Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>>20463379 ToTT:
What do you think about Megabro and Megaudino? Have fun!
Quoted By:
This thread is fucking awful
Still here with adamant dratini in dream balls. May vary between male, female, marvel scale, shed skin, and some have extreme speed. Tell me if you want one or have it named
Durants: Swarm 1m 5 IVs 2f 4 IVs Truant 2m 5 IVs 3f 4 IVs Hustle 1m 5 IVs 7f 4-5 IVs Kangaskhan 14 Scrappy 4-5 IVs 3 Early Bird 5 IVs Drillbur, Mold Breaker 10m/f, 5 IVs
Quoted By:
Putting up a disc looking for a Litwick, modest or timid with Flash Fire.
Tom - 2105-8959-5758 [Ground: Marowak, Sandshrew, Diggersby]
Tom - 2105-8959-5758 [Ground: Marowak, Sandshrew, Diggersby] Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:51:52 No. 20476601 Report >>20476540 Could I disc up for a 5IV Scrappy Kangaskhan please?
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Tue 12 Aug 2014 21:52:05 No. 20476604 Report >>20476485 Could I get a female Marvel Scale Dratini pls?
>>20476604 Sure thing, want it named?
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Tue 12 Aug 2014 22:06:17 No. 20476901 Report >>20476866 Nah it's cool. Disc is up. Thanks alot man
IGN: Gio
Looking for a Timid Deino or any dragon-type with Timid nature to breed with
does anyone have a perish song ghastly with timid nature? need to destroy super singles.
Tom - 2105-8959-5758 [Ground: Marowak, Sandshrew, Diggersby]
Tom - 2105-8959-5758 [Ground: Marowak, Sandshrew, Diggersby] Tue 12 Aug 2014 22:16:17 No. 20477085 Report >>20477033 I have a female timid Gastly if that's any good to you
>>20477033 I have perish song but not timid
>>20477085 sorry, mainly looking for the perish song!
>>20477107 I'll take it if you don't mind! I'll put up my disc in about 5 min right after this battle.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20476914 I have a pentaperfect male to spare. Any nickname?
Quoted By:
Any kind soul want to give me a impish skarmory with sturdy? Disc up
Tom - 2105-8959-5758 [Ground: Marowak, Sandshrew, Diggersby]
Tom - 2105-8959-5758 [Ground: Marowak, Sandshrew, Diggersby] Tue 12 Aug 2014 22:20:08 No. 20477160 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Gio
>>20477138 Can you nickname it Zeref, please?
I'm gonna disc up now
Quoted By:
Anyone got a winter sawsbuck or deerling leftover? Every single person on GTS is asking for Legendaries for one.
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20476485 Male Marvel Scale pls
I'll give you a vaporeon, I'm all out of discs
Quoted By:
>>20477107 alright i just disced up!
IGN is Osu.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20477207 Okay would you like it named?
IGN: Gio
>>20477243 Didn't get sniped
I just redisced in case
Anieru 0817-5165-5203
>>20476540 disc up for kangaskan scrappy 5 iv if possible please
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20477279 Is your ign Osu?
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
Quoted By:
>>20477269 CaptanMarvel pls
Coffi: 1977-1365-4574
>>20476485 Female Marvel Scale, if possible, if not a male would work.
IGN: Gio
>>20477289 What? No
I'm pretty sure I got a disc up for Deino
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>20476485 could i get a marvel scale dratini with extreme speed if it`s possible?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20477318 Oh, I have a pentaperfect Gastly and accidentally responded to your post instead of responding to the one under yours. I could breed a modest or naive deino if you want.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
All 5iv, kb, and shiny, anyone want one? I have 12 to hand out
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20477350 yes pls,
I'll give you a japanese elekid for one
>>20477304 >>20477332 Would you like them named?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477366 I meant putting up a luvdisc on gts for one haha
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20477375 I know, I'm out of luvdiscs tho
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>20477350 aw fuck yeah,
actually been trying to breed for one cause i am expecting a mega
Matt :: 1263 6711 7174 ::
>>20477350 if theres one going id love one, what would you like for it?
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20477350 I would love one
>>20477350 Can I get one? i'll put up a level 1 poochyena with the message /vp/. Look for Matthew
Quoted By:
>>20477350 disc up, thanks
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477393 just put up a luvdisc on gts
>>20477342 I'll take the gastly if you 're looking to GTS it away! Planning to make a shadow tag M-gengar as well.
Matt :: 1263 6711 7174 ::
Quoted By:
>>20477375 sorry i dun goofed there ill put a luv disc up now if thats cool!
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Quoted By:
>>20477350 Discing up for this
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20477350 >>20477397 And before you ask, I have no luvdisc. Please and thanks <3
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Pokemon infected with Pokerus?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>20477350 still have any? gonna disc up
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20477402 Do you want a nickname?
If you don't it's going to be called 2spooky. Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477387 can you put up your elekid on gts then?
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Tue 12 Aug 2014 22:39:06 No. 20477470 Report Quoted By:
>>20477350 disc up, thanks
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
Quoted By:
>>20477350 Put me down for one please!
>>20477350 I'd like one since I missed that giveaway, you're the best Glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20477453 LOL. That nickname would be fine! :) IGN is Osu and my disc will be up in a second!
>>20477466 Sorry im taking so long I named one that didnt have ES
Matt :: 1263 6711 7174 ::
Quoted By:
>>20477401 nice! disc going up! thanks again glaceon!
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>20477374 nah that`s okay, thanks tho
Quoted By:
>>20477493 also thanks for the perish song gastly man!
Coffi: 1977-1365-4574
>>20477374 No, thanks, I prefer keeping it unnamed,
>>20477350 Glaceon are there any left? I would love one to have one since I missed out on the giveaway
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
Quoted By:
>>20477493 Hold on, I'm getting a flygon
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477536 I don't know your ign
IGN: Freki
Disc for as many as youd like, as usual I finally got my shiny Chikorita, so along with Phanpy, once theyre gone theyre gone for good! Just tell me what pokemon and what gender youd like an disc up. Ill also be breeding Dream Ball, Natural Cure, Feather Dance+Hyper Voice Swablus. Would Naive or Calm be better for them for Mega Altaria?
IGN Rizzoto
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20477493 okay I just deposited the vaporeon
IGN: Freki
Quoted By:
>>20477552 Can I disc up for one?
Matt :: 1263 6711 7174 ::
Quoted By:
>>20477401 thank you so much glaceon i really appreciate these give aways you do!
Quoted By:
>>20476601 >>20477285 pretty late, but sent
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare cleffa/clefairy/clefable? I would really appreciate it.
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20477582 discing for chikorita
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20477582 Disking for Phanpy
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20477635 You're awesome brah
Hopefully you can use vaporeon for acid armor breeding
Leinif (1821 9866 4572)
Quoted By:
>>20477666 No problem and ill look into it
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>20477582 I say Naive for swablu
Quoted By:
>>20477678 I got one put a disc up also still looking for a winter deerling/sawsbuck
IGN: Freki
Quoted By:
>>20477552 Glaceon? You still there?
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
>>20477350 >I was reply number twelve Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20477350 Thanks so much Glaceon, I really appreciate it!
maybe when you have some spare time, I can get it nicknamed Fly By Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477729 I didn't breed these myself, so can't nickname them sorry
Quoted By:
>>20477350 are there any left Glaceon? I'd love one! My IGN is Llyd and I've disced up.
Jonathan 2208-5462-3594
IGN: Freki
>>20477724 Ohai Yosuke, I was on the Shiny Bro thread with you a few mins ago. Glad at least you made it on time
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477473 you're the last person but you have the level set to 91-100 when flygon is only level 50
>>20477754 got it changing it right away sorry
>>20477754 Do you happen to have a shiny buneary?
Quoted By:
Can i have a phanpy ign is Robbert and just deposited a lvl 23 binacle.
Quoted By:
>>20477738 Hey no worries, at least you told me! Thanks still =)
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20477754 I supose asking you to clone one *just* for me would be a futile effort yes?
Alex 4871-4949-2116
Over 200 pentaperfect and a few 6iv pokemon to give away, please just take them. Don't care too much what I get, but obviously things that I want would be nice. Not necessary, though. All in various balls, genders, egg moves, etc. Just ask. have: absol gligar flabebe kecleon wooper scatterbug swirlix smeargle surskit scraggy slowpoke dunsparce hoppip goomy a LOT OF FENNEKIN a braixen minccino bunnelby buneary swablu vulpix tyranitar ralts/one gardevoir roselia poliwag porygon mawile spinda dedenne furfrou klefki mienfoo pichu/pikachu lillipup sentret espurr gastly/a haunter dratini snorunt yamask wingull electrike houndour oddish spheal petilil audino inkay shuckle eevee litleo
Alex 4871-4949-2116
Quoted By:
>>20477826 wow, that's a really big post. sorry
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
Quoted By:
>>20477746 Heyhayhei yeah I'm seriously starting to worry about the shiny bro op since his sign off was "The sleeping pills have complete control."
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20477826 I can use that Yanmask, discing.
>>20477826 IV's, Ball, and ability on Gligar?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
Also have some rejects since Im mming a vulpix, all of them are female with drought and egg moves heat wave, power swap, hypnosis, and disable in a dream ball. I have 6 of them if anyone wants one
>>20477798 yes
>>20477808 well it would be a bit unfair and I can't clone right now anyways, so sorry
DANIEL 1633-4171-2041
Does anyone have a Claydol or a Baltoy? Nothing special, just a Claydol or a Baltoy.
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20477826 Ill disk for a shuckle
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477826 audino would be nice, Ill disc up, also are they power saved or no?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>20477826 what pattern are your scatterbugs?
>>20477826 Could I get a smeargle / kecleon? If its not too much could you name smeargle Dave and kecleon Sam?
>>20477826 are they protean kecleons?
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20477866 Any predictions on when will you be able to clone one again? No rush at all, its just that I really wanted that Flygon since I was one of the people that voted on it to begin with, but ended up missing it because timezone..
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20477856 >>20477858 >>20477881 male/female yamask and bold or calm?
gligar: hp/att/def/spdef/speed, luxury ball and either immunity or hyper cutter. only female.
Out of shuckle, there was only one.
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20477866 >Yes Can I have one, I was too late in that giveaway, I can give you a shiny gougeist.
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>20477826 do you have an electrike with HP ice by any chance?
and what pokemon are you looking for?
>>20477582 you stil there?
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
>>20477911 female/bold
Thank you!
Quoted By:
Anyone got a leftover skarmory?
>>20477826 nature / abillity / IV on klefki?
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20477826 >Spheal >Slowpoke >Dratini >Swablu >Snorunt >Poliwag >Porygon >Spinada If it's not too much trouble could you give me the details on these, ball/HA/Egg moves etc?
I have use for some in my upcoming mono ice team revamp and the remainder for preference/Hoenn remakes soon to come
I have some left over Smoochum/Swinub/Snorunt with optimal abilities and natures/eggmoves that I could give in exchange, otherwise not much!
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20477887 uhh no I don't think so. I bred them? I only have female, and healer or regenerator?
>>20477890 polar, I think.
>>20477894 I can do that.
>>20477896 only one is.
>>20477933 I don't know what HP they have. sorry.
I'm kind of looking for pokeball vivillon, since I missed it, sturdy carbink, a few other things. I can check their hidden powers later, but I'm a little caught up in sending out pokemon.
Quoted By:
Does anyone know exactly how much EVs are reduced from the berries?
>>20477826 >Over 200 pentaperfect and a few 6iv pokemon to give away, please just take them. Don't care too much what I get, but obviously things that I want would be nice. Not necessary, though. All in various balls, genders, egg moves, etc. Just ask. >have: >absol >gligar >flabebe >kecleon >wooper >scatterbug >swirlix >smeargle >surskit >scraggy >slowpoke >dunsparce >hoppip >goomy >a LOT OF FENNEKIN >a braixen >minccino >bunnelby >buneary >swablu >vulpix >tyranitar >ralts/one gardevoir >roselia >poliwag >porygon >mawile >spinda >dedenne >furfrou >klefki >mienfoo >pichu/pikachu >lillipup >sentret >espurr >gastly/a haunter >dratini >snorunt >yamask >wingull >electrike >houndour >oddish >spheal >petilil >audino >inkay >shuckle >eevee >litleo What do you want for one of each?
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (NIncada, Phanpy, ???)
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (NIncada, Phanpy, ???) Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:09:18 No. 20478012 Report >>20477826 Discing up for the Tyranitar.
Just wondering, but is it Adamant?
Thanks in advance anon.
IGN: Czero
Message is "/vp/ Alex"
IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
>>20477826 Adamant Scraggy pls
with DD and punches preferably
Will trade a 5iv heracross
>>20477826 got any swift swim poliwags?
Quoted By:
>>20477981 > Dratini > Male/Female > shed skin/ marvel scale > dream ball > extreme speed > adamant Id like a leftover swinub if youre interested
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Looking for Heavy Ball Snorlax :^)
>>20477985 can I take that kecleon off your hands? I've disced up
>>20478042 but that's shit
>>20478055 because he's shitposting
>>20477985 Disc up for smeargle
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:12:24 No. 20478073 Report >>20477911 Can I get the female immunity Gligar pls? Would a breeding reject swinub with 4 egg moves be cool?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20477920 sorry, already have gourgeist, and I can't clone right now anyways
>>20477899 not sure
>>20478063 how is that shitposting?
it's just a shit taste
>>20477826 Discing up for your finest mawile.
IGN: Ivan
Thanks in advance!
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20477866 I'd like one, if that's okay.
Also, I have a three 6IV and five 5IV (minus attack) Cottonee with Encore, Worry Seed, and Switcheroo if anyone wants one. Plus a couple HA female Chimchar with Thunderpunch and 31 in everything but sp attack. If you don't want to breed for HA, I've also got like six males, two of which are 6IV. All are Japanese.
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20477826 Need the details on tyranitar.
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Quoted By:
>>20478087 He's right, I am shitposting Anonymous
>>20478105 could I trade you a HA Infiltrator Jolly Zubat for one Iron fist chimchar?
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20478105 Oh, I forgot to mention that the two perfect males both have Blaze, sorry.
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
Quoted By:
>>20478085 Well can you at least add me and TR me whenever you might have one?
I can give you pretty good mons for it, even have shinys for it too
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20478124 Sounds good. I'm assuming you want female?
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20477881 done.
>>20477944 did you put yours up?
>>20477894 might have to hold on for yours, I'm not even in the right town for the name rater.
>>20477980 klefki are bold with prankster and I either have a 6iv or 5iv one (no attack)
>>20478012 no, he is careful. sent him.
>>20478015 only one scraggy,
>>20478019 think so, let me check.
>>20478073 sure
>>20478094 ok
>>20478116 the deets are that someone else got there first
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
Quoted By:
>>20477911 >mfw asked for yaNmask all of this time. IGN Gerald 5129-1506-3716
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20478142 >>20477981 >>20477981 Ok, im going to disc for a Spheal first I guess
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:18:49 No. 20478162 Report Quoted By:
>>20478142 cool swine is up
>>20477899 Sorry for your luck, I really like flygon too but if you have a shiny mismagius from the give aways ill trade
OP !iiA80eLVpY
THIS IS NOT A TRADE THREAD YOU CUNTS! Here we give things for Luvdiscs only, if you want trade your stuff for something else go to /wfg
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:19:19 No. 20478177 Report Quoted By:
>>20478105 could i get a male cottonee, a 6IV would help with MM'ing.
disc going up!
Quoted By:
>>20478142 Just wondering if you saw my post:
>>20477993 Anonymous
>>20478140 Yeah, need to reebreed them see, I have plenty of Zubat females too, ill add your FC now and send you a TR
Quoted By:
>>20478171 Hey, i have some 5 iv eevee leftovers, do you want to trade for them?
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20478105 5iv cottonee pls, disc is going up.
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>all this trading what the fuck? i want my normal gtsg back fuck off, faggots
>>20478142 I understand, I hope you can pull through for me though if its not too much trouble
Osu 4656 7645 9190
Quoted By:
>>20478142 alright discing up for the 6iv one then!
Quoted By:
>>20478171 I-im sorry if I did something wrong...
Quoted By:
>>20478232 you better fucking be
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20478105 5iv cottonee pls, disc is up.
>>20477826 I'll trade you a dratini for a roselia
Quoted By:
>>20478171 >>20478201 it's not trading faggot. People are just giving him stuff other than luvdiscs as display of gratitude.
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:28:18 No. 20478319 Report >>20478105 got sniped. another disc back up
Alex 4871-4949-2116
Quoted By:
>>20477981 spheal: premier female timid with thick fat, don't remember egg moves because she went in for breeding purposes
slowpoke: luxury m/f bold/calm all 3 abilities w/ block
dratini: luxury jolly shed skin only extremespeed, dragon dance, dragon rush and aqua jet, attack penta
swablu: luxury m/f jolly natural cure I think egg moves
snorunt: pokeball female calm ice body switcheroo
poliwag: luxury modest swift swim/damp female only w/ encore
porygon: pokeball modest trace
spinda: adamant luxury ball female only w/ wish and other stuff? attack penta
>>20477993 dear jesus
I'll get back to you
>>20478015 whoops, the scraggy is adamant but with DD, drain punch, ice punch and fake out
>>20478044 i will get u a kecleon
>>20478064 and u a smeargle
>>20478280 whatever, but know that something that is not a luvdisc might take me longer to get to
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
Quoted By:
>>20478142 Discing for the slowpoke. If you have any HA female in a dream ball I'll take that one.
Thanks in advance
Quoted By:
Does anyone happen to have a castform?
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20478319 >>20478248 Yeah, sorry I'm pretty slow. I didn't find either, so maybe you both were sniped? Or maybe I'm blind.
>>20478179 Sorry if I was unavailable. How about we try this at :40?
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (NIncada, Phanpy, ???)
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (NIncada, Phanpy, ???) Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:35:09 No. 20478453 Report Quoted By:
>>20478142 Alright, that works out.
Always a great fit for a Sandstorm team
IGN Stone 4871-4983-9861
>>20478434 Weird, my disc is still up.
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Tue 12 Aug 2014 23:37:21 No. 20478486 Report >>20478434 you got me. Thank you so much!
embep 3282 3180 7404
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20478478 Yes, I was blind.
>>20478486 No problem!
If I've made any mistakes, just tell me so I can right them.
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478019 yes there are swift swim ones
can anyone who still needs stuff reply to this post?
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478207 sorry, I only have female smeargles. is it okay if I send you one? i'll still nick it Dave, if you want x_x
Quoted By:
>>20478529 Smeargle/ kecleon if you could
>>20478544 Nah, surprise me by naming it a really generic grill name haha
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478574 ok will do. put up another for kec afterward
Leinif (1821 9866 4572)
>>20476400 pleasee pichu timidd, famele, hidden ability
Quoted By:
>>20478633 not how this thread works
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
>>20478618 Can we know what do you have left?
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20478170 Nah, didnt even know there was a shiny Mismagius giveaway
Anything else you might want? Mewtwo's, Giratina, shiny Raiquaza, HA Venipede, Liligant, shiny Slowpoke, shiny Raichu, anything along those lines?
Alex 4871-4949-2116
Quoted By:
>>20478161 were you interested in anything else?
>>20478073 took a look but didn't see any swinub up for gligar.
>>20477993 just luvdisc are fine, kind of a hassle for anything different
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478683 sure, I still have absol, gligar, flabebe, a couple kecleon, wooper, scatterbug, swirlix, smeargle, surskit, slowpoke, dunsparce, hoppip, goomy, a fucking ton of fennekin (seriously), minccino, bunnelby, buneary, swablu, vulpix, ralts, roselia, poliwag, mawile, spinda, dedenne, furfrou, a klefki, mienfoo, a pichu, a lillipup, sentret, espurr, gastly, dratini, yamask, a snorunt, wingull, electrike, houndour, oddish, petilil, audino, inkay, a pikachu, a braixen, an eevee and a litleo
>>20478684 Whats the nature on the slowpoke?
>>20477826 Can i ask for a mienfoo,buneary,slowpoke ( pref with ha)
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478784 sure, put a disc up and I will give u them
>>20478803 Disc is up IGN lucy
Does anyone have a Magic Coat Fennekin? It's abilities, nature and ivs are irrelevant. I really want Magic Coat, badly
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478833 k. don't mind the level, he is 5iv, I just used him for breeding.
>>20478726 Tip: next time use pastebin, your list is too big
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478852 yes, I have a billion. with hidden ability. and 5ivs. I'll give you them all, if you want, just put up a disc.
>>20478870 okay. would that just be linking to pastebin, then? inb4 noob
Quoted By:
>>20478897 Thanks lemme just get online, thank you. I'm Schmoops btw
>>20478864 K, after do you want to trade trough usual trade system?
Wonderboy [2294-3955-8378]
>>20478726 yo id like one of those inkay. whats the stats on them? ill disc up nao
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478921 I wasn't asking about how to use pastebin, I was clarifying that I would just put up the pastebin url here. thx though.
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
>>20478726 Can I have that Absol? Disc up
>>20477582 can i get one of those female feebas' plz
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478936 doesn't matter, but if you want to add me it will take a bit before I get the chance to add you. it might be easier to just put up another disc.
>>20478943 adamant, attack 5iv
>>20478948 sure
>>20478945 ok just put the pastebin link, I misread
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20477826 You still around? If so Disc up for Slowpoke. Does it have Regenorator and what nature?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20478105 sorry, left and didn't see your reply, put up a disc on gts if you still wanted a vulpix
>>20478972 K, then i'll put one up again after you trade the mienfoo
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20478988 sending one w/ regenerator
>>20478984 will do, thanks again
>>20479018 did you not get it? when I clicked on your luvdisc, it said that it was already traded
>>20478972 Sorry to bother you again but is that HA wooper? Becaus if it is would put up with me one last time and name it Dale please? Ive been looking for them with ha for a really long time
>>20477866 Disc going up for the Vulpix
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479042 I think I have one with HA, let me see if I have a male one.
>>20479035 Thank you for the Fennekin
>>20479035 Nope, still have the disc in gts.
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20479060 Have you traded the Scraggy yet?
Anybody have any pokemon with sticky Web? I can offer phione I can't promise it'll be good but at least you can breed it. I also have heal ball feebas with 5 ivs and modest protean froakies
>>20479062 Either gender would be fine I just like naming them for some reason. Thanks for putting up with me
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20479015 Sorry, I had one up but it looks like it got sniped. I've put up another now!
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
Quoted By:
>>20478746 >>20479096 Serious
Sorry, having terrible net today
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20479078 I do. I'd love a Feebas
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479065 anytime
>>20479066 I'll look again, but if you don't get it in a few minutes, try putting it up again
>>20479096 no worries, what name if it is female?
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
>>20479117 Does that actually work? I thought you could only breed manaphy to get ditto.. but I have been wrong before
>>20479076 I think you are looking for the wrong guy
Quoted By:
>>20479129 Got it now, gonna put a disc for buneary now
>>20479117 You breed Manaphy to get Phione you tard
IGN:Nilus FC: 0559-7044-6157
>>20479122 Ok awesome if you want a female give me a second because it has to be breed. I only have makes at the moment b but they breed quickly
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>>20479148 Yeah, Phione can breed too.
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>>20479159 >not knowing you can breed Phione YOU are a master retard, child
>>20479129 Judy would be okay
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20479155 Oh. That appears to be the case. Silly me
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
>>20479165 Any gender is fine. Ariados up for Feebas in a moment
IGN:Nilus FC: 0559-7044-6157
Quoted By:
>>20479240 Ok sweet thanks
>>20479129 Thanks a lot for the mienfoo and buneary!
>>20477826 Do you have swirlix left?
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479267 you're welcome.
>>20479210 have you put up a luvdisc? your wooper is ready
>>20479290 I do. put up a luvdisc if you'd like one. or, if you don't have luvdisc, tell me what you're putting on the gts
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20479015 >>20479101 Sniped again by someone named Annabelle. They're great Vulpix, but have different moves and are in a luxury ball, so I'm pretty sure it's not you. In any case, I've put up another.
>>20477943 i am now, sorry! I totally forgot I had to go somewhere. If youre still here you can disc up now
>>20478952 youll probably have to redisc
IGN:Nilus FC: 0559-7044-6157
Just for the ariados thanks so much! Enjoy the feebas
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Just TWO eggs into breeding Relicanth, this absolute beauty showed up. Most likely the luckiest thing I've ever encountered.
I have three other
regular Relicanths to give away here:
x1 Hexaperfect male.
x1 31/31/31/31/x/31 female.
x1 x/31/31/31/31/31 female. (Lvl. 27)
Everything else: Feed me discs.
I'd love to do a shiny giveaway of this fish... I just need someone with powersaves I can trust. George
IGN:Nilus FC: 0559-7044-6157
>>20479342 Got* I'm on my phone forgive me
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20479347 Discing up for the Hexa
>>20479347 Can I disc up for a female? Just need a minute.
IGN: Leonard
>>20479347 discing for female pls, either one.
put up a luvdisc and specify what you want!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 [Dark Gym] !Fhowd66fb. Wed 13 Aug 2014 00:31:21 No. 20479423 Report >>20479347 try and get pan or jack to help
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>20479390 That it's me btw
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20479350 Hey George the nature of the bro is Serious
>>20479400 Sturdy skarmory please!
Ign: Sean (5412 9909 3652)
Quoted By:
>>20479367 You are forgiven. I am also a fellow mobile user
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Wed 13 Aug 2014 00:33:29 No. 20479476 Report >>20479347 Could i grab a pumpkaboo?
Disc going up.
>>20479347 I'll disc up for a female Dedenne if you don't mind. Love me some rat.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>20479400 Putting a disc for skarmory, sturdy please, IGN lucy
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479445 yes I am. would you like something?
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
>>20479400 Could I get a male defiant Pawniard
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
>>20479375 >>20479396 >>20479390 All three Relicanths have been sent, enjoy.
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
Quoted By:
>>20479459 Bah you probably aint interested in it anymore, sorry for the trouble
>>20479347 Disc up for female Cubone
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
>>20479400 Disc up for Pawniard male. Thanks,
>>20479335 ok, disc up for feebas female plase
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
Quoted By:
>>20479530 Forgot to add Defiant, please.
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
>>20479498 swablu and gastly
Quoted By:
>>20476540 Disc up for Drillbur.
IGN: Caleb
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20479516 Many thanks, I think I'll MM this thing too. Heavy Ball fits so well on it.
>>20479458 Ah, im sorry if I strung you along but I dunno if I can do that. Sorry.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
>>20479347 Congrats on Relicanth! Better luck than me and my 2 week+ Chikorita
could I get one of those female cubones please? Disc is going up in a minute
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Wed 13 Aug 2014 00:39:41 No. 20479605 Report Quoted By:
>>20479498 have female swablu left?
>>20479586 Thanks, if you don't mind, I'l double dip for a Skiddo, I think goat of the year is pretty cool.
>>20479325 Discing up for swirlix, please HA
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479556 will do
>>20479611 have one if you want it
>>20479640 think I might have HA, don't count on it
Luke 3497-0218-4596
I started breeding Fast Ball Meowth, and have 4 females atm. Adamant, 5 imperfect IVs Egg moves are Foul Play, Assist, Hypnosis, Charm Disc up if you want one.
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
Quoted By:
>>20479581 Worth the try, thank you for the time
>>20479654 yes please disc is up
Breeding leftover giveaway with Spritzee as it's star. Everything is pentaperfect, in pokeball, got Healer as ability and got no fancy eggmoves. Random natures and genders listed on attached walloftext. If you do not feel like specifying which nature/gender ya wanna, I'll just toss random fairybirdy at your direction.
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479661 disc up, ign Annabelle
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
>>20479654 disc up for swablu
Quoted By:
>>20479696 Thanks a bunch.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
>>20479347 Discing for a female Mime Jr. Thanks!
Alex 4871-4949-2116
>>20479741 thank you!
>>20479711 sent, put up another disc pls
>>20479685 doing yours now
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
Quoted By:
>>20479773 disc up for gastly. Thanks Alex!
Quoted By:
Anyone have a hidden ability Clefairy lying around? I'm thinking of trying out a belly drum/wish combo in doubles
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Wed 13 Aug 2014 00:48:40 No. 20479816 Report >>20479400 Could i get a female defiant pawniard?
disc going up.
>>20479661 Disc up. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20479773 got it thank youu
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20479347 >Relicanth-bro I knew I wasn't alone.
I don't want anything, but dayum that's a nice get.
Giveaway update: Some please take these god damn Chikoritas and Phanpy edition Disc for as many as youd like. Im in the process of breeding some nice Swablus so next update will have those. Just tell me what pokemon and what gender youd like
Quoted By:
>>20479335 disc is up
IGN: Jared
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Alex 4871-4949-2116
Quoted By:
>>20479911 I'd really like a female feebas
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20479911 disc up for a female feebas. Thanks
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross]
Gary [5300-9151-7766] [paras,masquerian,heracross] Wed 13 Aug 2014 00:58:56 No. 20480005 Report Quoted By:
>>20479773 If you have another swablu could i get one?
disc going up
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>>20479911 Disc up. Could I get a Male Chikorita, please?
Quoted By:
Offering Timid Infiltrator Noibat 5 ivs Modest Competitive 5 ivs igglybuff Modest Overgrow 5 iv bulbasaur
>>20477877 I got you, I breed Baltoy specifically.
Quoted By:
>>20480320 Do you have any stealth rock ones by chance? Ive been try to get one for a really long time
Quoted By:
>>20479688 Can I have one of your male spritzee? I would like one with IVs in all except attack. I'll be discing up. The nature doesn't batter to me either. I'm Schmoops btw
Kanabroz | 2079-7000-4088
Quoted By:
>>20479400 disc up for defiant pawn, female if it's possible!