >>20355304 I could do that
I'll try to disc up now
>>20355172 i think you were sniped, disc up again
>>20355205 Thats fine. I'm just collecting anyways
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 04:22:32 No. 20355402 Report Quoted By:
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
Quoted By:
>>20355358 Yes, I was.
Disc is up again.
IGN: Silvaretha
Almost came up on a Diancie...unfortunately I have jack shit to trade with...
>>20355336 yeah sorry anon had to this one from scratch and rng wasnt a
fungi Mari 4871-4496-5152
IGN: Lonk 2337-4511-3018
Quoted By:
>>20354935 I'll disc up for a third set male, I can always do my own ditto breeding if I want a female for some reason.
Disc going up. Thanks.
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Quoted By:
>>20355102 meh discing for it
Quoted By:
>>20355441 Thank you very much~ Doing my dex slowly
>>20355425 I have a spare diance I can trade you if you don't care about stats
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
do we need diancie for shiny charm? no eh?
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20355482 For real? I'll disc up
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20355429 Don't worry
It's all good
>>20355499 Nope
>>20355506 Can't disk for diance
Has to be traded
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
All are 3-5IV. Some are perfect, most are imperfect 3-4IV's, though. Disc up!
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
>>20355506 Keep forgetting ign and fc >.>
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
Quoted By:
>>20355523 All the Piplups are Calm with Hydro Pump, forgot to mention that.
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20355523 spiritomb please, disc incoming
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20355520 Oh, then we should register FCs
mine is 4356-1700-7121
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20355523 do you have a penta perfect pinsir cause i'll take one
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
>>20355554 Yep, all of them are penta perfect 5IV, actually. Hatched them all in a row, too. That's why I stopped breeding them.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Justin 1564-3230-6500
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20355567 hahaha nice! disc is up btw
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
Quoted By:
>>20355358 Got it now, thanks!
Rob 3497-0622-3729
Quoted By:
I would greatly appreciate anyone who is willing to trade a lvl1 Spheal male with thick fat. I can offer a lvl1 Larvesta male with flame body.
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
>>20355584 Mold Breaker or Hyper Cutter?
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20355571 Great :D What should I give you for it?
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 04:37:17 No. 20355628 Report >>20355523 pinsir pls, discing up!
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20355612 Any thing shiny if you can
If not whatevs fine
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20355601 hmm tough choice... lets go with mold
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
>>20355636 Ok. Sent. It's also a female in a Premier ball, if you're interested in rebreeding.
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20355631 You are a gentleman and a scholar ; _ ;
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
>>20355628 Sent! Enjoy your (flying) bug!
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
>>20355649 aw thanks i lot!.
Clint 1950-9109-0292
Shiny Remoraid and shiny Clauncher up for grabs. Both in net balls.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20355651 No prob dude
I usually get multiples of stuff from giveaways to give to people who miss it.
Thanks for the reuniclus. I've been wanting this one for a while
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
if i ever saw pinsir or, even worse, mega pinsir in real life, i'd run so far and fast that i would end up in space
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
>>20355680 I'll take the Clauncer. Disc is up!
IGN: Silvaretha
Quoted By:
>>20355683 No problem dude
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
Quoted By:
>>20355686 Clauncher* woops! Was so excited haha.
>>20355523 Discing for a piplup
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20355680 Ooo, I would like the Remoraid, please.
>>20355684 I feel you. Could you imagine walking and having one jump out at you? Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>20355711 or flying at you! it looks like a pokemon evil sith lord
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 04:45:06 No. 20355731 Report Quoted By:
>>20355660 Thank you so much!
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20355722 the Pokemon world is a lot more unnerving that some seem to think, really
of course, all the people who live there are quite used to all the wack stuff
Alan 3711-6798-5215
So I still have a bunch of noibats 4-5 ivs in poke ball Idk if anybody wants one but if you do let me know
Travis - 0619-5008-5122 (Rock)
>>20355680 Thank you so much Clint. Great nature too, awesome!
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
if anyone can give me a male togepi (or its evolutions) with extrasensory and nasty plot i would be so happy. breeding that poké takes forever...
Quoted By:
>>20355735 Thanks so much, it my favorite gen 4 starter
Clint 1950-9109-0292
>>20355766 You're welcome! Enjoy!
Ramona !A53nla90hM
http://pastebin.com/CMZ95LsX Luvdiscs only please.
You know the drill. I'll probably only be here for a little while, I'm tired.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20355818 In addition to this list I have six 6IV Level Ball Kangaskhans.
They are Jolly, Early Bird, and know Focus Punch and Comet Punch as egg moves. Serina is the OT and cloned them for me to give away to you all!
If you want one, please specify that you want a 6IV khan and not one of the ones in my pastebin/pic.
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20355818 Can I get that Cleffa? Discing up.
IGN: Silvaretha
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20355761 Can I get a 5 IV one? Disc is up.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20355802 Thank you Clint, as well! This Remoraid is very appreciated.
Kinda random but I like your IGN, by the way (because of reasons).
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 04:55:45 No. 20355858 Report >>20355818 discing up for a cottonee
Clint 1950-9109-0292
>>20355818 Discing for froakie, please.
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20355818 cottonee please
Mugi 2294 4336 9484
>>20355818 Discing for adamant Larvitar
Quoted By:
Anyone have one of the Yveltals or Zygardes that went around earlier today? Id like to get my hands on one of them.
Clint 1950-9109-0292
Quoted By:
>>20355851 You're welcome, and thanks! Haha I've warmed up to it over the years.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20355835 Saw your disc, got sniped. Re-up? Sorry about that.
>>20355859 >>20355864 These sent so far!
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20355905 Thank you so much!
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20355818 buneary disc up
>>20354935 Are you still giving these away
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
Quoted By:
thanks for the night people i'm going to go to sleep. Have fun!
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
>>20355818 disc up for mawile
Clint 1950-9109-0292
Quoted By:
>>20355911 Thank you so much!
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20355911 Disc'd up again. Don't mind the name of the Luvidisc
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 05:03:34 No. 20355967 Report >>20355818 I would love the feebas, if you can spare it, I'll disc up, but feel free to skip me since you already game me the cottonee
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20355872 Sorry, only had sassy left. I need to update the picture. Sent you one anyway
>>20355834 Sent, it has one egg move to relearn. I believe it's Belly Drum
>>20355858 >>20355925 >>20355956 Sent!
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 05:04:50 No. 20355990 Report Quoted By:
>>20355967 >>20355982 Also thank you very much
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20355911 Do you gave more cleffa or was it only one?
Justin 1564-3230-6500
IGN: Silvaretha
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Mugi 2294 4336 9484
Quoted By:
>>20355982 No worries, I can fix the nature myself; it's those Egg moves I was really after
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
>>20355818 Discing for a Magikarp. Thanks in advance.
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20355994 That was my last one, I'm sorry about that!
>>20356032 Sent!
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20356057 No worries, disc up for HA eevee
Conjunct IGN:Noire 1134-7894-2606
>>20355818 I'd like a Feebas. There were two right? Thanks
>>20355818 Disc up for a larvitar
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 05:11:40 No. 20356086 Report Quoted By:
>>20356018 Thank you very much, again.
Mugi 2294 4336 9484
>>20355994 Hey I have an extra penta-perfect cleffa from earlier today, has aromatherapy and wish. You want it?
Justin 1564-3230-6500
>>20356094 yes I would, It'd help me complete Kanto part of dex, give me a sec to disc up
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Alright /vp/ I have a shitload that I need to give away. Fennekin - 2x Male, Bold w/ Magician (5 IV) Pawniard - 4x Female, Adamant w/ Defiant and Sucker Punch (5 IV) Shinx - 1x Male, Jolly w/ Guts and Ice Fang (5 IV) Houndour - 1x Female, Timid w/ Early Bird (5 IV) Lapras - 2x Male, Calm w/ Water Absorb, Dragon Pulse and Freeze Dry (5 IV) Torchic - 12x Male, Adamant w/ Speed Boost, Night Slash and Low Kick (4 IV) Zubat - 17x Female, 13x Male, Adamant w/ Infiltrator, Brave Bird and Steel Wing (4 IV) Mudkip - 2x Female, 6x Male, Adamant w/ Torrent, Ice Ball, Curse, and Avalanche (4 IV) Treecko - 44x Male, Modest w/ Overgrow, Dragon Breath, Leech Seed, Leaf Storm, and Synthesis (4 IV) Karrablast - 1x Male, 2x Female, Adamant w/ Shed Skin, Knock Off, Megahorn, and Counter (4IV) Sneasel - 4x Female, 7x Male, Jolly w/ Pickpocket and Ice Punch (4 IV)
Justin 1564-3230-6500
Quoted By:
>>20356105 >>20356094 it's up, thank you so much
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20356109 No more adamants left, sorry about that
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20356125 Discing for Torchic with Speed Boost
Quoted By:
>>20356129 s'okay i can breed. Thanks anyway
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
>>20356125 Could I get a male Sneasel and are they nicknameable
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20355818 >>20355833 Last call for these.
The following is gone: cleffa, feebas, cottonee, adamant larvitar (sassy is still available)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
>>20356188 Sure, what would you like?
IGN: Silvaretha
Dakoda 5343-9188-5959
Quoted By:
>>20356195 Could you name it Sly Cooper
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails)
Carlos [4914-4039-2495] Fire Type - (Slugma, Growlith, Ninetails) Wed 06 Aug 2014 05:22:18 No. 20356215 Report >>20356191 I'll take an eevee with HA, disc will be up shortly
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
Reposting from earlier in the thread: All Pokemon are 4-5IVs in relevent stats and in Pokeballs unless stated. Here's what I have today: 6 Eevee; Modest; Anticipation; Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 1 Eevee; Calm; Run Away; Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 1 Eevee; Impish; Anticipation; Wish, Stored Power, Curse, Yawn 2 Aron; Adamant; (3 Rock Head, 2 Sturdy); Stealth Rock, Head Smash, Superpower, Curse 2 Absol; Naive; Justified; Zen Headbutt, Megahorn, Play Rough, Baton Pass (Premier Ball) 1 Joltik; Timid; Compound Eyes (Fast Ball)
Justin 1564-3230-6500
Mugi 2294 4336 9484
Quoted By:
>>20356105 No prob man, happy to help
>>20356125 Discing for Pawniard
Does anyone have an extra Hippopotas from their own breeding adventures? I put up a luvdisc. Thank you very much for your consideration.
>>20356125 Going for shinx
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>20356191 Can I get one of those bunearies?
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20356220 Discing for an aron, preferably male but female is fine too. Thank you!
>>20356215 Sent!
>>20356125 Gonna disc for Pawniard
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20356125 Discing up for Houndor, thanks!
>>20356220 discing up for modest Anticipation eevee
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20356220 Discing for joltik, thank you!
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>20356252 Sent!
Alright guys I'm gonna have to call it a night. Thanks for taking my stuff and have a good rest of the day/evening!
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
Quoted By:
>>20356125 Discing for a female Zubat. Thanks in advance.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
>>20356237 Sorry, Justin just beat you!
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20356309 Could i have a male mudkip then?
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20356125 Discing up for a female sneasel.
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
Mugi 2294 4336 9484
>>20356231 Sent, missing IV's in speed, but you shouldn't need it
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
>>20356268 Redo yours you asked for Houndoom.
>>20356261 Not seeing your disc
IGN: Dr.Love Ph.D
Quoted By:
>>20356220 Disking for absol
thanks in advance
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>20356125 Disk up for treecko
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>20356339 Thank you as well!
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20356358 Oh, sorry. I'm stupid, disc is back up.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Quoted By:
>>20356341 Thank you very much! This helps me a LOT!
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Quoted By:
>>20356358 He should be up.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
Quoted By:
Why is Clefairy pure Fairy and Jigglypuff Normal/Fairy? Also, looking for Clefairy leftovers in a pretty ball.
Quoted By:
Anyone got any of the male IV breeders?
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
IGN: Dr.Love Ph.D
Wibe 3480-3805.5217
>>20356125 Looking for a Treecko
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Wibe 3480-3805.5217
Quoted By:
>>20356672 Thanks mate!
1 step closer to the 6 6IV males
>>20356125 disc up for pawniard if any left.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
>>20356712 Absolutely. Sent and enjoy!
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Revised list as of 1:00 AM central time! I think we're getting into the dead hours of /vp/... Fennekin - 2x Male, Bold w/ Magician (5 IV) Pawniard - 1x Female, Adamant w/ Defiant and Sucker Punch (5 IV) Lapras - 2x Male, Calm w/ Water Absorb, Dragon Pulse and Freeze Dry (5 IV) Torchic - 11x Male, Adamant w/ Speed Boost, Night Slash and Low Kick (4 IV) Zubat - 16x Female, 13x Male, Adamant w/ Infiltrator, Brave Bird and Steel Wing (4 IV) Mudkip - 2x Female, 5x Male, Adamant w/ Torrent, Ice Ball, Curse, and Avalanche (4 IV) Treecko - 42x Male, Modest w/ Overgrow, Dragon Breath, Leech Seed, Leaf Storm, and Synthesis (4 IV) Karrablast - 1x Male, 2x Female, Adamant w/ Shed Skin, Knock Off, Megahorn, and Counter (4IV) Sneasel - 3x Female, 7x Male, Jolly w/ Pickpocket and Ice Punch (4 IV)
Quoted By:
>>20355926 yes, i had to let my DS charge but im back
IGN: Dr.Love Ph.D
>>20356793 disk up for female sneasel please
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
Quoted By:
>>20356844 Not seeing your disc?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
>>20356844 Found and sent. Enjoy!
IGN: Dr.Love Ph.D
Quoted By:
>>20356905 Awesome thanks!
M 5215 1603 4416
>>20356793 disc up for female karrablast
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 06:18:39 No. 20356942 Report >>20356793 Female pawniard please, Disc'd up! Thank you
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
M 5215 1603 4416
Lana - 3969-4209-3945
>>20356942 Sent, you got the last one! Enjoy!
M 5215 1603 4416
Quoted By:
any one have a 30iv defence elektrike?
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Wed 06 Aug 2014 06:33:49 No. 20357086 Report >>20356972 thank you so much! Could I also trouble you for a female sneasel?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945