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Ok, dont know where to ask this or if it would even be worth it for someone. I am finally trying to get a shiny charm and/or living pokedex and I dont know how to get all the legendaries without asking outright for a handout or buying them. This is the list of pokemon that I need for the shiny charm if I am right: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Regigigas, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Azelf, Uxie, Mesperit, Phione, Cresselia, Heatran, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Thunderus, Tornadus, Landorus, Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem. So, seeing as im lazy and want a realistic way to get them I want to see if anyone one take the offer for $10 paypal for one of each of the ones above. I don't care if they are created, cloned or otherwise unlegit as long as they can be traded and banked. I can also buy you a steam game or something if paypal doesnt really work for you. Also, since I am already buying this, why not offer another $10 for the remaining event legendaries: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect and Diancie. Or if anyone is just a kind soul willing to help another person and want to do it for free I am all for that too. Any takers?
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Just gonna try to give this post some more views.
You got any shiny pokemon?
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>>20494784 Just a graveler, thats it. I have no luck with shinies.
>>20494518 Dude, what the hell? Just buy an action replay for 20 bucks, you can generate any pokemon
Do people seriously buy mons off ebay? I thought it was a meme/troll-joke
>>20494874 Id have to buy a replay and an old game. All my gen IV and V games were lost in a move so thats kind of a lot more expensive than $20.
I got half your list pls gib shekels Don't know how to do this without one of us getting rused though. Can you attach 10$ to your pokemon and trade them?
>>20494921 Also got all those event legends boyo
All ligit
IGN: Xanthelasma
I've been trying to get a living pokedex as well. I have no idea how to get event pokemon but there are alot of ways to get the other legendary pokemon. Basically Tynamos, Darumakas, Feebas are some of the pokemon you can typically trade for low-tier legendaries. What I did was breed a horde of Darumakas and trade them for tons of Terrakions, Cobalions and Virizions. You can trade Terrakions, Cobalions and Virizions for Regis. Trade the Regis for Regigigas, Lati@s. Then from there Regigigas, Lati@s typically can be GTS traded for every other legendary. It takes some time of waiting for the GTS to go through trades, but it's easy to get all the legendaries this way.
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>>20494913 Don't mix genning and AR generation. Look up for "999masterball wondercard" on youtube about AR. It just creates any mon you wont, just randomly with random stats etc, and delivers it as an ingame event
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>>20494913 Power saves
20 bucks and you'll be able to generate mons but they'll have randomn nature and ivs
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>>20494936 So would you want to trade $10 for the legendaries?
>>20494518 Anyone have that GTS Jewing image? Seriously, just use the shiny Gravel et to grab yourself a Xerneas and say it's 5IV Modest nature. Do this over and over again until you have most of the legends.
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>>20494945 Yeah you can get the shiny charm by shifting around but I just wanted to see if I could just get them all in one shot.
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>>20494518 I'll will trade you most of them OP for free if you give me Like 10 min to clone them
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Pokegen thread dude Just put up a request for legends and they can give them for free I think they have a file so they can gen legends without waiting to long
>>20494518 Spoiled rich kids are the worst.
That's why DLC and p2w is a thing.
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>>20494987 I dont know why but I personally dont want to cheat people. Im getting genned and cloned stuff so I guess it doesnt matter really but it does matter to me.
0705-4430-8428 IGN:dv831 (Ariados, Cascoon,Whirlipede)
0705-4430-8428 IGN:dv831 (Ariados, Cascoon,Whirlipede) Wed 13 Aug 2014 23:57:33 No. 20495073 Report Quoted By:
>>20495019 okay adding you in a sec
>>20495054 More like lazy 25 year old that would rather trade $20 for 3 or 4 hours of my life. I enjoy battling and breeding but these are just kinda annoying to get.
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What I did was I completed the livedex on Black, then on White2, and now I have two of every legendary. I also got lucky with my Vivillon (Icy Snow), and regularly traded for legendaries on GTS (I still have an entire box with Zygardes).
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>>20495087 Once you mooch an unobtainable mon like rattata you can just sit on the GTS with it's progeny
And you don't need to spend time looking at it, just put it over night. And for the event ones you pokegen or you /ggg
0 time lost
>>20495087 Oh, I thought you were crazy enough to pay ten bucks for each pokémon, my reading comprehension sucks.
Anyway, always check the other threads, they can usually give you something for free, after you got a legend just chain gts it, that's how I got my full dex before the western poke bank
>>20495199 Jesus, I dont have $500 for pokemon. lol
I just want some instant gratification and no hours of mooching gen threads.
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>>20495243 As mentioned above, consider an AR, among other things it can generate any mon with random stats. If you just need to "fill the dex" that's a good way
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>have all legendaries/vivillions/unowns/eeveelutions >finish central and coastal kalos >4 coastal mons are bank so no crown what the fuck, looks like its another week or two of gts 4iv HP fire lvl 1 fakerotoms till i finish this shit anyone with a KB zapdos want to touch trade for a bullshit one? also: have shinies (KB/non), and can buy BP items
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You can get most pokémon (even legendaries) by farming Enigma Berries and attaching them to Scatterbugs on the GTS. Obviously don't tell the pattern on the description since you probably have Modern or some other common as fuck. You can't get eventmons, but you can just focus on them later, plus they're not necessary for Shiny Charm.
Atlas (Y:3153-5661-9604)
>>20494518 What the hell, I dont need them, add me and I'll help out with what I can.
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>>20494945 >>20494945 >>20494945 This post is how you do it. Dont waste your money on pokemon when you can waste your time on them
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>>20497130 Want to add me on steam to help? Sorry to ask, all i need now though is:
Lugia, Regice, Regigigas, Rayquaza, Palkia, Mesperit, Heatran, Terrakion, Thunderus, Landorus, Reshiram, Mew, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini and Keldeo.
Steam is to chat is
http://steamcommunity.com/id/krawkula/ Anonymous
10 Down, 7 to go. Anyone want to trade me these 7 pokemon for $10: Regice, Terrakion, Thunderus, Mew, Manaphy, Shaymin and Victini. Genned/Cloned mons are welcome, just want to get this done.
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>>20498048 If you're still here, I'm