Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Quoted By:
Do you have a 6IV Shiny meloetta, or a 6iv shiny ditto? TY :)
Mario [4640-0365-9934]
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a female Swadloon. 'Disc up already.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb. Sat 09 Aug 2014 07:24:52 No. 20409822 Report 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 9 / 31 Failed MM attempt. Who wants it? Nicknamable.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb. Sat 09 Aug 2014 07:25:53 No. 20409835 Report >>20409822 Oh, Calm in Heal Ball.
>>20409835 ill put a disc in a minute!
>>20409853 My disc is up, thanks in advance!
IGN : Kalem FC : [0490-6590-7144]
Quoted By:
>>20405328 I'm looking for a Zen Mode Darmanitan please !
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb. Sat 09 Aug 2014 07:35:47 No. 20409948 Report Z
Quoted By:
Looking for Prankster Sableye. Luvdisc up.
>>20409948 i got sniped, just deposited another luvdisc
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb. Sat 09 Aug 2014 07:47:21 No. 20410055 Report >>20410012 give me your FC, dont see it
Tom 1435 - 4296 - 7814
Quoted By:
Can somebody give me a floink? One of these fire pigs?
Quoted By:
I want a Zen Mode Darmanitan too please ? Can anyone help ?
>>20410055 just checked the gts, got sniped again...
FC: 0103-9601-8602
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Sableye~
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Quoted By:
>>20410082 Thanks J Sal! always wanted a shiny flabebe!
IGN : Kalem FC : [0490-6590-7144]
Please Please a Zen Mode Darmanitan ????
Quoted By:
Put a disc in, looking for a togetic :)
Quoted By:
>>20410180 Shut the fuck off dude and wait
I have 16 of these to giveaway, anyone want one?
>>20410620 huh, /vp/ really must be dead if Im not getting any responses from a giveaway
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Quoted By:
LF Beldum! And shuppet/banette for compet too
Nikky 1736 0833 6149
>>20410620 Cool, I'll take one. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20410620 I'm down!
Disc up
>>20410651 what's your ign?
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20410620 Disc is up, thanks!
Tom 4398 - 9795 - 7405
>>20410620 I'll take one, should I disc up or just acquaintance trade you because you're already there?
>>20410670 just disc up since Im lazy
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20410620 I'll disc up then
Quoted By:
Ty so much Glaceon :) Can't wait for ya next giveaway
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Tom 4398 - 9795 - 7405
Quoted By:
>>20410674 Alright, Disc is up. Thanks a ton!
Nikky 1736 0833 6149
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20410620 I'l take one! Discing up!
did anyone else want one? I still have 8 left
Quoted By:
>>20410620 Evening Glaceon. I always seem to miss your giveaways, but not tonight hopefully. Disk going up in a sec.
could anyone spare an iron fist chimchar for an old fellow?
shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20410757 I gave away most of my 5IV Chimchars but I do have a lvl 20 4IV one if you're interested?
Quoted By:
disk is up looking for an electabuzz thanks /tr/
>>20410735 Can I get one? IGN is Jack.
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20410735 Thank you Glaceon!
Mack 2294 5355 4315
Quoted By:
>>20410620 Disc is up, cheers Glaceon.
Quoted By:
>>20405328 Anyway my disc is up for a beldum. I'll do shuppet tomorrow hopefully.
>>20410808 don't see your disc on gts
Quoted By:
Since I'm up, does anyone want an Anticipation Eevee? I have 2Modest and 1 Impish left. They have 4 perfect IVs in relevant stats and Wish, Stored Power, Curse, and Yawn as egg moves.
4940 5460 7007 ign: Serena
>>20410792 o! I didn't see your post
yes I'd very much appreciate that, I don't care for IVs so long as it has iron fist
>>20410863 ah well, it's almost 5am for me now and I still don't see your disc, so goodnight /vp/
shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20410882 cool put up that luvdisc and I'll sort you out
Quoted By:
>>20410620 Disc is up,
IGN Belle
>>20410902 danke friend :)
shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20410949 thank you very much!
did it have any egg moves I can heart scale on?
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20410981 No problem, It should have fire punch, thunder punch and fake out
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20410620 Any left, Glaceon? I put a disc just in case.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
I bred some Love Ball Buneary because ORAS: - 5x, Fake Out/Focus Punch/Circle Throw/Low Kick; Adamant, non-HA (5IV missing non-SpAtk IV) - 6x, Fake Out/Ice Punch/Encore/Switcheroo; Jolly, non-HA (5IV missing non-SpAtk IV) Disc up (and let me know) if you'd like one.
Noire 1134-8486-8712
>>20414087 discing up for the top one
>>20414087 ill take a adamant
>>20414087 Disc for Adamant bunny
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20414123 >>20414137 >>20414169 Sent to all three of you. You're welcome, Noire.
>>20414087 Shit I don't know which one to get
Suika 5343-7774-9340 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Suika 5343-7774-9340 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sat 09 Aug 2014 16:30:49 No. 20414216 Report >>20414087 Setting up a disc now, can I have the Adamant one? Thanks!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20414205 You may have two (one of each).
Quoted By:
>>20414195 Tyvmmmmmmm!!!!!
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
>>20414087 I think I'll disc for a Adamant female bunny if you've got females.
I'd like to keep my options open.
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Sat 09 Aug 2014 16:32:43 No. 20414246 Report >>20414087 I'll take a female bottom one, I think. thank you!
Quoted By:
That feeling when I was giving away my mons in the old thread. (3) Gastly: Timid, pokeball, hypnosis, lick, disable, grudge, 2M/1F (12) Pichu: Timid, premierball, Lightning Rod (HA), encore egg move, 5F/6M, 1x female Penta w/ Static instead of Lightning Rod (4) Abra: Modest, pokeball, Magic Guard (HA), no egg moves, all male (2) Bulbasaur: Calm, pokeball, Chlorophyll (HA), giga drain, leaf storm, petal dance egg moves, male. (1) Pachirisu: Timid, dreamball, Volt Absorb (HA), follow me, bestow, fake tears, ion deluge egg moves, male (4) Larvitar: Jolly, pokeball, Guts, no egg moves, 2M/2F (1) Honedge: Brave, pokeball, metal sound, shadow sneak egg moves, female (1) Froakie: Timid, pokeball, Protean (HA), no egg moves, female
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
That feeling when I was still in the old thread. All mons here are have at 5 IVs in random places (usually not the best). All mons here are also given silly or cataloging names. If you want any mons from the list, quote this post and put a luvdisc up on the GTS. If you want me to change the nickname you can add the nickname to your request. (3) Gastly: Timid, pokeball, hypnosis, lick, disable, grudge, 2M/1F (12) Pichu: Timid, premierball, Lightning Rod (HA), encore egg move, 5F/6M, 1x female Penta w/ Static instead of Lightning Rod (4) Abra: Modest, pokeball, Magic Guard (HA), no egg moves, all male (2) Bulbasaur: Calm, pokeball, Chlorophyll (HA), giga drain, leaf storm, petal dance egg moves, male. (1) Pachirisu: Timid, dreamball, Volt Absorb (HA), follow me, bestow, fake tears, ion deluge egg moves, male (4) Larvitar: Jolly, pokeball, Guts, no egg moves, 2M/2F (1) Honedge: Brave, pokeball, metal sound, shadow sneak egg moves, female (1) Froakie: Timid, pokeball, Protean (HA), no egg moves, female
Can i have the Jolly? thanks!!!
>>20414087 Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20414302 I sent you a Jolly one, Mario.
I only have one Adamant one left, and 5 Jolly ones.
Quoted By:
>>20414302 Fuck off beggar you got one already
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414087 I'll put a Ludisc up. I'm fine with any nature, are they female?
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20414327 They are female, I should have mentioned.
>>20414314 Thanks, you're very kind XD
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414333 Cool, I set it to female only. Disc is up now (make sure to get that Heart Scale!)
IGN: Gio
>>20414285 Discing up for Encore Pichu
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20414364 Andrea, I sent you a Jolly one with the fighting-type egg moves. Thank you for the Heart Scale!
>>20414356 You're welcome.
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sat 09 Aug 2014 16:44:24 No. 20414382 Report >>20414285 Hi, disc up for Abra please ^^
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414382 Sent.
>>20414368 Don't see your IGN on the GTS yet. Have you put a disc up or still in the process?
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sat 09 Aug 2014 16:51:41 No. 20414511 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Gio
>>20414489 Did you just send me a Japanese Pichu? It even knows Encore.
I dunno if it's you but I'll disc up for the Timid HA Pichu instead.
>>20414544 No, my IGN is Lonk, so looks like you got sniped. Odd pokemon to snipe on.
IGN: Gio
>>20414568 Just got disc up now
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414285 Oh, can I get a Froakie? The disc is up already
Quoted By:
Can anyone breed me a female larvitar in a heavy ball, or any other apricorn ball?
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet Sat 09 Aug 2014 17:03:40 No. 20414677 Report Quoted By:
I'm granting wishes right now. It would be pretty cool if someone could give me the Clefairy I asked for on there.
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet Sat 09 Aug 2014 17:05:09 No. 20414695 Report >>20414641 I granted your wish
>>20414641 Only Froakie request I'm seeing is from someone with IGN of Johnathan, is that you?
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414703 uhh, I think he
>>20414695 sent me a Froakie instead. No idea what its stats or anything are
>>20414733 Probably best to check if it's got the hidden ability and rough IVs you wanted. Mine wasn't perfect or anything so it's possible it's better then the one I was offering. Mine was just a quick breed for my mansion team.
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414787 It's only got 2 perfect IVs, so yours would automatically be better. I'm going to be using it to breed as well so I guess I'll put another Luvdisc up
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20414087 do you still have any adamant bunnies left? would love to have one
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20414920 I have one left. I'm in a battle, so disc up in about 5 minutes please!
>>20414943 thanks alot, my ign is Derek
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20414972 OK, Adamant bunny is sent Derek!
I'm all out of Adamant Females. I have a few pentaperfect Adamant Male Love Ball Buneary if anyone wants those.
IGN: Miles 4184 2119 5825
>>20410620 Do you still have any left? It doesnt have to be that specific one I just need a Pichu with HA and egg moves.
Quoted By:
anyone happen to have an infiltrator hoppip/skiploom/jumpluff?
Quoted By:
>>20410620 do you still have one left? really would like to have one
>>20415136 If you are really desperate, I've got a bunch of HA pichu with random 5IV and encore as a egg move, both males and females.
Osu 4656-7645-9190
Does anyone have a Jolly baton pass torchik by any chance?
Discing up for a leftover Calm/Bold Rotom, would really appreciate it. Wifi general doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Thanks.
>>20415378 >Jolly >when its ability is Speed Boost IGN: Miles 4184 2119 5825
>>20415336 Really? I would like a 5IV female. I am depositing a Luvdisc right now.
Matt 1263-7932-4611
Quoted By:
Disc'd up for a Houndour. Doesn't have to be anything special.
>>20415445 >being retarded See any number of posts above. Normal Life Orb Blaziken has to run Jolly or else it can't outspeed a number of crucial threats after Speed Boost. Whereas Mega Blaziken can run Adamant, in which case he will have not only a higher Attack stat than his Jolly Life ORb counterpart, but also more Speed despite not running a +Speed nature.
Congratulations, you can look on a website and read a Pokemon's base stats. However lets not pretend that you have a goddamn clue about competitive battling, because you don't.
IGN: Miles 4184 2119 5825
Quoted By:
>>20415555 Thank you very much :)
>>20414087 I've been breeding these myself trying to get favorable non-hidden abilities on to each of the sets.
As a result, I've got these spare:
6 x female Buneary, Fake Out/Focus Punch/Circle Throw/Low Kick; Adamant, Klutz ability (5IV missing non-SpAtk IV)
1 x male Buneary, same egg moves, nature, ability, but penta perfect missing SpAtk IV
1 x male Buneary, Encore/Ice Punch/Switcheroo/Cosmic Power; Jolly nature, Run Away ability, penta perfect missing SpAtk IV
Should anyone want them. They are nicknamed so if you want to use any of the pentas you might want to request a nickname them first.
All Buneary are in Love Balls.
Quoted By:
>>20415563 >See any number of posts above >literally no discussion about Torchic or Blaziken, competitive or otherwise, until your two posts just now Are you in the right thread?
mavm 1821-9933-5703
All mons here are have at least 4 or 5 IVs in random places (usually not the best). If you want any mons from the list, quote this post and put a luvdisc up on the GTS. (7) Numel : Modest, pokeball, iron head , heatwawe (4) zubat: Adamant - Dusk ball (6) zubat : Modest -Dusk ball - brave bird, nasty plot - all female (4) mawile : Adamant - intimidate - loveball - fire fang (4) marrill : Adamant - huge power - dive ball (4) skido : Jolly - Sap Sipper - nest ball (9) honedge : Sassy - dusk ball (4) larvesta : timid - morning rise (6) Gastly : Timid - moon ball (3) yanma :Modest - Speed boost
Quoted By:
>>20416301 i'll grab a non perfect female buneary, if that's alright. discing up, thanks
>>20416469 shut the fuck up
Quoted By:
genesect anyone?
Quoted By:
>>20416469 >usually not the best You should distribute good things.
>>20416469 Could i get one of those Numels?
don't pay attention to
>>20416484 , i appreciate what you do.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Quoted By:
Has anyone got an Absol w/ Snatch ?
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:15:45 No. 20416618 Report Quoted By:
>>20416469 Mind if I get a Yanma and then a Numel? If not, just the Yanma. Male if possible. Disc up
mavm 1821-9933-5703
>>20416567 yes, you can have one .
Giving away 15 Adamant Totodiles with Dragon Dance. Leave your ingame name in the name field if you want one.
Matt 1263-7932-4611
>>20416682 Can I get one? Disc is up
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Does anyone have Scraggy?? Disc up.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
>>20416743 You can scratch scraggy in horde battles to the right of the town where you get the pokeflute
>>20416726 Sent.
Forgot to mention, all are 5IV.
>>20416768 are they in any pretty ball?
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20416757 I restarted and don't have Fly yet.
Quoted By:
>>20416820 Regular Pokeball.
Matt 1263-7932-4611
Dani 1418 7147 9691
I had this in the other thread but maybe someone in this thread would want some? -4-5 IV Adamant Moon Ball Murkrow, no HA, with Brave Bird, Roost, and Screech egg moves -4-5 IV Adamant Inkay, some have Contrary -4-5 IV Bold Eevee, some have their HA and have Wish -4-5 IV Adamant Gale Wing Fletchling, no egg moves.
>>20416903 Disc up for a female Ponyta. Thanks!
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
I have at least 3 boxes of 5/6 IV sniper Horseas. I've been mm for months it feels like. None of them are marked but they come from 6IV parents. Reply and put up a disk if you want one
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:37:44 No. 20417027 Report >>20416903 Disc up for that Taillow, female please (love the ball)
Also giving away Chatots (4-5IVs) Lure Ball, Tangled Feet, Timid, Encore-Boomburst-Defog-Nasty Plot. Female and male
IGN: Silvaretha
>>20416903 Is the moody Snorunt female?
>>20417050 All of them are female.
IGN: Silvaretha
Noire 1134-8486-8712
>>20416903 discing up for ponyta
«Michel» 0404-6250-9212
Quoted By:
>>20417027 Discing up for for female Chatot.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:48:41 No. 20417257 Report Quoted By:
>>20417024 Disc up now, thanks
>>20416469 Could I get that Mawile? Female if you have it.
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak) Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:50:41 No. 20417290 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a female HA Heal Ball Nidoran, anyone?
mavm 1821-9933-5703
>>20417277 yes, you can have obe
>>20416903 lvl 26 female disc up for the snorunt if you've still got it
you can disc up for as many as youd like. Just tell me what one and what gender and disc up. When you disc up, put level 1-10 and what gender you want so you dont get sniped as easy
Quoted By:
>>20405328 If i request a pokemon for luvdisc can I ask for a certain nickname too?
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
Quoted By:
>>20417024 They are all modest too
disc up for genesect come on guys i need it
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20417333 Discing up for a Phanpy, please!
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
Does anyone want some 4-5 IV Ralts? I have 17 boxes of them
>>20417405 Male or female, brother?
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20416903 Discing up for a female Taillow
thanks in advance
>>20417403 sent
Matt 1263-7932-4611
Quoted By:
>>20417333 Can I get a Chikorita? Gender doesn't matter, Disc is up.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
Quoted By:
>>20417436 Tons of both, I only have 20 marked with exact IVs though
Quoted By:
>>20415436 Re-discing if I can.
Quoted By:
>>20416903 Why nobody wants Misdreavus, the ball match with her eyes.
Quoted By:
>>20416903 I'll take the misdreavus
>>20417333 >>20417451 If possible I'd love a phanpy!
Have 22 pentaperfect Taillows 14 Male, 8 Female; Jolly; Brave Bird/Pursuit; normal Pokeball Gonna toss them on WT in about an hour if no one wants any.
>>20417637 I'll take a male! Discing up right now
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 09 Aug 2014 20:18:22 No. 20417666 Report >>20417333 Would like a Phanpy pls, thanks. Disc up.
>>20417333 ign kealan
discing up for a phanpy
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20417333 Can I have a female Phanpy? Discing up, thanks in advance!
>>20417333 putting a disc up for phanpy!
Quoted By:
>>20417704 got it! thanks a bunch!
>>20417637 Could I score a female?
Disc is up
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20416938 Pokeballs on Inkay and Eevee?
>>20416903 I'd love one of each.
>>20416469 I'd like a female loveball Mawile if you have any left.
Now i have to breed for ages to make up for my greed :'[
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20417733 I think I answered you on the other thread, but in case you stopped glancing at that one, both are in normal balls. I can give you males though if you just care about the IVs and Eevee's Wish.
Quoted By:
>>20417717 Didn't see it for a short while but I got it now
>>20417733 Sorry I'm out of Snorunt.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20417764 The Eevee egg move would be appreciated, i will MM for multiple Eevees when i get ahold of a HA dreamball female or a powersaver thread.
mavm 1821-9933-5703
Quoted By:
does anyone have any protean froakies from breeding leftovers? getting desperate and GTS is being a piece of shit
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20417804 Ok. My nephew stole my game so it might be a bit before I can deliver (I'm sorry!). You can probably disc up though and I'll get it to you ASAP.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Quoted By:
>>20417698 >>20417678 >>20417666 >>20417682 sent
>>20417626 whats your IGN name? I dont see any other discs for phanphy so you might have gotten sniped
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20417828 Disc up for Mawile
>>20417800 What about the other three? :)
>>20417853 Discing up when/if i don't have any other waiting.
>>20417891 You can take the other three guys.
syphics 0490 6273 3755
Quoted By:
>>20417333 Disc up for female phanpy.
Dani 1418 7147 9691
>>20417891 I got it. You can disc up right now and I'll get it to you.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Dani 1418 7147 9691
Quoted By:
Does anyone have any leftover sturdy Bergmites?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20417926 Discing up for Ponyta, Misdreavous, taillow in that order
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
for those of you who weren't able to snag some of these last night, here's another shot. disc up with message "dingus"
i will update as i run out of each, be patient.
Quoted By:
>>20418138 >any of those >cool Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Kustem (´・ω・`)
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Disc up for Volcarona.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Discing for Haxorus
>>20418138 discing up for Eelektross
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Discing for Bagon! Thanks OP!
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Sat 09 Aug 2014 20:52:20 No. 20418187 Report Quoted By:
>>20418138 discing up for a bagon
Quoted By:
>>20418138 can i get a bagon, disc up
mavm 1821-9933-5703
Scurge 4828 5894 2652
Quoted By:
disc for the haxorus
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Quoted By:
>>20418138 disking up for Haxorus
Jade 0920-0580-8895
Quoted By:
>>20418138 discing up for bagon, thanks OP!
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Quoted By:
>>20418138 discing for bagon
Desirey (2637 9916 7643)
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Disc up for Zoroark.
Matt 1263-7932-4611
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Discing for Zoroark.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>20418138 discing up for bagon!
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs
Dood (IGN: Ryan) 1864-9692-3058 !!Wdb8cQPKTTs Sat 09 Aug 2014 20:55:59 No. 20418237 Report Quoted By:
>>20418138 disc up for bagon
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Disc up for volcarona
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Disc up for Eelektross
Quoted By:
>>20418138 discing up for Eelektross, thanks!
mavm 1821-9933-5703
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Update same as last time, tell me what youd like, and disc up with Level 1-10 and what gender you want
Dani 1418 7147 9691
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Is there an Eelektross left? I love those things.
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Disc is up for Haxorus, thanks
Jade 0920-0580-8895
I have x8 buneary in love balls, 5IV, jolly, female, fire/ice/thunder punch and fake out as egg moves. Disc up if anyone would like them.
Quoted By:
>>20418294 Female Phany please.
>>20418138 Thanks a lot mate.
>>20418294 I've been eying those phany for a few days, I'll take a female if you don't mind.
IGN: Jeri
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20418339 Could you nickname one Chie for me?
>>20418339 I want one of those.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20418339 discing up for one in a minute
>>20418339 I've been up to my ears in loveball buneary for the last few days, first the one I bred with switcheroo, then the one someone else bred with almost entirely fighting moves, now you've got all the punches.
I won't disc for one unless it looks like you won't clear those ones out. I've got plenty to be taking them from anyone else.
Matt 1263-7932-4611
>>20418339 Discing up right now
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20418364 i dont see your disc
>>20418339 Ill take disk is up IGN Cole
Jade 0920-0580-8895
>>20418384 sure thing.
>>20418383 >>20418388 >>20418397 >>20418466 >>20418496 sending now
>>20418435 ah it's cool yo. i'll probably be breeding more in the future anyway so if anyone is looking for the punches they won't be too hard to find.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:11:03 No. 20418512 Report >>20418339 Putting a disc up now thanks
Quoted By:
>>20418486 Oh, I must have got sniped. How odd.
I'll put up another disc.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418503 i also disced up for one while trading my giveaways lol
Jade 0920-0580-8895
Quoted By:
>>20418512 >>20418522 cool, will send them on their way. I think I'm cleared out as of these but I'll let you guys know if I breed any more.
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Quoted By:
>>20418138 Any Bagons left?
>>20418503 No problems, like you say, it'll turn up eventually so I'll get one eventually.
In the meantime, I saved some love ball Buneary if other people wanted them.
The four I've got spare are: Female, Adamant, with fake out, focus punch, circle throw and low kick egg moves. All have 5IV in random stats, none of them perfect.
2 of them have Run Away, 2 of them are Klutz. Seeing as they don't have switcheroo I'm not sure people will care for the Klutz ones.
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20418584 ill take one of those Run Aways, probably combine the two I have
disc is going up
kensei 1864-9151-8428
Quoted By:
>>20418138 disc up
haxorus pls
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20418138 > Oh, got any Bagons left? I'll throw one up in anticipation.
Suika 5343-7774-9340 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Suika 5343-7774-9340 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon) Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:21:32 No. 20418635 Report Quoted By:
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
UPDATE: out of eelektross. if you disced and didn't receive one, redisc quick for something else!
Quoted By:
>>20418619 Sent, and thanks for the Phany.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418672 also out of haxorus now
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>20418138 Disc up for Bagon if there are any left. My leftovers:
6M 5IV Dive Ball Amaura
>Modest, Refrigerate >Barrier/Haze/Magnet Rise/Mirror Coat 2F 6M 5IV Espurr
>Modest, Infiltrator >Assist/Barrier/Trick/Yawn 2F 1M 5IV Repeat Ball Trapinch
>Adamant, Sheer Force (HA) >Gust/Bug Bite/Quick Attack/Signal Beam 5M 5IV Chespin
>Impish, Bulletproof (HA) >Curse/Rollout/Spikes/Synthesis 1F 1M 5IV Skarmory
>Impish, Sturdy >Brave Bird/Drill Peck/Stealth Rock/Whirlwind 2M 4Iv Nidoran(M)
>Modest, Hustle (HA) >Counter/Disable/Venom Drench (one needs relearning) 2F 5IV Diglett
>Jolly, 1x Sand Veil/1x Arena Trap >Final Gambit/Memento/Reversal/Sand Attack 2M 4IV Dive Ball Clamperl
>Adamant, Rattled (HA) >Aqua Ring/Brine/Confuse Ray/Water Pulse 3M 5IV Premier Ball Phantump
>Careful, Harvest (HA) >No egg moves One-offs, first come first serve:
4IV Male Brave HA Cubone (4EM)
5IV Male Jolly Safari Ball Doduo (4EM)
Pentaperfect Female Impish Furfrou (No EM)
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418702 out of bagons now as well
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418716 can i get that furfrou? i'll disc up
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>20418732 Sure, I'm rediscing for Zoroark right now
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Quoted By:
there are still 3 zoroarks and 1 volcarona left.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20418716 discing for a Nidoran
thanks in advance
Ign: Kei 2535-3771-8823
Quoted By:
>>20418138 discing for volcarona, thanks
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Quoted By:
>>20418721 Thank you, Gray!
>>20418716 Nidoran please.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418294 someone sniped mine, any male chikoritas left?
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Emilia FC: 3110 6223 8913 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:33:45 No. 20418769 Report Quoted By:
>>20418716 disc up for Nidoran
IGN: Gio
>>20418716 Disc up for Doduo
IGN: Matt
>>20418716 Can I get an Amaura? Disc going up.
>>20418716 Can I nab a Trapinch? Hoenn hype and all that
Male if still there!
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
>>20418716 Disc'ing for an Espurr!
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Scurge 4828 5894 2652
Quoted By:
>>20418716 can i grab an amaura? disc up in advance
Quoted By:
>>20418716 Gonna disc up for Clampearl in a moment
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>20418138 belated thanks!
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Quoted By:
>>20418786 disc up
>>20418732 someone sniped mine, rediscing shortly
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>20418732 Not seeing your disc for Furfrou yet, let me know when it's up or if you've been sniped
>>20418767 Really sorry, I miscounted my Nidorans. Only had one to spare which has gone to
>>20418756 >>20418771 >>20418781 >>20418782 >>20418785 Sending these now, gimme me a minute
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:38:38 No. 20418824 Report >>20418716 disking up for a chespin please
>>20418815 Awesome - is it too much to ask for an Amaura after? Working on a mono ice team and it'd save me some effort
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>20418833 Yeah sure. I've got nothing better to do with them
>>20418858 Sweet, discing up once more then, theyre all male right?
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Sat 09 Aug 2014 21:44:14 No. 20418886 Report >>20418716 disc up for an amaura. thanks!
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>20418874 Yeah, only males left
Sent everything up to
>>20418824 , if I've missed you (apart from Nidoran) reply to this message
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418815 yeah i was sniped, rediscing now
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20418815 ill breed a few extra Nidorans for whoever missed out on it
>>20418767 disc up in a few minutes, ill get you one
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>20418886 No Sir, thank *you* for the Zoroark!
Sent first so you don't get sniped again
Wildo 1504-6573-3023
>>20418716 disc going up for a chespin, thonks
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
Right, I can't see any of my discs past
>>20418901 , so let me know if you've missed out
>>20418910 Thanks for picking up the slack, I get very lazy once I get my pentas/hexas
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20418919 lol that was Gary not me. did i just get sniped again or did you actually send the furfrou? OT on it is Evan
>>20418716 Can I get an Amaura?
Quoted By:
>>20419018 I put a disc up btw
Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>20418984 The Furfrou was from Wonder Trade, so it's not my OT. That should be the one I sent you, but if I've mixed up your names I may have fucked up and sent it to some sniper
>>20418965 >>20419018 On it
Neve 4098 3569 5888
>>20418949 hes ready, disc up if you havent
>>20419106 Disc up, again thank you.
Neve 4098 3569 5888
Quoted By:
>>20419139 its no problem, I MM like crazy so a few extra eggs thrown in wont hurt
If anyone else would like one of Jays Hustle Modest Nidorans then let me know, I bred a few from the one he gave me
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20418716 Oh man, do you still have any Amaura?
If not I would like an Espurr (the male gets Prankster when it evolves into Meowstic, right?)
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>20419328 I have one Amaura left, disc up and it's yours
My Espurr aren't HA so they wouldn't get Prankster/Competitive when they evolve Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20419389 oh snap, I have to go catch a Luvdisc real quick
my name in-game is this one, I'll mention you specifically I guess
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20419453 Aaaaaaaaaaand it's up!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
About time we make a new thread. I am MM'ing atm preparing for the 2chan event. Wish me luck :)
Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>20419511 Sent. Amauras gone
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
Harry 0705-2065-7962
Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have a female Ralts in a Moon Ball to spare?