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Post your Pokebro Meet-Up Stories

No.20487320 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gets a Xerneas from WT
>Jumps onto GTS to trade it for a Yveltal for dex entry.
>Searches and finds one asking for deer.
> Is nicknamed "Orchestraza".
> Decides to trade for it for shits and giggles, and possibly put it back up for something else.
> Has Calm Nature
> Has shit moveset. Sky Attack, Oblivion Wing, Fly and Extrasensory.
> Flies to Kiloude City to check IVs.
> Outstanding Potential, perfect in HP, DEF, SPATK and SPE. Only missing out ATK and SPDEF.
> Calculates SPDEF to be 27.
> Has been a bro on Ubers team since.

I feel like I saved this guy from a life of being stuck in a box, then getting deleted when 8 year old gets bored and starts a new game.