>>20469962 GUYS
At first, I also was like "duh, come on, regenerator is one sweet-ass ability, who gives a crap about Shell Armor, what a waste"
It's a [hella] bulky setup sweeper. Who wants to switch out after 2 Calm Minds. And don't forget about Slack Off. And buffed bulk. It's like MVenusaur, only with better BST and buffing abilities [granted - with arguably worse typing also]. So it's ability has to be something less useful, so it won't be completely broken. Also, with all that setup - not being vulnerable to some lucky crits is actually quite nice.
SO MARK MY WORDS - this thing shits on Talonflame, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Garchomp [etc etc] - it /will/ be OU. Screencap this.
Wanna bet? I'll even namefag for that one.
>but calm mind is not that good >you still can kill him >IT HAS COUNTERS Yeah, right. Everything does. And remember when, before release of XY people were like 'gale wings, ok, what are you gonna do with that while Talonflame's Attack is 78'? Boom, it changed the meta. So I won't argue with anybody, just screencap this.
>taunt it still will hit fairly hard without CM boost, but yeah, it's a biggest flaw of this mon. Can't wait to Magic Bounce that on switch to taunt the taunter.