[54 / 8 / ?]
So what's stopping this threat. Before any of you say Mamoswine, think about it. Nothing is gonna wanna switch into this. And for all those max defensive fat mons like Clef, Hippo, Skarm, Quag, they are either getting 2HKO by Return or getting popped on the special side. Any speed boost will check every other Poke like Char, Pinsir, Garde, Medi. And when this thing does get banned to Ubers, what's stopping it? For one thing, regular mence already outspeeds 75% of Ubers and with a D-Dance, nothing is switching in to a +1 Stab Return. And D-Dance isn't the only set to run. Mence can also go mixed which has near perfect coverage with Fire Blast, EQ, Return, Draco Meteor. Here are some calcs with REGULAR Mence (These calcs will probably go up due to the M-Evo) 252+ Atk Aerilate Salamence Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 325-384 (46.1 - 54.5%) -- 59% chance to 2HKO 252+ Atk Aerilate Salamence Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 216-255 (54.8 - 64.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 4 SpA Salamence Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Hippowdon: 199-235 (47.3 - 55.9%) -- 23.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 4 SpA Salamence Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 230-272 (68.8 - 81.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
>>20401890 Weavile ice punch or icicle crash
dead dragon.
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>>20401890 We'll see, stop trying to predict the future.
But I understand your point, the fact you are forced to revenge kill to have a chance in beating it it's wrong.
I can imagine sableye shitting on it though.
>>20401972 Not gonna see your video, work up on that voice.
>21 mins what
mega altaria, it was designed to counter mega salamence.
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>>20402018 >Not gonna see your video, work up on that voice. What?
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>>20401890 worst part based on its design it's probably going to get a bunch of speed so outspeeding it won't be an option
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>>20401972 OP here. This is actually where I got the idea to make this thread. Huge fan of PokeaimMD.
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>Yfw it gets Shell Smash
>>20401932 >Weavile Are you retarded?
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>>20402176 Why do you ask. It's /vp/ where 90% of the people don't know jackshit about competitive.
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>>20402021 Altaria really doesn't want to take a Return, though. M-Salamence is probably going to be faster, and M-Altaria needs its defence buffed to 129+, a positive nature, and 252HP/252Def to have a 100% chance of not being 2HKO'd by a M-Salamence with unchanged offensive stats, assuming it's switching in at full health.
>>20401890 Mega Arcanine with Fur Coat and Slack Off is gonna laugh at it.
Aegislash was probably the best bet for countering it in OU, but some guys decided they wanted to ban it recently. I guess anything with priority W-o-W can cause it some major issues, though, especially if it'd a full physical set. I imagine the most used sets will either be DoubleDance, Bulky Dragon Dance or just All-Out Attacking.>yfw it gets Trash >Flying-type Outrage with a base power boost AS WELL AS classic Outrage This thing is crazy strong.
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>>20402464 >fur coat >not Immolate for dat stab boosted Espeed Anonymous
>>20402499 >priority WoW So Sableye and M-Banette?
>>20402499 why would you thrash over return?
fuckin nub
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>>20402549 Yeah, that'd be it. I guess T-wave would work, too, so that opens up a few more options I guess.
>>20402556 For massive wallbreaking damage.
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>>20402556 >using return over double edge Anonymous
Why couldn't the preorder bonus have been for shiny Bagon?
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>>20402594 Because shiny Salamence is disgusting.
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>>20402594 Don't fucking call it a preorder bonus, it's an event open to everyone, just like torchic was.
>>20401972 Just realised that if you look at it from above MegaMence looks like the Rebel Alliance symbol.
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>>20402626 Yes we all know that, there's been 50,000 threads pointing it out.
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>>20402626 Just realised that if you look at the form of its wings, they look like a french croissant.
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>>20402626 I'm going to fucking kill your dog if you say it again
>>20402499 Smogon is probably going to retest most of the Ubers because of the new metagame with ORAS.
>>20402665 Or they'll just quickban M-Salamence.
>>20402665 I doubt any of them will come back down. Maybe Aegislash, but that's because a lot of people (38% of the voters) thought it was banned too early. Genesect, Luke, and the Deos have about as much of a chance of coming back into OU as Shaymin-S.
>>20402689 This is what I can see happening. Mega Salamence is essentially a better Rayquaza that doesn't need Espeed to sweep.
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>>20402665 I hope they don't retest things, to be honest. If they do ban Mega Gengar from Ubers things like Mega Metagross might get a niche role in Ubers (MegaGross in particular would be good for Xerneas)
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>>20402730 but everyone needs Extreme Speed
specially Swellow
>>20402689 This might happen actually. Imo, on paper, it looks better than M-Kanga.
>>20402714 Smogon actually drops some Ubers every time a game comes out. They also retest. Garchomp was banned in early BW but was later retested and stayed in OU.
you smogonfags just make everything less fun it's a fucking kids game and the metagame is also a fucking joke
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>>20402844 pic related
>>20402826 Chomp was retested with BW2 because it got Rough Skin, right? I forget when all of the HAs were released.
>>20402176 Why is that retarded?
weavile op
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>>20403017 Weavile isn't that good in OU, and is usually inferior to anything else you could choose for your team. It's too good for UU, but not nearly good enough for OU.
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>>20401890 >yfw it's Dragon/Steel Anonymous
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>>20401972 >21 minutes holy shit the autism
>>20403052 Special Salamence is already common in VGC, the Mega will be ever more common.
>Intimdate in regular form for dropping opponents' Attack >Aerilate Hyper Voice hitting both opponents and going through Sub >Hydro Pump / Fire Blast / Draco Meteor for backup gg
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>>20403052 I'm laughing harder at pic related than I should be
>>20401890 Chompy went to Ubers in the same gen as Salamence, players predicted it wouldn't last a week, and just look at it now. Can't have Scarf, Band, loses Intimidate/Moxie, and Lopunny outspeeds by 5 whole points with Ice Punch.
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>>20403048 only if it doesn't have DD already set up
+1 252+ Atk Salamence Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Tyranitar: 200-236 (49.5 - 58.4%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO
>>20403100 >VCG >Hyper Voice Salamence Anonymous
who at game freak tested this shit
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>>20403257 The same people who gave Mega Mom the A-OK
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>>20403240 Move tutors in ORAS silly boy
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>>20402844 What's fun about everyone using the same handful of broken pokemon in wifi battles?
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>>20403202 >loses Intimidate Intimidate takes effect when it's sent out as regular Salamence anyway and Aerialate is much more dangerous than Moxie
Chomp got fucked by a lack of speed, but Salamence has access to Dragon Dance
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>>20403202 >not baton passing Swords Dance and a few Speed Boosts to Mega Chomp Anonymous
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>>20401890 Is it just me or does Mega Salamance look like a Cylon Raider?