[30 / 1 / ?]
Does anyone have the egg that will hatch into a Manaphy OR a level 1 Manaphy? I need one on my X version, but I only have a Yveltal or a Latias to offer in return. I really don't care if the Manaphy is hacked or cheated for just as long as it looks legit. The Yveltal is legit, but I don't know about the Latias. It's came from the Hoenn region, so I assume it is.
>>20392219 Stop being stupid
>>20392239 Or you could just not be rude.
>>20392219 Actually have one of these eggs sitting on my Diamond, but I'm not going to hatch and migrate over a Yveltal.
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>>20392288 Or you could learn to lurk more and wait for a Pokegen thread.
I can get (actually I've already done it) a box of Yveltals and Xerneas by just putting a ditto and saying it has 6 perfect Ivs anyway Also eggs can't get transferred
>>20392295 >>20392319 Well, I just found out the shiny Togekiss I got on WT the other day has 6 IVs. I guess I could offer that up if anyone would want that for a Manaphy. If not then I guess I'm outta luck.
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Fri 08 Aug 2014 10:27:31 No. 20392458 Report >>20392420 I have a level 50 Quirky Manaphy in a Cherish ball. If someone wants to clone I'd be happy to give it to you. Not even sure about the IV's because I never use the thing.
Gaffee 5472-8414-0484
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
>>20392458 i can clone if I you will let me
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Fri 08 Aug 2014 10:41:47 No. 20392577 Report Gaffee 5472-8414-0484
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I'm sending one to my x at the moment in case op returns
>>20392558 Yeah. I'm still here.
Gaffee 5472-8414-0484
>>20392592 Add me, just hatched one for you
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Fri 08 Aug 2014 10:48:56 No. 20392640 Report Can I keep the Fennekin?
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
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>>20392577 ok i'll be back on in a min to give you yours back
Colette 2079-6411-3068
>>20392611 Deal. What did you want? The Togekiss, Yveltal or Latias?
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
Gaffee 5472-8414-0484
>>20392648 Togekiss, Unless you have an unwanted houndoomite
Colette 2079-6411-3068
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>>20392705 Bless. If I had a Houndoomite I would have put that on Togekiss. But I unfortunately don't have one.
Thank you for Manaphy.
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
>>20392648 Could I clone your Latias?
Colette 2079-6411-3068
>>20392798 Sure, just as long as I get mine back.
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
>>20392817 yeah you will, I'm adding you now
Colette 2079-6411-3068
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
>>20392914 i'll be back on soon to give yours back
Colette 2079-6411-3068
Colette 2079-6411-3068
>>20392918 Also, did you want Fennekin back or could I keep it?
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
>>20392938 you can keep it and I'm back on
Colette 2079-6411-3068
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>>20392951 Alright. Thank you.
Kvasir 2895-7561-0992
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>>20392705 do you still want houndoomite?