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First for previous thread:
>>20319112 daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Thu 07 Aug 2014 21:56:20 No. 20382431 Report Quoted By:
Toasting new bread like it's my job :^)
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
Fourth for lewd Volcarona.
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Thu 07 Aug 2014 22:23:25 No. 20382725 Report Ice gym closed for the day. Good luck to the rest of the leaders today :^)
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Thu 07 Aug 2014 22:48:04 No. 20382975 Report >>20382925 quickly, quickly. I do have to bail bretty quick after though
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20382975 Please remember to update my win as well :3
Tim! I'm here and awaiting to crush or be crushed!
It's do or die time!
Quoted By:
Who wanna trade
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20382975 Fucckk yes you scared me again man, GGs
Quoted By:
Who wanna battle
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>Shone Delibird I will raise it and love it Nips
Nips [ign Kyle] Mobile !IWDmuhDick
Quoted By:
>>20383226 Good games buddy. Hope i gave you
the chills Nips [ign Kyle] Mobile !IWDmuhDick
>>20383242 Oh yeah. Special badgemon for you. Enjoy
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20383329 I shall, it will gift the opponents ... with their own demise
Kirzi, tiem 4 chimp battaru
Octvaius, I got your Nidoking as well
Octavius/Tobias (PHONE)
Quoted By:
>>20383384 Yo, champ in making...
I'll be on later to pick that up, thanks again!
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Tim I have to get ready for work within a half hour so I hope you wake up in that time.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Thu 07 Aug 2014 23:35:51 No. 20383596 Report >>20383570 Im up!
Flying gym open!
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Thu 07 Aug 2014 23:44:28 No. 20383713 Report >>20383617 Alright!
So current order is Dr. Dreddikus then Stratos!
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Thu 07 Aug 2014 23:55:59 No. 20383912 Report >>20383822 Good games Dredd!
Both should have been winnable for me, but the game works in mysterious ways sometimes! Take on the champ now!
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20383822 The RNG was strong with me today. GG Tim! The last two matches you had the crits and didn't miss a Fire Blast, I guess it was my turn to have some luck.
8th badge get!
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20383912 (I don't feel bad for the fire blast, but oh man that t bolt paralyses followed by actually being paralyzed. That was pretty cringe worthy)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
>>20383921 >Dred gets 8th badge as well Oh snap! That's cool for me, since I just wanna be champ and restart again with a new team. I wanna see how many times I can make it to the top.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 00:00:11 No. 20383994 Report >>20383924 Done and done.
Waiting on Stratos, then you will be up Druides.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>20383994 Almost done fighting a random passers by wait never mind he just disconnected.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 00:24:49 No. 20384426 Report Quoted By:
>>20384055 gg Stratos!
Druides is up!
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 00:39:35 No. 20384645 Report Quoted By:
GG Druides! Anyone else for flying gym?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>Take a nap >Suddenly two people with eight badges. Well. Who's first?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20385440 GGs, that flinch in game 2 was pretty brutal and game changing. Here's hoping Dred beats you so I don't have to face that fucking Mawile.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>20385858 Yea, that was a lucky flinch. Also match 1 last turn was a misclick, just for info, haha. Good games.
Kirzi wins 2-1.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Fri 08 Aug 2014 02:45:45 No. 20386485 Report Grvio, Patty or Leo Spaceman?
Quoted By:
>>20386485 >Leo Spaceman hahaha nice try
Quoted By:
>>20386485 >Leo >on a weekday topkek
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20387956 Available for a rematch?
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>20388165 sure gimme a sec
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20388165 internet is being a pain with my 3ds. we will have to do this later
Thunder 2852-8112-5667 !65LFairyME
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
Get your Canadian ass on Skype. Thunder 2852-8112-5667 !65LFairyME
>>20388602 IT'S
Quoted By:
why the new leaders?
Quoted By:
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
No, seriously, get on Skype. Come ride the hype train with everyone. Thunder 2852-8112-5667 !65LFairyME
Quoted By:
>>20389025 fat chance. it's on.
Nips [mobile as fuck]
M-mega ludicolo and mega Mamoswine when
Thunder 2852-8112-5667 !65LFairyME
Quoted By:
>>20389025 also my skype is falling apart
Thunder 2852-8112-5667 !65LFairyME
>>20389267 never, bitch. get on the dragon and fairy hype train while you can.
preasu understandu Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 06:41:12 No. 20389900 Report >>20389464 Im already on thunder.
>>20389900 >>20389464 can I fight you guyssss
Tim (Flying Gym)
>>20389914 Who are youuuuj??
garfield 2809-8233-7598 !!yTAQ0+OuCLS
Nips [mobile as fuck]
>>20390077 Oh, I got your badge. Comin on
Tim (Flying Gym)
>>20390077 Sure I think I have time. Ill add you now.
garfield 2809-8233-7598 !!yTAQ0+OuCLS
Quoted By:
>>20390268 git online anytime m8
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 07:10:51 No. 20390427 Report Quoted By:
>>20390268 So turns out my ride is early.
Sorry garfield.
Tomorrow Ill be around from 8-9am AEST (15 hours from now)
garfield 2809-8233-7598 !!yTAQ0+OuCLS
Quoted By:
>>20390249 thank you for the bademon!
mega mence banned to ubers in the first few months. just watch.>higher bst than it already has >intimidate >aerialate
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>get off work early >go into chat >alone MFW Dead hours are real
>>20390852 What normal moves does it have access to?
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20390940 Return and Thrash. Seems like a different M Pinser minus the quick attack.
>>20391066 Don't forget usable hyper beam :^)
And dragon dance
>>20391123 and fireblast and hypervoice deargod this thing is powerful...
Callum 4098-2678-4492 !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
>>20390940 Gee, If only there was a site I could look up to tell me.
Return/Hyper Voice/DoubleEdge/Thrash/Frustration/Hyper Beam/Giga Impact/etc Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
Chimp battle habbening
Callum 4098-2678-4492 !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Leo Spaceman 1993-7909-2609
It's that time of the week again.. Grass Gym is now open!
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
And Dred defeats Kirzi 2-1. Really close battles - it was fun. WPMW-WWWW-WWW9-WEX5 AW4W-WWWW-WWW9-WEX8 32RW-WWWW-WWW9-WEXD
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
GG Kirzi! The mind games during round 3 were crazy. One call could've changed the outcome. New Chimp :3
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20391643 Hey Dred, I know you just got the throne and everything ... but I need to challenge you. Let me know when would be a good time! Looking forward to this, we always had good battles when I was dark rep last time, hoping these are good as well
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20391636 REKT
Guys I just woke up, mega confirms? ????
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20393884 Hey no prob, I expected that. I look forward to it! I'll be ready around 5:15pm mountain time. So about 9 hours from now.
These should be interesting
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20394583 Sounds good, I'll try to be available for then
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
Steel Gym open very early for a change! Face my metal!
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
>>20390852 >>20391066 >>20391123 >>20391143 I think Mega Salamence is going to be mediocre mega at best, and not going to be used much. Aerilate isn't a significant change to its capabilities and will give little reason to use it over regular Salamence, also considering it would prevent you from using a truly remarkable mega. This is a M-Garchomp and M-Scizor tier mega. Especially for mono Flying teams, I don't foresee M-Salamence being used much. I haven't seen its typing mentioned, I assume it will remain Dragon/Flying, though a changeup could make it noteworthy.
Altaria on the other hand- I thought GF would never do Dragon/Fairy, but now I see Altaria can learn Moonblast naturally, so it shouldn't have been too surprising afterall. M-Altaria's usefulness will likely come down to what they're doing for its base stats, but I think just the typing and ability plus any kind of mega-boosted base stats are going to make this a very useful mega. Hype for sure.
Hoping to come back to the challenge by next weekend. Maybe.
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20395860 Mega Altaria is wanting me to go try Fairy again.
I've been waiting for Dragon/Fairy since Gen 6 announced Fairies.
So much hype, can't wait for the 100 BST stat spread to determine if I want to make this nigga Bulky, Physically or Specially Offensive, or a mixed attacker / bulky mixed.
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
SO! I finally will be making time to breed badges for hours on end. The following individuals shall be receiving my official badge: Ryan Kirzi Haris Rena Samus Joaco I apologize again for having you all wait so long, especially those who have waited longer than others! Work life has kept me pretty busy for breeding.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
I'm her Fred if you want the lapras
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
Steel Gym closed for the day!
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
>>20397154 noice, I'm planning on using a team of badges next so that'll come in handy
Leo Spaceman 1993-7909-2609
>>20391623 Your best opportunity to face the Grass Gym will be for the next 12 hours or so, I'll be here all day.
I'm assuming it's not still ded hours and you Americans don't actually have plans on a Friday night, r-right?
Tim (Flying Gym)
>>20402085 Also flying gym opennnnnnn
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20402085 I'm trying to have plans.
Fuck hanging out with you guys on a Friday night again. :^)
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Leo Spaceman 1993-7909-2609
>>20402294 Righto.
Adding you now, boss.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 23:25:30 No. 20402451 Report >>20402378 username Samus right?
Ill jump online and it will be on!
>>20402451 Yep and alrighty!
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20397977 Seems I'm always sleeping when you're on (due to me being on nights). So if you could hang onto it until we're both online that'd be great!
>>20394660 I was lurking to see if you were here. I gotta get ready for work now though, but I'll be home in around 13.hours if you're online then.
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20395860 M altaria on flying monos. Like flying doesn't have enough choices lol.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20402737 ah jeez, you shoulda said somethin', I've been waiting. Oh well, I suppose it can wait.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Fri 08 Aug 2014 23:51:13 No. 20402898 Report Quoted By:
>>20402419 You there? I want to fite.
Quoted By:
>>20402451 GG, those were nice
I lose, 1-2
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Fri 08 Aug 2014 23:51:36 No. 20402901 Report >>20402467 Good matches Samus!
I love Darmanitan, used it last season!
Look forward to our battle tomorrow!
Tim wins 2-1
Quoted By:
>>20402901 Yeah I love em too, looking forward to it!
>>20402085 Lining up for a challenge
Leo Spaceman 1993-7909-2609
>>20402294 Good games, Stratos, You can rematch me later on today if you don't feel like waiting til whenever I'll be online again.
Next up is Joaco,
and then this mysterious challenger!
>>20402942 Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>20403147 Well I'm gonna reset since I know I can't beat you Balk-saur unless I get lucky.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 00:15:51 No. 20403231 Report Quoted By:
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
Octavius get your booty online brotha
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Sat 09 Aug 2014 00:19:00 No. 20403270 Report >>20403166 challenge me when ready.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
So I go to the Nintendo Eshop to see if anything new was up, and I saw there was gunna be some free DLC for Mario Kart 8. I was excited, because I heard somewhere that they may add more characters this way, such as Diddy Kong, and Dry Bones. So when I load up the video, what do you think I see? Mario and pals driving in fucking Mercedes-Benz A part of my childhood has died forever.
Haris 4425 - 1624 - 7304
Quoted By:
>>20403439 Yeah mang it looks like shit
Leo Spaceman 1993-7909-2609
>>20402942 Sorry about the delay, but 95% of the time Grass is relying on stalling so the battle will almost certainly be longer than usual.
Anyway, adding you now and hopefully you're still around to battle.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>20403270 >>20403920 I'm ready when you are.
Quoted By:
>>20403439 You realize it's free right?
Quoted By:
>>20403920 Oh yeah, whenever you're ready go ahead and challenge, I understand.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Sat 09 Aug 2014 00:56:00 No. 20403967 Report Quoted By:
>>20403940 ok, getting team ready then it is on
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20403439 Are you fucking serious?
top fucking kek
whatever, I'll download it Also my Wii U name is TheUltraGRV to any of you fags that might also have a Wii U.
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20402854 Crap didn't see you online, my schedule is so off right now. One of these days I'll see you online.
>>20402859 Haha you should've said something! I'm not in the mood to do jack shit right when I wake up lol.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20404003 i actually dont just sit online, ill wait for you to answer
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 01:15:06 No. 20404277 Report Come on down to the Chill Colosseum and brave sub-zero temperature and terrible ice puns attempting to crack me! Only open for the next little bit, so request quickly!
Quoted By:
>>20403920 Good games there
I lose, 1-2
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Quoted By:
Holy shit that was lucky GG tim.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Sat 09 Aug 2014 01:24:25 No. 20404405 Report Quoted By:
>>20403940 Great games Stratos!
Was hoping you weren't running max speed there, but you were! Oh well!
I don't think Stone Miss missed once.
Stratos wins 2-1
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 01:29:15 No. 20404477 Report Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>20404477 Hold on right after leo
Leo Spaceman 1993-7909-2609
>>20404499 What just happened?!
I'll give you the win, anyway.
Things would've went down in the following order, Ludicolo takes out the rk9 only to be Brave Birded by a Stury Skarmory!
Great game again Stratos. You truly found away round that Venusaur.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>20404909 Fucking internet decides it want to flip it's shit. But GG didn't think venusaur would be that much trouble.
>>20404277 Nipple prepare yourself.
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 02:04:51 No. 20405018 Report Quoted By:
>>20404996 forgot a mon. gib sec pls
Quoted By:
Did chat move again?
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 02:11:47 No. 20405119 Report Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Quoted By:
>>20405119 Yup let battle another time.
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20404038 I'm usually asleep the hours you message me is all I meant.
The only times I'm regularly available is 7-9am mountain.
But maybe this weekend I'll have more time and I'll be on at a regular interval instead of dead hours.
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 03:45:27 No. 20406759 Report The Canadian Chill Colosseum is still open, for those interested!
>>20406759 gimmie a sec, re-reading tourney rules
Quoted By:
>>20406977 If anyones here, can I drop a skype into the email field?
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>20407177 up for a match?
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20407335 Not at the moment, I apologize. I use one of my team members for breeding and I'm behind on badges heavily.
I'm around very often, so fear not. We shall do battle soon.
Unless you really won't have any time soon, then I'll make an exception. Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>20407189 >Check out speed tiers >Realize just how fast Pyroar is Damn, he is pretty sanic fast.
I think I will go timid.
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Sat 09 Aug 2014 05:09:12 No. 20408067 Report Quoted By:
Anyone need flying gym?
Who's taking part on them doubles event? Also Actias, just make a 2nd account if you're so paranoid.
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 05:45:06 No. 20408628 Report lurking for possible challengers ITT: Corocoro leaks. Opinions? Shitflinging? Plans for the OR/AS tourney with these new megas?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 05:49:48 No. 20408713 Report Quoted By:
>>20408628 Waiting on M-Dusknoir.
Octavius (IGN:Tobias)
>>20407177 Doesn't matter unless it has Hyper Beam...
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 05:57:30 No. 20408819 Report Quoted By:
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 08:07:29 No. 20410225 Report Quoted By:
Ice gym closed for the night!
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Decided I'd fight Nips to get nine badges just for fun. Here's a funny replay you should all check out. 3RZW-WWWW-WWW9-X35E
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 09:32:00 No. 20410888 Report Quoted By:
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20409947 You still online? Work ended early
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
From the dead bump
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20388330 Dude I am actually getting excited. New Normal Mega? Heck yeah. Mega Mom is cool and all but I always feel a bit cheap for using it, even with my self-imposed limits. I'm still probably not getting ORAS, though. Still can't believe they gave Sableye a Mega. You don't mega evolve Satan himself...
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
Quoted By:
>>20407501 I always go Timid on Pyroar. Modest doesn't seem to kill anything important that Timid doesn't already.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>20414785 omg aniny
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
Quoted By:
>>20408767 Did something epic happen with Hyper Beam on Pyroar? Sounds sexy.
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20414848 Hi daniel!
Hey are you guys still hanging out in the chat? could you email me the link if you are?
I can't play Pokemon because my 3DS charger is in my car, which is in the repair shop.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
>>20414869 OMG, Aniny! HI!
I'm gonna have to email you about that.
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
>>20414785 Hey man, long time no see! I'm personally excited for mega Altaria.
What has happened to chat guys? I'm seeing no one in it. Rena 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
Quoted By:
>>20414869 >>20414893 Hang on, I'll get in chat and explain.
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
Quoted By:
>>20414887 >>20414893 SUUUP?!
Yeah it has been forever, huh? Sorry. Always a lot going on in my world. I still don't play Pokemon anymore, really, but I'm not against doing it occasionally :3
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>20414785 >Not getting ORAS For what purpose?
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20415058 Even if the Megas are cool, it doesn't offer me anything new I haven't done a million times. I never cared for Hoenn, for the most part, and that doesn't help matters.
When actual gen 7 hits, maybe I will rejoin the Pokemon scene a bit more.
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>20415105 How dare you not like what I like!
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20415215 I am just bold and daring like that.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20415256 ANINY!
what's up man
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 18:20:59 No. 20415698 Report Wellp, I finally defeated Patty, which means it's time to challenge the CHamp.
Dredd, if you are reading this, let's arrange a time for our battle
>>20415256 Sup, nigga
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Dreddikus, I'm probably a couple/few hours late but thought I'd try and see if you were on now.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 18:27:06 No. 20415826 Report >>20415801 You nigger, it's my time to shine.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20415826 Eat shit ghost nerd, my shitmons want the top spot
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 18:30:13 No. 20415891 Report >>20415867 I-I'm not a nerd...
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 18:35:13 No. 20415983 Report Quoted By:
>>20415961 Go eat more hotpockets, gratisman
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20415686 What is up, my beastly protege?
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20415826 sup negro?
I'm at work selling storage sheds, but I'm keeping this tab open to hang out here when there are no customers :3
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20416096 Nothing much, just wrecking scrubs
for free how about you
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 18:47:32 No. 20416176 Report >>20416124 Just here, chilling.
Decided to gave up my gym leader position so I could rekt my old comrades and become Chump.
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20415867 >>20415698 Dat problem.
Lol actually Ryan you're more than 3 hours early lol.
Luckily, chimp doesn't have to work tonight and I woke up really early. Give me 15-20 to wake up and I'll take a challenger (or both if I win)
first? Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 20:06:03 No. 20417520 Report >>20417501 If Ryan is here, I'll let him go first.
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20416239 Also, hi Aniny. Didn't talk to you much last season, but it's still nice to see a familiar face.
Even if it is Mr.Burns lol Anonymous
>>20417530 Sup Dred? Did you use a bug team to become champ?
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20417520 Mkay. Was gonna let him go first since he got 8 badges first. But he's also been champ this season. But if you'll be so kind, that makes it easier.
Ryan, if you're here, get ready to
you know the rest fagget :3 Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>20417593 Oh I'm here! I'll get on now
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
>>20417580 Unfortunately not. I tried a bug team last season and got rekt. And with Tim on flying, my hopes would've been crushed.
Next season I'll try a mono run again! (If I don't make leader)
Dr. Dredikkus (Champ) 5043-2124-2195
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20417616 GG Ryan. I hate you're team (clefable and char X). But I got rekt.
New champ
No one watch these unless you want to watch me be destroyed. The matches aren't very good.
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
New chimp! Ggs Fred, clefable really carried me and neutralized that belly drum boost. One: KYSW-WWWW-WWW9-XEYQ Two: CEGW-WWWW-WWW9-XEYT
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Sat 09 Aug 2014 20:41:05 No. 20418025 Report Quoted By:
>>20417609 Ryan, It's time
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20417992 VYVW-WWWW-WWW9-XEJ2 (clefable kills everything)
TG3W-WWWW-WWW9-XEYV (mis predict sticky web, should've used shadow claw)
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
>>20418022 DRED * damn autocorrect LOL
And ya Joaco let's go I just wanted to get champ spot with this team. I'm on now
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
I'm gunna get blue'd by losing champ spot right now but that's cool with Mr I wanna start over again asap
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20418022 Yeah, that stupid unaware really had me. Should've brought my slowbro knowing it didn't have magic guard, but I didn't know you had X and not Y. Which changes who I bring.
Now that I know it's X I would've chosen different pokes. Oh well, tyme to git gud I guess.
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>20418084 I thought you'd bring slowbro second match, which is why I packed galvy, fun games though.
Also GG Joaco, successful defense. You mind posting bids? I'm on my phone and it'd be a pain. Pretty wicked games there too.
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20418278 Damnit Joaco! You're supposed to win so I could challenge you!
Now I gotta wait 3 days to challenge Ryan...;_;
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>20418278 Damn, too bad I got taken out or I might still be on top.
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
Turns out I only saved the first bid but its pretty fuckin awesome, my gligar puts in some work. RPWG-WWWW-WWW9-XFXN
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20418336 still here dred?
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:44:19 No. 20418887 Report >>20416239 Hey friend!
Been exciting/busy time for me
Once, the Steel Leader. Now, the Ice Leader.
The Chill Colosseum is open for a little while; don't get cold feet now!
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:54:45 No. 20419054 Report Quoted By:
>>20418982 that's because he likes boys, Ryan.
>>20418887 mah nips are COLD
What it is, man. Life has been all over the place for me. Lots of cares and worries as usual but that is how this life goes. I'm still trying to learn how to be a better man.
Aniny !guyK6p/mWE
>>20419238 oh wait it's me
i was shitposting in some inconsequential /vp/ thread
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 22:18:30 No. 20419393 Report >>20419351 i figured haha
i just worked 8 in a row so im getting some much needed R&R
Haris 4425 - 1624 - 7304
Quoted By:
>>20419393 pls nips you can keep on going after just 8 :^)
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 22:39:39 No. 20419734 Report New babby bump
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20418855 Yes, are you? Took a nap lol
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>20419734 Damn nig you hatch a lot of shones
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 22:51:26 No. 20419949 Report >>20419895 up to 40 something now I think. That's the last one I'm gonna do for a while though. Breeding up Bergmite as my badgemon while I wait for any challengers
implying Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20419949 Speaking of which. Can I get my bergmite badge?
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
When does the mono-type tournament start up again?
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 22:55:42 No. 20420006 Report >>20419960 yeah, lemme jump on
>>20419979 just in the gym challenge phase right now, so not until OR/AS launches
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>20420006 I have a avalugg with 0 speed if you need to borrow, has mirror coat too
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 23:07:11 No. 20420159 Report Quoted By:
>>20420101 im allright, but thanks for the offer bruv.
ice gym's gonna be closing relatively soon, so if you need a battle, now's the time
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20420006 Ty Nips!
Starting to get quite a nice collection of mons I need to EV train and level!
top row of pokes are perfect/penta perfect! Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 23:10:38 No. 20420210 Report >>20420176 they all look like they're gonna be a bunch of fun to use down the road
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
>>20420176 I-is that my sandile? ;_; oh man
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20420210 They sure are! I can't wait haha. Might make a team of just them (the ones that I need to breed slightly will be given the names of the leaders too)
The ones that are perfect will be left alone, cause I'm Lazy
>>20420305 Haha sure is!
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sat 09 Aug 2014 23:19:59 No. 20420388 Report Quoted By:
Ice Gym closed for the rest of the day
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>20419734 wow fucking lucky fuck you ;-;
but like I said I didn't like the shiny pallet anyway Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
Yay got my pokebro to the top, along with TopKek the Kecleon
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Nips MOBILE [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips MOBILE [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:09:45 No. 20421916 Report Quoted By:
>>20420409 His palette is a bit altered for X/Y. It's so good now. Pleased as fuck
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Sun 10 Aug 2014 02:34:17 No. 20423183 Report Quoted By:
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>20420409 I'm assuming that you can trade now?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>20424767 Oh, I didn't check post timers before making that assumption.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
Post: Bump edition
Quad !WaterDPMuc
I Havent checked in this general lately, are we about to move into the next season?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20426153 nah nigga, next tourney aint for a while. Prob gunna do a Super Smash tourney, though. Next mono tourney gunna be after ORAS comes out
Nips MOBILE [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips MOBILE [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sun 10 Aug 2014 06:12:53 No. 20426347 Report Bump. Drunk bump
Quad !WaterDPMuc
>>20426239 >>20426347 I see, do you guys still get on the chat? last few times ive been on the chat was dead.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20426503 couple of tards have made the chat shitty so we moved over to skype, if you go in chat now and give your skype address i can add you in, if i figure out how
Quad !WaterDPMuc
>>20426528 uh dang, I dont have skype. Even then Im not online enough to really be active for that type of stuff again. Ill just check in every week or so to see how things are going.
However, im in the mood for a battle, if you're up. Doesnt have to be mono type or anything
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20426557 can't battle right now, sorry dude. Gunna have to leave the house any second now. WiFi threads always have nigs who wanna battle though
Quad !WaterDPMuc
>>20426589 Alright cool, ill check in some time next week and I guess ill make a skype, cya.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20426624 cool, it'd be good to have ya back in the tourney next time for more shenanigans like your battles with Hamwall
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Posting on the off chance Joey is around
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20426640 >mfw it's 2014 and I get name dropped Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
>>20427128 I still have my Hamwall Mawile! You're fairies, oh the nightmares.
>>20427750 Fairies rule man.
>tfw I found out the Mawiles I was giving out was better then the one I was using Mine was only like a 4 max
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Quoted By:
>>20427917 Haha! The one you have me is penta perfect, so that's hilarious
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20426712 S-still around?
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sun 10 Aug 2014 19:32:10 No. 20434908 Report Quoted By:
Ice gym open for the next little bit!
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
Damn thunderstorms killed my Internet. ;-;
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
Dead thread is dead Also looking for gym leaders to feed to my fairies
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sun 10 Aug 2014 20:13:07 No. 20435595 Report Hamwall !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>20435595 Let the best Ham win
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20435780 You're next after Nips then
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sun 10 Aug 2014 20:41:02 No. 20436078 Report Good games, Hamwall! I hope that my ice team gave you chills Should be interesting to see how far your team goes.
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>20436078 GG Nips
>>20435861 You're Next Patty
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20435861 Friend Code: 0834 1708 5329
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
>>20436136 Alright I'm ready for you.
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20436167 Need your friend code man
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Normal Gym is taking challengers
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20436597 You're next once Patty give me my badge
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
>>20436651 gg Hamwall. You out bested me, even with a type disadvantage.
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20436597 Need your friend code
0834 1708 5329
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Hamwall, it's on the challenger doc. All of our friend codes.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>20436727 Sorry I don't do FCs
Put something on gts for a milktank
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20436709 I thought I was fucked as soon as powder was everywhere. Still kinda surprised I made a come back after that
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Sun 10 Aug 2014 21:18:59 No. 20436773 Report Quoted By:
>>20436757 want that quiet pory? It's reaaaaaady
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
Quoted By:
>>20436761 Missed megahorn helps. Also me thinking you had two megas.
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
>>20436757 Sorry, didn't think about that. And the doc only works when it wants to for me
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20436879 It's no big deal, just letting you know so you don't have to keep asking~
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>20436761 GG man. those were intense!
Hamwall !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>20437487 GG Joey.
I will be back tomorrow for a rematch
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Dr. Dredikkus 5043-2124-2195
Bump for Joaco beat Ryan! :P Or I'm going to tomorrow! (If he's on lol)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
>>20439933 :^)
Joaco if you're around let's battle
Joaco [Ghost Gym] !BOoOOO//nc
Quoted By:
>>20440132 Let's do it nigger
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Quoted By:
Another successful title defense against Joaco Ryan 2 - Joaco 1 Here's the third and final match. It was really cool, I highly suggest checking it out. A lot of mindgames going on. GZJG-WWWW-WWW9-29QM I won second match due to RNG luck, I don't expect the same will happen tomorrow. You should expect a new chimp.
ᵈᵃᶰᶦᵉᶫ - 0619 4281 7615
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb. Mon 11 Aug 2014 02:47:38 No. 20442825 Report Quoted By:
Tim (Flying Gym)
Quoted By:
I can take one battle before work if anyone is interested!!
Patty [Poison Sub Gym] !jvn.vFkSd2
Quoted By:
Poison gym is now closed for the night.
This is singles, doubles or VGC?
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Mon 11 Aug 2014 04:08:03 No. 20444307 Report Quoted By:
>>20443909 Singles. The google doc up top has all the rules and regulations.
Ice gym closing soon, if anyone needs a battle, lemme know
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Mon 11 Aug 2014 04:58:09 No. 20445155 Report Ice Gym will bring another cold front tomorrow at 2pm PST, but until then, the gym is closed
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>20445155 I'm such a sucker for shitty puns. :^)
Octavius (IGN:Tobias)
Quoted By:
>>20446985 Nips puns ARE pretty
cool......... Hamwall !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
Bump and looking for gym leaders
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Mon 11 Aug 2014 21:10:47 No. 20456128 Report Quoted By:
Ice Gym open! Come get tit nipply with me
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 11 Aug 2014 21:51:33 No. 20456979 Report Gym open!! come at me
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:50:34 No. 20457962 Report Quoted By:
Cold and dead thread bump
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Mon 11 Aug 2014 23:41:21 No. 20458664 Report Quoted By:
Ice gym's closed for the time being
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Flying Gym) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 11 Aug 2014 23:56:50 No. 20458905 Report Quoted By:
>>20456979 Im still here!! Someone challenge lonely
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
Steel Gym opening soon! Any dare test their skill against my Steel? Also I have everyone's badges! Ryan, Kirzi, Haris, Rena, AND Samus.
I see leaders, but no challengers. This challenge is completely barren.
Quoted By:
>>20462406 m-maybe they'll be more in ORAS.
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20462406 There we plenty over the weekend.
J-Just a dead Monday!
>>20462406 If you expect a constant barrage of challenges, you don't understand what is going on here.
Quoted By:
>>20463482 no, but any challengers would do. looks like the last 2-3 days have been so deserted
garfield 2809-8233-7598 !!yTAQ0+OuCLS
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
>>20464161 I am if you're still around!
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
It's not everyday I wake up with my lights on. :^)
Quoted By:
>>20467569 its not everyday i wake up to mega slowbro
Nips [ign Kyle] Mobile !IWDmuhDick
Grvio [Steel Gym] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Quoted By:
How many new megas are we gonna get?!
Quoted By:
bump for no more email field
Ryan 3282-2113-3428
Sup Niggies Will be around for chimp battles tonight. Joaco, Dred, and whoever else may challenge. If either of you see this, let me know when would be good.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) !TTanTicTOc Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:30:17 No. 20476171 Report Quoted By:
>>20475626 Sup nigga, if you can we can battle right now. Otherwise I'll be available again in about 7 hours.
Quoted By:
new bread when?
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:53:29 No. 20476641 Report Quoted By:
new thread someone. I've done the last two
>>20476679 NEW THREAD
>>20476679 NEW THREAD
>>20476679 NEW THREAD
>>20476679 NEW THREAD
>>20476679 Anonymous
>>20476691 >no subject nice thread nerd
New new thread:
>>20476703 New new thread:
>>20476703 New new thread:
>>20476703 New new thread:
>>20476703 Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick
Nips [ign Kyle] [Sub Ice Leader] !IWDmuhDick Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:58:48 No. 20476746 Report Quoted By:
>>20476691 >>20476725 >no subject >wrong chimp pls git gud anytime
Quoted By:
New thread:
>>20476784 New thread:
>>20476784 New thread: