Hey guys! Today I'll be handing out 34 4-5 IV Female Swablus in Dive Balls. These Swablus come with the egg moves Roost and Hyper Voice and are Timid Nature. Note: This is my first giveaway. Also I will also be handing 21 Beldums and 16 Prankster Sableyes w/ Recover all of which are 5IV after I'm done with the Swablus.>Rules 1. Disc up to the GTS 2. Write "Swagblu /vp/" in the description 3. Comment in the thread with your IGN 4. ??? 5. Profit Also it's one Pokemon per person. If the thread starts dying down then I'll let you get one of the others.
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>>20441745 Discing. Thanks mate!
>>20441745 IGN JONNIE
thank you so much OP
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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>>20441775 No. Unfortunately I'm not getting a Powersave till tomorrow
IGN: Kaylee (2122-7833-0558)
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>Roost egg move ebin
IGN: Ratbone 2724::0673::6942
>>20441745 i doubt this thread will start dying. may i get one of those beldums? ill disc up thanks in advance
Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto)
Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto) Mon 11 Aug 2014 01:56:11 No. 20441808 Report Quoted By:
Gonna throw a Luvdisc up, thanks OP!
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Mon 11 Aug 2014 01:56:17 No. 20441811 Report Quoted By:
>>20441745 I would like to hop into the comfybird train. Discing up!
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>>20441745 IGN: Ale
Thanks op!!
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Disc up, IGN Momo. Thanks!
IGN Uber
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Luvdsic up. Thanks
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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Also note for level don't make it 1-10
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Should we seek swablus level 1-10?
David (1392-4832-8548)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 11 Aug 2014 01:59:10 No. 20441862 Report Quoted By:
>>20441745 Disc is up
Thx based OP
Quoted By:
Disc up, thanks OP IGN is Jose>tfw Altaria will finally be viable this gen
>>20441779 got my disc up.
thank you again based OP.
I'm always thankful for these types of giveaways,
and swablu wont draw in shitposters like the diancie/jirachi threads. OP is awesome
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20441806 Hold on till I'm done
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Thank you based OP!
IGN : Zelos / FC : 5472-6872-5564
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IGN : Zelos Disc up and thanks :)
Piero 1263 7121 7582
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>>20441745 Putting a disc up
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
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>>20441745 Discing up for swablu ! Thanks !
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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2 people will get lvl 13 swablus just a heads up take them to the move reminder
IGN: Ratbone 2724::0673::6942
Viri - 4785-5473-9294
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plz and thank you!
David (1762-3188-6506)
IGN: Raz
Quoted By:
luvdisc is up.
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula Mon 11 Aug 2014 02:06:36 No. 20442023 Report Quoted By:
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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Discing up :) IGN Belle
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Disc up. IGN Jeffrey
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Fuck its 3AM and im here waiting for giveaways Discing up with all my strength
Desirey (2637 9916 7643)
Mike (0146- 9188- 2252) Panpour Quagsire
Quoted By:
>>20441745 Disc up, thanks man
IGN: Kat FC:3454-1187-8117 (Dark)
Quoted By:
Disc up, thanks boss
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour)
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour) Mon 11 Aug 2014 02:10:37 No. 20442102 Report Quoted By:
Disc up
Blake 2981-6757-4289
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>>20442065 >>20441745 too late, forgot OP link fug
Taiin 5370-0420-5407
Dream 3625-7860-5349
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got mine thanks again OP!!!
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>>20441745 There is still a swagblu? Im gonna disc up in a moment
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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Sorry if i'm slow. Again, this is my first giveaway. PLease be patient with me and wait.
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Gimme some swag OP disc is up
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
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>>20441880 You're IGN sir or Madam?
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Preemptively discing up for Sableye, IGN Bun. Thanks!
Onawae 3153-3806-6670
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>>20441745 Disk up :) keen on the sableye and Belsen when they go out if that's ok as well :D
Seth 3609-1111-9096
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>>20441745 If there are any Swablus left, I'd like one. Disc up!
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
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swagblu. thanks
IGN: Adrianok
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>>20441745 Disc is up. But I want a beldum. As I already have a swablu.
Message is "/vp/ beldum".
Quoted By:
IGN is Jonathan.
IGN : Zelos / FC : 5472-6872-5564
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I got it, thanks OP :)
IGN Alex 0903-3920-9053
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Mon 11 Aug 2014 02:21:51 No. 20442288 Report Quoted By:
>>20441745 Putting disc up now for Swagblu
IGN:Dyl FC: 3196-4154-4028
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disc up IGN Dyl
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
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>>20441745 IGN Traumend
disc up for belbum
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Mon 11 Aug 2014 02:29:27 No. 20442440 Report Discing up for a Swablu!
kensei 1864-9151-8428
Luke 1590-4694-4600
Quoted By:
>>20441745 forgot to quote, disc is up and ign is ian
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>>20441745 Putting up Disc, thx Op
IGN: Tim
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>>20441745 Disc is going up
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula
Mila 5258-0715-7385 Emolga, Helioptile, Galvantula Mon 11 Aug 2014 02:46:26 No. 20442803 Report Quoted By:
hey guys op here sorry I'm having an internet connection problem right now please hold on a bit longer. also I'm on my phone
>>20442949 Hey op what gender and level should we put for the sableye? My Ign is Josh and im gonna put my disc up after i know
Seth 3609-1111-9096
Received fluffiest dragon. Thanks so much OP.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20442420 Congrats! You're getting the last one!
>>20443175 Both
>>20443276 No problem
Now starting with Belum!
Bri 5129-0992-3391
>>20441745 Discing for Swablu if you still have any, op. Thanks!
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20443320 if i want a sableye what description should be in the gts?
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Mon 11 Aug 2014 03:16:24 No. 20443374 Report >>20442440 Wow, dammit. In the end I could have gotten a Shiny Flygon. I was basically one or two people away to get a Swablu. May I have a Sableye instead then?
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Quoted By:
>>20443353 Oops nevermind, posted too late
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
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>>20443320 mmm i got sniped...
ill Disc up again for Beldum
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20443353 Sorry all out. Giving out Beldums now.
>>20443370 Swegeye /vp/
or Sableye /vp/
>>20443374 Yeah I'll get you
>>20443415 and the name for beldum?
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20443426 Beldum /vp/ is fine
Viri - 4785-5473-9294
Ryan: 4484-9788-0387
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
Quoted By:
>>20443415 disc up with the message sableye /vp/
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
>>20443320 well yea i have to put both but male/female? what level range?
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20443459 Sorry I didn't see you. If you still have it up leave it i'll send you one i was gonna keep
ORAS gives you a free shiny Beldum. Just skip to the Sableyes :\
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
Quoted By:
>>20443509 but not pentaperfect
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Ryan: 4484-9788-0387
Quoted By:
>>20443470 >>20443415 Alright OP, I switched it up and disced for a Sableye. Thanks!
>>20443450 disc up for the sableye. message is /vp/ sableye and my ign is josh
Viri - 4785-5473-9294
>>20443504 its still up <3 plz based op
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20443563 done
>>20443514 I don't have any left sorry
Quoted By:
>>20443527 okay makes sense, thanks op you da bes
>>20443539 Anonymous
>got a Sableye Fuck yes, thanks Larry!
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Mon 11 Aug 2014 03:34:29 No. 20443669 Report >>20443374 >>20443415 I don't want to reupload my Sableye request so the description is still "Swagblu /vp/" however i'm asking for a Sableye instead of a Swablu
Viri - 4785-5473-9294
Quoted By:
>>20443615 thanks again OP <3
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Thread is slowing down. I believe i got everyone who wanted a Beldum or Sableye. If you want another now's your chance!
>>20443662 No problem
>>20443669 sorry didnt see that Ill get you right now
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
Oh, well I'll disc up again since I guess it changed. Same message though.
>>20443709 another disc up for a beldum. larry is god
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Quoted By:
>>20443932 Josh right? I just got you.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
>>20444105 Got the Sableye. Thank you!
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20441745 Putting it up now
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20444188 No problem!
>>20444267 I don't have anymore Swablus. I do have this left though :
>>20444105 IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20444296 I'd like a beldum
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20444834 Okay coming right up!
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20444861 It's an adamant defiant Bisharp if that's alright
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20444963 Well I was only asking for Luvdiscs but if you want. Also on the GTS?
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20445009 I feel bad about trading shitmons (also I'm all out of Luvdiscs)
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20445031 It's cool. I don't see it though
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20445067 it got traded, for a japanese beldum. Do you want it?
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20445120 okay, i'm putting it up now
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20445179 was it nicknamed tanhel?
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20445189 No. Just register me as a friend and I'll give it to you there.
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20445210 I registered you already just in case
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20445227 I'm sending you trade requests.
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
Quoted By:
>>20445293 I'm not getting any, hold on. Give me 5 minutes
>>20441745 1 for me please! 5iv pls
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Caught a Disc, putting it up right now. Thanks a fuckload, OP
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20445647 >>20445833 I'm out of Swablus...
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20445899 Shit, sorry. What do you want me to put it for, Sable or Beldum?
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20445920 Your choice you can get both if you want
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20445932 Oh boy, thank goodness I was chain fishing for a few of the discs. I'll put two up in a bit.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20445936 THis is gonna take a while i already threw them in bank and now it locked me out for some reason
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20445975 It's cool, I can wait. Disc 1 is up for Beldum. I'll throw up Disc 2 shortly after. If I get sniped I have extras, so no worries.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Quoted By:
>>20446054 Okay I just through
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20445932 I'll disc for one Sableye, and for a Beldum right after if there's still any left.
Thanks a lot for this giveaway, OP.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446054 Beldum sent
>>20446097 Sit tight buddy
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20446123 Thanks! I'll throw up Disc 2 right now.
IGN Yawn Thanks in advanced.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446168 I have no more Swablus
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Sable, OP! Much obliged.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446142 >>20446097 Got both of you already
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20446216 Yes, got it! Thank you so much, based Larry.
I'm going to put another disc for one Beldum if that's fine!
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446242 Cool. Disc it up!
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446250 Sorry I ran out pretty quick.
>>20446282 Can I get one of the beldums then?
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446298 Sure just disc it up and give me your IGN
IGN is Yawn Message still says Swagblu /vp/
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20446253 >mfw I noticed Sableye is female instead male. And thanks, got Beldum too! Based Larry is too based, I love you.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446337 saw you but i don't have any Swablus left
>>20446366 >>20446337 was supposed to be a response to >>20446320 IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Quoted By:
>>20446353 lol no problem.
I'll try to make better giveaways in the future with shinies and what not.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446396 You didn't change what Pokemon you wanted though..
>>20446437 Ohh whoops. Turns out I haven't seen a beldum. Sorry for wasting your time.
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
>>20446491 you can still get one
>>20446495 Right, forgot about that. It's up now
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
IGN Kody
IGN Larry 4871-4774-2981
Quoted By:
>>20446551 sorry bruh. I'm out.
Also I'm calling it a day need to start breeding Buneary now!
Ruby 0473-9016-7954
Quoted By:
Putting a disc up, thanks in advance OP.
Quoted By:
disc up for sableeye ig: Aila