Welcome back to the fourth day of this giveaway. Yeah, it's not over. Go and thank you-know-who for that.
>what are you giving ? A slug. A fully-evolved slug. Shiny. With Pokerus. Level 100. In a classic Pokeball. Male. Competitively viable. With an Ability Capsule.
Named "Male only" >how can I get it ? Go on the GTS. Drop a Scraggy there, and ask for a level 91+ male fully-evolved slug. Wait.
>I still don't have it ! There are few people doing this giveaway (three at most), and this distribution is rather popular, so please understand and be patient.
>A-Am I late for it ? No. There'll always be someone who'll try to send you your slug. Just drop your Scraggy on the GTS and wait.
>Can you rename them or remove the nickname ? No, but feel free to ask that to any Cyber Gadget thread that happens sometimes here, they can do that for you. Or grab one of the male Goomy giveaways Sage sometimes does, as they have no nickname.
>How many have been sent thus far ? More than 35 boxes. You just hate them, don't you ?
>How can I help to distribute these ? Grab one via the GTS. Clone it with the Powersaves and either another save or Pokemon Bank. Answer the requests on the GTS. If there aren't, you can drop them massively on the Wonder Trade, too.
>I have other questions ! Feel free to post them.
Old thread :
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Also, I forgot to announce that there'll be less GTS distributions from tomorrow on, as OP will be participating at the global Wonder Trade event. Expect to see some Male only there.
More details here -
>>20411291 Anonymous
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scraggy up ign: Josh
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IGN: Janusz, thanks OP!
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Putting scraggy UP, thanks, lovely OP!
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
>>20416595 Forgot to quote. Done.
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419
>>20415574 IGN Diogo
scraggy is up ;)
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20415574 I don't have a Scraggy, can I put something else up? Please?
>>20416684 Just grab one. They're easy to meet on Route 5 with a Sweet Scent user (you can grab Oddish on Route 4) or Honey.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
>>20416683 Oh, wow. That was fast. And the name made me laugh as fuck.
Thanks, lovely OP!
IGN: Jasper (2578-3397-5624)
Quoted By:
>>20415574 put up a scraggy, thanks!
>>20416701 >someone with best imouto ever's name >calling me lovely OP >twice My body wasn't ready.
>>20415574 my scraggy is up. ign:beandrgn. thank you for this OP
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>>20416736 that was less then a minute!! thank you so much OP
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>>20415574 scraggy up
ING Fernando
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
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>>20416699 I restarted recently and don't have Fly yet. Maybe by the next giveaway.
Katno 4699-7180-4002
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>>20415574 Scarggy up! thanks OP
these gulpins though
5000-4091-3650 (forretress,ferroseed,bronzong)
5000-4091-3650 (forretress,ferroseed,bronzong) Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:34:45 No. 20416974 Report Quoted By:
Would Love to have One too
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
>>20416719 B-but... OP onii-chan... A-are you falling for me? I-I mean, we can't...
Kyaaaaaaaaa! IGN: Tofuman FC: 50**-20**-8067
>>20415574 Scraggy is up. Hope I can get one
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>>20416983 I laughed, congrats.
>>20416991 Why wouldn't you have one ?
IGN: Marissa 1349-4868-0444 (Pyroar, Ponyta, Braixen
IGN: Marissa 1349-4868-0444 (Pyroar, Ponyta, Braixen Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:37:49 No. 20417030 Report Quoted By:
Scraggy up Thanks OP!
>>20415574 Thank you very much OP
From me an my brother!! XD
IGN: Tofuman FC: 50**-20**-8067
That was lighting fast. Thanks lovely based OP
Kevin - 5155-3490-9530
Scraggy Up. Hope I get one.
>>20415574 Scraggy up. Ability capsules are hard to come by, y'know?
Kay 5000-4091-3650 (forretress,ferroseed,bronzong)
Kay 5000-4091-3650 (forretress,ferroseed,bronzong) Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:42:49 No. 20417148 Report Quoted By:
So scraggy is up
36th box emptied, cartridge already reloaded.
>>20417086 >>20417091 You're welcome.
>>20417104 You will, don't worry.
>>20417127 Not when you have 70+ boxes full on Pokemon Bank, and thus rack 7 BP / day. And should that not have been enough, I have a Powersaves.
Kevin - 5155-3490-9530
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>>20417157 Thanks. I really appreciate it.
Kay 5000-4091-3650 (forretress,ferroseed,bronzong)
Kay 5000-4091-3650 (forretress,ferroseed,bronzong) Sat 09 Aug 2014 19:50:32 No. 20417285 Report Quoted By:
Op thank you
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Andy 0103-9601-8602
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>>20417321 That was fast, thanks OP!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Why are they named "Male only?"
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>>20417458 Because of a shitposter who's banned nearly everywhere around the Pokemon communities and on 4chan, and who insists that "the male ones and their users should be euthanazied", among other things and while posting slugmon porn.
Epsilon 2767-0135-1469
Isis 3007-8958-2320 {2267}
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>>20415574 Interesting giveaway! My Scraggy will be up in a bit. Please and thank you.
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
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putting up my scraggy op! ign: Bobby
IGN Puriel
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>>20415574 alright then, scraggy up
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Trying to give you cloning guys a decent slug with Gooey, but the best I've got is so far is 5IVs, low speed, Premier Ball, and fucking female - named GOOMY 4 LIFE.
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Putting a Scraggy up for a friend who can't get to the giveaway atm. Can I just give a big thanks to you OP and the others for doing what you're doing. Really helpful for those who can't into breeding and that sort of stuff
>got a visit from a neighbour >come back >15 requests Here we go.
IGN: Pablo
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Scraggy is up!
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>>20415574 Disc up, thanks!
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
Nyarr - 2595 1654 7815
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I put my scraggy up OP. thank you!
Requests caught up.
>>20418873 You're welcome.
>>20418909 wait OP i deposited my scraggy please!
IGN Puriel
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just got male only, thank you op
Garrett 0061-1244-1081
>>20418944 I won't stop here, don't worry, I just said I caught up the 15+ requests that were here when I came back.
>>20418469 for details.
Ign: Kei 2535-3771-8823
Quoted By:
>>20415574 scraggy up, thanks for doing this Op
>>20418909 Thanks again, I got another one.
I do have a few questions though.
Why are you doing this, how are you doing this, and are you angered at what people want in exchange for their new 6 iv, pokerus infected, shiny Goodras?
>>20419533 >Why are you doing this ? Partly because people enjoy giveaways. Partly because Goodra is a good Pokemon that can be useful competitively. Partly to annoy that shitposter.
>How are you doing this ? I received two Goomies named "Male only" from a friend of mine. I levelled them up, then shinified them and cloned them en masse (by using both Powersaves and the Pokemon Bank, I sent the two recently-evolved to the bank before reloading my save via the Powersaves). Once the box was full, I sent it back to my save, equipped everyone with Ability Capsules, backed up the save and start sending them. Once the box is empty, I reload the save and they're back.
>Are you angered at what people want in exchange for their new 6 iv, pokerus infected, shiny Goodräs ? Not at all. I was the one asking for Scraggy, after all, considering it's a poke that's easy to access, rather easy to catch, and that nearly every one has.
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I put one up. Thanks in advance OP.
IGN Jordan 1435-4880-1098
Box emptied and reloaded. All requests done thus far.
>>20419754 You're welcome.
>>20419775 What sets do the Goodra have?
if you had a Physical oriented one, I'd love you Anonymous
>>20419808 A Bold and a Quiet one. A Sap Sipper and a Hydratation one, but that doesn't matter since there's an Ability Capsule. EVs don't matter too since you can reset and remake them.
Kevin - 5155-3490-9530
>>20419808 The one I have is Quiet nature w/ Hydration.
It's holding an Ability Capsule.
Knows Sludge Wave, Muddy Water, Dragon Pulse and Protect.
Maxed Out HP and Sp.Atk
Andy 0103-9601-8602
>>20415574 Hey OP, friend of mine is out of town in the woods and has no internet access, I would like to surprise him with a shiny goodra since he likes dragon type Pokémon, would you mind if a ask for one?
Anyway the scraggy is up
>>20419861 No problem, someone already took 20+ of them last day.
Andy 0103-9601-8602
>>20419875 Thanks OP! that is very kind of your part, my friend is going to be mindblowned when he sees the Goodra !
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>>20419948 You're a kind friend.
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>>20415574 Scraggy up
ign Rodrigo
>>20419836 >>20419851 Scraggl'd for a Quiet one. PowerSavers can change the nickname right?
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>>20420013 Nope, unless you're the original owner, and unless under certain conditions. I've adressed the issue in one of the questions in the OP, though.
IGN: Thais FC: 2964-8778-0737
Hello! Could I please have one Goodra? I deposited a Scraggy in the GTS. :)
IGN: G (0817-4218-3225)
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Scraggy up. Preemptive thanks to OP.
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Scraggy up! thanks for doing this thing guys
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>>20415574 Received. Thanks a lot OP!
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>>20420121 lol i riport u
Sent IGN: Thais FC: 2964-8778-0737
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>>20420068 Received. Thank you very much! :D
>>20420013 As I get a Bold one ;_;
That's alright, thanks guys!
>>20415574 scrag up, IGN Kangzula
>>20420265 Put another Scraggy
Ask for a Quiet one in the description
Profit !
>>20420291 Sent.
>>20420306 Nah, I'm cool with it actually. Damp Rock Hydration Thunder/Rest spam is about to be a lot of fun.
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>>20420342 Have fun with it, then.
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I'm calling it for the night, /vp/reons. Leave your Scraggies on the GTS, I'll trade them later if someone else didn't do it for me. And remember to ignore and report any posts from Goodrafag.
You gave me a slug yesterday but I never got a chance to thank you for it so thanks :)
Jess 2938-8173-5496 (Meditite, Throh, Breloom)
Jess 2938-8173-5496 (Meditite, Throh, Breloom) Sat 09 Aug 2014 23:55:31 No. 20420879 Report Quoted By:
Scraggy up, thanks in advance
IGN:Benji 4699 7575 4283
Akira 0877-0089-4238
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>>20415574 Do you still have one OP? Thanks in advice.
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>>20415574 scraggy up IGN: James
normal vp message because I am lazy
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scarggy up, IGN: Macabre thanks in advance, OP
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OP back from sleep. Guess I have many requests to-
>29 requests IT'S A NEW RECORD !
Oh, and someone asked for a Goomy lv91 instead of a Goodra lv91. A mistake ?
>>20420773 You're welcome. It is comments like that that motivate people to do giveaways, you know ?
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...And surprisingly, all requests are already done. And due to the sheer number of them, we've reached over 40 boxes of male slugs being given out.Can anyone other than that fag say people do not like male slugs after that ?
Why haven't there been any people claiming that the slug line should be genderless, anyway? Everyone knows that slugs are hermaphrodites, it makes more sense.
>>20425620 This should have been the best option, obviously. It wouldn't have caused problems to Goodrafäg to consider them femäles, while the majority of the fanbase would have considered as what it is before everything, a slug.
Alas, this wasn't Game Freak's choice.
>>20425647 Eh, in hindsight I think that the Slugfag would have been just as bad. He'd still be arguing that it should be female and the fact that it isn't is a crime, probably.
And he might be wailing about how unfair it is that his waifu can only breed with Ditto, too.
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>>20425738 Well, you got a point, considering he clearly ignored those saying it IS, before all, a Pokemon, a creature not made with its sex in mind (for most cases anyway).
Posted a Scraggy. In game name is Sam. Is this still going?
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>>20425766 It is, don't worry. In fact, it may already have been traded.
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>>20425766 Just got it! This is awesome! Thanks a lot!!
blue 0318-8702-3903
>>20415574 Just put up a scraggy if there's someone still giving them out!
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>>20425853 It's already traded.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Deposited a Scraggy, hope this is still going on
>>20426046 It is, don't worry.
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Thank you for the Goodra, OP.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
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>>20426063 Got it, thank you anon!
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>>20415574 Thank you very much OP.
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A little question for those who already received at least one Goodra : What is interesting you the most into that distribution and why ?
Ign-Nick Fc-5000 3861 5110
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I just reset for a nuzlocke so I don't have a Scraggy or a Goodra in my dex. Anyone willing to trade?
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Due to a certain person's intervention, the distribution will continue. Although, as there's a global Wonder Trade event, male slugs will be sent there massively during the whole event. The other people doing the giveaway are invited to do the same, and to send as many slugs as possible, so that everyone takes an interest to what happens. Talking about it in other places is also recommanded.
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Scraggy up Under Jackben You guys are awesome!
>>20428495 I'll take it. Where can I find it ?
>>20428506 IT'S UP IN EXCHANGE FOR A 91-100 SCRAFTY.
>>20428536 I'll grab it as quickly as possible. Be sure it'll be there when I'll do.
>>20428543 Now it's traded and before I clone it, any requests considering the changes you want it to get ?
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Scraggy up Name: Eddie thanks fellas
>>20428631 what are its current stats/natures?
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>>20428655 Quiet. 4 IV (HP, Def, SpAtk, Speed). Gooey.
Scraggy up. IGN Jeffrey I'd ask if I could get one without a name but meh.
Rocky Horror 1418 - 8034 - 3220
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>>20428699 There are none without name. I've adressed the issue in the OP post, though.
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>>20415574 I got it. Thanks bro.
>>20428631 >CAPS OFF Well, I've got a slightly better one that's 5IV (all but SDef), but it should have Pokérus, and both Frustration and Infestation in its moveset.
Are you hackmons?
Quoted By:
Got it. Thank you very much, OP!
Sage ::4613-8595-4177:: //Frogadier//Kingler//Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA
Sage ::4613-8595-4177:: //Frogadier//Kingler//Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA Sun 10 Aug 2014 11:37:05 No. 20428755 Report OP do you want one without a nickname. It'll be different, but it'll still be shiny and male, I can give you the stats as well.
>>20428736 Giving it Frustration should be easy, but Infestation would need breeding. I can easily give him both shinyness and Pokerus too.
>>20428755 There are several people who requested a no-nicknamed one, and I redirected them to your distributions, so it's your choice. But the most important is to multiply the distributions, I think, so many people can receive and use mäle Goumys and Goudräs.
Pissing off Goudräfag would be a welcomed second motivation, though, but that would mean contacting every big Pokemon community worldwide and informing them of the distributions Anonymous
>>20428755 oh sage, add my friend code, would love to get my hands on a kingler
FC: 1950-7356-0748
Sage ::4613-8595-4177:: //Frogadier//Kingler//Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA
Sage ::4613-8595-4177:: //Frogadier//Kingler//Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA Sun 10 Aug 2014 11:44:04 No. 20428810 Report >>20428790 Sure i'll add you
>>20428789 I plan on taking a break from the giveaways for a week or so to finish my pokedex. As we speak I am currently shoving a stunky into an ultra ball.
That being said if you dont wanna have to bother with distributing two different kinds I understand, giveaway threads can be hectic as fuck by themselves
IGN: Petar Scraggy up, hopefully not too late. Thanks in advance.
>>20428810 Honestly, it is sometimes hard to follow the requests people send, and I'm glad Will helps sometimes, but I'd prefer to focus on that one, considering it's the most followed one for the moment.
I'll alert people of your break, though, maybe they'll help you on your dex ?
Sage ::4613-8595-4177:: //Frogadier//Kingler//Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA
Sage ::4613-8595-4177:: //Frogadier//Kingler//Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA Sun 10 Aug 2014 11:48:21 No. 20428846 Report >>20428833 Nah i'd be a faggot if I didnt get them myself with all the tools available to me, but unless the spammer gets particularly shitty one night i'll be absent from giveaways for a bit
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>>20428831 Just got it. Thanks again!
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>>20428846 >unless the spammer gets particularly shitty one night He gets particularly shitty every night, especially considering he went off /vp/, and even off 4chan, to try and rally people to his cause. That's part of the reason I'm following it this hard, as he decided to start shitposting not only /vp/, but the whole Pokemon community worldwide.
Yeah, he's that autistic.
How long will you be doing this? I mean if its all day nevermind. I have to leave for 2 hours
>>20428877 It's all day, all night too considering I'm on a different time zone than the others. And it's going to last for days, so don't worry, you won't miss it.
Quoted By:
>>20428887 Alright awesome
>mfw I started a MM for a Shiny Goomy recently. >mfw I got one yesterday. >mfw it's a female. >mfw I have no face.
>>20428899 How hard it is to have no face ?
>>20415574 ah shit. Hope you still have some left OP.
scraggy's up
>>20428789 Shiny, even? Nice. Infestation is also a TM move, but I don't really know Goomy's full moveset. I just like those two moves because, along with the chuckle-inducing rhyme scheme, it perfectly describes our reasoning behind flooding the GTS and Wonder Trade with male slug monsters.
>>20428912 It's pretty rough.
;_; Anonymous
>>20428917 Depends of the people, for the moves. You can go with an offensive moveset (and the choice is wide, on the special spectrum) or with a defensive one (Rest + Hydration under the rain + its amazing SpDef works wonders). I'd avoid moves themed with our mindset, considering said mindset varies between the distributors.
>>20428916 Traded.
>>20428924 Good luck finding a face. It helps for things.
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Honestly, for such cases as that shitposter, 4chan should allow good old raids focused towards him. He probably will ignore those distributions unless they are followed by many Pokemon communities, he already ignores any people thinking anything opposite as him, and his bans from the majority of the big english communities didn't change anything. I'd even doubt that an intervention from someone coming from Game Freak (you know, the ones he want to reach with his shitposting) to tell them his plea won't be followed, and I don't see many other options, as no one seems to be able to make him listen anything. Seriously, I'm lost on that case.
>>20428939 Well, Frustration is MY motivation for the giveaway. Less than an hour to go!
>>20429031 Then I can add Frustration, shinyness and Pokerus, before sending it back to you (for a level 91+ Scrafty, of course).
>>20429043 And I see you got it back.
Do you like what I did with the moves (if not, nothing else a good relearner can't undo) ?
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>>20415574 Scraggy is up, IGN is Ryan
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I got a Scraggy up. IGN is Don. THanks a bunch man
Miri [2509-2651-5477]
Quoted By:
>>20415574 Scraggy up. Thanks a ton!
Scraggy is up. IGN is Ángel. Thanks bro
Scraggy deposited, IGN is Bark, Thanks
Scraggy in GTS, IGN is Galo, Thanks
Scraggy in GTS, IGN is Galo, Thanks
Marcelo 0318 7795 6001
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scraggy up, thanks
Quoted By:
I'd thank if anyone is still going. Just dropped on Scraggy.
Quoted By:
all requests have been cleared, between two boxes sent to Wonder Trade. We also reached the 50th box sent.