I am looking for a Meloetta on XY as a gift to my boss at work since he gave me his Groudon. It's the only Pokemon he needs and since he never played the 5th gen games and thus, never got the event, I was hoping I could find a place on the internet to help me out. I suppose I'm not against cloned Pokemon for this, but I won't push anyone to clone. I can trade 4-5 IV Pokemon (Shellder, Fukamaru/Gible, Eevee, Fokko/Fenikin, Yayakoma/? and a 6IV Hitokage/Charmander), all Japanese. In the first place, I'm still not used to /vp/, so please treat me kindly! Any help is appreciated. =3
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20370007 Post friend code, and I can give you one of my clones.
Joshua 4012 5597 1446
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FC: 2165-5389-8955 Greatly appreciated! Any preference on which Pokemon you want?
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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>>20370048 Do you have an extra one that i could have?
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Thu 07 Aug 2014 01:42:24 No. 20370104 Report Quoted By:
>>20370007 Your boss and I have the same problem. I have 718 pokemon, except for Meloetta.
>>20370048 Can I have one too? I've been looking for a long time.
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Thu 07 Aug 2014 01:45:16 No. 20370147 Report Quoted By:
>>20370048 Oops. Should've thought about the publicity this would get here. I'm OP/20370078, BTW. Just friend me and let me know which Pokemon from the list you might be interested in, if any, and I'll be logged into the game.
Kori FC: 2234 - 8425 - 2804
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Aaaaand last, but not least, my in-game name is ヂュノ, just like you see on the bottom right of the OP illustration.
Joshua 4012 5597 1446
>>20370214 I'm OP dont let him lie to you.
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 01:56:12 No. 20370306 Report Quoted By:
>>20370247 Gah, I suck at posting on imageboards like 4chan... I guess there's a set way that people do it? Let's try this.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
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I'm a random person but if anyone wants to give me a meloetta, i'd be glad to take one haha
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 01:57:28 No. 20370327 Report Quoted By:
>>20370288 ...Wait, what?
If he wants proof, my in-game name matches the OP illustration.
Jordan 1435-4880-1098
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>>20370048 If you don't mind either, I would appreciate a clone, to complete my pokedex.
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 02:07:07 No. 20370475 Report Quoted By:
Gah. It has been noted to me that I'm supposed to carry my trade requests to a wifi thread (otherwise, it's spam). As such, I apologize for the post and though I haven't received a Meloetta yet, I will post a request there. Last post in this topic, but thanks for the consideration!
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Okay, so, OP, I can clone you one now that I'm home. And I can clone some for.... Three more people. If anyone has a shiny Bagon, I'd appreciate that, but otherwise its not an issue. Just need like, half an hour to make the four clones.
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 02:22:11 No. 20370706 Report Quoted By:
>>20370532 Are you sure? I'm trying to play by the rules, but I appreciate the help regardless! And thanks to others for giving me the benefit of the doubt, despite my blunder. =3
>>20370532 Do you still have those clones? I am intrested in one of them
>>20370828 bite me, asshole
>>20370863 stay classy, beggar.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Cloning. Should be done soon (got pizza first)
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>>20370765 I hate beggars like this
do you have anything to give??
>>20370935 y'know mate? I'm not here to talk with a troll, so fuck you, i do not fucking care what you say
kensei 1864-9151-8428
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>>20370532 >Just i need moletta pls
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>>20371023 Stay mad, good luck with those giveaways. kek
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
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>>20370532 I would like one too, trying to fill up the dex.
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 02:53:05 No. 20371231 Report >>20370990 Thank you. I know the Meloetta is just a clone, but as a thanks, I have two extra legit shiny legendary dogs: Entei and Suicune. If you don't want one of the mere 4-5IV Pokemon I listed in the OP, I'm willing to let go of one of these two extras. Despite me breaking unwritten rules I wasn't aware of, you treated me well, so it's the least I can do.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20371231 W,w,w,whoa. Entei? I need that fool to finish my Job to Dex!
>>20371221 You missed a couple of post... you can't even troll properly :D
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 02:56:09 No. 20371266 Report Quoted By:
>>20371246 Then Entei it is! Glad I found something of more worth for your efforts!
>>20371255 >using emoticon on an imageboard Are you really this fucking new,
jew? lr
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>>20371232 is that a legit meloetta? or a genner one?
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genner for sure
>>20371272 well, i'll be sincere, actually this is my first tim posting on /vp/, i usually just lurk around on othe imageboards...
>>20371232 if that is a legit meloetta im willing to trade a hp fire quiet diance, hp fire timid jirachi, 5iv kb drakrai, hp fire modest xerneas and a 6iv zygarde
Tu 3840-7531-7361
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>>20371406 Damn. I wish I knew if it was or not. As far as I know, its legit
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 03:06:42 No. 20371434 Report >>20371352 I was told after I posted that threads like this interfere with the board by bumping down other threads of better worth (since I should've posted this in a wifi thread, as I now know). Thus, I ask that people post only when necessary here. When Tu is done giving out the Meloetta, please let the thread die. >x<;
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 03:10:56 No. 20371482 Report And NOW I learn about saging. |||OTL I will get this down. Eventually.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Okay, Adding OP, Isabelle, and Rens. I'll send you guys a trade request.
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 03:15:45 No. 20371534 Report >>20371482 Thank you! I'll wait for your friend message and will have that Entei ready for you as soon as I see you online!
Leroy 3067-6621-2482
>>20371514 >>20371406 that guy, can i have one? if so pls tell me why you need from above
Jordan 1435-4880-1098
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>>20371514 You said you were looking for a shiny bagon, would a shellgon suffice or must it be a bagon?
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20371550 sure, after I trade these three, I'll make another. I'll even throw in a shiny jirachi or latios
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Nobody gives a fuck about your backstory just ask for a Melloetta.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
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Doesn't seem like Rens or Istabelle are online. If they don't show up, I'll move on to the next persons,
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
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>>20371564 If you still have the will to trade I would like one Meloetta too.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20371534 Enjoy the Meloetta, Latios, and Jirachi. :3
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom]
ヂュノ 2165-5389-8955 [Mankey, Throh, Breloom] Thu 07 Aug 2014 03:31:44 No. 20371703 Report Quoted By:
>>20371686 Whoa. Wasn't expecting the last two. I just traded my other shiny dog and a 6IV Char that was used to breed the Charmander I illustrated for the opening (took 4001 eggs, so it might be cursed...). I hope you like them!
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Okay, so the other two aren't online. Adding... Cianter, and Jordan. I'd love the shellgon.
Jordan 1435-4880-1098
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>>20371739 okay, I'll be ready and waiting
Jordan 1435-4880-1098
>>20371739 As i told you before, if you got any spare alredy clonded can you give it to me? Otherwise thank you anyway
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
>>20371826 Did you add me? I haven't see you yet.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20371865 Added you, but I didn't see you online. I can make one more for you, it'll just take another minute or two, and you'd be the last tonight.
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>>20371826 thank you a lot mr, you made my day
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
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>>20371878 Oh thats weird, then I'll be waiting, If it is not much trouble I would like a latios too, but if not thats good too.
>>20371878 >TU >pronombre español hablas español?
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20371905 Hablo un poco de español
ANDREA 3711 8157 5420
>>20371905 Eres tambien un pronombre italiano
>>20371926 >>20371943 yo tambien hablo español, soy chileno :)
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
>>20371926 Still can't see me online? maybe you wrote my FC wrong. I double checked if I wrote wrong yours, but its ok.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20372031 she's ready. adding and looking now.
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
Thanks man, I got disconnected after the trade sorry about that.
Tu 3840-7531-7361
>>20372107 It's cool. I was gonna give you the Arceus for being a good sport and having patience in my cloning.
Still, enjoy! and goodnight everyone.
Cianter 3840- 5371- 3002
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>>20372123 Damn my connection, ha! Thanks again, good night,