Disc is up, IGN is Artalias. Thanks in advance!
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Tue 12 Aug 2014 17:54:36 No. 20472413 Report Ryan
>>20472389 would love one, discing! thanks
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
IGN: Nick
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Ugh, ditto won't trade on gts for some reason.... worked fine earlier... just add me then. 2036 6610 2918
IGN: Mario
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up! Thanks!
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Tue 12 Aug 2014 17:58:08 No. 20472460 Report Quoted By:
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross)
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross) Tue 12 Aug 2014 17:58:12 No. 20472461 Report IGN: Seba 3282-2976-9586
Quoted By:
>>20472389 disc up, thanks
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20472389 Luvdisc going up right now! Thanks a lot, Glaceon!
Serena 3411-2646-1875
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen Tue 12 Aug 2014 17:58:24 No. 20472466 Report >>20472389 disk going up, thanks!
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
IGN Joshua
>>20472389 Disc up! Thanks
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up, IGN Evan, youre the best OP!
>>20472389 IGN lucy, disc is up
>>20472467 You said no FCs...
Ryan 4854-6766-3007
Quoted By:
>>20472467 Okay, it's in the name now
(3239-3246-5281) IGN:wunderkind
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20472478 they won't trade on gts oddly when they worked fine earlier, and I don't want to just waste 120 dittos
IGN: Ergheiz
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Thank you kind anon luvdisc getting placed now
IGN: Mario FC: 4270-2691-9052
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Welp. Adding you, and thanks.
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:00:14 No. 20472495 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 Put one up, thanks Glaceon!
Blake 2981-6757-4289
AHHH, I gave a ditto to my friend, and this is legit, you are too based. Now I can breed decent mons for my dex. Disc up!
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:00:51 No. 20472504 Report Quoted By:
Discing up!
Nick 1993-8200-4831
Leroy 3067-6621-2482
IGN: Ergheiz FC: 0903-2747-6800
Quoted By:
>>20472490 Here's my FC I'll be adding you in a few
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
ugh, Id delete this thread if I knew how too :[
>>20472389 IGN Tyler! Disc up! Thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc is up IGN:Nick
Lucy 4012-5693-3179
Quoted By:
>>20472476 >>20472389 Now Fc is in the name
IGN: Luka
Taami 0533 - 6472 - 1809 [Xatu, Wobbuffet, Grumpig]
Taami 0533 - 6472 - 1809 [Xatu, Wobbuffet, Grumpig] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:01:57 No. 20472523 Report Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
>>20472389 Disc up
IGN: George
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:02:03 No. 20472528 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 Discing up, thanks a ton!
Quoted By:
>>20472512 You just click that little button next to the subject field and click delete at the bottom of the page. Though I don't see why you'd need to do that. If people don't read the thread, that's their problem.
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up ! IGN : Mikaël
Thanks !
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:03:05 No. 20472543 Report Quoted By:
Ty 2595-2182-9533
>>20472515 Sorry! this is me 2595-2182-9533
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen
JoshCJ- 2423-3129-1815(Pansear, Slugma,Braixen Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:03:12 No. 20472548 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 >>20472466 I added since gts isn't working
Ryan 4854-6766-3007
Quoted By:
My Luvdisc should have a triangle character for its name, if you can't find it
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:03:42 No. 20472555 Report Quoted By:
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20472490 what happens when you try to gts the dittos? some guys are having problems too in pokegen general
btw I added you
Jacquelyne 2294-4894-7598
Jay 0877-1270-4704 Toxicroak Seviper Venomoth
Jay 0877-1270-4704 Toxicroak Seviper Venomoth Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:04:14 No. 20472565 Report Quoted By:
Fen (IGN:Dylan) FC: 4098-2491-1338
Quoted By:
>>20472525 welp nevermind just read the thread.
IGN : Kalem FC : [0490-6590-7144]
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc is going up ! Thanks OP !
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20472389 Disc up shortly
Quoted By:
>>20472389 disc up glaceon!
Ryan 4854-6766-3007
Quoted By:
>>20472448 I added you Glace
Noel 2122-7160-4498
Quoted By:
I'm in need of this Ditto
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Calem, dISC IS UP.
Quoted By:
Luvdisc is up. IGN be Woody
Robert 0748 - 3804 - 0098
ign Holly
>>20472389 Disc is up, ty so much OP :)
>>20472389 Disking up in some minutes. Thanks, Glaceon!
how did you managed to get a shinny ditto KB hexa? do you have cyber gadget?
(IGN Victoria) Marina 4527-8630-6110
IGN: Claire (4554-0660-8001)
Quoted By:
Superb giveaway, stuck at work for another 3 hours;-;[/spoiler
Quoted By:
>>20472605 Oh, if the GTS is still not working when you get to me, just count me out.
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee)
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:07:49 No. 20472640 Report Quoted By:
Luvdisc uploaded on GTS, and added you as well
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:08:07 No. 20472641 Report >>20472389 Lord Arceus may i please get one!
Ryan 4854-6766-3007
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Your trainer name is Glaceon, right?
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Disk Up.
Thank you based anon.
(IGN Victoria) Marina 4527-8630-6110
IGN: Jim 2852-7724-4376
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Disc up. Thanks again, Glaceon.
Quoted By:
>>20472473 FC is 2191 7779 1059
IGN: Frotto
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:09:14 No. 20472666 Report Quoted By:
>>20472448 ok I took my disc down and added you
waiting on you now
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20472652 read. the. thread.
:^( Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20472610 It's one of Lopunnys. She's a known hacker around here who also has the Cyber Gadget but before that she showcased pokemon that we couldn't get. Shes a user on Showdown and part of Project Pokemon iirc
She also gave out pokemon here before like 6iv Diancies Shiny Eevees and Darkrais Shiny Jirachis shes like a legend on here
Here's a video my friend Sork had w/her Based Lopunny is Based
IGN: Spencer
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20472499 >>20472389 Forgot OP link, but yeah!
Martin 2062-9245-0385
Nick 0044-2900-1058
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:10:36 No. 20472698 Report >>20472448 Hey Glaceon i'd love one!
>>20472641 Disc down, added you!
Quoted By:
>>20472527 friend code 1848-3122-5800
Quoted By:
>>20472389 ign: beandragon
disc up glaceon!
Quoted By:
IGN: majette thanks!
>>20472448 Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Disk Up.
Thank you based anon.
IGN: Frotto 1118-0459-7959
>>20472448 wait ok I added you my FC is 1118-0459-7959
Nicola 3050-8835-1620
Luke 3497-0218-4596
IGN: Travis 4785-4748-4937
Quoted By:
>>20472389 I've put up a Disc. If you're still having trouble with the GTS that's fine. I appreciate it.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20472575 Didn't see that post,
FC Added
Ryan 4854-6766-3007
Quoted By:
Thank you so much based Glaceon
[IGN] Jazz
Quoted By:
luvdisc is up.
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross)
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:12:12 No. 20472733 Report Privya 4597-0900-1981
Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20472463 I already have you added from another giveaway. Thanks again.
ign Holly 0533-5330-2392
Quoted By:
>>20472600 I didn't read before that they're not passing through the GTS, so I added you glaceon
Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20472692 Well, damn. Missed this post, I'm adding you now!
Quoted By:
Ign is PJ advance op.
kensei 1864-9151-8428
Belgue, 4742 6868 8533
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Oops, adding you
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20472448 sucks mang, I still have you added in-game
Blue 5284 1458 6625
Quoted By:
>>20472389 discing up, thanks
>>20472718 Just read this, I still got you added Glac
Robert 0748 - 3804 - 0098
Quoted By:
>>20472594 >>20472389 And as per usual, I miss quoting the OP. Wonderful. Apologies.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:15:55 No. 20472799 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 Upped!
Based Glaceon with based giveaway
Luke 3497-0218-4596
I see, these dittos can't be GTS'd. Sadly I have to go, but thanks anyway Glaceon!
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
Oh, please don't trade me any trade evo pokemon like pumpkaboo, it's annoying etc. also don't take your time when picking a pokemon to trade, Ill take anything
IGN: Frotto 1118-0459-7959
Quoted By:
>>20472719 >>20472389 and forgot to quote the OP I'm a mess
Marqo - 2724-0759-5373
>>20472448 >>20472713 My fc is 2724-0759-5373
Quoted By:
>>20472802 She said it was working fine, earlier. Just Disc up and hope the trade will work.
IGN: Valen
Quoted By:
>>20472803 >>20472389 Fuck, I forgot my IGN
IGN Oblivion, just put one at GTS, thanks in advance!!
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20472805 what happens when you try to gts the dittos?
>>20472448 added
2895 7101 9895
IGN: Jim 2852-7724-4376
>>20472667 Sorry. Is GTS screwing up for anyone else? It wouldn't let me trade a Scizor for whatever reason an hour or so ago?
Also added
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:18:09 No. 20472841 Report >>20472448 Still added from last giveaway.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20472831 just tells me they won't trade
French |4613-7530-4304|
Kiki (4914-4141-6008)
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up, Thank you!
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20472839 the scizor is genned?
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:18:47 No. 20472859 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 disc is going up! thank you!!
Valen 1177 - 8841 - 5322
Quoted By:
>>20472448 I hadn't seen this post; adding you now
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
IGN:Freddy thx
Quoted By:
received ditto, thanks glaceon, sorry for the wait somedude was trading me, dont know what he wanted
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Forgot to quote OP, I'm
>>20472829 IGN: Jim 2852-7724-4376
Quoted By:
>>20472856 I caught the Scyther and evolved it myself. I just kept getting errors
Taami 0533 - 6472 - 1809 [Xatu, Wobbuffet, Grumpig]
Taami 0533 - 6472 - 1809 [Xatu, Wobbuffet, Grumpig] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:20:03 No. 20472885 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 FC is 2191 7779 1059
This time with the FC
PJ FC:0103-9933-7160
Goldfish 4527-9113-2884 (Birdies: Pidgey, Hoothoot, Rufflett)
Goldfish 4527-9113-2884 (Birdies: Pidgey, Hoothoot, Rufflett) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:20:42 No. 20472899 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 Goldfish. Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
Disc up, IGN is Ashley.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20472845 I think it's because "met at lvl1" in Friend Safari, needs be at lvl30.
Kiki (4914-4141-6008)
Tyler 2595-2182-9533
Quoted By:
>>20472515 >>20472546 >>20472389 Realized I didn't quote op in the post where I gave my FC all the way back, understand if I get skipped I dun goofed
Tyler 2595-2182-9533
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up!
IGN Under
CJ 4613-8334-5499
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Quoted By:
>>20472448 have you as a friend already will wait for my turn
>>20472457 Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
now i;ll just wait to OP.
Quoted By:
>>20472805 I've added hoping for a chance. FC is 4313-1821-3717
CJ 4613-8334-5499
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Forgot to quote OP, disc up
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee)
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:23:03 No. 20472947 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 Reposting that I've added you because I didn't quote the OP originally, and I don't know if that matters or not.
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:24:09 No. 20472968 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 Looks like you added me but you appear as offline
IGN : Kalem FC : [0490-6590-7144]
blue 0318-8702-3903
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Hopefully I'm not late disc going up
Pemby: 5215-0904-0580
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Adding, hopefully this works!
Quoted By:
>>20472389 >>20472448 Xyvre 1478 3534 4833 added
Holly 0533-5330-2392
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Didn't quote OP when I gave my FC, added you
>>20472448 added
fc 0533-4807-5543
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
>>20472389 >>20472805 >>20472448 Oh, shit, nevermind.
Guess I'll add and wait for you to add me.
Quoted By:
Got mine. Thank you so much, Glaceon.
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Andres.
Disc up and I do hope I am not too late.
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20472845 I cant see you online, yuo're still on my ingame friends though, have you got me added still?
PJ FC:0103-9933-7160
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Forgot to quote op im in gts and ive added you
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Well, lets see if I can get one these, a 6IV ditto KB is a nice thing to have. I have you added already.
Quoted By:
Disc is up! IGN Edgar
>>20472389 IGN is Lasky
Thanks so much Glaceon!
You're the best!
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20472845 thanks glaceon senpai
Read the thread. "Based" OP Fucked up, didn't realize that obviously hacked pokemon can't be traded on GTS, especially shit with Hoenn ribbons (footprint really???) Glaceon shit the bed with this one lol
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20473089 >shit with Hoenn ribbons (footprint really???) A few of my KB pokes that I went through the story with have the footprint ribbon. I'm sure there are event ribbons screwing it up, but he's giving away perfect KB Dittos FFS.
>>20472389 Disc up, ign is Mus
Quoted By:
>>20473089 It's not like they have stopped; the Giveaway is still going, just not as planned
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:32:07 No. 20473126 Report Quoted By:
>>20472448 I've still got you on my friend list from an earlier giveaway, don't know if you saw that.
Tyler 2595-2182-9533
Quoted By:
>>20473115 this^ it's still pretty fucking cool
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up, thanks Glaceon !
Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20473072 Oops~
Went ahead and added you.
IGN Lasky FC 4270-1647-5797
Quoted By:
IGN Krawl Thanks!
Nick 1993-8200-4831
Quoted By:
Thanks Glaceon :)
IGN: Taylor FC: 0705-3086-0359
Quoted By:
>>20473117 Oh nevermind, added you, my FC is 0232 9394 1595
Erimor 4983-4999-4313
Quoted By:
Luvdisc is up for trade.
IGN: Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy)
IGN: Evan 4425-1466-4114 Fairy(Togepi/Jigglypuff/Clefairy) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:36:05 No. 20473194 Report Quoted By:
>>20472448 whoops, missed this. adding you now
Tristan 2019 - 9747 - 9621
Quoted By:
>>20472389 >>20473114 I'll be on standby for a trade offer, thanks OP.
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:37:28 No. 20473222 Report Quoted By:
>>20472448 adding you! thanks
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder]
Murdok : 1650-3255-6089 [Growlithe, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:38:09 No. 20473231 Report Quoted By:
Thanks op
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede)
Mallory 1306-6893-0814 (Cascoon, Ariados, Whirlipede) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:38:55 No. 20473246 Report Quoted By:
>>20472448 we are actually already friends! thanks
FC 3325 2045 0738 IGN Oblivion
Quoted By:
>>20472389 disc is up! IGN is Mateus
Thanks so much OP!
>>20472448 adding
ign damian
2981 6920 5039
>>20472389 Hope i'm not late, the luvdisc is up!
IGN: Daenerys
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Added Glaceon. Waiting for a trade request whenever.
Erimor 4983-4999-4313
Quoted By:
>>20472448 I missed this, just added you. Thanks for doing this btw!
Quoted By:
>>20472389 didn't notice we had to add you, FC is 1220 7262 3630
IGN Murzyn
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up, thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Putting a luvdisc up. IGN Justin
>>20472389 didn't notice we had to add you fc is 2793-0788-8211
Quoted By:
>>20473353 ign is murzyn still
Quoted By:
>>20472389 ign Ordnance
oooh yeah
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Can we get an update Glaceon, running through trades like a trooper? I just don't see you online is all, don't wanna get skipped ;_;
CJ 4613-8334-5499
Quoted By:
>>20472448 I already have you added, can my post above count? I was in a rush because there were already 120ish posts.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20473383 adding people right now last person I added was frotto
>>20473274 sorry, i didn't notice we were supposed to add you, here you go
IGN: Daenerys
FC: 4356-0912-3224
Quoted By:
Just to check if anyone cloned more or if glaceon still has extras. Been looking for a this for some time john 4897-6021-8284
>>20473407 >skipped K. Understood.
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc of love up!
IGN: Riverraider
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:51:19 No. 20473474 Report Quoted By:
Thanks Glaceon!
Noel 2122-7160-4498
>>20473407 You skipped me, Glace
Quoted By:
>>20473449 >>20473485 Maybe Glaceon hasn't skipped us, maybe he just hasn't finished adding Friendcodes (
>>20473407 )
, r-right? Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20473407 Ah, alright, guess i need to be re-added or something by you then, thanks
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20473485 I was going by quotes to
>>20472448 Ill probably get to you eventually, also thanks robert for the shiny luvdisc :D
Carlos 3883-5403-7894 (wartortle, panpour, poliwhirl)
Carlos 3883-5403-7894 (wartortle, panpour, poliwhirl) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:53:26 No. 20473516 Report Quoted By:
Disc up! Ign Carlos
Robert 0748 - 3804 - 0098
Quoted By:
Thank you, Glaceon!
Privya 4597-0900-1981
>>20473407 Sorry for bothering you, Glaceon.. but I think you skipped me. I'm seeing people after me getting Dittos (In case you're following thread post order!).
I'll still waiting though.
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee)
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee) Tue 12 Aug 2014 18:54:35 No. 20473537 Report Quoted By:
>>20473500 >>20472448 Reposting because I didn't reply to this message then. I've added you.
Jose Maria: 5000-3090-1920
Quoted By:
Would you be doing another giveaway later today?
Tyler 2595-2182-9533
Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20472389 Damn I got wrecked lol, reposting to this post and OP
>>20472515 >>20472546 Haya
>>20472389 Thanks glaceon! Disc up!
Vixer 4699-7107-8559
Quoted By:
Based Thanks Glaceon.
Privya 4597-0900-1981
Quoted By:
>>20473531 My bad, probably that message was posted when I was typing mine. Thanks for the call, anon.
>>20472389 Thanks glaceon! Discing up!
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20473500 >only a couple quotes past Fritto >still dont see friends online but passerby are worry.jpg
Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Quoted By:
Thank you, Glaceon!
Quoted By:
I'll pass on this one, it will probably end up like the Misdreavus one
Privya 4597-0900-1981
Quoted By:
>>20473500 Thanks, thanks, and thanks for the Ditto, Glaceon.
You're awesome!!
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:02:05 No. 20473675 Report Quoted By:
>>20472389 OP i LOVE you! Finally i can MM HNGGG!!!
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
Anyone knows who's OP on right now
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
Is it too late to disc up?
Nikky 1736 0833 6149
Erimor 4983-4999-4313
Quoted By:
>>20473500 You haven't added me yet and I'm worried you skipped me!
gal 1332-9087-1613
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross)
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross) Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:03:44 No. 20473710 Report Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20473500 Reposting then because I didn't reply that message
>>20472461 >>20472733 Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
(IGN Victoria) Marina 4527-8630-6110
Quoted By:
Thank you Glaceon!
Izumi 0404 - 7591 - 7903
Quoted By:
Disc up, Thanks.
Tristan 2019 - 9747 - 9621
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Posted earlier, but I hadn't replied to this message, so I'm just gonna do this to help you out as far as organization goes. Thanks again.
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20472693 >>20472698 Yeah, think i've been skipped, not even got you online/added on your end I think, but I have your code registered awaiting.
IGN: Taylor FC: 0705-3086-0359
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Just in case :)
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc is up, Thank you!
IGN: Frotto 1118-0459-7959
Quoted By:
was I skipped?
Haya 2964-8709-1986
Quoted By:
>>20473563 >>20473608 Ignore these, damn celphone... hope I can get one later and thank you for the giveaway Glaceon :)
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Marqo - 2724-0759-5373
Quoted By:
>>20472713 >>20472812 I think i've been skipped too.
>sad.jpg Andrej
>>20472448 >>20473020 btw, if you ever get to me, IGN is Under
Ago 1993 8149 1781
Quoted By:
>>20472389 i disc up in case there is some ditto left! thanks glaceon!
Andrej 3711-7906-0464
Quoted By:
>>20472890 >Eden Sorry, I left home and did not return until two more hours. Skip me.
IGN: Karpa Offering a Luvdisc with Salac Berry :3
Izumi 0404 - 7591 - 7903
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20473739 >>20472448 >>20473500 Pls ;_; I need (read: would very much want) this
PJ FC:0103-9933-7160
Quoted By:
>>20473427 Did based glace skip me ;_;
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20473865 Aaaaand based Glace pulls through, thanks for this S-tier giveaway.
Good to luck to all ;_;7
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc is up based Glaceon! I hope that I made it in time ;_;
John 4896-6021-8284
Quoted By:
>>20473813 Do you have extra berries? I could use one of those.
Tom 1435 - 4296 - 7814
FOR FUCKS SAKE! Please skip this guy.
IGN : Kalem FC : [0490-6590-7144]
Quoted By:
thank you so much OP !
Sara 5172-0944-8064
Quoted By:
>>20472448 i'd like one if you have any left!
>>20473949 >>20473865 I meant this little shit
i found the link this ditto came from Lopunny posted it awhile go on showdown /join pokehack :^)I googled Lopunny's Giveaway
Kiki (4914-4141-6008)
>>20472448 Update on where you're at please?
Haya 2964-8709-1986
Quoted By:
>>20472448 I hope it's not too late, it's worth to try... Thanks!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
Discing up, Thanks Glaceon
Tally 4012-5693-3179
Quoted By:
Thanks based glaceon for the ditto
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20473986 well I just traded Tyler
Nicholas FC 4313 1821 3717
Quoted By:
>>20472448 I'll reply to this one then. I've added and hope to get one!
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
>internet went down Shit balls, was I skipped?
IGN: Jargon FC: 9283 0483 1939 !iGRj/zRGMA
IGN: Jargon FC: 9283 0483 1939 !iGRj/zRGMA Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:25:42 No. 20474045 Report Bilbo
Quoted By:
Someone from my ISP is by changing our modem, I imagine I won't be online for a while. I'll reply to the post with Glaceon's FC when my wifi is back
Valen 1177 - 8841 - 5322
>>20474019 I think you skipped me, OP
By the way, how many Dittos do you have left?
Quoted By:
>>20474019 Are you still going in order of
>>20472448 or did you trade Tyler because he spazzed out?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20474065 I didn't, and I still have about 2 boxes left
Kiki (4914-4141-6008)
Quoted By:
>>20474019 ok thanks, online and waiting.
Valen 1177 - 8841 - 5322
Quoted By:
>>20474072 Oh, ok, I done goofed up. Thanks
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:28:33 No. 20474101 Report Quoted By:
>>20474019 h-hey glaceon... it seems you skipped me.
I replied to this post
>>20472448 as you can see here
>>20472841 Anonymous
>>20474045 lobby
/join pokehack
sekret club but remember we don't talk about fite club
Erimor 4983-4999-4313
Quoted By:
>>20472448 >>20472837 I think I was skipped..
IGN: Taylor FC: 0705-3086-0359
Quoted By:
Gotta go to work :( skip me, thanks anyways Glaceon!
Belgue, 4742 6868 8533
Quoted By:
>>20472448 That was faster than I expected.
>>20474116 stop with the stupid leaks already. doesn't make you cool. just because Glaceon and Lopunny are there doesn't mean we should rush in and harass them. gtfo it won't make the giveaways go any faster
blue 0318-8702-3903
Quoted By:
>>20474072 Dang missed the part about dittos not being tradeable on gts do u think ill still get one if a add u now op?
IGN: Jargon FC: 9283 0483 1939 !iGRj/zRGMA
IGN: Jargon FC: 9283 0483 1939 !iGRj/zRGMA Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:32:20 No. 20474166 Report >>20474141 Are they really there?
>>20474166 yes but srsly don't go pissing them off they're nice enough to come here and give shit out :| don't spoil it for all of us
>>20474189 It sure is summer over here
Enrique 2531-3578-0525
Quoted By:
>>20474210 >summer >winter in my country >gg Tom 1435 - 4296 - 7814
Quoted By:
>>20472448 IGN Bilbo.
Ill add you then.
>>20474219 What does "shone" mean?
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee)
Lunais 3136-6558-4814 (Lillipup, Kecleon, Eevee) Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:39:01 No. 20474275 Report Quoted By:
Thanks very much, Glaceon! Looking forward to riding back and forth repeatedly.
Izumi 0404 - 7591 - 7903
IGN: Frotto 1118-0459-7959
>>20474019 glaceon I think you skipped me and I really really want this please read this ;_;
IGN: Jim 2852-7724-4376
Quoted By:
Thank you based Glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20474262 Thank you thank you kind sir
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20474219 sorry, you insulted a friend of mine in an earlier giveaway, I doubt Id get to you, though you would've been skipped anyways
Quoted By:
>>20473781 >>>20472448 >>>20473020 (You) ok i'm out :(
you can skip me, really got to go
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
Pemby 5215-0904-0580
Quoted By:
Hey glaceon, sorry to be a pest but I've been breeding and just wanted to see if I missed your trade request or if I'm just paranoid and you haven't gotten to me yet? Thanks again for doing the giveaway!
Walter 0318-7863-5433
Quoted By:
>>20472389 Disc up! Thanks!
ign Holly 0533-5330-239
Quoted By:
Just got mine, thank you so much glaceon :)
PJ FC:0103-9933-7160
>>20472389 Hey, Glaceon, sorry, am I late to receive a Ditto?
I just came back from working at the lab and I didn't see the thread early.
Quoted By:
IGN: Max Thanks Glaceon!! <3 ^_^ <3 :O
Quoted By:
and this is why we use tripcodes instead the good people don't use it and the putrid retards do
IGN: Freki
>>20474347 >>20474356 >>20472448 Hey Glaceon which ever of you is real, you are the person that did that Flygon giveaway a few days go are you not?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20474394 >>20474416 I just recently added kiki
Quoted By:
>>20474503 Do I need to get back in line since I was gone? Am I just skipped entirely?
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
>>20474503 Yay, you're almost to me!
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross)
Yuri 3780-9115-5028 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Heracross) Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:53:26 No. 20474560 Report Quoted By:
>>20474503 Thank you Glaceon!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20474503 Nice, I think I can wait a bit more for this ditto. Thanks in advance Glaceon!
Quoted By:
Thank you very much for the ditto, Glaceon!
Pemby 5215-0904-0580
Quoted By:
>>20472448 Just replying to this one again, I must've gotten lost in the sea of requests!
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey)
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:55:48 No. 20474604 Report Quoted By:
>>20474503 I see. I will leave my info now
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Did I get missed? I can't tell that much on mobile
Quoted By:
Glaceon is best
Kiki (4914-4141-6008)
Quoted By:
>>20474503 NIce, I'm online
French |4613-7530-4304|
>>20474503 >>20472853 hey glaceon, was i skipped?
Quoted By:
>>20474616 Doesn't seem like it
IGN: Travis 4785-4748-4937
Quoted By:
>>20474503 I hate to be in any way pressing, but should I get back in line? I put up my info and added you a while back and I guess I got skipped.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 19:58:58 No. 20474680 Report Quoted By:
>>20474503 >>20474503 Got mine. Just wanted to thank you once more.
The Zapdos is KB and shiny. I traded in the GTS, its probalby powersaved dunno...
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
Oh are we doing this by direct trade now?
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
Where are you on now glace?
IGN: Karpa I posted above. Not sure if I have to add you also? I'm offering a Luvdisc with a Salac Berry :3
Quoted By:
I just received mine; thanks, based Glaceon! Now, to the Daycare
>the passerby glaceon wants to trade have your hopes ever been so crushed
IGN: Payo (0619-5274-7939)
IGN: Travis 4785-4748-4937
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Ditto Glaceon. I really appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>20474986 What do you mean, exactly?
>>20474986 You do know that your friends can appear on the passerby list if you've just added each other, right?
>>20475037 Wouldn't they be on the friends list? I thought this and looked immediately after declining, didn't see anything.
Quoted By:
>>20475051 If you add each other and you're online when it's accepted, the friend may appear on the passerby list until you disconnect from the internet.
PJ FC:0103-9933-7160
Quoted By:
Did i get skippied?
Kiki (4914-4141-6008)
Quoted By:
Love ya Glaceon! Thank you for the Ditto!
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
>>20474503 I added you, Glaceon
Pemby 5215-0904-0580
Glaceon appeared on my passerby Panic.jpg
Quoted By:
Jesus christ it really does show up as a passerby. Sorry about that, Glaceon.
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
>>20475135 I am also panicking due to my inability to read the order
Quoted By:
My FC is 4398-9804-7185 (Karpa) if you need it. Posted twice above.
Quoted By:
>>20472389 >nature: naive its shit
damian 2981 6920 5039
Quoted By:
>>20474503 i think i got skipped.
>>20473265 Tyler
Pemby 5215-0904-0580
Quoted By:
>>20475192 Glace just traded me, panic over...I'm so relieved. Thanks glaceon!
PJ FC:0103-9933-7160
Quoted By:
Thanks for the ditto glaceon enjoy theforeign totodile.
FC 3325 2045 0738 IGN Oblivion
Quoted By:
Just got mine, thanks, Glaceon!
French |4613-7530-4304|
damian 2981 6920 5039
Quoted By:
thanks glaceon!
LiamRento - 5300-9682-8764 (swadloon quilladin oddish)
LiamRento - 5300-9682-8764 (swadloon quilladin oddish) Tue 12 Aug 2014 20:44:07 No. 20475472 Report Quoted By:
>>20474503 hey putting up a disc of my love.
thanks for your time Glaceon.
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
I think i've been skipped. ;_;
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
Quoted By:
>>20474496 yes, I did that yesterday
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20475442 >>20475502 already traded both of you
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey)
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 20:50:13 No. 20475556 Report Quoted By:
>>20475545 Already added you man
Erimor 4983-4999-4313
Quoted By:
>>20475545 Just got my ditto, thank you Glaceon!
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20475545 Can you see me online? You added me, but didn't send any TR.
IGN: Daenerys
Quoted By:
Thank you sooo much Glaceon! Enjoy the shiny goomy :)
French |4613-7530-4304|
Quoted By:
>>20475545 Hmm? Never received anything.
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
>>20475545 This way of trading is very tedious isn't it?
Quoted By:
Karpa again (4th post). I just got a shiny luvdisc! Would throw in a Lucky egg also :( (FC: 4398-9804-7185)
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Just been added! Now for the wait...
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
>>20475545 Who are you up to now?
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20475545 Now I can see you again, just send me a TR whenever, thanks.
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
>>20475707 Glacy is on my friends list... Just there! Trading with others... As I wait for my turn...
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>20475709 >>20472389 Got it, thanks Glaceon.
Quoted By:
Got mine, thank you based Glaceon love ya
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
I gotta go now :( But I thank you for everything, Glaceon. So close...
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
Glaceon, you skipped me.
Quoted By:
>>20475780 Be patient, man.
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
Quoted By:
I think Glaceon hates me,he skipped me too ;_;
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
Oh, can it be... Thank you, lovely person! Just in time!
Okay, so I've added you. I have a shiny Luvdisc with a Lucky Egg if you'd like that :3 (My FC: 4398-9804-7185)
Haya 2964-8709-1986
Quoted By:
>>20475545 Glaceon! Thank you so much!! ... I hope it was your first try to trade me... If not I'm so sorry, thought I was way back in the line :)... You are awesome
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
>>20475903 We get it karpa, just be patient, he probs has plenty left
Tristan 2019 - 9747 - 9621
Quoted By:
Thanks so much, Glaceon! Sorry I couldn't really get you much more than what I had, and good luck with the rest of the trades.
Quoted By:
Ign: isa I hope I'm not to late
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
Glaceon seriously you've done three people after me
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
Thnks so much that was worth the wait
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
Maybe Glaceon removed me from her friendlist,idk ;_;
I guess I was too late, time for terrible pictures
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
The rest of you should not give up hope!
>>20476032 Glaceon gave you one, don't be a jew!
>>20475545 Anonymous
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
>>20476080 I received nothing,she didn't trade me ;_;
>>20476119 Glaceon is gone, just post pics
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Great, I wasted my whole day waiting around, for fucking nothing.
Quoted By:
>>20476117 Glaceraptor is best Glaceon
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
French |4613-7530-4304|
>>20476106 Yeah same. I received the FC message, but never got a trade request. I can't even see Glaceon online anymore...
Quoted By:
For you I come bearing autistic gifts
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
>>20476161 I feel like I'm the last one before he signed off •_•" maybe I got the last one?
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
>>20476183 I cant find her in my friendlist anymore
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
>>20476183 >>20476176 I got neither.
Oh, but people AFTER me got their shit, fucking of course.
>>20476213 Then this punishment comes on your head
>>20474939 I don't know your fc
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
Did I seriously miss out again even though I posted twice to the OP?
I wish to ravage the anus of glaceon
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
>>20476226 I don't know whether to feel bad or lucky...
Quoted By:
>>20476253 Or maybe glaceon to ravage me
>>20476183 >>20476217 >>20476224 Jewing so hard, please you all got your dittos. Glaceon said she traded with you.
Jésus 1907-9816-0842 (Mankey, Pancham, Hariyama)
Jésus 1907-9816-0842 (Mankey, Pancham, Hariyama) Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:35:42 No. 20476291 Report >>20472448 Added
Jésus 1907-9816-0842, just in case you didn't see
Deracha 0275-7816-1475
Quoted By:
He's back guys! Good luck again!
French |4613-7530-4304|
Quoted By:
>>20476224 Nonetheless, I wouldn't put Glaceon at fault. This is a very tedious way to do a giveaway.
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
>>20476286 Please point out where she said she traded with me? Huh?
>>20476277 This is my gift to you
Ashley: 4399-1219-9921
Quoted By:
Okay nevermind, Glaceon traded me, ilu
Quoted By:
>>20476337 sometimes I question /vp/
Quoted By:
>>20476352 Doing giveaways isn't exactly easy like this.
French |4613-7530-4304|
Quoted By:
Ah. There's Glaceon. Thanks!
I'm honestly amazed how autistic the pokemon fandom's fanart can get, well this is the last one unfortunately
Quoted By:
Thank you based Glaceon.
Quoted By:
Thank glaceon!
>>20476427 Seriously though, can I have a ditto?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20476513 I don't know your ign or fc
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20476217 sorry, but Im 100% sure that Ive already traded you
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey)
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:51:39 No. 20476591 Report >>20476562 Can I get one?
Sorry if I bother you with a request
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
Quoted By:
>>20476562 Oh cmon,i didnt receive nothing :V
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20476591 already traded you too, sorry
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey)
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:54:42 No. 20476670 Report Quoted By:
>>20476625 wut? Pretty sure it was other damian. I haven't even received your friend confirmation
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20476591 oh whoops, wrong damian, just figured it was the same person since the name isn't very common, Ill add you
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
>>20476676 I just wasted 4 hours for nothing,thanks dude.
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
>>20476676 Hey Glaceon, did you add me?
>>20476697 Glaceon said she traded you and she's 100% sure, now gtfo!
Marqo 2724-0759-5373
Quoted By:
>>20476754 Fucking of course,yes.
Quoted By:
Hi!!! My name is Nami. Can I have one too please? Are you still giving them away? I've added you. My FC is: 0018-1550-5266
Quoted By:
>>20476531 Oh woops ign: isa
Sara 5172-0944-8064
Quoted By:
>>20476676 Still trading? Got you added
Quoted By:
>>20472389 I'm a little late to the party but I hope I could still get one so disc is up
Quoted By:
>>20476243 Oh, I realised and posted my FC in another post.
It's 4398-9804-7185 (Sorry for the other's this post annoys >.<). I said I'd give you a shiny and lucky egg. And sorry again for so many posts. New to this site and realised late about the gts problem.
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey)
Damian [X: 0619-4143-2075] (Flying: Fletchinder, Tranquill, Pidgey) Tue 12 Aug 2014 22:34:10 No. 20477370 Report Quoted By:
She left again?