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Create a Mega-Evolution

No.20407037 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Game Freak asks you to create a Mega-Evolution for whichever Pokemon. Which pokemon would you choose and what would you give it?

>Rotom (Standard Form) -> Rotom-Mega
>Levitate -> Interference (Any opposing pokemon that switches in the turn you mega-evolve gets paralyzed. After that, prevents switching.)
HP: 50 -> 50
Atk: 50 -> 40 (-10)
Def: 77 -> 77
Sp. A: 95 -> 135 (+40)
Sp. D: 77 -> 97 (+20)
Spe: 91 -> 141 (+50)
Rotom expands it's plasma field, looking like a single huge lightning bolt in the process.

>Hitmontop -> Hitmontop-Mega
>Ability -> Multistrike (All attacks that would strike the enemy more than once now strike 5 times.)
HP: 50
Atk: 95 -> 140 (+45)
Def: 95 -> 115 ( +20)
Sp. A:35 -> 35
Sp. D:110 -> 115(+5)
Spe: 70 -> 100 (+30)
Hitmontop gets bulkier, is now permanently on it's head while the arms and legs have some kind of coloration change that makes them darker.
It gets dual chop via move tutor and it lets triple kick hit five times for a total of base 150 damage plus STAB

So then, /vp/, what would you create?