Pokegen is still alive for those who have an action replay/R4 flashcart and a retail cartridge,
Pokecheck.org is down for "maintenance" and theres only a few genners left! Remember that only pokemons from gen 5 and below can be genned. When requesting a pokemon use the format below:
>Pokemon: >Nickname: >Level: >Nature: >Ability: >Game of Origin: >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: >EV's: >Moves: >OT Gender: >TID / SID: >OT: Also, mention what you are offering in return: BP items, mega stones, breeding leftovers...
>FAQ: >Can you generate any pokemon i want? Only 'mons from gen 5 and below
>Is there a PokeGen for gen 6 'mons? No
>Can the location be set to XY? No
>Can you put a Gen 4 pokeball on a Gen 5 'mon? No
>My pokemon has egg moves; can i put a specific pokeball on it? No
>Can i check online for a guide on egg/level up/tutor moves? http://www.pokemondb.net/pokedex ;you can also try serebii or bulbapedo
>Can I ask for more then 1 mon at a time? Sure, but given that many people may ask for Mons, and we try to share the love, pick a priority list for your mons, and your next etc. will
get picked up in the next batch
>Why are you guys so slow? If this is a thing, get the fuck out. We do this for your guys in /vp/ and expect, really, nothing in return. Some use AR some use PowerSave,
and some use R4. Whatever their poison, these Genners are doing it for you, so have some fucking respect
>Do I always need to give something in return? Well a trade is a trade, some genners may request something, some may not, as mentioned above, we like some things ya. But most of the time
your appreciation is often enough
>Is there any risk at using genned pokemons online? Other than being horribly humiliated by a complete stranger, no
>Isn't this cheating? Maybe, some people don't want/have the time to breed for pentaperfect 'mons; if you're against cheating what the fuck are you doing here?
Austin 1048 8844 5869
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/43261683/Gengar.pkm If anyone can just insert this and trade me I'd much appreciate it. I can offer anything with the power of powersaves, and also have all the SciresM mons etc.
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>>20386170 I've also got 3 other .pkms if it wouldn't be too much trouble since they're premade. it's fine if not.
Chaos 2895-7446-1425
>>20386188 I could transfer them for you. Wasn't there a quiet hp fire diancie given away at one point?
Belial 4124-4981-0434
Would very much appreciate a skarmory with stealth rock on it. I can offer quite a few things, including shinys, legendaries and shiny legendaries, mega stones, too if needed. The nature/ivs/evs don't really matter as I only need the egg move due to it not being obtainable in gen 6, but if any kind genner would be willing to max out its stats I'd appreciate it
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>IGN: Leon 1263-6852-5403 >Pokemon: Virizion >Nickname: n/a >Level: 80 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Justified >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: YES >Hatched/Met at location: Pinwheel Forest >Specific pokeball: Heal Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe >Moves: Swords Dance / Leaf Blade / Close Combat / Stone Edge >OT Gender: yours >TID / SID: yours >OT: yours I have a bunch of 5IVs to give
http://pastebin.com/kSJD6vRS or I can put up a disk if you prefer trading like that.
Austin 1048 8844 5869
Lola 0989-2702-1063 (Pikachu, Emolga, Manectric)
Lola 0989-2702-1063 (Pikachu, Emolga, Manectric) Fri 08 Aug 2014 02:26:53 No. 20386246 Report Quoted By:
Kiffa, if you are around, I have your Lapras
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>>20386203 I believe I have it, I have a level 50 quiet diancie, I'm double checking IV's now.
Are there any powersavers around?
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>>20386253 yup
Diancie (-) - Quiet - Clear Body - 31/30/31/30/31/0 - Fire
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>Pokemon: Infernape >Nickname: Rafiki >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Iron Fist >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Striaton City >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Idc >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP. >Moves: Close Combat, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch, Flare Blitz. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Idc >OT: Josh >Pokemon: Sceptile >Nickname: Jaryuu >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Overgrow >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Striaton City >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Idc >IV's: 31/xx/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP. >Moves: Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Focus Blast, Hidden Power Ice. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Idc >OT: Josh I can get you any BP Item/Megastone/Berry you want, thanks!
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>Aggron >no nick >L.50 >Jolly >Sturdy >whatever >whatever >Shiny:Yes >whatever >moon ball >whatever >31/31/31/x/31/31 >252 speed 252 spdef 4 attack >Heavy slam, EQ, Rock polish, Stealth Rock >whatever >whatever >whatever I can offer a shiny, uncompetitive eevee and some breeding leftovers.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20386273 What do you need done?
>>20386326 Your IV is wrong for HP Ice.
Chaos 2895-7446-1425
>>20386317 Alright. Your Blastoise didn't transfer though, looking back Aura Sphere is a gen 6 egg move.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20386345 Oh, fuck, I forgot about that. Thanks.
Fixed Sceptile:
>Pokemon: Sceptile >Nickname: Jaryuu >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Overgrow >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Striaton City >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Idc >EV's: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP. >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >Moves: Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Focus Blast, Hidden Power Ice. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Idc >OT: Josh Austin 1048 8844 5869
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>>20386392 ah, rats. I'm honestly surprised the rest did, I'm pretty bad at pokegen.
IGN: Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>Pokemon: Unown(?) >Nickname: no >Level: 10 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Levitation >Game of Origin: Heart Gold >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: 14/07/2011 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: doesnt matter >Moves: Hidden Power >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 06243 >OT: Leo Shiny Luvdisc.
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>>20386392 btw do you want any items? I've attached leftovers and ability capsules to some 5IV riolus and the diancie
IGN: Leo: 3454-1782-8784
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>>20386420 >Specific Pokeball: Pokeball >Met at Ruins of Alph Chaos 2895-7446-1425
>>20386433 I don't really need any items. But if you want, I've also got a modest shiny Blastoise with Aura Sphere and EVs in HP and SpA that I could clone.
Patrick 4124-5008-5136
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: n/a >Level: 100 >Nature: Relaxed >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: YES >Hatched/Met at location: Giant Chasm >Specific pokeball: Ultra Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 Spe >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: yours >TID / SID: yours >OT: yours I have some leftover breeding pokemon or can get BP Items.
Austin 1048 8844 5869
>>20386469 I don't really need aura sphere, I can get that later.
kensei 1864-9151-8428
Quoted By:
>IGN: kensei 1864-9151-8428 >Pokemon: eevee >Nickname: n/a >Level: 80 >Nature: bold >Ability: Anticipation >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: YES >Hatched/Met at location: whatever >Specific pokeball: regular poke Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 220 def / 36 Spd >Moves: Hyper Voice / >OT Gender: yours >TID / SID: yours >OT: yours I can get you any BP Item-Megastone thanks
Austin 1048 8844 5869
Quoted By:
>>20386481 /r/breedingdittos
really should put that in the OP text from now on
Chaos 2895-7446-1425
>>20386486 Okay. Just request whenever you are ready.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
>Pokemon: Lugia >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Multiscale >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: I don't know what it is , it's the Dream Radar you get it from, and I don't know what level you get it on. I just need it to be legit. >Specific pokeball: Dream Ball >Date of Creation: This doesn't matter >IV's: 6IV >EV's: 252 HP, 252 Defense, 4 Special Attack >Moves: Roost, Calm Mind, Aeroblast, Psyshock >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 13410/17218 >OT: Saix
Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20386556 Forgot to mention, I can offer all megastone and battle maison items.
Austin 1048 8844 5869
Chaos 2895-7446-1425
>>20386588 No problem. Thank you for the Diancie!
Arc FC: 2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Arcanine >Nickname: Arc-T >Level: 100 >Nature: Careful >Ability: Intimidate >Game of Origin: NA >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: No >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: NA >IV's: 31s >EV's: 252HP/56Def/200SpD >Moves: Morning Sun, Will-O-Wisp, Flare Blitz, Wild Charge >OT Gender: NA >TID / SID: NA >OT: Yourself
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20386600 Hey, can you take my request next please?
>>20386326 >>20386332 The Infernape and the fixed Sceptile, thanks!
Also, I have some HP Fire Xerneas leftover from a giveaway I did, so if you want that, I'd be glad to give you one.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20386673 Fuck, wrong thing.
>>20386413 Not the Aggron, this one, sorry.
>Pokemon: Mudkip >Nickname: Mudkip >Level: 10 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Damp >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Dream World >Specific pokeball: Net Ball >Date of Creation: Oct 22nd 2012 >IV's: 31 across the board >EV's: none >Moves: Tackle and Growl >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 33685 / 22146 >OT: Alan
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Palkia >Nickname: Faffy >Level: 1-50 (what ever is easier) >Nature: Any >Ability:Any >Game of Origin: Soul Silver >Pokemon Gender: None? >Shiny: Your Call >Hatched/Met at location: Met at Sinjoh Ruins (like the Arceus event) >Specific pokeball: Um, premier ball? >Date of Creation: 10/24/2013 >IV's: Doesn't really matter >EV's: Same as above >Moves: Spacial Rend, Aura Sphere, Hydro Pump, um... Draco Meteor >OT Gender: M >TID / SID: 27677 >OT: SEGAMew I can offer a shiney Amoongus or Latios for trade.
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Entei >Nickname: Entei >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: SoulSilver >Pokemon Gender: ------ >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any Johto route >Specific pokeball: Moon ball >Date of Creation: November 9, 2010 >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 48 Sdef / 10 Spd >Moves: Stone Edge, Iron Head, Flame Charge. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 08236 / random >OT: Pablo I have BP items, breeding leftovers (Bagon, Larvesta, Sneasel, Beldum, Torchic).
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>>20386714 Forgot to say that i can offer 5 iv mons and shit for this; I think I have everything capable of Mega Evolution sans Aggron, Ampharos, Mewtwo and Abomasnow
Sena 3411-1581-7756
>Pokemon: Cradily >Nickname: n/a >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Storm Drain >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Entree Forest (not sure, needs to be from Dream World) >Specific pokeball: Dusk Ball >Date of Creation: n/a >IV's: all 31 >EV's: n/a >Moves: Ingrain / Confuse Ray / Amnesia / Giga Drain >OT Gender: n/a >TID / SID: n/a >OT: n/a I'm only actually looking for a female Storm Drain Cradily in a Dusk Ball. Everything else doesn't matter. I can offer some breeding leftovers and a few shinies. Thanks in advance!
IGN: MrSchaetzly
>>20386110 >Pokemon:Rotom-W >Nickname:LaundrysDone >Level:100 >Nature:bold >Ability:levitate >Game of Origin:n/a >Pokemon Gender:n/a >Shiny:Yeeees plsss >Hatched/Met at location:n/a >Specific pokeball:n/a >Date of Creation:n/a >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's:248HP/216Def/44Spe >Moves: WoW
Pain split
Volt switch
Hydro pump
>OT Gender:n/a >TID / SID:n/a >OT:n/a Would love to have this! Have 300+ BP so take your pick of an item if you'd like. And also have an extra aggronite ^.^
I'm pretty sure the only genner in here, abandoned the thread.
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20386889 Well, what do we do now?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Porygon Bluebird 5 Modest Trace White Genderless Yes White Forest Dive ball Don't recall when White was released 31/23/31/31/31/28 Max hp, max special attack, rest defence. Moves: Conversion 2/Tackle/Conversion/Pain split. Pain split is a BW2 tutor move if those are unavailable change it to Sharpen. OT Gender: Male OT: Timothy Offer 5-6IV Rattata and/or 4-6IV Shroomish (i have to breed more shroomish if you want one.)
>>20386927 First we gotta figure out who eats who.
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
Quoted By:
>>20386946 So let's talk about stuff.
What are ya guys doing in pokemon?
>I am looking for a L.21-30 suicune Are ya playing something outside pokemon?
>I'm having fun with Fallout New Vegas. IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
>Pokemon: Absol >Nickname: Abby >Level:100 >Nature:Naive >Ability:Justified >Game of Origin:Emerald >Pokemon Gender:Female >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation:Any >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk/ 32 SpA/ 224 Spe >Moves: Knock Off, Superpower, Flamethrower, Sucker Punch >OT Gender:Yours >TID / SID:Yours >OT:Yours Can give you a shiny Clawitzer or any BP item.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437
Quoted By:
Thanks if any genners are about. Feel free to change any settings that don't work>Pokemon: Donphan >Nickname: WizKhalifa >Level: 100 >Nature: Careful >Ability: Sturdy >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31/ >EV's: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SpD >Moves: Earthquake, Ice Shard, Knock Off, Rapid Spin >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 42069/Any >OT: DJ >Pokemon: Groudon >Nickname: Africa >Level: 100 >Nature: Relaxed >Ability: Drought >Game of Origin: Heart Gold/Any >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP/6 Atk/252 Def >Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Lava Plume >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 42069/Any >OT: DJ >Pokemon: Arceus >Nickname: BLAZINLAWD >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Multitype >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 250 HP/144 SpD/116 Spe >Moves: Grass Knot, Recover, Will-O-Wisp, Defog >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 42069/Any >OT: DJ
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>Pokemon: Eevee >>Nickname: >>Level: 50 >>Nature: Bold >>Ability: Anticipation >>Game of Origin: Black2/White2 >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: No >>Hatched/Met at location: Route 3 >>Specific pokeball: Pokeball >>Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >>IV's: 31/31/31/31/30/30 >>EV's: 252HP 220Def 36SP Def >>Moves:Wish, Hyper Voice, Heal Bell >>OT Gender: >>TID / SID: >>OT: I can offer some BP items and plenty of breeding leftovers such as Timid Charmander, Swinub, Absol... and well you can see when we trade.
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Fri 08 Aug 2014 04:16:15 No. 20387547 Report Is it possible to do this?>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Astraea >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Pokemon Emerald >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Master Ball >Date of Creation: Any around 2006 >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >Moves: Psyshock, Draco Meteor, Defog, Thunderbolt >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 44630 / 52400 >OT: Earvin Will trade for a Terrakion for it
Mopeto 4983-5825-7831 !MOPETO5Zcs
Quoted By:
I don't have my tools at hand and I need a request, pokemon already done:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37267433/Mawile.pkm https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37267433/Mawile2.pkm I have 271 BP to spend in whatever 2 items you want, Thanks!
Quin 4511 0457 1518
Pokemon:Ditto Nickname?:none Nature:Modest Ability: Imposter Gender: Shiny?: no Specific PokeBall*:Pokeball IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 perfect EVs:252 Spatk 252 speed 4hp Moves:Transform region: Japan caught in black 2 lvl 47 hidden hole OT ect don't matter to me. I have an extra diancie to offer, as well as a few shinys and some 5IV charmanders
2707 1792 1707
Is this thread alive?
Can somebody please gen this Buneary for me for breeding purposes?
http://puu .sh/aJBT3/a9345ea680.pkm Please and thank you
>>20391024 No faggot, fuck of with your mega hype
2707 1792 1707
Quoted By:
Oh, this thread! I just wanted to pop in and say something: Several days ago I asked in one of these threads for a perfect IV Ditto with its HA. Put a regular Ditto in the GTS and waited... but hours passed and nobody answered, then I forgot about that guy in the GTS. Today I decided to go into the GTS again, and surprise, Anon delivers! So I just want to say, thank you so, so much, whoever you are!
Freddy 5172-2019-5380
>>20386205 Not a genner but came across a Stealth rock Skarmory on Wonder Trade a couple days ago. lol
Down to trade for a shiny
Quoted By:
Are there any genners here who can pokegen Superpower onto my Murkrow? I can give a Diancie in return that I got yesterday
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>>20391897 >gib shone pls What a jew.
Mickey 4399 0693 8372
>>20386110 Gardevoir
Don't care
Poke ball
Don't care
SpD 252 Hp 252 SpA 4
Hyper voice
Calm mind
Don't care
Don't care
Don't care
I'll trade skarmory breeding leftovers
Mickey 4399 0693 8372
>>20390176 Mind If I clone that diancie?
I'll offer meloetta as a deposit and I'll pay by giving you back an extra diancie.
>>20393551 Put a disc up with the message as /vp/ Pokegen
Quoted By:
did they ever find a way to make the original r4 work on 3ds? even to run just ds games?
>>20393732 You might as well disc up now too
>>20393774 Oh, thank you a lot. Will do.
Belial 4124-4981-0434
Quoted By:
>>20391897 Hey, I fell asleep a while ago, but I'll add you. Will any shiny do or do you want a specific one?
Quoted By:
>>20393840 So apparently I'm retarded, cos I forgot to change the met location. Attempting to transfer again. Apologies for dicking up like that
>>20394106 Sent yours
>>20393840 For some reason I can't get Virizion working, sorry dude
>>20394355 It's cool, don't worry. Apparently JK worked on it too and just sent it to me.
Thanks a lot JK!
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20394456 I couldn't get it working from White either, but it went right through with the caught data from White2/Black2. Don't really understand why either.
Quoted By:
>>20394472 Maybe it was shiny locked in White but not in W2/B2? I should have probably checked that before requesting.
Still, thanks a lot!
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Requesting this from yesterday:>Pokemon: Arceus >Nickname: Arceus >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Multitype >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: - >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball/ Whatever works >Date of Creation: Any >IV’s: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV’s: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD >Moves: Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Recover >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any Offering breeding leftovers or BP items, just let me know, thank you!
>>20394533 I don't get this... Why would hackers need items? They can just gen them.
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>Pokémon:Charizard >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Male >Ability:Solar Power >Language:English >--Moves-- - Fire Blast - Solar Power - Solarbeam - Focus Blast>Nature:Timid >IVs:31 in all stats >EVs:4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Speed >OT Name:Your name >OT Gender:Your gender >ID/SID:Any >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Black 2
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20394572 I suppose that's true, it can't hurt to at least show a little appreciation though
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20394572 Bank doesn't transport items. I don't need them, but that doesn't mean that others don't.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20394602 Also, I have it.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
>>20394624 Still putting up Ho-ohs on the GTS?
Quoted By:
>>20394572 Can't gen 6th gen items and pokes only powersaves does that and its a pain in the asshole
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20394646 I have some, but they're level 5 this time.
Katt 0018-1038-8033
Quoted By:
>>20386110 >Pokemon: Jirachi >Nickname: Kwaii~ >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Isn't this unimportant >Specific pokeball: Cherish >Date of Creation: No clue, I guess 2003 July 1 >IV's:31 all but SP Attack >EV's: 252 atk, 132 def, 124 speed >Moves:Iron head, trick, N/A,N/A Asked for this yesterday but fucked up on the order. Needed attack IVs and not Sp. atk,
If anyone would make this for me that would be awesome, I can give Leftovers (item) or BP items barring Ability capsual
>IGN: Leon 1263-6852-5403 >Pokemon: Keldeo >Nickname: n/a >Level: 80 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Justified >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Lovely Place/Fateful Encounter >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: 10 February 2013 >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe >Moves: Secret Sword / Hydro Pump / Scald / Icy Wind >OT Gender: n/a >TID / SID: 01163 >OT: WIN2013 No rush on this one since I just got the Virizion, but just putting it up here in case someone is bored. As always I've got this
http://pastebin.com/kSJD6vRS crap to trade (except the buneary which I gave JK right now) and around 200 BPs if needed.
Also that luvdisk was sniped apparently and I just got another shiny Virizion... crap nature and ivs, though. Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20394644 Thanks again JK!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
What's good my dude JK You sure you don't want anything for these? I feel bad that you always help me out for free, I got some KB shones if you want em. Plus all megastones from x/y>Pokemon: Rotom -w >Nickname: n/a >Level: 70 >Nature:bold >Ability: levitate >Game of Origin: platinum >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location: chateau >Specific pokeball: dusk >Date of Creation: Today >IV's:Perfect >EV's: : 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd >Moves: hydro pump, rest, willo wisp, volt switch >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID:n/a >OT:Justin >Pokemon: alakazam >Nickname: n/a >Level: 70 >Nature: timid >Ability: magic guard >Game of Origin: soul silver >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: somewhere >Specific pokeball: moon ball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's:Perfect >EV's: almost perfect for hidden power fire >Moves: psyshock, hidden power fire, shadow ball, focus blast >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID:n/a >OT:Justin
Quoted By:
>>20394927 >alakazam >ivs almost perfect for hp fire >evs:252 sp atk, 252 sp, 4 hp Luka / 1349-6385-5686
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>Pokemon: Shiftry>Nickname: Swifty>Level: 75>Nature: Adamant>Ability: Chlorophyll>Game of Origin: Any>Pokemon Gender: Male>Shiny: No>Hatched/Met at location: Any>Specific pokeball: Any>Date of Creation: Any>IV's: 31/30/31/30/30/31>EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP>Moves: Knock Off Sucker Punch Seed Bomb Hidden Power Fire>OT Gender: Male>TID / SID: Any>OT: Luka I've got 5IV breeding leftovers and megastones as well as some BP items, thanks in advance.
Mickey 4399 0693 8372
Quoted By:
>>20394747 I wouldn't mind hopping on this train either.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Requesting>Pokemon: Salamence >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Moxie >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Either >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 attack 252 speed 4 defense >Moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Double Edge >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Iain
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Is it possible for a genner to pokegen Superpower onto my Murkrow? There's no other way of getting brave bird AND superpower on murkrow, if there is, someone please tell me
Quoted By:
>>20395127 Stop shitposting. You posted a thread a few days ago asking if someone can transfer that murkrow from XY to BW2
Quoted By:
>>20394927 Fuccccck JK left
Any other genners around?
Lapdog 2852-7965-0173
I'll be taking requests for next hour or two.
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
>>20387402 bumping my request
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20397130 Please do my request :)
>>20386934 Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Fri 08 Aug 2014 17:42:29 No. 20397332 Report >>20387547 Bumping my request from last night,
Is it possible to do this?
>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Astraea >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Pokemon Emerald >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Master Ball >Date of Creation: Any around 2006 >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >Moves: Psyshock, Draco Meteor, Defog, Thunderbolt >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 44630 / 52400 >OT: Earvin Will trade for a Terrakion for it
>>20397130 >Pokémon:Charizard >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Male >Ability:Solar Power >Language:English >--Moves-- - Fire Blast
- Solar Power
- Solarbeam
- Focus Blast
>Nature:Timid >IVs:31 in all stats >EVs:4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Speed >OT Name:Your name >OT Gender:Your gender >ID/SID:Any >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Black 2 >Pokémon:Froslass >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Female >Ability:Snow Cloak >Language:English >--Moves-- - Spikes
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
- Destiny Bond
>Nature:Timid >IVs:31 in all stats >EVs:4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Speed >OT Name:Your name >OT Gender:Your gender >ID/SID:Any >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Black 2 Thanks
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20386110 >IGN: Shanks 4785 6545 3606 >Pokemon: Pikachu >Nickname: n/a >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Lightningrod >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Pokémon Event >Specific pokeball: Cherish ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe >Moves: Volt tackle, Extremespeed, encore, brick break, grass knot >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >OT: Shanks and if it's possible
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 50 >Nature: Quiet >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: White >Gender: n/a >shiny: doesnt matter >Hatched/Met at location: whatever >Specific pokeball: regular poke Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/0 >EV's: n/a >Moves: transform >OT gender: male >TID / SID: >OT: shanks Lapdog 2852-7965-0173
>>20397300 doing this.
>>20397331 this might take awhile, the more specific you are, the less likely bank is to accept it. I'll give it a go.
>>20397332 I can attempt this, if you're unsure, head to pokedit and build the pokemon using their "maker". Run it through legality and see what pops up (if any)
>>20397333 >Moves >Solar Power You fucked up.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
>>20395078 Bumping this if a genner is here
IGN: Sjur. FC: 3325 - 2044 - 4803.
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Entei >Nickname: Entei >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: pressure >Game of Origin: Heart Gold >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Ecruteak City >Specific pokeball: Master Ball >Date of Creation: Idc >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def >Moves: Sacred Fire, Extreme Speed, Stone Edge, Bulldoze. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Idc >OT: Sjur
>>20397333 >>20397502 >Moves >Solar Power Sorry about that I meant Dragon pulse.
Cross 1332 - 8551 - 9804
>Pokemon: Clefable >Nickname: Tooth Fairy >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Cute Charm >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched Hoenn Route 117 >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 8/8/2014 >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Sp Def / 6 Def >Moves: Soft-Boiled / Seismic Toss / Cosmic Power / Stored Power >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 64193 / anything >OT: Cross Can get any BP item except Ability Capsule so just let me know which one.
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Fri 08 Aug 2014 18:13:30 No. 20397783 Report Quoted By:
>>20397469 Lmao wtf? I think PokeEdit is retarded or something, I can't seem to slap on Defog onto a Latios. It's obviously a big error on their part as it can learn it as an HM in HGSS
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
>>20397469 >>20387402 Could you make the ability super luck instead of justified? I messed that up
IGN Broseff (0963-1275-1210)
Quoted By:
>>20386110 >Pokemon:Eevee>Nickname: Love >Level: 1 >Nature: any >Ability: anticipation >Game of Origin: X >Pokemon Gender: F >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: day care >Specific pokeball:pokeball >Date of Creation: aug. 8 2k14 >IV's: none >EV's: 6 George 5215 0034 2814
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Charizard >Nickname: Charizard >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Blaze >Game of Origin: FireRed >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: w/e >Specific pokeball: Stnadard Ball >Date of Creation: w/e >IV's: 31 in all but attack, 0 in attack >EV's: 252 in Speed and Special attack, 4 in Defence >Moves: Heat Wave, Ominous Wind, Air Cutter, SolarBeam >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 62934 >OT: George I would really appreciate someone grabbing this for me.
IGN Broseff (0963-1275-1210)
Quoted By:
>>20386110 messed up request, sorry
>Pokemon:Eevee >Nickname: Love >Level:1 >Nature:any >Ability:anticipation >Game of Origin: white >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location:day care >Specific pokeball:pokeball >Date of Creation: 8/8/14 >IV's: 6 6 6 6 6 6 >EV's: >Moves:tackle, tail whip >OT Gender: male >OT: Broseff Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 (metang/ferroseed/klefki)
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 (metang/ferroseed/klefki) Fri 08 Aug 2014 18:58:29 No. 20398322 Report >>20386110 >Pokemon: palkia >Nickname: n.a >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: n.a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: Premier ball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31's >EV's: 252 special attack/speed 4 hp >Moves: hydro pump/draco meteor/spacial rend/thunder >OT Gender: yourself >TID / SID: Any >OT: yourself or some favorite character >Pokemon: Manaphy >Nickname: n.a >Level: 1 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Hydration >Game of Origin: pokemon ranger egg in dpp >Pokemon Gender: n.a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: hatched at celestic town or any really >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: December 16 2010 >IV's: 31's across the board >EV's: 252 hp and speed 4 special attack >Moves: tail glow/rain dance/rest/scald >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: any >OT: Richa if possible >Pokemon: Shaymin >Nickname: n.a >Level: 30 >Nature: Timid >Ability: natural cure >Game of Origin: dpp >Pokemon Gender: n.a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Flower paradise fateful encounter I think >Specific pokeball: nest ball if possible if not pokeball >Date of Creation: September 28 2009 >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >EV's: 224 hp 188 special attack 96 speed >Moves: synthesis/hidden power/earth power/growth >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: yourself works I can offer choice band/life orbs/leftovers/kb shiny/or ask for something and I'll try my best
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>Pokemon: Infernape >Nickname: Rafiki >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Iron Fist >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Striaton City >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Idc >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP. >Moves: Close Combat, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch, Flare Blitz. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Idc >OT: Josh >Pokemon: Sceptile >Nickname: Jaryuu >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Overgrow >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Striaton City >Specific pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Idc >EV's: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP. >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >Moves: Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Focus Blast, Hidden Power Ice. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Idc >OT: Josh I can get you any Berry/Megastone/BP Item, thanks!
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Fri 08 Aug 2014 19:04:17 No. 20398377 Report Quoted By:
>>20386110 If it's not too much trouble could I request a Luxray? The pkm file should work, if it doesn't I can fix it.
https://www.sendspace.com/file/5hayk8 IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20395127 just bumping this, any genners here? is this possible or not? giving a diancie in return for the trouble you'll have to go through.
Quoted By:
>>20398676 Mind If I clone thay Diancie. I will give you my meloetta as a deposit and another Diancie as compensation.
Is there a website where I can learn better genning, in terms of making them legitimate. I still can't get event mons or ones from D/P/Pt right.
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Mickey FC 4399 0693 8372
Quoted By:
>>20398676 Mickey FC 4399 0693 8372
is there a tutorial somewhere for learning how to do this properly? I've been able to gen for years but have never been able to get the PID done right. The automatic generator always makes invalid PIDs.
BME !wp8LJJh.fs
Quoted By:
>>20386110 >>Pokemon: Gardevoir
>>Nickname: None
>>Level: 100
>>Nature: Timid
>>Ability: Trace
>>Game of Origin: White 2
>>Pokemon Gender: Female
>>Shiny: Yes
>>Hatched/Met at location: Striaton City
>>Specific pokeball: Moon Ball. If not possible, dive ball
>>Date of Creation: Today
>>IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31
>>EV's: 24 Def/232 SpA/252 Spe
>>Moves: Hyper Voice
Focus Blast
>>OT Gender: Male
>>TID / SID: doesn't matter
>>OT: Danny
Can offer gen 6 shinies or any BP items
Quoted By:
>>20400107 I think if you save the mon you wish to gen while leaving the PID empty, and load it up again, it makes one that should be valid.
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
could someone gen this jumpluff for me?
.pkm file:
https://www.mediafire.com/?qs9jyfsekszo2lw can offer diancie in return~ thanks in advance<3
Mickey FC 4399 0693 8372
>>20400810 Can't gen the jumpluff, but do you mind if I clone the diancie. I could give you a meloetta as a deposit until I'm done. I'll give it back +1
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
>>20400862 uh sure let me add you
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Pokemon: Conkeldurr Nickname: Roids Level: 50 Nature: Adamant Ability: Guts Game of Origin: Pokemon White/Black Shiny: No Hatched/met: I'll leave it up to you Pokeball: doesn't matter Date of Creation: I'll leave it up to you IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31 EV's: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 6 Def Moves: Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock Off, extra move Ot gender,TID/SID, OT: I'll leave that up to you. I can offer a shiny kb meditite and shiny kb sigilyph both 5IV's with any BP items and Berries of your choice and can do 2:1 trade
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 (metang/ferroseed/klefki)
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 (metang/ferroseed/klefki) Fri 08 Aug 2014 22:39:24 No. 20401677 Report Quoted By:
>>20398322 Bumping this request
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20401367 Bumping for request
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20400862 Can you make this for me?
>>Pokemon: Ralts >>Gender: Female >>Level: 1 >>Shiny: Yes >>Pokeball: Moon Ball >>Ability: Trace >>Nature: Timid >>IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >>EVs: 252 SpA 252 Spe 4 HP >>Moves: Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond >>OT Gender: Female >>OT Name: Ariana >>OT ID: 46599 The rest don't matter.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20386556 I dished this out last night, could anyone help me with this today?
Lola 0989-2702-1063 (Pikachu, Emolga, Manectric)
Lola 0989-2702-1063 (Pikachu, Emolga, Manectric) Fri 08 Aug 2014 23:26:25 No. 20402470 Report Quote me if you are still here and I'll try and get through some requests
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
>>20402470 I'm still here
this .pkm file might speed things up
https://www.sendspace.com/file/9ymjzj Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20402470 Im still here
I got this request
>>20386556 I can give out any Battle Item and Mega Stone
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20397655 >>20397655 Fixed Charizard's moves
Quoted By:
>>20394747 Good evening pokegen, bumping this.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20402470 Wondering if you abandoned the thread
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
I will gen anything for someone to do me a favor. Go here
>>20403273 , get one and post the trainer info please. I'm genuinely curious if someone took the time to actually clone the fuckers.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20403518 Let me try and get one, and please dont abandon the thread.
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quin 4511 0457 1518
Quoted By:
>>20390176 Bumping this. I think I can also offer a few Maison items, as well as an extra Charizardite X.
>>20393612 Whoops, missed you there. If your still in for it, sure.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20403518 Can you do mine?
Please >>20398360 JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20403668 LOL. People are cloning stuff I shit out in seconds like it's worth something. Got your Lugia Saix.
>>20403683 I'll grab this too.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20403706 JK, can I bother you with this?
>>20394747 Connor (0576-4836-7032)
>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: N/A >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: HeartGold >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Route 32 >Specific pokeball: Poke Ball >Date of Creation: Doesnt matter >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 HP, 252 Spe, 4 Atk >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesnt matter >OT: Connor I will give you a female shiny murkrow for your endeavors
1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
>>20403706 >Check PokeGen thread >JK is genning Thank you god. I have a request here:
>Pokemon: Azumarill >Level: 50 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Huge Power >IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Defense >Moves: Waterfall / Aqua Jet / Ice Punch No shiny, no nickname. Ball and things like that can be whatever works.
Reward: Any Maison item of your choice.
Daniel 4484-9453-1000
>>20386110 >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: n/a >Level: 100 >Nature:any >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: day care >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: 9/25 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: transform >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: any >OT: Daniel JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
>>20403757 Also is it possible to make the ditto Japanese?
Saix 0903-4133-6157
>>20403854 whats your ingame info so we can trade?
Quin 4511 0457 1518
>>20403854 Would you mind grabbing mine as well? Pretty similar to the other ditto's
>>20390176 IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20403854 What do you want in return?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20403854 JK, Please do mine too :')
>>20386934 Sena 3411-1581-7756
Quoted By:
>>20386780 Bumping this, please.
Floreau 1392-4464-2460
>>20403706 >Pokemon: Eevee >Nickname: Beloved >Level: 50 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Anticipation (HA) >Game of Origin: BW2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: legal >Specific pokeball: Premier >Date of Creation: Doesnt matter >IV's: 31/0/31/30/31/30 (whichever gives HP Fire) >EV's: 244 HP, 252 SpAtt, 12 Speed >Moves: Hyper Voice/Baton Pass/Wish/Heal Bell >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Doesnt matter >OT: Floreau Could you do this as well? I have penta Litleos, Spritzees and other breeding leftovers, as well as BP items. Also have FS shiny Breloom/Ambipom.
Floreau 1392-4464-2460
Quoted By:
>>20403921 Dream ball works too if that's easier.
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
>>20403854 Not trying to be rude and keep quoting this but
>>20403880 Just posting this to make sure you see it
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20403890 0705-2126-5768 I'll give you a ho-oh too. It's level 5.
>Pokemon: Mamoswine >Nickname: Donphan-Ice >Level: 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Oblivious >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: day care >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Attack / 4 Defense / 252 Speed >Moves: Ice Shard, Earthquake, Endeavor, Stealth Rock >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: any >OT: Euni Can someone do that for me?>Pokemon: Eevee >Nickname: Boi >Level: 1 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Anticipation >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: day care >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Hyper Voice / Wish / Heal Bell / Charm >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: any >OT: Euni Also this one, but last time I asked for this it couldn't be traded, and if it can't that's fine, I'm just wondering why.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20403854 Sorry to bother you JK, but can you please make me this if you have time?
>>20402105 IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
>>20403706 >Pokemon: Absol >Nickname: Abby >Level:100 >Nature:Naive >Ability:Super luck >Game of Origin:Emerald >Pokemon Gender:Female >Shiny:no >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation:Any >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk/ 32 SpA/ 224 Spe >Moves: Knock Off, Superpower, Flamethrower, Sucker Punch >OT Gender:Yours >TID / SID:Yours >OT:Yours A .pkm file is at
https://www.sendspace.com/file/9ymjzj if it'll speed you up.
Can give you a shiny Clawitzer or any BP item.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20403959 All my breeding dittos are jap.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20403961 Thank you so much
1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
Quoted By:
>>20403961 >I'll give you a ho-oh too Based JK, this is why you're my favorite Genner.
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
Quoted By:
>>20403976 Thanks man, I added you so just hit me up with a trade when youre done
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 (metang/ferroseed/klefki)
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 (metang/ferroseed/klefki) Sat 09 Aug 2014 01:00:05 No. 20404031 Report Quoted By:
>>20398322 Bumping this again
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Also, guys, I ain't feeling so hot right now. My head and stomach are fucked up. If something isn't right, don't be afraid to say something.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii)
>>20403962 >>20404060 Can you do those for me? The balls they're in and where the were met don't matter much.
>>20404086 also this
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20404083 Send a TR again. They're done.
Saix 0903-4133-6157
Quoted By:
>>20404127 I greatly appreciate this, I hope you feel better soon.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Also, if everybody can Karp up instead of disc up, that'd be great. Unfortunately, since I'm the source of this giveaway, filters ain't going to do shit.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
>>20402967 Thread is still alive?
;_; >Captcha: oreocM Prickwood IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20404192 Oh, so you wanna do this over gts? Okay, fine with me.
Daniel 4484-9453-1000
Quoted By:
>>20403961 Adding you as well, thanks a ton man!
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
>>20404192 Well how can I give you the shiny murkrow over gts? Someone will snatch it up quick as hell
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20404238 That's why you put up a magikarp asking for one.
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
>>20403961 Mind if I add you?
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
Quoted By:
>>20404238 Also im on a new file and havnt seen a ditto yet lel
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20404192 Will you make the porygon for me :o?
Shall i put a Magikarp on the GTS for one?
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
I kinda can't add people. I don't have any room.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Cross 1332 - 8551 - 9804
>>20397676 Is it still possible to get this done?
Quoted By:
>>20401220 I don't need it anymore. Cloned someone else's, thanks though
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
>>20404276 I cant do GTS because i have not seen a Ditto yet, I need to trade with you face to face
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20404217 Yeah. I have your two and two dittos left.
Quoted By:
>>20404276 Thanks JK you're awesome.
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
>>20404319 go to the bottom of the alphabet list after clicking "pokemon you want" choose "what pokemon" and enter in the name of the pokemon you're looking for Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20404328 Based JK, I wake up and find that you aren't kill yet. Requesting this if you feel like it:
>Pokemon: Deoxys >Nickname: Deoxys >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Pressure >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: - >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV’s: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV’s: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def >Moves: Spikes, Recover, Taunt, Toxic >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20404328 Okay, cool, just lemme get some Magikarp, I can't even fucking find any. Stupid Karp.
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
Quoted By:
>>20404349 Holy shit i actually never knew you could do this
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
Quoted By:
JK im going to buizel up, cant seem to find a karp
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Mamoswine >Nickname: Donphan-Ice >Level: 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Oblivious >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Attack / 4 Defense / 252 Speed >Moves: Ice Shard, Earthquake, Endeavor, Stealth Rock >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any >Pokemon: Eevee >Nickname: Boi >Level: 1 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Anticipation >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Hyper Voice / Wish / Heal Bell / Charm >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any >Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: None >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: Pearl >Pokemon Gender: >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Lovely Place >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: Synthesis, Return, Hypnosis, Teleport >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 01000 >OT: Hayley >>20404328 Asking for these again
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20404328 Karp is up, message is JK /vp/
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
If you need to find Magikarp, I'm pretty sure you can get them from the ponds in the back of the one mansion using the shit rod.
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
Quoted By:
>>20404461 I really hope that was you that sent me that shiny ditto!
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20404461 Based JK glad you aren't kill. If you got the time, can you fulfill my request?
>>20401367 IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20404461 Second Magikarp is up, same message.
Daniel 4484-9453-1000
Quoted By:
>>20404328 Karp is up! Thank you JK!
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
>>20404461 Karp is up. Thanks JK!
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20403900 >>20403909 >>20403921 >>20403962 >>20403974 >>20403975 >>20404124 >>20404279 >>20404284 >>20404290 >>20404359 >>20404466 I'm gonna try. If I missed sorry. You guys need to chill for a while. You're just making more of a pain to sift through what's what.
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
>>20404534 Tell me when you put something up so i can give you my shiny murkrow.
Also i asked for limber and i got imposter and the OT to be Connor but its JK but im totally not complaining. Thank you based JK, get well soon
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20404534 No worries i'll be patient.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20404461 Can you not find my Magikarp? I haven't received the Infernape, if that's the problem, just tell me and I redeposit it, if something came up and you can't get it to me now, that's okay, I can wait.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20404775 I'm getting the things I quoted in my last post out. Don't worry.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20404839 Hey JK, could you transfer up a couple of .pkm files? I have to get them ready but I wonder if I could trouble with such request.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20404534 Writing to AR. Damage report incoming.
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Quoted By:
>>20404534 thanks so much JK; added you
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20404897 All through.
Quoted By:
>>20404962 Can't wait. Thanks Based JK!
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20404556 Dude. When I gen breeding dittos, I ALWAYS make them jap, imposter, and different from the trainer. You want that .0000001% extra chance for shinies or not?
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
>>20404962 Thanks JK! I appreciate it a lot!
Connor (0576-4836-7032)
Quoted By:
>>20405032 True, sorry. I was just pointing it out
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
>>20404962 Thanks JK. you are literally the best
Quoted By:
>>20404962 Thanks a lot, hopefully my eevee makes it to me this time...
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Remember, put something on the GTS, I don't care what, but make sure I know. No luvdiscs. I won't be able to find them.
Quoted By:
>>20405178 Depositing a Sableye with the message "/vp/ JK" for eevee
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Quoted By:
>>20405178 level 58 male spinda up with the description
"JK sama ty"
Quin 4511 0457 1518
Quoted By:
>>20405178 I put a magikarp for the ditto.
Thanks a lot man, your the best.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20405178 Thank you JK, much appreciated!
Quoted By:
>>20405178 Depositing Magikarp for both.
>>20405178 I'll put up a level 1 female Meditite for your services. I'll put:
>/vp/ based JK Euni
Quoted By:
>>20405178 Just got the eevee, thanks a lot man. Depositing Mareep for Mamoswine.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20405403 Forgot to put my IGN. It's Serena
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
>>20405178 level 21 male chingling
>/vp/ thanks JK Anonymous
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot man
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Another genner here. Willing to take a few requests. Looking for Diancie or Monsoon/River/Ocean/Sandstorm Vivillon in exchange. BP items/rare berries/Kalos legendaries/breeding leftovers are also OK.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
>>20405449 If JK is too busy with all the requests, I like my request done.
>>20401367 I have diancie and all berries
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20405475 I have it already.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20405475 Shit. I accidentally made it lvl 100. Does it matter?
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 02:37:07 No. 20405528 Report If you are around, I have a very specific breeding ditto request. It is for breeding a trick-room team. I have breeding leftovers to trade.>Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Trick >Level: 100 >Nature: Sassy >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: n/a >Shiny: NO >Hatched/Met at location: Giant Chasm >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/0 >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 6 Def >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 50576 >OT: Duplica
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
>>20405489 Oh thanks man, the meditite is on gts if you haven't checked already.
>>20405403 syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20405528 I will do this.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20405534 You need to change the level bracket.
>>20405178 Just got Mamoswine too, thanks.
>>20405449 Can you make a mew for me? Timid with nasty plot as one of its moves.
I can offer yveltal, modest 5 IV Mareep, Jolly 5IVmiensfoo with Knock Off, 5 IV sableye with Recover and any choice item.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20405573 I accidentally made it level 100. Everything else should be good though.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20405582 That's fine as well. Changing it to level 100.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Another genner here. Can't take requests for a while though so i'm doing a minor giveaway for you guys instead, not starting a new thread though. These are some pokemon i genned a while back, pretty basic sets for the most part. Haxorus: lvl 100 shiny, adamant, 6iv Zoroark: lvl 100 shiny, timid, 6iv Eelektross: lvl 100 shiny, jolly, 6iv only have 5 of each, throw a pidgey up on the GTS asking for which one you want.
IGN Serena [0920-0519-0209]
Quoted By:
>>20405582 It's up and ready.
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 02:43:43 No. 20405663 Report Quoted By:
>>20405546 Thank you very much.
>>20405608 I'd like a Zoroark. Will put up a pidgey in a second.
>>20405608 Pidgey up for zoroark
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20405528 I don't think Imposter is compatible with the met location/ball
>>20405565 OK. Do you have any more details on what you want?
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20405679 >I don't think Imposter is compatible with the met location/ball That's where all mine come from.
Quoted By:
>>20405679 Uhhh, maybe stealth rocks, defog and baton pass on the mew if you can, that's about it. level doesnt matter
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20405703 Alright. I barely played BW, but I guess HA Ditto can be found there.
IGN: MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
2707 1792 1707
Can someone please make this Buneary for me?
http://puu .sh/aKI5h/016e70a73d.pkm I can give a shiny Chespin or a BP item.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20405729 Actually, I don't think bank gives a shit to be honest. I've already accidentally got level 1 imposter dittos through that were caught a level 52 in the Giant Chasm.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20405772 i got one of those through as well JK, bank doesn't care lol
>>20405608 also bumping this
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Never caught so many Patrats with Master Balls in my life.
>>20405789 Pidgey up for zoroark
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20405953 This is why I love my AR so damn much.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20406089 I never actually put up the pidgey yet, so I'm not sure who you delivered to. I am still waiting on my other GTS trade to go through.. bleh.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20406130 lol some lurker got it then. i'll save one for you
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Ditto is ready, but I accidently didn't change the OT gender to female. Hope you don't mind, or I can do it again.
Need to try Mew again...Will take on another request in meantime if someone has stuff from
>>20405449 Ranth
Quoted By:
>>20406150 Thank you very much, sorry about that.
2707 1792 1707
Quoted By:
>>20406089 Thank you so much. Do you want to trade directly or are you doing it through the GTS? (and if so what should I put up)
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 03:14:06 No. 20406197 Report >>20406151 Gender doesn't concern me, just a reference to the anime
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20406197 OK. Sorry bout that. You can add me now.
>>20406151 If you can't get those moves on mew then anything is fine, I need it for the dex mostly.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20405741 buneary is through, add me.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20406232 Nah, I probably fucked something up. I'm trying to replicate this Mew
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_in-game_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_in_Generation_III#Mew If someone can point me to a template, it would be appreciated.
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 03:19:58 No. 20406321 Report >>20406219 added, you want anything specific? Penta mareep, murkrow, riolu, rotom, ralts, natu, honedge, froakie, charmander available
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20406219 Here. This should help. Never fails for me, assuming I got it all right.
>https://www.mediafire.com/?7q2b98d7om43sxi Just remember to clear the PID
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20406321 honedge would be alright.
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
Quoted By:
Witnessed the power of SubPunch Mawile, and now I really want one. ;_; Thanks a lot if someone can help, I have Life Orbs, Ability Capsules and various penta leftovers from breeding.>Nickname: Filia >Level: 10 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Intimidate >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Wherever works >Specific Pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Today >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 172 HP / 252 Att / 84 Spe >Moves: Astonish, Focus Punch, Fake Tears, Poison Fang >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 01835 >OT: Gavrill
syphics 0490 6273 3755
2707 1792 1707
Quoted By:
>>20406284 Added and online. IGN is Disfunction
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 03:24:18 No. 20406400 Report >>20406342 will do, standing by
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20406400 Are you online?
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Togekiss >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: White Forest >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Sky Attack/Extreme Speed/Aura Sphere/Air Slash >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Any >OT: Any I can offer a bunch of breeding leftovers like Marill, Beldum, and Feebas if you want. Any help would be really appreciated.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20405608 last chance at this, otherwise throwing it up on GTS giveaways
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 03:30:28 No. 20406496 Report Quoted By:
>>20406443 sorry, my connection was messing up, fixed now
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20405608 last chance on these guys, putting them up on GTS giveaways soon.
>>20406130 saving a zoro for ranth
>>20406474 I still haven't had my trade go through. I could try to snag it as soon as you put it up this time though now that I know, maybe? Are you able to nickname them? If not, I don't mind, just curious.
Marco - 2122-6799-2172
>>20405608 Putting up a pidgey for eelektross
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise
0533-6240-4829 Rey - Bug -Butterfree, Pinsir Illumise Sat 09 Aug 2014 03:36:57 No. 20406610 Report Thanks for the ditto!
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20406514 Don't you have the hold and release L clone code?
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20405608 Putting Pidgey up for black Haxorus if I can, thanks a lot.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Quoted By:
>>20406556 gotchya. alright, adding thread to gts giveaway now. also added 6iv bagons as option in honor of memamence.
>>20406630 i don't really need it, i could clone as many as i want but i kinda just wanna empty out some of these gen boxes
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Alright Euni, Mew is good to go. What's your FC? Also, thanks again JK for the template
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20406717 or I guess we could use GTS if you let me know what you've put up.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20406742 Mew can't be traded over GTS.
>>20406717 it's 0903 2922 2213, thanks a lot
I'm in a restaurant right now so just wait a second Do you just want yveltal?
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20406752 Oh....
>>20406757 Yveltal is fine.
>>20406514 >>20406522 My trade finally went through, so I'm ready for Zoroark. I just put up the pidgey. Are you able to nickname it? If you'd rather not go through the trouble I understand, I'm sure you have many requests to fill/etc.
>>20406677 Didn't expect the nickname to be fucking amazing.
Thanks for the bro.
>>20406824 The pidgey's level 32, and has the message /vp/ Ranth.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20406873 You're welcome. Enjoy.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20406837 trading now.
>>20406836 nicknames are all in LOTR Blackspeech, it's a thing i do.
also burzum fuckin rox
Quoted By:
>>20406896 Got it, thank you so much, Gray. I appreciate it.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
So I used to pokegen back in 4th gen and the start of 5th gen. What do I need to pick up to gen for 6th gen?
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20406937 ask based JK, much better than me. basically, you need to make the pokemon as legit as possible to get through the bank and work online. also, extra bytes for hidden abilities. also get secret ID to match.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20406937 You need a legitimate Gen V game as well as a flash cart.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20406937 For Gen 6? Cyber Gadget. If you just wanna send Gen 5 shit through, AR DSi and a legit retail cart will work.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20406984 If you haven't given away my Ralts, Furfrou up for Ralts. Sorry for the wait.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20406984 >>20406961 >>20406971 Cool, shouldnt be to hard to get back into it then. I'll just have to dig out my old DS and see if i have my action replay hanging around somewhere.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20407097 Shit. I don't know what happened to it. Getting another. I know I didn't give it away.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Anyone still here who wants a request done?
Still looking for:
>>20405449 Anonymous
>>20407252 Can you transfer .pkm files?
I could give you a BP item for your troubles.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20407097 Sent. Can you believe I found the first after I regenned it? Figures.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20407384 Do you want the other too? You can give it to someone else, or something.
>>20407252 Can you do the Shiny Entei event that had extreme speed Adamant, with 6 IVs? Also an arceus? I can only offer the same things I did before
>>20407316 here's the link
http://www.4shared.com/rar/0PaIC4Z8ba/dwstuf.html let me know if they all make it through bank!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20407406 Yes please. Ralts up for Ralts.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20407437 Uh, do you have a download link that doesn't require me to sign in?
>>20407415 Will give it a try.
Quoted By:
>>20407495 ow crap, I hate when it does that.
let me try another server
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20407719 if they get through, I already have a Clamperl up asking for Spinda. Then we can trade as acquaintances (I'm having FC adding problems, new 3ds)
Terry 4270-1185-7959 (Bug: Ledyba/Illumise/Vivillion)
Terry 4270-1185-7959 (Bug: Ledyba/Illumise/Vivillion) Sat 09 Aug 2014 04:51:02 No. 20407797 Report New to this, so please bear with me if you can. How long does this stuff usually take you guys and, more importantly, when are you normally on? I myself can usually go online only at certain hours, so before asking for anything I wanna make sure I'd at least be able to get whatever some kind anon gens for me. So, more to the point, can I ask for a Genesect? I'll post the specifics in proper format if the answer is positive. I don't have much to give in return though, except for a rather unimpressive shiny Sawsbuck or some tetraperfect breeding leftover Venonats. Grinding some BPs isn't much of a problem either if you want some item.
My friend is trying to gen but he says you can't put a name and ID. He says that it has to be the name of the person that gens it even though I know it doesn't because I've received pokemon in the past with my name on it. What could be the problem?
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20407734 Whelp. Only Spinda and Porygon made it.
Also Euni, Arceus made it but Entei didn't. I'm too tired to retry any that failed.
>>20408123 Oh well.. better than nothing I guess.
As I said, I put a clamperl asking for spinda, then let me know what item would you like, and we'll trade as passerby.
Also, could you check what could be wrong with the therians?
>>20408123 Did you look up the Entei event and do that set? Anyway just the arceus is great, what item/mon do you want for it?
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20407797 i'm usually on at night, although this week i can't be because i'm not home. as for genning, a single pokemon can take anywhere between 20 min and 2 hours.
JK !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20408091 He isn't clearing PID or he's bullshitting you so he can put his name on everything.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20408177 Actually, looking at the genies, you gave them their Therian abilities, but not their Therian forms.
ps: fuck captcha
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20408178 fuck forgot name
>>20408224 you're right, there's some discrepancies there
could you fix it? I think where it says 1, it's a 2... Also which item do you want? I'll throw in a free evo item if you get those genies to work
:) Euni
Quoted By:
>>20408249 I wonder what went wrong then.
I can just breed an arcanine anyway I'm guessing you don't really need an item in return?
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20408319 I'll try one more time. BP items or rare berries are ok.
Quoted By:
>>20408377 Any item is ok? I'm at the Battle Maison so I can just buy one you need.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20408319 Do you want Hidden or normal abilities for them?
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20408432 Going with Hidden. Makes my life easier and it looks like you're using them in Therian anyway.
>>20408432 The hidden ones. Even though I'm tempted to use their other formes, but yeah hidden ability.
Terry 4270-1185-7959 (Bug: Ledyba/Illumise/Vivillion)
Terry 4270-1185-7959 (Bug: Ledyba/Illumise/Vivillion) Sat 09 Aug 2014 05:36:57 No. 20408535 Report >>20408193 I see. Well, I'm normally online from 3:30 to about 8:00 in the UTC+4 timezone, but right now I might hopefully hang on for a bit longer.
The request would basically be is*dot*gd/Qza5NT with a Serious nature. I don't know if the "had a fateful encounter" stuff is doable, so, if it's troblesome, it doesn't matter too much. Just stick "Plasma" or whatever for OT and so on.
Thanks in advance to you or whoever else decides to gen me one.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
>>20408504 Genies are ready. Whatever BP items you can get would be appreciated.
Quoted By:
>>20408651 ok just give me a sec to attach everything in its place and I'll send you a TR.
>>20408651 Could you help me evolve my Porygon too? I'll send it last. Thanks for your help!
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20408774 don't erase the tutor moves please
I'll send a last luvdisc with Sash for it.
>>20408774 thanks for all the help, they're awesome
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20408981 No problem. Enjoy.
Quoted By:
>>20408535 Reformatting this just in case.
>IGN: Terry 4270-1185-7959 >Pokemon: Genesect >Nickname: None >Level: whatever works, preferably 50 >Nature: Serious >Ability: Download >Game of Origin: B/W/B2/W2, whatever works >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: No >Met at location: whatever works >Specific pokeball: Masterball because muh balltism >Date of Creation: whatever works >IVs: 31/--/31/31/31/31 >EVs: specific EVs not neccessary, but 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe would be nice >Moves: Technoblast to save a heart scale, the rest I can teach myself >OT Gender: whatever works >TID / SID: whatever works >OT: Plasma Offering: Shiny safari Sawsbuck, and/or lvl 1 Premier Ball HP, SpA, SpD, Spe perfect Modest Tinted lens Venonat and/or lvl 1 Ultra Ball HP, Atk, Def, SpD perfect Impish Non-HA
...male Combee and/or a BP item.