>>20489441>>20489527>>20489447>nothing like being a kid in 1998 and playing it for the first 100 times> I find it hard to believe that gen 5 or 6 made a bigger impact on people who played gen 1 or 2When I played Yellow for the first time, I was kinda retarded and didn't know how to make progress in the game. And I never really liked games anyway, so I usually just played it when I was bored. Not to mention I was the only person I knew that had a pokémon game, even though people liked the anime.
Then I played Silver some time ago, and at first I thought it was lame how you couldn't get all the starters. I also didn't like how weak the wild pokémon were for the most part of the game. I didn't like the Rival
because he never appeared in the anime. I got mad when I found a shiny and thought it was a glitch, only to find out some weeks later that shinies were a thing. All of this because, again, I had pretty much no one to talk about the games and didn't know how to use a computer.
But in gen 3 things changed. I remember seeing some news about the games in magazines. I remember how excited I was for the box legendaries, berries, contests and that beautiful overworld. Not to mention now I had some knowledge about the internet, so I could learn about abilities, double battles and everything else.
Gen 4 was even better, because for the first time I experienced the hype of corocoro leaks. I thought the legendaries being motherfucking gods was the shit. On top of that, I had now friends to talk about it, trade stuff, go to the underground, etc. It was the best pokémon experience I've ever had.
Gen 5 was kind of like gen 4, but a bit more bland. It was still pretty cool to get in the hype train and shit. I also loves the region and the characters. Not to mention I git gud and could battle decently now.
Gen 6 was pretty cool for the new things: mega evolution, fairy-type, pokémon amie, etc.
How does it feel to be wrong?