Not gonna cap it. I'll copy paste the rest.
You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Which POKÉMON do you want to FUCK in a NASTY STICKY MESS
Stranger 2: Bulbasaur
Stranger 2: Always
Stranger 1: Prolly that mess ditto
Stranger 1: squishy lovemachine.
Stranger 2: What a cum bucket
Stranger 2: Good for lube
Stranger 1: Ehh..
Stranger 1: I think I could get it to work
Stranger 2: he's all gooey
Stranger 1: I know
Stranger 1: Thats my fetish
Stranger 2: Bulbasaur though
Stranger 2: He'd be a challenge
Stranger 2: I like that
Stranger 2: He'd resist
Stranger 1: He wouldn't
Stranger 2: And those vines could go places
Stranger 1: That fag secretly loves it
Stranger 1: nasty, nasty bulba
Stranger 2: You know nothing of this art, sir!
Stranger 1: What about weepinbell?
Stranger 2: Too winey
Stranger 1: moderat sized opening
Stranger 1: I like it if they struggle
Stranger 1: Your tears only make me harder and stuff
Stranger 2: You wanna make em' gag don't ya!
Stranger 1: Of course I want
Stranger 1: What about that think with the french sounding name and the sword on the chest
Stranger 1: Gardevour I belive
Stranger 2: The fuck?
Stranger 2: I'm only familiar with the first, a little of the second generation
Stranger 1: Ehh.. Its third. W8. Lemme send you a pic. looks like a human kiiiiinda
Stranger 2: Okey doke
Stranger 1: 1: I'd hit that fo days
Stranger 2: Shit
Stranger 2: That thing looks seductive!
Stranger 1: It does
Stranger 1: There is soo much fanfic about that thing
Stranger 2: Who the fuck is designing these pokemon!??!
Stranger 1: Lonely, lonely asians
Stranger 2: Think of the children!
Stranger 2: VEry true..
Stranger 2: Although they did make Dragonball Z
Stranger 2: Which I applaud
Stranger 1: I don't complain. I jerked of so much to that thing when gen 3 was still new
Stranger 1 is typing...