Hey /vp/, it's Glaceon again. I did a Swablu giveaway yesterday and decided to do a Buneary one today in celebration of Lopunny getting a mega in ORAS! I'll be giving out Bunearys in the order people are on gts, so please DON'T repost your Luvdisc unless you were sniped, or you'll be skipped. Anyways, Buneary is 6iv, shiny, KB, and jolly with egg moves Ice punch, Fire punch, and Thunder punch in a Dream ball! Buneary isn't powersaved to my knowledge. I have 120 Buneary to giveaway, so first come first served! Again, going in the order that I see Luvdisc on gts, so please don't repost Luvdisc unless you were sniped or I can't find you. Rules:>You can give me your ign if you'd like, Im still going in gts order though >Put up a Luvdisc on gts >Change your gts message to "/vp/ Buneary!" >Change the pokemon you're looking for to a level 1-10 female Buneary >Enjoy Buneary!
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Finale I'm not late, Discing up!
Red 4639-8952-2635
Quoted By:
Alright, gimme a minute to put one up
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Discing up soon, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up
Thanks in advanced based Glaceon!
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
AS always, here I an, lovely Glaceon. Thannks for another giveaway. Disc up!
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
IGN Gansta
Quoted By:
Disc up, thanks Glaceon
Mike (0146- 9188- 2252) Panpour Quagsire
goat stank FC: 0962-9946-8630
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc up
ign: andrew
Goied 0447-5508-1025
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Discing up!
Ign Joshua
Quoted By:
>>20421526 discing thanks Glaceon!!
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20421570 >>20421526 Forgot to ask for a female, am i good or do i up again?
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc is up, thanks Glaceon!
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20421526 couldn't lock the gender, luvd up
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Quoted By:
>>20421578 Forgot to quote,... Jeez...
Ban 1118-0232-4885
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Discing up, thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
I am in to this! Disc up
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up, IGN is Jack.
Quoted By:
Disc is up IGN is Rettie. Thanks in advance, Glaceon.
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Sun 10 Aug 2014 00:52:39 No. 20421616 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 Hey Glaceon. Disc up!
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Quoted By:
Disc up! Thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
Finally got here early. Disc up, thanks Glaceon.
IGN Rico
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Based Glaceon! Disc up!
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Thanks!
I missed your Swablu giveaway yesterday =(
IGN: Michael
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc's up! Thanks Glaceon!
>>20421526 DEV 4914-3989-0430 [BUG] (Combee, Venomoth, Volbeat)
Would love one please
Quoted By:
>>20421526 level and gender to avoid getting sniped?
Quoted By:
IGN is Shadnic.
ign: tbs541
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc up
thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20421585 Got mine thanks
Quoted By:
wasn't able to put as female but my IGN is Johnny. thanks!
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Ign Rodrigo
Couldn't search for gender. :/
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Will disc in a couple minutes, on my way home. Hope i won't be late
Ign Allan
Quoted By:
Disc is UP, my IGN is Nando
Kori FC:2234 8402 2804
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Hi glaceon thanks for your last giveaway I went sleep before I could tell you, I disk'd up thanks Glaceon.
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up!
IGN Bloct4via
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc going up thanks glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20421526 IGN: Pedro
Luvdisc is up!
Quoted By:
>>20421526 ign:beandragon
couldnt select gender but its in there op
Quoted By:
IGN is Mark Couldn't search for a female one specifically, since I haven't seen one
Quoted By:
>>20421687 why switcher when you could mega evolve?
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Sun 10 Aug 2014 00:57:11 No. 20421704 Report Disc up, thanks
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20421526 discing up OP, thanks a bunch
Wonderboy [2294-3955-8378]
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc up
thanks Glaceon
IGN: Marissa 1349-4868-0444 (Pyroar, Ponyta, Braixen
IGN: Marissa 1349-4868-0444 (Pyroar, Ponyta, Braixen Sun 10 Aug 2014 00:57:35 No. 20421711 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up, thanks!
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula Sun 10 Aug 2014 00:57:51 No. 20421714 Report Quoted By:
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20421526 I'd love a cute rabbit! Putting up a luvdisc. Thank you Glaceon!
>>20421526 ok disc is up.
Ign Vincent
IGN: White
Quoted By:
>>20421526 I haven't seen a Buneary yet so I couldn't specify for a female. Anyways Luvdisc is up so thanks again Glaceon!
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Sun 10 Aug 2014 00:58:25 No. 20421723 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up! thank you for all of the giveaways
I havent actually seen a buneary and couldnt put up a gender, can I still get one?
Quoted By:
>>20421526 OOOH
It's goin up
IGN: Rinneth
Kevin - 5155-3490-9530
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Hope I can get one. Going up now
Scurge 4828 5894 2652
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc up, Glaceon, thanks a lot
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Sun 10 Aug 2014 00:59:02 No. 20421737 Report >>20421526 Disc up, thanks based Glace!
Mike C !!N1ZuL/4CLu1
>>20421526 Luvdisc is up. Thanks in advance, OP!
Phill [Y: 3695-1023-7274]
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up OP!
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Ign is Jazmine , awesome, thanks OP
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
>>20421526 Yo, Glaceon. Was wondering if you'd like to borrow my Malamar for a give away. It's not powersaved, 6IV, level 50. I'll remove the nickname for it, as well.
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up, thanks!
Disc is up. Hope I'm not late.
Musty 2981-5394-6954 !Ho4BAxol6o
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Discing up Ign:Isaac
David (1392-4832-8548)
kensei 1864-9151-8428
Quoted By:
discing now ign cuallo ty based glaceon!
>>20421759 its fine, I don't really need any shinies from anyone, already have a ton of them from trading
IGN Jordan 1435-4880-1098
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc Up, it wouldn't let me select female cause I didn't have buneary in my dex yet. Hope that's fine.
leo 3394 3749 3349
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:03:14 No. 20421804 Report Quoted By:
disk up!
Quoted By:
IGN: Caleb Thanks Glaceon! <3
Ren !bmoEsPk/KY
Quoted By:
>>20421790 Ah. Figured I'd try to be nice, since you helped me get the Jirachi I was missing for my living dex.
Keep up the amazing work with the giveaways. Always nice seeing you do these.
Lonk (2337-4511-3018)
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Putting a disc up, thanks OP.
Ikkai 3625-8893-7501 (Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ikkai 3625-8893-7501 (Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:04:59 No. 20421834 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up! thanks glaceon
IGN Puriel
Quoted By:
>>20421526 sup glaceon, disc up right now
Noire 1134-8486-8712
IGN: T. Purple
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Deposited! plspls T_T
IGN Paul
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disk up for Bunny. Thanks a lot OP.
Haya 2964-8709-1986
>>20421526 I hope I'm late, thanks Glaceon!
Tom 1091-9915-8094
Arakasa 1993-7646-0720
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc goin up for dat bunneh,had to put in buneary manually since i havent seen one yet,which is only an issue cuz it doesnt let me choose gender,hope thats ok though
IGN: Claire (4554-0660-8001)
Quoted By:
How many giveaways you did so far?
>>20421526 Discing up
Thank you glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc is up... also, are you gonna do another swablu giveaway in the future? i missed the other one and i would love one
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
Quoted By:
>>20421526 I was sniped during the swablu giveaway...anyway, disc up!
French |4613-7530-4304|
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:07:45 No. 20421891 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up, thanks man.
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
Quoted By:
Thanks, Glaceon!
Train 5000-3602-3785
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up, thanks.
Jay 0877-1270-4704 Toxicroak Seviper Venomoth
Jay 0877-1270-4704 Toxicroak Seviper Venomoth Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:07:58 No. 20421896 Report Quoted By:
discin' up
IGN: Rinneth
Quoted By:
>>20421526 >>20421730 Jesus, just realized I forgot to quote the OP. Sorry about that.
Dani 1418 7147 9691
Quoted By:
I hope this is still going on. I missed the Swablu yesterday unfortunately, so I hope I didn't miss this one. Also, disc is up. Thanks for awesome giveaways.
IGN : Zelos
Quoted By:
Disc up, couldn't put the gender tho :/ Thanks for the giveway, you're awesome :)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:10:30 No. 20421929 Report Quoted By:
Marco - 2122-6799-2172
ign: androo
Quoted By:
>>20421526 >>20421764 And I forget to quote the OP. Typical. Apologies.
Quoted By:
cant enter in gender but ign is djpuffypants
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up, if I haven't missed it.
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
IGN: Nane
Quoted By:
Luvdisc up, thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
Disc is up. Thanks man
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl]
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl] Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:14:41 No. 20421994 Report Quoted By:
Blake 2981-6757-4289
IGN: Taylor
Quoted By:
Disc up, thank you!
Haya 2964-8709-1986
Quoted By:
>>20421852 *Not late... kek... anyway disc is up, wishing everyone good luck
Innocturne (FC: 3823-8966-5764)
I'll be putting up a disc for hopefully a bunny. Out of curiosity, do you use Powersave to mass clone in box? Super curious with the workings of giveaways.
>>20421526 luvdisc up, thanks
>>20422002 Shiny are made and cloned with powersav
>>20422002 if you don't have a power save to clone pokemon, I wouldn't try to do a giveaway honestly, takes to long with out one
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
Is ogre? Disc up in case
Nathan: 2191-7968-4165 (S. Chameleon)
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Discing up. Thank you!
Quoted By:
Disc is up. Thanks glaceon
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
Op please dont say its too late
>>20421526 discing
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disk up if there are any left.
IGN Saphine
>>20422020 can they still go in the bank?
Missed the two best Glaceon give-aways Damn. Though is suppose I've gotten enough, but man what I'd do for that swablu
Quoted By:
IGN: Tony Thanks for doing this Glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20422076 The fact his doing a giveaway over GTS should tell you all you need to know.
Ign James
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Discing up for last one if available
>>20421526 wich person are you at now?
Quoted By:
>>20422002 >>20422022 You could breed the hard way for a small giveaway. Have limited Pokemon to give out and state first come, first served.
>>20422112 going in gts order, on someone named Andrew
Albin 1203-9614-9411
Quoted By:
Putting up a disc now!
>>20422129 Shit I'm really late on this one. Discin up tho
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up hope I'm not too late
IGN Gepfel
Thanks in advance
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Damn, too late maybe Disc is up anyway
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Probably to late but I'll try.
Nikky 1736 0833 6149
Quoted By:
>>20422137 Obligatory but not necessary login
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
Discing up soon, thanks OP!
>>20421526 Discu up for a buneary is there are any left.
IGN: Zac - FC: 3239-4528-0655
Quoted By:
>>20421526 IGN: Jin
Disc up, thanks very much. If I get one, she's going straight to my girl.
Regardless of whether or not I get one, I'd like to do something nice for you, let me know if you have a throwaway email or something like that.
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
Quoted By:
>>20422086 I know how you feel
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20422129 Some dude named "arrogantz" snipped my shiny luvdisc. Discing up again.
Quoted By:
Disked up, thank you based anon.
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Putting disc up, hopefully still some bunnies around. IGN: Phoebe
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Quoted By:
>>20421837 forgot to add the discription rediscing
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Quoted By:
GOT MINE! Thank you so much, Glaceon! I love you.
>>20422250 really now? Ive seen him in giveaways before, guess he won't be receiving any other pokemon :^(
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>20422325 It's alright. I found him on gts and gave him back his mon.
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419
Quoted By:
>>20421526 IGN Diogo
disc up if there is buneary yet ><
>>20422355 shame, I was going to go find a non shiny buneary to snipe him with, you got to him first
>>20422250 Well, you put a shiny Disc, anyone would do that
Quoted By:
>>20422325 Will you make a Swablu giveaway again ;_;?
>>20421526 So many Buneary giveaways. Guess I'll giveaway something else.
IGN: Tofuman FC: 50**-20**-8067
Quoted By:
Gonna put one up, hope there are extras
Quoted By:
>>20421526 disc up hope im not too late
Ilaria (1521-4580-1519)
IGN: Tofuman FC: 50**-20**-8067
Quoted By:
>>20422385 Gonna put one up, hope you still have extras
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
Quoted By:
Disc up, thank you again!
IGN: Ratbone 2724::0673::6942
Quoted By:
>>20421526 put up disc! really hoping to get a bunny
>>20422389 it's still sniping someone either way, sorry
IGN: Stephen
Quoted By:
I put one up. I hope you can get to me!
ign: Wendy
Quoted By:
Sent although I havent gotten a buneary before so it wouldnt let me choose female. I hope that doesnt make a difference
Quoted By:
>>20421526 >>20421721 Ign Vincent i for got to put the level to 1-10 do i still paticipate?
>>20421526 Still have any left? I would like one.
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Sun 10 Aug 2014 01:49:41 No. 20422547 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 new disc is up-- i had to edit the level/gender
>>20422545 Shit, my game crashed!
Quoted By:
>>20421656 Just wondering if I was skipped or haven't gotten to yet.
IGN Alex
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Quoted By:
Disc is finally up, thank you so much OP! I haven't got Buneary in my pokedex, so I couldn't choose gender and level, sorry.
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20421526 Putting a Luvdisc up as soon as I catch it!
By the way, do you still have any Swablu?
>>20422555 And again... Apparently I just can't upload pokemon to the GTS.
Quoted By:
>>20421526 I hope I'm not late. IGN: Roberto
>>20422582 I only have buneary cloned
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Please don't tell me I'm late again like with Swablu yesterday...
Quoted By:
Disc up...hope not too late but thanks for doing another giveaway anyway!
IGN: Tofuman FC: 50**-20**-8067
Quoted By:
>>20422610 Do I have a chance on getting one? I left one up not so long ago.
>>20422610 would you ever do a smaller giveaway with limited amounts of the revealed new mega Pokemon's base form? Like after you do all 3 x 120, you could 3 x 60 one night IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
IGN: Rinneth
>>20422610 As a GTS trade are going where are you now?
>>20422615 It keeps crashing when I try to upload the luvdisk. A prompt with "hold the power button" restart console message.
>>20422636 maybe, that would mean a lot of people would get more than one pokemon though unless I kept track of who's getting one, and Im a bit of a lazy person
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc up. Thanks in advanced Glaceon!
IGN: Abe FC: 3995-6541-2361
Quoted By:
>>20422665 You doing anymore? I put up a disk.
Quoted By:
>>20422649 someone named Krawl
Hey Glaceon, may I ask when your next give away will be?Anyway we could see another swablu giveaway? I know I know, its better to do different giveaways. Just thought I'd ask
>>20422650 Ah shit. It has happened to me before. Are you close to your modem? If not, then try to deposit your disc while sitting/standing close to your modem. Do you have connection issues?
>>20422689 I still don't like giving away power saved mons, and I don't have a legit swablu. The last one I gave away was power saved. Don't really know what Im giving away next if anything
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Luvdisc up, and female pls. Do you have any leftover swablu from yesterday?
Quoted By:
>>20422694 Usually I don't have connection issues, but I am pretty far away from my connection. I'll try one more time next to it.
>>20422720 Well regardless, Thanks for all the hard work you've done for us, You're an amazing guy
Marty 4167-5579-1461 (Sandile, Mightyena, Absol)
Marty 4167-5579-1461 (Sandile, Mightyena, Absol) Sun 10 Aug 2014 02:08:25 No. 20422788 Report >>20421526 Had my a disc up for a while now, but still no bunny. Hope you haven't skipped me, OP.
Quoted By:
Glaceon, I love you and I want to date you.
>>20422788 going in gts order, on someone named Joestar
Quoted By:
>>20422720 If you decide to do another giveaway, Bagon would be neat! Just a suggestion.
Anyway, like
>>20422767 already said, thanks for being patient enough to do this for all of us. You are very cool.
IGN : Zelos
Quoted By:
Put mine up 1 hour ago, still hoping for the bunny :)
>>20422520 I undestand that, but he should have supposed that someone would snipe him though
Quoted By:
>>20422804 there's someone for me?
IGN: Darynh
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up
Thanks in advance you kind, kind person!
blue 0318-8702-3903
>>20421526 Do u still have some left op?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20422826 Not that it matters, but I am not a dude.
I thought that no one would care that much about a shiny luvdisc. I guess I was wrong. Truth is, anyone can get one by fish chaining. Objectively speaking, it's nothing special.
Ign Marcus
Quoted By:
>>20421526 >late as fuck disk up any way, t-thanks
Kevin - 5155-3490-9530
Quoted By:
Where are you at OP?
>>20422871 most likely won't have enough once I get to your luvdisc, 226 replies and only 120 buneary
IGN Jordan 1435-4880-1098
>>20422989 some people don't have buneary on their dex, so we have to manually put in buneary, which of course doesn't allow us to choose gender. Is that fine OP?
I so happen to be one of those people Glaceon
IGN: Raz
Quoted By:
>>20421526 I put up a Buneary. I couldn't specifically request a female given I haven't seen one yet though.
Quoted By:
>>20421526 just got it OP thanks from vinc
>>20422063 Do you think that im gonna have one, have had my disc up for a while
IGN: Rinneth
Quoted By:
>>20422989 Received the cotton candy bunny, many thanks there Glaceon.
Mike C !!N1ZuL/4CLu1
>>20423067 I was going to give you one, but for asking in that way youl have no buneary.
>>20423067 Im on someone on gts named Leroy and have about 2 boxes left, check from there
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Disc is up, if you can of course :) IGN is Celso
Quoted By:
>>20423104 believe which ever person is more reasonable
Quoted By:
>>20421526 Take mine pls
Oh darn, this was the giveaway I was looking out for and I missed it D: Will you do a repeat of this one any time soon?
>>20423206 No, but im gonna do a shiny bagon giveaway tomorrow.
Quoted By:
Thanks for the bunny based glaceon
Quoted By:
I put Luvdisc up. I'm probably too late but I'll try anyways :)
Quoted By:
is it possible to find yourself on the gts?
>>20423244 and the event jirachi? :c
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
>>20423244 Whoa!
I mean... WHOA!
Glaceon, can you say what time of the day you're going to do it, or is it a surprise?
>>20423278 ok, I can giveaway anything on this list-
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gre6ULJykpqkNP7C7y7fKffkqqR5T18cpdaDi97ZhV4/edit#gid=0 if it's not on the list, I can't give it away until I actually get one
Quoted By:
>>20423244 >>20423269 To the real Glaceon: why dont you have a trip yet?
You have giveaway-god status here
Quoted By:
>>20423295 don't have a bagon, sorry.
IGN : Zelos
>>20423296 Giveaway of the Gardevoir would be so awesome, the widow mega looks so cool :o
>>20423367 Ive already given away ralts though
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross)
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross) Sun 10 Aug 2014 02:48:57 No. 20423395 Report Damn I missed both this and the Swablu
IGN : Zelos
Quoted By:
>>20423381 Oh guess I missed it then.
Any giveaway will make people happy anyway :)
IGN Jordan 1435-4880-1098
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20423381 If you ever felt like doing an encore of some, your based status would amplify to absurd levels. Maybe a srawpoll? Ponyta or litwick are strong candidates on your list though
>>20423395 I know right :c
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen Sun 10 Aug 2014 02:53:13 No. 20423436 Report Quoted By:
>>20421526 Hope I'm not too late, disk up! Thanks
PS: couldn't pick gender :(
alex 4914-3608-1242 [Munna, Duosion, Wobbuffet]
alex 4914-3608-1242 [Munna, Duosion, Wobbuffet] Sun 10 Aug 2014 02:53:29 No. 20423440 Report Quoted By:
>>20423421 >>20423395 Me too, anyone get 2? I can wish...
Quoted By:
>>20423395 maybe we can keep our heads out for a Bagon giveaway?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>20421526 I just received my bunny! Thank you so much! You made my day.
>>20421526 Don't know if there is any left, but I put a Luvdisc up. Thanks! IGN is Alex.
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20423296 Oh snap, I didn't scroll far enough. Lapras, delibird, tirtouga, glaceon(I know, I know) are all top tier want
Brutux 4141-2821-1133
>>20423381 Gourgeist!
Oh god, captcha is asked vpinist
IGN: Raz
Quoted By:
I guess I was too late?
IGN: Angelo
Quoted By:
>>20423067 wait, that's not me :/
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20423511 False Alex, pls go :^)
Quoted By:
>>20423296 HP Ice Aegislash or White Florges?
IGN Jordan 1435-4880-1098
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Got my Buneary, thanks!
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>>20423296 Hawlucha, Aegislash, Charizard
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>>20423296 Flygon or Hydreigon would be awesome
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>>20423296 Meowstic (F) or Diggersby
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>>20423381 How about shiny Scizor? There was a giveaway for those a while ago that I completely missed
>>20423520 this would be nice too
give me a sec making a straw poll while handing out bunearys
>>20423656 No, make a Swablu giveaway.
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
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>>20423296 my vote is for larvitar or metagross
Adrian - 1736-1205-2633 [X]
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Thanks for the Buneary, OP!
>>20423656 No, leave this board and never come back bitch!
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>>20423729 can do, sorry /vp/ I have to leave forever since this guy told me to
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
IGN Alex
>>20423713 >not voting lapras, ponyta, or litwick What are you doing?
>>20423713 No Finneon in the poll? Hard to get and Lumineon has an amazing shiny.
John 0447-7473-3850 (Insects ; Paras/Masquerain/Penisir)
John 0447-7473-3850 (Insects ; Paras/Masquerain/Penisir) Sun 10 Aug 2014 03:19:00 No. 20423790 Report Quoted By:
Is this still being done ?
>>20423788 >Aegislash What is wrong with people?
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Sun 10 Aug 2014 03:20:32 No. 20423812 Report >>20423656 who are you currently on?
>>20423795 I dont understand why all the love for aegislash, thought everyone would want rare-ish pokemon, maybe that's just me
>>20423795 >What is wrong with people? what's wrong with you m8?
>>20423817 There's only been 500 Aegislash giveaways m8
>>20423812 Im going in gts order, so someone named phill
IGN Alex
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>>20423795 Seriously. Why are people voting for the one thing on the list that has had more giveaways than the rest combined?
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>>20423830 When will this next straw.pool giveway be given away?
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>>20423814 >>20423789 Overrule everyone else's vote for mine.
>>20423826 flygon is winnig :^(
>>20423861 >Flygon is winning good.
IGN Alex
>>20423861 Actually okay with this. Better than sword
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Aw, only one vote for 6IV Vulpix, and it's mine.
>>20423875 k
>>20423877 >>20423889 I just want a shiny sword, but I'm actually content with flygon.
>>20423941 >not having 6 shiny Aegi's with different sets git gud
blue 0318-8702-3903
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>>20422989 Okay thanks anyway op I put up a luvdisc a while back just in case lol
>>20423973 2busy trying for my own shiny goomy ;_;
>>20424002 >Goomy Disgusting.
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Sun 10 Aug 2014 03:32:51 No. 20424023 Report Quoted By:
>>20421737 Just came back to say it arrived. Thanks Glaceon!
>>20424011 >not wanting that glorious golden goo. stay pleb.
IGN Alex
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>>20423941 It's a pretty fantastic list. I'd be happy to get any of them. Aegis is the only one that has been done to death though
IGN : Zelos
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Please not an Aegislash giveaway again
Kevin - 5155-3490-9530
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Thanks OP! I'll have my own mega Lopunny soon enough!
>>20424038 >Implying I dont already have more than 1 Anonymous
>>20424085 ;_;7 good job, a-anon...
>>20424121 if you'd like a goodra, I could trade you one later
IGN Puriel
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thank you glaceon, just got baby bunny
>>20424147 does it have Gooey?
IGN Alex
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>>20424121 I also have an unevolved goomy if you can find a cloner
>>20424180 one of them does
>>20424201 I'll take to gooey one.
What would you like for it, although it is doubtful I possess a mon you already don't have.
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20422040 Op will I get one?, it has been a while since i putted my disc
>>20424235 it's fine, I can clone pretty easily, I can give it to you once Im done with this giveaway
>>20424242 didn't I already give you one?
IGN Alex
>>20424251 I don't want to bog you down with trades, but I'd really like to trade you for that shone glaceon. I have some pretty okay stuff to offer
>>20424251 cool thanks~
would you like my FC?
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>>20421526 I'd like one please, if you still have any. IGN is Tino.
>>20424314 >>20424352 I can trade you both later, Id prefer if you'd pm me on showdown though (skymin20) if you don't have an account, fc is 2036 6610 2918
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20424251 No
If you mean this guy, he is a different "Leo"
>>20421793 Glaceon
>>20424388 Im just going in gts order, on someone named dani
>>20424380 Mine is 2981-6463-5880 (goomyfag)
Dani 1418 7147 9691
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>>20424417 Oh shit that's me. I was just about to ask if you had run out of buns, too. Thanks so much for the bun!
Haya 2964-8709-1986
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>>20424417 Received! Thank you so much Glaceon! You are awesome
IGN Alex 4699 6345 2328
>>20424380 I actually don't. I've been meaning to make one though. FC is 4699 6345 2328. I'll be up for a while
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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Disced up in case there any left
IGN : Zelos
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I got it, thank you so much Glaceon ^^
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Ok, sadly out of Buneary. Next giveaway if any depends on what pokemon is voted for the most on
http://strawpoll.me/2307327/ >>20424516 >>20424445 adding you
IGN Alex 4699 6345 2328
>>20424829 Looking for anything specific?
>>20424910 not really, Im already giving goodra to the other person for almost free, so it doesn't matter much
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross)
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross) Sun 10 Aug 2014 04:28:33 No. 20424949 Report Quoted By:
>>20424829 >out of Buneary :(
IGN Alex 4699 6345 2328
>>20424938 Woah, thanks! I'll flash some kb shinies and if you'd like to copy any of them as a tip, you'd be welcome to
>>20424829 cool, should I wait online?
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20424974 yes, just need to clone them first
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>>20424996 awesome. thanks a bunch!
>>20424996 Still trading bunnies OP?
>>20425102 sorry, ran out of them
Adrian - 1736-1205-2633 [X]
>>20424996 Shiny Flygon won?
>>20425188 Then I got skipped. Whatever.
>>20425241 I was going in gts order, you may have just posted your luvdisc late
Someone traded me a normal Buneary
IGN Alex 4699 6345 2328
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>>20425230 I can dig it. Lapras and gardy pulled ahead of sword too, so all in all it's a win
>>20425252 Thought it was on quoting order... That way we sort of avoid outsiders taking advantage of giveaways.
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>>20425300 I specifically said I was going in gts order in the original post, too many people made me go through the whole line of people in gts since they reposted theirs last time
>>20424974 >>20424967 don't see either of you online
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>>20425294 Me too, I think someone was trying to better their chances.
>>20425373 no, glaceon is my ign
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>>20425385 i see u sending you a request
IGN Alex 4699 6345 2328
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>>20425356 Don't see you either. Refreshing
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>>20425385 thanks a bunch for the Goodra Glaceon <3
Qt 3711 9113 1172
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could I get a white shiny florges? want to use it for my Mono Fairy team.
IGN Alex 4699 6345 2328
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>>20425385 Thank you so much. I have a shiny 6V from the same brood as that shellder, if you wanna clone it
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen)
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen) Sun 10 Aug 2014 05:02:37 No. 20425485 Report >>20421526 Disc up hope I'm not too late
>>20425485 it's been over for a while
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen)
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen) Sun 10 Aug 2014 05:04:26 No. 20425512 Report Quoted By:
>>20425492 Damn I always miss giveaways like this
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When will your next giveaway be?
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Are you still doing the distro, OP?
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A - any more OP? ;_;
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20428548 You're not me.
>>20424754 Here I am, disc up again
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20424829 Do a Knock Off+Sucker Punch Jolly Bisharp Giveaway, is impossible to make it without Gen 5, and a great Pokémon