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Goodra GTS Distribution - Day 4

No.20415574 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome back to the fourth day of this giveaway. Yeah, it's not over. Go and thank you-know-who for that.

>what are you giving ?
A slug. A fully-evolved slug. Shiny. With Pokerus. Level 100. In a classic Pokeball. Male. Competitively viable. With an Ability Capsule. Named "Male only"
>how can I get it ?
Go on the GTS. Drop a Scraggy there, and ask for a level 91+ male fully-evolved slug. Wait.
>I still don't have it !
There are few people doing this giveaway (three at most), and this distribution is rather popular, so please understand and be patient.
>A-Am I late for it ?
No. There'll always be someone who'll try to send you your slug. Just drop your Scraggy on the GTS and wait.
>Can you rename them or remove the nickname ?
No, but feel free to ask that to any Cyber Gadget thread that happens sometimes here, they can do that for you. Or grab one of the male Goomy giveaways Sage sometimes does, as they have no nickname.
>How many have been sent thus far ?
More than 35 boxes. You just hate them, don't you ?
>How can I help to distribute these ?
Grab one via the GTS. Clone it with the Powersaves and either another save or Pokemon Bank. Answer the requests on the GTS. If there aren't, you can drop them massively on the Wonder Trade, too.
>I have other questions !
Feel free to post them.

Old thread : >>20399429