Quoted By:
Also, everyone who left Scraggies on the GTS should have received their Goodras, so you're free to ask for more of them.
IGN Setta, just logged in to get mine. Thanks, based slug distributors.
Quoted By:
>>20482284 You're welcome, and sorry for the wait.
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet
Coty [5386-9635-6919] phantump,dusclops, shuppet Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:19:00 No. 20482309 Report I left a scraggy
Kyle 3454-1187-8117
Awesome, another shiny for the collectionCaptcha: CAME otiased
IGN Collin 4141-4080-6282
Quoted By:
Also, some people questioned my sanity through the messages left with the Scraggies.
I want to answer them that I'm totally insane, but that by knowing I am, that makes me perfectly sane in my insanity. Make of that what you will.
>>20482309 >>20482315 Sent.
>>20482346 Sending.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:23:51 No. 20482398 Report catching a scraggy now. please bear with me.
>>20482398 No problem, take your time.
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745
Based God [IGN: Joestar] FC:3797-5775-3745 Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:28:55 No. 20482470 Report Quoted By:
Scraggy is up, thanks
Quoted By:
Hi Rin-chan <3
Quoted By:
IGN: Charlie. Scraggy up!
Brandon 3351-4055-8815
Quoted By:
Scraggy up, thanks in advance!
Viri - 4785-5473-9294
Quoted By:
still trying to catch one jesus chrsit
IGN Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto)
IGN Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto) Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:33:04 No. 20482533 Report Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy going up!
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up! Thanks
Quoted By:
IGN: Bill. Scraggy's up, thanks.
Every passing day, I'm surprised at the amount of requests. I mean, it's the seventh day, and there still are lots of people asking for their level 100 male slug. Still, thanks, it's also because of you all that such giveaways work that much.
IGN: Dan
Quoted By:
>>20482159 I will scraggy up in a sec.
Quoted By:
ign storm thanks, scraggy up
Quoted By:
Scraggy is up. Thanks in advance IGN: SAM
Viri - 4785-5473-9294
Quoted By:
>>20482574 scraggy going up
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:37:02 No. 20482606 Report Quoted By:
>>20482159 whelp. might as well Scraggy up.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:37:05 No. 20482608 Report Quoted By:
>>20482404 It's up now. Thanks for your patience.
>>20482159 I would actually use it if it didn't have that dumb nickname.
Quoted By:
>>20482652 You can actually get rid of "that dumb nickname". Check OP's post.
Quoted By:
>>20482159 OP, Scraggod up. Thanks! You're a wonderful human bean.
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Scraggying up!
Quoted By:
Scraggy up IGN: Santi
Leo: 3454-1782-8784
Quoted By:
Requests are slowly being cleared, but there is already a huge number of them, so it may take time. Please understand.
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy is up, thanks
IGN:Nilus FC: 0559-7044-6157
Quoted By:
Thanks! This is the seventh day but I honestly never heard of this but scraggies up and thanks again
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:58:07 No. 20482901 Report I got mine. My thanks to all the cloners.
Quoted By:
>>20482901 You're welcome. Sorry for the wait.
Was their ever a shiny sylveon giveaway?
Quoted By:
>>20482927 I think it happened, but I wasn't responsible of it, so I can't tell you anything about it. Sorry.
Quoted By:
>>20482927 Glaceon held one.
IGN: Brosusmoses
Eddy 0903-3840-7020 (Dark: Sneasel Nuzleaf Liepard)
Eddy 0903-3840-7020 (Dark: Sneasel Nuzleaf Liepard) Wed 13 Aug 2014 04:06:57 No. 20483020 Report Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up IGN: Aila
Quoted By:
>>20483033 Now I have the weird image of a Scraggy piloting a Qubeley Papillon. Thanks.
Lance FC 3024-6205-8554
>>20483073 Trading. And considering it was the last one, every other request has been covered.
>>20482159 I got mine today and forgot it was nicknamed "Male only." I wish it was just named Goodra so I could actually use it in battle.
Quoted By:
>>20483171 Re-read the OP post. A method to remove the nickname is included.
Lance FC 3024-6205-8554
Thanks op. I got it before I could even tell you I put the scraggy up.
>>20483233 There's nearly no one asking, due to all requests being cleared, so it goes rather fast for those asking at those moments.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>20483244 gonna put up a scraggy in a sec
Scraggy's up! IGN Jonathon
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>20483339 Traded
>>20483345 You're welcome.
Quoted By:
>>20483366 You're alright anon. You're all right.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Thanks, OP. Putting up Scraggy now
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Quoted By:
>>20483449 Goodra get. That was fast, thanks.
Quoted By:
Scraggy up. Ign jacob. Thanks based anon
Zapata: 0748-3978-0393 (Sneasel, Vullaby, Sableye)
Zapata: 0748-3978-0393 (Sneasel, Vullaby, Sableye) Wed 13 Aug 2014 04:57:33 No. 20483747 Report Quoted By:
>>20482159 Will Scraggy up in just a second!
Quoted By:
Every request thus far has been cleared. Stopping the giveaway for the moment, I'm about to pass out due to a combination of lack of sleep and tooth pains. I'll bring it back later. Sorry, guys.
Quoted By:
Just dropped my scraggy in there.
Quoted By:
damn I was hella late
Quoted By:
I'm back. Meds worked faster than I thought. I'll take care of the new requests right now.
Shiny Jirachi
So these are how GTS Distributions are done nowadays...I've still got ShinyGTS's code sitting on my machine, wasting away. I remember the good ol' days where you could just connect and get something...such a shame that's no longer the case. OP: Wonderful work here. Are you like...on an IRC or something?
>>20484612 I can join an IRC if you want, just send me the link for a quick reach, as I don't really have the time to reconfigure my IRC client for the moment.
And yes, ShinyGTS was really interesting, too bad 6th gen works are rather limited outside of the use of external devices.
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up thank you op
Ign: Dennis
Shiny Jirachi
>>20484642 I know :(
I had version 3 in the works when real life took me off the project #gds
Matt (5386-9358-3454)
ayy lmao I would like a male slug please
>>20484663 Can't access to the chat anymore, constant errors telling me to refresh the page.
Still, it was fun.
>>20484781 Trading
Matt (5386-9358-3454)
Quoted By:
>>20484784 Damn, that was lightning fast! Thanks!
>>20482159 threw up a scraggy. its shiny because i already have a shiny scrafty and it was easier than going and catching a wild scraggy. IGN s austin
Nick 0044-2900-1058
Quoted By:
>>20484872 Traded. Thanks for the shiny.
Quoted By:
All requests are cleared thus far. Enjoy your Goodras.
>>20482159 My is named "nothank=)" i named him that for trading but i would like goodra plz
>>20485288 I guessed it was something like that. Traded.
>>20485302 Thank you OP!! May 8 have one for my friend? Or am i asking for to much
>>20485309 You know, I reload the save with the box every time the box is emptied, so there's no problem should you get one or 30 of them.
Quoted By:
>>20485316 Sweet! :) thanks
Catching a scraggy now. Pls don't go too far.
According to a certain spammer, male slugs like these one are nearly extinct. How about we prove him otherwise ?
>>20485325 I don't think I'll go anywhere for the moment, so take your time.
>>20485336 Youre doing gods work OP
Quoted By:
>>20485349 Not that it matters, it seems. That fag is still there, still spamming, and not taking any care about that distribution he dismissed as "obviously trolling me".
>>20482159 IGN is Keith. Thanks a lot OP. Keep fighting the good fight.
>>20485425 Traded. And thanks for the support, although I feel more like I'm doing all of that for nothing.
Pls keep waiting. Scraggy's are cunts to catch.
>>20485443 Well this makes me very happy op!i just got x and y 2 weeks ago so shinys to me are stupid rare!! I can trade these for pokemon i really want. Thank you op!!!
Quoted By:
>>20485455 Sand attack and leer everywhere
>>20485455 I'm waiting, don't worry. Good luck catching one.
>>20485468 Good luck on completing your Dex.
>>20485487 I went from ruby to this, 600+ pokemon goddamn. Do i get anything special for completing it? Hopefully another masterball.
>>20485498 Haven't actually played X/Y but I assume you get the same thing as always: a certificate.
>>20485498 Once you complete the three local Dexes, you get the Oval Charm, which double the rate of eggs you get. Once you complete the national Dex, you get the Shiny Charm, which double the rate of shinies appearing.
>>20485511 Dammit i was hoping for something cool
Quoted By:
>>20485525 Disregard that, I suck cocks. See
>>20485523 Anonymous
>>20485443 You're welcome. This board gets way too many trolls and shitposters so I'm more than happy to support any efforts against them.
Quoted By:
>>20485523 Shiny charm sounds very cool actually
Ty for your patience OP. Scraggy is up now.
>>20485645 I think it is already traded, due to having a new request pop right before your message and did it.
>>20485533 It's nice from you, but that shitposter already said this distribution was "obviously trolling him", and thus, he doesn't care about it, leaving him to think "male slugs are nearly extinct"... Yeah, sure. 60+ boxes of males makes them nearly extinct.
Quoted By:
>>20485676 Yep, got it now. Cheers OP. You dun good.
I'm off for several hours. You can drop a Scraggy during that time and I'll do the trade when I'll come back, before reloading the thread (or making another one should this one have been purged). Again, thanks for the support.
Quoted By:
>>20485794 Thanks op! Have a good one
gal 1332-9087-1613
Quoted By:
Someone still here, who can give a goodra
Achilleas 0791-2295-4528
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up thanks for doing this.
Quoted By:
Scraggy up; IGN Severin take your time!
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Wed 13 Aug 2014 13:59:19 No. 20487747 Report Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy going up as soon as I catch one, thanks!
Quoted By:
Going to put a Scraggy up. Thanks, OP!
IGN: G FC:1650-3187-8586
Quoted By:
Scraggy up. Thanks for the hard work
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up, IGN Hats
Thanks anon
Quoted By:
Lvl 1 scraggy IGN Nicko
Quoted By:
What is that female only slug shitposters problem? He is like the chris Chan of pokemon
Mike 1177-8924-9741
Ign: Beanie 219178047078 muk serviper
Nicola 3050-8835-1620
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up, thank you!
IGN: Nick
IGN: Danny
Quoted By:
Scraggy UUPPPP!!!!
IGN: Nick
Quoted By:
I put a scraggy up a while ago. Although its from france... i dont know if that affects searches or not. If so, its a Baggiguane
Quoted By:
Scraggy up IGN: Matt
Quoted By:
>nicknamed It's shit.
Quoted By:
>30 requests on GTS Unsure if OP or anyone else is going to return at this point but I put one up anyways. IGN is Paula.
SnwFlkz FC:1521-4168-2364
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up, thanks in advance~
Quoted By:
Dropped some scrag.
Quoted By:
>>20482159 I was on gts trying to find some Scraggy and all this male Goodra request from /vp/. Kinda feel good seeing those giveaways.
Quoted By:
I realy hope that you are still doeing this cause i would love to have one I scraggied up Ign should be joel
Quoted By:
>>20482159 I realy hope that you are still doeing this cause i would love to have one
I scraggied up
Ign should be joel
Quoted By:
I've started reading the goodra shitposter's posts in SHODAN's voice because of how hard he tries to bypass filters
Ign: Nick
Quoted By:
scragged up Scraggys name is gooo
Quoted By:
Scraggy up. IGN: Shedlina. May I request the Quiet Goodra for this trade? (provided you're still distributing that one).
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby)
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby) Wed 13 Aug 2014 22:30:38 No. 20493614 Report Quoted By:
Scarggys up. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
scraggy up, thanks op~
Quoted By:
sent him ty OP
Quoted By:
put it up! names The Bobby, thanks aton
Should I scraggy up? Is it worth it?
Quoted By:
>>20496443 Maybe. Maybe not.
Wouldn't hurt to try.
Quoted By:
Scraggy up! Just caught it, and in the first horde.
IGN Celso
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up, IGN Celso
Quoted By:
Scraggy up, IGN Nick
IGN: Tom
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Is this giveaway still going? Scraggy up. IGN: Tom
Quoted By:
Hi, OP here. I guess my absence has been longer than I thought, and I actually don't have a lot of time for myself atm. I'll take care of the requests as soon as possible.
Quoted By:
OP again. Clearing some requests as I have some time.
>>20482159 Deposited a Scraggy. Hope you still here
IGN: Rinneth
Quoted By:
>>20501196 I'm still here, but priority will be given to people who dropped them before, so you may have to wait a little.
Please understand.
Quoted By:
>>20482159 IGN: Bruise
Scraggy is up, thanks very much.
Quoted By:
Scraggy up IGN Daniel Thanks
Quoted By:
scraggy up ign mitchell thankyou based ones
Quoted By:
Scraggy up IGN Andrew Thanks bro!!
Quoted By:
IGN Trae Thanks OP!
>"The status of your Scraggy has changed!" >Take care of "Female only"! >Female only t-thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20501453 This isn't mine. Someone seems to be trying to derail this giveaway.
Be sure to ask for male lv91+ slugs.
>>20501453 Also, you're free to drop another Scraggy, to get the male slug you asked for.
What the hell is the matter with Slug's gender anyway??
>>20501497 I didn't gave up. Stop trying to derail this giveaway.
AND WTF why is the slug's name marking the post as spam
Quoted By:
>>20501488 Answer to
>>20501497 's attempts to force his beliefs about "slugs must be female only, and male ones and their owners must be euthanazied". Also, take into account he imitates someone else.
>>20501507 Because of
>>20501497 's spams about his beliefs. Check the archives for more information.
holy shit this faggot is making shithreads about this stupid pokemon even in /v/
Quoted By:
>>20501535 Also in /a/. And in /g/. And in /vr/. And in /vg/. And on Smogon. And on Serebii. And on Bulbapedo. And on Deviantart. and he has been banned from all of these.
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Thu 14 Aug 2014 09:47:14 No. 20501550 Report >>20482159 scraggo up
fuck you, 'female only' shitposter
>>20501550 He has been banned. Again.
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Thu 14 Aug 2014 09:49:09 No. 20501564 Report >>20501560 >implying that matters to a chikun-level ban evader he'll be back within an hour
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu) Thu 14 Aug 2014 09:49:25 No. 20501568 Report Quoted By:
Scraggy up. IGN Tennikah. Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
Got "Male only", thanks a lot OP. Interesting moveset it got.
>>20501564 Probably. And I expect him to. But what he doesn't seem to understand is that the more he keeps shitposting, the more males will be spread.
>>20501576 YOU hate male slugs. And you aren't Sage. And the only way to stop this giveaway is for you to stop posting about that anywhere. At all.
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Thu 14 Aug 2014 09:54:58 No. 20501650 Report >>20501593 that's some serious dedication on both parts
Quoted By:
I have a scraggy up, IGN Quin.
Tyrone 3067-6253-9556
Quoted By:
>>20482159 yo yo scraggy up
>>20501487 okay I'll hit you up with another Scraggy, I'll be a sec
IGN Hats
>>20501650 Indeed it is. But I won't stop. Because I, like many here and on other threads, see this fag as an annoying autist who tries to force his beliefs on everyone else. And as the mods can't do shit on him, it's up to us /vp/reons to get the shit out by ourselves.
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Thu 14 Aug 2014 10:03:28 No. 20501778 Report >>20501679 at this point it seems like he's shitposting just to shitpost
anyway, what's the ev spread on these slugs? competitively viable at all?
Tyrone 3067-6253-9556
Quoted By:
>>20482159 thank you based op!
Quoted By:
>>20501778 It's Bui, he's a known shitposter.
Quoted By:
>>20501667 okay its there now, ty for this
>>20501778 Didn't really look at the EV spreads, considering they can easily be changed. But the slugs distributed have either 5 or 6 IV, and an useable nature, so you can adjust EVs and moves to your playstyle.
>>20501778 mine was hp & sp.atk with 6iv
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Thu 14 Aug 2014 10:12:22 No. 20501928 Report Quoted By:
>>20501824 welp I'm just gonna put some more scraggys up and wondertrade away the slugs. pass the love along
Quoted By:
>>20501875 Same here, Quiet nature with Hydration. Must be for double battles.
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Thanks for the Goodra :)
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Got the ManSlug thank you op
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggy up, thanks for the giveaway!
Quoted By:
>>20482159 Scraggly up, thanks op
Quoted By:
Got mine today. Thanks a lot, OP!
Glen 2852 7802 6717
Quoted By:
>>20482159 deposited
thanks in advance
Quoted By:
Is this still going? I'm trying to catch a scraggy right now.
Quoted By:
ign Max thanks in advance
Quoted By:
Scraggy up, ign Julien
Arkkai 2165-5935-0661
Quoted By:
My scraggy is up Will try to clone it tomorrow
Quoted By:
I sent one up name Scrags. Can you name the Goodra Ichor?
Hi, OP here. Due to recent events, I'll start the distribution again in about two hours, first by taking care about the Scraggies already deposited, then by making some announcement about it. In the waiting time, you're free to deposit your Scraggy for me to trade it, but be sure you're asking for a lv91+ male slug, as there has been an attempt from the shitposter to derail this thread and the giveaway by making me "giving up and starting to send females". Thanks for reading.
>>20505979 Anything about it in Foolz?
Quoted By:
scraggy is up, ign Overall
>>20505979 People weren't doing that? I anticipated that autist would try that and filtered it to male only.
>>20506227 >>20506257 It happened in this very topic. Everything has been purged, except little remnants like
>>20501504 and
>>20501453 Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
>>20506280 Also, I decided to take this. Exit the anonimity.
Dion 0619 - 4340 - 3587
Quoted By:
Scraggy is up, thanks
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI