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>can't greentext right
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>>20456738 I guess ill worm up fof one in a sec
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
Well, ok. I'm in. Scatterbug is going up. Thanks in advance. A modest one would be perfect.
>>20456738 Bug is up, thanks.
You're going to end up with a bunch of Modern Vivillon Anonymous
>>20456782 i also have modest so i will send you one
IGN Uber
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Bug up. Thanks.
IGN Alex FC: 4699-6345-2328
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>>20456738 I'll put a bug up in a second!
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>>20456738 i'll disc up, thanks ign puriel
Tu 3840-7531-7361
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Bug is being put up. Thanks OP :3
Taiga 1349-6886-4122
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>>20456738 Put one up, thanks in advance, friend.
IGN: Payo (0619-5274-7939)
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Scatterbug up, thanks!
IGN Ima / FC 5129-1446-2810
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>>20456738 Bug up! Thanks!
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
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>>20456810 Thank you a lot. :3
Walter 0318-7863-5433
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>>20456738 Scattergug up, thanks!
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>>20456738 Wormed up. Ign: Dan
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>>20456738 scatterbug going up, thanks!
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>>20456738 ign;crock
bug is up!
Onawae 3153-3806-6670
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Mon 11 Aug 2014 21:51:34 No. 20456980 Report Quoted By:
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
Quoted By:
Putting mine up now!
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (NIncada, Phanpy, ???)
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (NIncada, Phanpy, ???) Mon 11 Aug 2014 21:53:27 No. 20457022 Report Quoted By:
Scatterbug is up, Thanks in advance anon IGN: Czero
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion)
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion) Mon 11 Aug 2014 21:53:45 No. 20457026 Report Quoted By:
Sent in a Scatterbug!
Crozier - 5386-8525-9974 (pansear, larvesta, braixen)
Crozier - 5386-8525-9974 (pansear, larvesta, braixen) Mon 11 Aug 2014 21:53:47 No. 20457027 Report Quoted By:
bug is up, thanks op
Tu 3840-7531-7361
Quoted By:
Re-put mine back up. Nicknamed it Uoink.
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20456738 Scatterbug going up.
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Either OP is mug, or somebody is messing around trading shit Ralts
Gray 3866 - 8535 - 7944
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Scatterbug is up
Delta - 0920 - 0766 - 7425
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>>20456738 Added the Scatterbug!
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>>20456738 Thanks, OP, You're great!
i got a shit ralts twice is this a troll?
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
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>>20456810 Got mine, thank you so much. :3
>>20457140 >>20457165 "lvl 1 ralts" is a pretty vague request, you can be easily sniped. Guess that's what happened to you both. Mine came perfectly.
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i hope no one gets skipped but if you get skipped tell me Currently on traumend
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion)
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion) Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:04:47 No. 20457217 Report Got a bad Ralts from someone named Justin that ain't what OP's apparently giving away; Didn't have the listed moves and the nature didn't match.
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
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Fuck, I got a shit Ralts too fuck you Tarsal
>>20457217 my ING is Fernando
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion)
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion) Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:10:15 No. 20457332 Report >>20457259 Well, assuming you're OP, I put up a new Scatterbug.
I assume OP's Friend List is full or he just wants to avoid harassment?
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>>20457332 yeah its me, and its the second haha
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:12:48 No. 20457369 Report Quoted By:
>>20457332 Simple giveaways are much more convenient to do via GTS. The problem here was the bad fodder choice: Scatterbugs are REALLY popular due to Vivillon's formes.
And I got a shitty Ralts too. Put another Scatterbug, but I'm almost hopeless.
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
Quoted By:
Whew, it's the real one this time. Thanks a lot Fernando!
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:18:57 No. 20457475 Report ANOTHER shit Ralts. -_-
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>>20457196 did you get yours already anon??
if not tell me your ING
>>20457475 put another i will send it to you right away
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Heh, I hot a wrong ralts too, but it has 5iv so ot's okayish.
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:23:47 No. 20457532 Report >>20457506 Had put, got a third shit Ralts. Put another one, thanks.
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:25:38 No. 20457570 Report Quoted By:
>>20457532 Fourth shitty one. Trying again.
>>20457532 this time its mine
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat
Nai | 5000-3192-1245 | SV 2507/0545 | Sunkern, Ivysaur, Gogoat Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:27:41 No. 20457607 Report >>20457585 At last! Thank you OP! The Scatterbug should have awesome IVs, but I don't know the pattern (it was some powersave friend who gave me as trade fodder who breeds Vivis).
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>>20457607 haha dont worry its fine
>>20456738 I prefer Ralts more in a premier ball. Colors match well.
Zapata: 0748-3978-0393 (Sneasel, Vullaby, Sableye)
Zapata: 0748-3978-0393 (Sneasel, Vullaby, Sableye) Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:40:25 No. 20457817 Report Quoted By:
>>20456738 Scatterbug-ing up
Alec 4055-4042-0786
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20457057 Second Scatterbug going up. Snipers everywhere.
>>20457796 yeah but i dont have it in a premier sorry
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>>20457849 No problem, I have my hexaperfect in a permier ball.
Here OP im out of ralts!! sorry
Privya 4597-09001981
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>>20457869 Thanks a lot, based OP.
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion)
Rae 0447-7114-0850 (Ledyba, Volbeat, Vivillion) Mon 11 Aug 2014 22:55:10 No. 20458019 Report Quoted By:
>>20457910 Glad I managed to get one from you, then! Funnily enough, it came to me while I was AFK.
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Thanks OP! Always good to see another anon that appreciates moon balls