[364 / 11 / ?] 485KiB, 600x400, rainicorn giveaway.gif View SameGoogleImgOpsiqdbSauceNAO Thread Reply Original Report Media View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Download Shiny Feebas giveaway Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk Tue 12 Aug 2014 01:22:59 No.20460270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>20460295 >>20460308 >>20460321 >>20460327 >>20460341 >>20460350 >>20460358 >>20460361 >>20460363 >>20460369 >>20460375 >>20460389 >>20460390 >>20460394 >>20460402 >>20460403 >>20460405 >>20460411 >>20460413 >>20460416 >>20460419 >>20460427 >>20460434 >>20460448 >>20460452 >>20460455 >>20460460 >>20460465 >>20460469 >>20460479 >>20460480 >>20460483 >>20460487 >>20460493 >>20460494 >>20460497 >>20460503 >>20460506 >>20460507 >>20460508 >>20460516 >>20460518 >>20460529 >>20460530 >>20460541 >>20460542 >>20460550 >>20460555 >>20460566 >>20460567 >>20460573 >>20460575 >>20460583 >>20460584 >>20460600 >>20460606 >>20460621 >>20460626 >>20460628 >>20460633 >>20460636 >>20460642 >>20460666 >>20460681 >>20460696 >>20460721 >>20460738 >>20460740 >>20460743 >>20460746 >>20460773 >>20460780 >>20460785 >>20460793 >>20460796 >>20460805 >>20460824 >>20460836 >>20460860 >>20460861 >>20460901 >>20460903 >>20460910 >>20460914 >>20460918 >>20460919 >>20460922 >>20460957 >>20460984 >>20460991 >>20461007 >>20461047 >>20461057 >>20461076 >>20461096 >>20461146 >>20461155 >>20461175 >>20461226 >>20461283 >>20461378 >>20461394 >>20461472 >>20461506 >>20461522 >>20461566 >>20461569 >>20461597 >>20461617 >>20461644 >>20461662 >>20461680 >>20461688 >>20461766 >>20461814 >>20461961 >>20461964 >>20462006 >>20462082 >>20462181 >>20462235 >>20462409 >>20462427 >>20462458 >>20462484 >>20462530 >>20462614 >>20462641 >>20462657 >>20462659 >>20462691 >>20462766 >>20462780 >>20462807 >>20462811 >>20462839 >>20463100 >>20463134 >>20463136 >>20467180 Remember when you had to search for a god forsaken tile back in R/S to get one? Now with considerable less effort you can even get a shiny one!They're KB, hexaperfect (0 att IV) and for your delight they hold one of 5 random items>How do i participate?Just put a Dwebble on the GTS with the message "/vp/ Wipi" asking for a Lv1 female Feebas>I dont have a Dwebble, where can i get one?Glittering cave, Route 8, Cyllage City, Azure Bay, Route 12; you can also snipe one>B-but you need rock smash to get one, i demmand you to spoonfeed me!If you dont like how i do my giveaways just stay away from them>How am i supposed to evolve this thing now?Trade it holding a prism scale, you can get some by playing the minigames on PGLI can't run out and will be here for about 1-2 hours