Drew 0345-0721-3468
Is there an actual genner this time? If so:>IGN: Drew >Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: No nickname >Level: 1 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: doesn't matter >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >IV's: hexaperfect >EV's: none >Moves: Pound Reflect Type Transform>OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: any >OT: Katie
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
>IGN: Emily >Pokemon: Charizard >Nickname: None >Level: 50 >Nature: Hardy >Ability: Solar Power >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific poke ball: Luxury Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: Untrained >Moves: Any >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 01062/2986 >OT: Emily
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
>>20507347 I can offer 5IV HA Ponyta's with egg move Morning Sun in Dive Ball
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
>>20507325 >>20507347 I'm online and ready to gen. starting to work on these two right away
Rav 0104-0916-0310
>>20507278 >IGN: Rav >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: No nickname >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid/Jolly/Adamant/Modest >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: doesn't matter >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >IV's: hexaperfect >EV's: none >Moves: Transform
>OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: any >OT: Rav I actually want 4 Dittos but one is perfectly fine. I can offer any mega stones or BP items.
Drew 0345-0721-3468
Quoted By:
>>20507385 Sweet. Adding your friend code now, and have one of those hexaperfect Japanese dittos with your name on it.
Quoted By:
>>20507393 Of course you do
Xen 2234-7723-6853
>>20507278 >IGN: Xen >Pokemon: Regice >Nickname: Borris >Level: 100 >Nature: +SDef -Atk >Ability: Clear Body (I think that's all it gets.) >Game of Origin: Whatever works >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No thanks >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: Whatever works >Date of Creation: Whenever >IV's: 31 across the board >EV's: 252 SAtk, 252 Speed, 4 Def >Moves: TBolt, Ice Beam, Ancientpower, Flash Cannon >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Whatever works >OT: Xen I will trade directly or through GTS. I'm offering breeding leftover Minccinos, most of which have 3+ IVs and Jolly nature. I'd really appreciate the help. :)
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20507278 Requesting:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50131364/Gengar.pkm Just need someone to pass it through bank
I'm offering one Ability Capsule for it
Xen 2234-7723-6853
Quoted By:
>>20507501 Shit, for the EVs I meant 252 HP, 252 Satk, 4 Def.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Requesting this for BP item>IGN: Galadriel >Pokemon: Smeargle >Nickname: Smeagol >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Moody >Game of Origin: any >Pokemon Gender: Either >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 96HP, 120 Def, 40 Sp Def, 252 Speed >Moves: Sticky Web, Stealth Rock, Dark Void, Magic Coat >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Iain
Hi, I would deeply appreciate it if any of you kind genners could make these mons for me! >>Pokemon: Shaymin >>Name: >>Lv. 100 >>Gender: N/A >>Shiny: No >>Pokerus: Cured >>Ability: Natural Cure >>Nature: Timid >>Moves: Seed Flare, Earth Power, Synthesis and Air slash >>Ball: Friend Ball is possib;e, if not Pokeball or Masterball >>IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: 252 Sp.atk and 252 Speed >>Met: Flower Paradise >>Trainer OT: Shanks >>Trainer Gender: Male >>Trainer ID: >>Original Game: Platinum and if it's possible: >>Pokemon: Scizor >>Name: Char >>Lv. 100 >>Gender: Male >>Shiny: No >>Pokerus: Cured >>Ability: technician >>Nature: Adamant >>Moves: Bullet Punch, super power, Knock off and bug bite >>Ball: Cherish ball would be nice but if that doesn't work any other ball is fine >>IV's: 31/31/31/0/31/31 >>EV's: 252 HP, 44 Atk, 116 Def and 100 Sp.Def >>Met: >>Trainer OT: Shanks >>Trainer Gender: Male >>Trainer ID: >>Original Game: Black 2 Offering any BP items you want
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>IGN: Bubble >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: HP Ice >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Limber >Game of Origin: Pokemon Black >Pokemon Gender: genderless >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Giant Chasm >Specific pokeball: Dive Ball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: any >OT: Bubble I can offer any BP item (including Ability Capsule), or a Pentaperfect (31/x/31/30/31/30) Hidden Power Fire Froakie female in a Dive Ball.
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
>>20507360 i presume you are gonna planning to breed HA+ball with this one? I'm gonna try to transfer this, but it may not work since japanese global link event starters were male only
kensei 1864-9151-8428
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: none >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: whatever works >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: any >Date of creation: any >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 sp.attack. 252 speed >moves: Hyper voice, psyshock, focus blast, taunt >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any I can offer any BP item
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
Quoted By:
>>20507730 Yeah, I'm going to be breeding for a shiny Charizard w/ HA and Luxury Ball ;_;
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20507385 dude can you gen this one pls?
>Pokemon: Latios >Nickname: Jetpack >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: HG/SS >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: HG/SS >Specific pokeball: Great Ball >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: 31 / 00 / 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 (HP Fire) >EV's: 252 SpA / 252 Speed / 6 HP >Moves: Draco Meteor / Psyshock / Thunderbolt / Hidden Power (Fire) >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 22062 >OT: Deryl I can give you any BP item, even ability capsule, 5iv gastly gible or torchic with ha all kb
Quoted By:
is it possible to get a shiny imposter ditto in a regular pokeball? im asking because i managed to get one through pokebank and was curious if this was just an oddity with pokebank or if there was really a way to find one in b/w2
Luka / 1349-6385-5686
>IGN: Luka >Pokemon: Jirachi >Nickname: Arika >Level: 50 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Serene Grace >Game of Origin: Whatever >Pokemon Gender: / >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk / 124 Spe / 128 HP / 4 SpD >Moves: Zen Headbutt / Iron Head / Ice Punch / U-turn >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Luka I can offer BP items, and some 6IVs that I breeded a few days ago, thanks!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20507730 Can you please make this for me?
>>Pokemon: Ampharos >>Nickname: Ric Flair >>Gender: Male >>Level: 100 >>Shiny: No >>Pokeball: Whatever works >>Ability: Static >>Nature: Quiet >>IVs: 31/XX/31/31/31/0 >>EVs: 252 HP 156 SpA 100 SpD >>Moves: Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Cotton Guard, Heal Bell >>OT Gender: Female >>OT Name: Ariana >>OT ID: 46599 The rest don't matter.
Not much I can offer besides my gratitude, but there is a Larvesta already up in the GTS in case you decide to do it.
>Pokemon: Milotic >Nickname: Rosely >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Marvel Scale >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched any location >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: either >IV's: 31 all >EV's: 248 HP/126 DEF/126 SPDEF/ 8 Speed >Moves: Scald/Toxic/Ice Beam/Recover >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Katno thanks :) best i can offer is bp items... dont have any good gen 6 pokes with good ivs yet ;x
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
>>20507325 >>20507347 Hey Drew/Emily, I just succesfully transported you Mew/Charizard through bank and I' ready to trade soon. I know Mew needs to be traded directly, so ill be adding you soon Drew. Also, I ran test with Charizard and it turns out she can be traded normally, so we could trade through gts if you want Emily
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 19:56:05 No. 20508139 Report Alright, I'm now available to do some genning, I will be completing these requests:
>>20508121 >>20508110 >>20508074 It may take a little while as this is my second day of genning but I'll make sure these get to you!
Quoted By:
Is anyone capable of grabbing a quick .pkm file for me? I have a bunch of stuff to offer you for your trouble. ;_;
Drew 0345-0721-3468
Quoted By:
>>20508125 Awesome. Online now
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
Quoted By:
>>20508125 Thank you so much for doing this, I really appreciate it- I put up a female lv. 1 Ponyta for Charizard, message /vp/ Wilma
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
>>20507278 >Pokemon:Smeargle >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Nature:Timid >Ability:Own Tempo >Game of Origin:Any >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny:No >Hatched/Met at location:Any >Specific pokeball:Pokeball >Date of Creation:Today >IV's:31 in all stats >EV's:96 HP / 120 Def / 40 SpD / 252 Speed >Moves:- Sticky Web - Stealth Rock
- Dark Void
- Magic Coat
>OT Gender:Your gender >TID / SID:Any >OT:Your IGN >Pokémon:Pinsir >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Male >Ability:Hyper Cutter >Language:English >--Moves-- - Swords Dance
- Quick Attack
- Return
- Earthquake
>Nature:Jolly >IVs:31 in all stats >EVs:252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Speed >OT Name:Your name >OT Gender:Your gender >ID/SID:Any >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Black 2 Thanks
Luka / 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
>>20508139 Great, I'll be waiting, thanks for sparing your time.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20508139 Hi I don't want to push you or anything but is it possible to gen this
>>20507620 once you're done?
Quoted By:
>>20508139 Awsome! thanks dude, ill be around
Good afternoon lads! I'd really appreciate your help with these two. I can offer Salac Berries, Adamant Huge Power Marill with Belly Drum, and a Mawilite.>Pokemon: Cofagrigus >Nickname: Osiris >Level: 50 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Mummy >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31 for Def, Sp.D and Sp. Atk >EV's: 252 Def / 252 Sp.D / 4 Sp. Atk >Moves: Pain Split/Nasty Plot >Pokemon: Azumarill >Nickname: Galatea >Level: 50 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Huge Power >Game of Origin: BW >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 31 for HP, Atk, Def, and Sp.D >EV's: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef >Moves: Belly Drum/ Ice Punch Thank you very much!
Gray electric (i, dont, remember) 3866 - 8535 - 7944
Gray electric (i, dont, remember) 3866 - 8535 - 7944 Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:04:49 No. 20508261 Report Quoted By:
>IGN:Gray >Pokemon: Conkeldurr >Nickname: no nickname >Level: 50 >Nature: adamant >Ability: iron fist >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/xx/31/31 >EV's: Any >Moves: drain punch / mach punch / knock off / ice punch >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: any >OT: Gray I can offer abillity cap or 6iv kalos shuppet
Quoted By:
>IGN: Grey >Pokemon: Lucario >Nickname: Pharaoh >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Justified >Game of Origin: Platinum >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Twinleaf Town >Specific pokeball: standard pokeball >Date of Creation: 14/08/2014 >IV's: 6 perfect >EV's: 252 ATK, 4 SpD, 252 Speed >Moves: Agility, Close Combat, Crunch, Ice Punch >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 49096/58185 >OT: Grey offering 5iv heracross and 5iv riolu
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Quoted By:
>>20508121 Forgot to add my FC to the name
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20507701 This was skipped.
>>20508139 I'd be very grateful if you could gen this for me once you're done.
Galadriel 4527-8920-3975
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby)
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby) Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:18:01 No. 20508411 Report >IGN: Cullen >Pokemon: Milotic >Nickname: N/A >Level: 100 >Nature: bold >Ability: marvel scale >Game of Origin: B orW doesn't matter really >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: Hatched, Wherever >Specific pokeball: love ball if possible >Date of Creation: any day really, today is fine >IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP 252 def 4 sp atk >Moves: ice beam, recover, scald, toxic >OT Gender: male >TID / SID:doesn't matter which ever looks legit >OT: Cullen Not really sure what the genner wants but I can offer whatever. Like a mega mom mega stone if you want. Just let me know!
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby)
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby) Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:20:36 No. 20508446 Report Quoted By:
>>20508411 actually just realized it can't be hatched and have love ball, so just anywhere you can catch feebas in any game. Just name your price
Quoted By:
>>20508375 sticky web is a gen 6 move. you're going to have to get it yourself.
Ben 1650-2877-2429
Quoted By:
>IGN: ben >Pokemon: arbok >Nickname: n/a >Level: 51 >Nature: adamant >Ability: intimidate >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: castelia city >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: 10/23/12 >IV's: all 31 >EV's: n/a >Moves: fire fang, thunder fang, ice fang, poison fang >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 50548 >OT: gold i have a timid pokeball pattern vivillon for trade if this can be done.
Catcher: 3110 5095 4099
Quoted By:
Hey guys would it be possible somebody can make me one or two Pokes? I can offer a Shiny Pineco with egg moves, perfect IV spread and Kalos native. Just do whichever of these you feel like.>IGN: Catcher >Pokemon: Quagsire >Nickname: Swagsire >Level: 50 >Nature: Relaxed >Ability: Unaware >Game of Origin: Whatever you prefer >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: Dive Ball >Date of Creation: Today >IV's: 31 in all >EV's: 252HP 252Def 4SpD >Moves: Earthquake, Scald, Recover, Toxic >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: Not sure >OT: Whatever you want >Pokemon: Carnivine >Nickname: Diplo >Level: 50 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Whichever >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whichever >Specific pokeball: Safari or Nest >Date of Creation: ANy >IV's: 31 in all except SpAtk >EV's: 252HP 252Def 4Atk >Moves: Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Knock Off, Power Whip >OT Gender: Any >TID / SID: Not sure >OT: Any >Pokemon: Clefable >Nickname: Aega >Level: 50 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Magic Guard >Game of Origin: Whichver >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: wherever >Specific pokeball: Heal Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31 in all except Atk >EV's: 252HP 252Def 4SpAtk >Moves: Calm Mind, Flamethrower, Soft Boiled >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any
>>20507278 >IGN: Llyd >Pokemon: Reuniclus >Nickname: Flubber >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Magic Guard >Game of Origin:Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location:Any >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: any >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Def/ 252 SpA >Moves: Calm Mind
Focus Blast
Shadow Ball
>OT Gender:Any >TID / SID:Any >OT:Any FC: 1220-7693-2648
Quoted By:
>>20508531 Forgot to mention, I can giive you any Battle Maison Item, or any mega stones, or breeding rejects.
Quoted By:
>>20508375 i have it. you can disc up. i put sketch for the last move so you can get stikcy web.
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby)
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby) Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:36:09 No. 20508625 Report Quoted By:
>>20508411 I can also add any mega stone / bp item
IGN: Sjur. FC: 3325 - 2044 - 4803.
Quoted By:
>IGN: Sjur >Pokemon: Latias >Nickname: Latias >Level: 100 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Saphire >Pokemon Gender: None >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Route 114 >Specific pokeball: Master Ball >Date of Creation: idk >IV's: All 31. >EV's: 252 SpA / 4 SpD 7 252 Spe >Moves: Draco Meteor, psyshock, healing wish, Defog. >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: idk >OT: Sjur In return i can offer any BP item! Thanks! let me know if some of the info above is incorrect and need to be changed.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Quoted By:
>IGN: Myles >Pokemon: Minun >Nickname: n/a >Level: 50 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Volt Absorb (HA) >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Route 3 >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 8/14/2014 >IV's: 31,30,30,31,31,31 >EV's: 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 SpD >Moves: Hidden Power / Thunderbolt / Nasty Plot / Baton Pass >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 40395 >OT: Kek I've got BP items, and I can give you one of my 5iv Adamant Machops, with egg moves. (Knock Off/Smelling Salts/Ice Punch/Bullet Punch) I have Powersaves too, so if you want mega stones/anything else, you can ask. Thanks.
So, kind of a dick move but I just want someone to gen/clone or just trade me some legendaries. I have $10 paypal/steam game/humble bundle to anyone that can provide all 7 to me for a living dex. Regice, Terrakion, Thunderus, Mew, Manaphy, Shaymin and Victini. As long as they succeed trading and banking, im cool with whatever. Anyone that wants to help just reply to me.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20508668 Are you the same guy from the last thread? Add me. I have every legend from 1 - 5 transferred to my Y cart already for you.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20508705 Just to be clear, I mean Gens 1 - 5.
>>20508722 I had a thread yesterday so maybe. All I really need is the 7 now. Add me on steam so we can chat.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/krawkula IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Hi!>IGN: Ahmed >Pokemon: Honchkrow >Nickname: No nickname >Level: 50 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Moxie >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Nope >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Don't mind >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe >Moves: Sucker Punch / Brave Bird / Superpower / Roost >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed >IGN: Ahmed >Pokemon: Gliscor >Nickname: Nope >Level: 50 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Poison Heal >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Don't mind >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 244 HP / 248 Def / 16 Spe >Moves: Earthquake / Toxic / Ice Fang / Roost >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed I can offer any Battle Maison item, leftovers, any berry, megastones etc, just ask! thanks!
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20508748 You mean you didn't post in the Pokegen thread? Someone yesterday posted in here looking for every legend from Gen 1 to 5 and took off in the 20 mins I took transferred them. You're more than welcome to have them. I don't need anything in return, just post your FC.
>>20508722 Or if you dont want to do steam, my friend code is 1289-8205-7704
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Quoted By:
>>20508788 Believe me, he's the same guy
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20508795 Ok. Adding you. I'll send them in the order you listed them.
Hopper FC:2036-7740-3850 IGN:Diego
Quoted By:
>Pokemon:Latias >Nickname:Latias >Pokemon Gender:fem >Level:100 >Shiny:yes pleas >Nature:Timid >Ability:- >IV's:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's:/242spAttk/16spDef/252speed >Moves:Defog/Psyshock/Thunderbolt/Draco Meteor >Specific pokeball:Friend Ball, if not, a Nest Ball >OT:Diego >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:62472 >Game of Origin: Heart Gold >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't matter >Pokemon:Kyurem >Nickname:Outsider >Pokemon Gender:NA >Level:100 >Shiny: no >Nature: Timid >Ability: >IV's:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's:6Def/252 SpAttck/252 Speed >Moves: Earth Power/Draco Meteor/Blizzard/Glaciate >Specific pokeball: Dusk ball >OT: Diego >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:62472 >Game of Origin: doesn't matter >Date of Creation: doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: doesn't matter i have breeding leftovers 5IV, (all females KB), Ability Capsules and bp items. thanks
Quoted By:
>>20508788 I dont think it was me because I think I only created my own threads. I thought these seemed like a one per person thing so I just didnt do that haha. Now im only down to 7.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20508808 JK, you can pass two pokés more through bank to me? I can give you two more 5IV legits and one Ability Capsule + Leftovers
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:53:47 No. 20508884 Report >>20508139 Alright, just a little update. Milotic and Jirachi made it through Bank, now I just need to get Ampharos through since I forgot to make it male.
You should all be getting your pokemon pretty soon!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20508884 Could you do this one next please?
>>20507701 Anonymous
Gonna take a few requests, however on one condition: give me the .pkm file. If you want it you make it, if it doesn't pass through I'll let you know but other than that you get benched until round 2 of gens. That being said I'll take the first 6 pokemon requested and get them through. I'm not requesting anything in return but Kalos shinies are appreciated.
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:56:16 No. 20508914 Report Requesting an Amoonguss if it's not a problem. I've already made the pkm file. If there's any problems with it going through bank I can change some things around.
https://www.sendspace.com/file/2a7al3 Luka / 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
>>20508884 Awesome, I'll get on online.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:57:01 No. 20508930 Report >>20508902 Sure, I don't have much time to gen today so I can probably do another batch of 3.
>>20508218 also requested one so the next one to request will be in my next batch!
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20508907 forgot name and ID
will it ever be possible to spot legit bred pokemon with hacked parents (other than obvious goofs like impossible ball)
>>20508907 >>IGN: Llyd >>Pokemon: Reuniclus >>Nickname: Flubber >>Level: 100 >>Nature: Bold >>Ability: Magic Guard >>Game of Origin:Any >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: Yes >>Hatched/Met at location:Any >>Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >>Date of Creation: any >>IV's: All 31 >>EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Def/ 252 SpA >>Moves: >Calm Mind >Psyshock >Focus Blast >Shadow Ball >Recover >>OT Gender:Any >>TID / SID:Any >>OT:Any >FC: 1220-7693-2648 I can give you some breeding rejects or items if you need any,
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20508930 hi, will you be able to do this one or is it too much work?s
>>20508761 JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20508842 Sure, but then I'm out.
>>20508808 You sure you dont want anything? I mean, thanks man. You know this really helps get this thing completed.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 20:59:00 No. 20508966 Report Quoted By:
>>20508945 I doubt it, as far as the game knows they are legit.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20508930 Thanks a lot! I'll be waiting here.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20508961 If you want, donate the $10 to Child's play or something. I had these all predone for these threads for when I'm not here, because legends and events seem to give everyone shit.
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Quoted By:
>>20508884 I'm the milotic guy. added you meanwhile, ill be online
Luka / 1349-6385-5686
>>20508884 Okay, I'm online waiting.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:00:35 No. 20508991 Report >>20508952 Yeah, sure! I also have your Lugia still so I'll need to get that to you as well
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>IGN: Terry >Pokemon: Victini >Nickname: N/A >Level: 50 >Nature: Any "neutral" nature >Ability: Victory Star >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Doesn't matter >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: June 13, 2012 >IV's: Doesn't matter >EV's: None >Moves: V-Create, Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt, Searing Shot >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 12031 >OT: Movie14 >IGN: Terry >Pokemon: Keldeo >Nickname: N/A >Level: 15 >Nature: Hardy >Ability: Justified >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Cherish Ball >Date of Creation: August 27, 2012 >IV's: Doesn't matter >EV's: None >Moves: Aqua Jet, Leer, Double Kick, Bubblebeam >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 08272 >OT: SMR2012 I've got a Uxie, a Mesprit, three Phiones, a Cobalion, and a Terrakion to offer, along with an Ability Capsule and any other BP item you desire.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby)
Cullen 4742 5554 2818 (Frogadier, Gyrados, Krabby) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:01:24 No. 20509007 Report Quoted By:
>>20508930 hey do you have room for this milotic for me? If not its all good i can wait
>>20508411 IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20508991 thank you so much! what do you want in return?
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:02:26 No. 20509024 Report >>20508989 My friends list is full so I'm only going to be adding people with event pokemon, deposit a pokemon into the GTS that won't get sniped and tell me what it is instead.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:04:14 No. 20509045 Report >>20509023 I don't really need anything, just do the same thing I said to Luka here:
>>20509024 Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
>>20508942 And of course I forgot my name,
Luka / 1349-6385-5686
>>20509024 Alright, deposited a LV 27 Male Mantyke with the message /vp/
Katno 4699-7180-4002
Quoted By:
>>20509024 I'm putting a murkrow, asking for a 91+ Milotic.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:05:37 No. 20509067 Report >>20509023 >>20509045 Be sure to deposit something for the Lugia soon though since I'll be doing that right now
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20509045 ok thank you, i'll deposit a tyranitar in the GTS is that ok?
Quoted By:
>>20508948 I'll give you a Diance if you need one If you do this one. Or any other event legendaries. I have them all.
>>20509045 Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:08:32 No. 20509109 Report Quoted By:
>>20509081 Yep, heading online soon.
>>20508110 your Ampharos won't make it through bank so I'll try to get you in with the next batch.
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509006 >>20508948 I'll get you squared away, just having minor troubles at the moment with my cart, got a new microsd and it's being finicky.
>>20509056 I don't think you understood the requirements.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20509067 nevermind, the tyranitar doesn't want to get deposited because it's a special/event poke, i'll just deposit a Castform for the Lugia
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509110 Got those a little mixed up,
>>20508948 didn't read what I was saying.
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle)
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:11:18 No. 20509143 Report Quoted By:
Is anyone able to gen an event pokemon for me?
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20508987 jk, is latios in hgss supposed to be considered fateful encounter?
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20509112 Ok. I'm sending them through. Go online. Next time you gen something from Gen 4 on down, make sure it's (Poketransfer).
>>20509073 Thanks bro. That's pretty cool of you.
shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20508930 Wow, thanks Rin! Do you prefer GTS or direct trading? Also, are there any particular BP items you want?
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:12:14 No. 20509160 Report >>20509061 I thought you were the one requesting a Milotic whoops, I'm going to need to add you since Jirachi can't be traded over GTS
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20509152 Oh, thanks for the tip, pokécheck helped so much
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20509150 I don't think so.
Quoted By:
Is genning a difficult process? I'm not really tech savvy or anything but I'd really help you guys out and take load off the current genner's shoulders
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:14:51 No. 20509208 Report >>20509157 GTS is better for me since my friend list is full already.
Luka / 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
>>20509160 It's fine, at least I can give you something worthy in return, already got you added.
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
>>20509123 Ah, right. I was confused for a sec. I've added you, by the way.
>>20509152 I may be going about this kind of thing the wrong way, against the spirit of the games yada yada, but I might as well keep to my word. The $10 was yours to do what you wanted and I think you spent it well.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20509178 Kangaskhan got cut. Give me a sec.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20509110 I edited the pkm file, heres the updated one
http://www.4shared.com/file/hsdq1qZcba/Latios-jetpackv2.html if the first one doesnt work
Luka / 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
>>20509160 Received it, thanks a lot Rin, appreciate it.
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20509208 Oh alright no problem, I got my two pokemon ready. Let me know when you're ready to trade on the GTS
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:21:13 No. 20509326 Report Alright starting the next batch now,
>>20507701 >>20507620 (Can only do Shaymin right now)>>20508761 (Same as above, I'll be doing Honchkrow)As well as finishing the Ampharos that couldn't make it through Bank.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20509208 thank you, i put a castform up for lugia just incase you didn't see my message above
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509220 >>20509181 Gonna be a little bit as I am struggling with my emulation.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20509333 nevermind, i got it, thanks so much
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Is Alan still here? You're going to have to replace knock off with something. That's what's holding it back.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
>>20509340 No worries, take your time.
~ shanks 4785 6545 3606
>>20509326 Thank you so much! I put a Gible on the GTS
Quoted By:
>>20509326 Sorry to be a pain but can you do mine when you're done? I can give you any of the event legendaries
>>20508948 Alan 1134-7468-3603
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle)
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:26:45 No. 20509403 Report Could someone gen me this event Scizor? I can offer an Assault Vest, White Herb, Master Ball or Leftovers.>Nickname: Scizor >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31 Everything else would need to follow the specifications in the image I would assume.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20509326 Will you notify us when you're done or do we put our mons on the GTS right away?
>>20509403 I can spawn one in for you if you'd like
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle)
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:30:57 No. 20509485 Report >>20509460 Sure, do you want anything for him?
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:31:23 No. 20509491 Report >>20509408 I will notify you when I'm heading online, but if you want to put one up now you can.
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509374 >>20509367 Alright I'm cooking with fire now, wokring on getting those bad boys onto my game and up to Y.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>20509221 Against the spirit of the games? Wanna know a secret? The reason I bought my AR in the first place was because I knew that without scamming, getting the legends was gonna be a pain in the ass and take too much time. I hadn't played Pokemon since Gold and Silver and never had any to begin with. I said fuck it and bought an AR + Black2 right before bank was supposed to come out. Now, because of all of that, I can basically gen anything without too much trouble.
Akuma jef - 4296 3406 3109
Quoted By:
im in need of > Thundurus: Timid prankster EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe IV maxed Moves: thunder wave thunderbolt taunt hidden power ice. Breloom: Item: Focus Sash Ability: Technician Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe IVs: Maxed Spore Rock Tomb Bullet Seed Mach Punch Salamence: Shiny Item: Life Orb Ability: Moxie Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe IVs: Maxed Dragon Dance Outrage Earthquake Fire Blast I got darkrai diancie, jirachi and other legends got any BP items. Need these mons much aprieciated :D
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20509491 I'll wait, just in case someone snipps it.
>IGN: Afmart >Pokemon: Mew >Nickname: Neo >Level: 5 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Synchronize >Game of Origin: emerald >Pokemon Gender: genderless >Shiny: >Hatched/Met at location: >Specific pokeball: >Date of Creation: any >IV's: 6 IV or 31,x,31,31,31,31 >EV's:0 >Moves:Pound, Transform >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: any >OT: any i can trade sun stones, shiny stones,moon stones, evolution trade items, master ball, heart scales and pp ups
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
>IGN: Emily >Pokemon: Serperior >Nickname: None >Level: 50 >Nature: Sassy >Ability: Contrary >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific poke ball: Friend Ball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: Untrained >Moves: Dragon Pulse (Move Tutor B2W2) >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 10034 >OT: Misty >Language: Spanish This should definitely pass bank, research:
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/696959pokemon-x/68391894 Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509604 Man, I am a trainwreck today. Since everything on my sd was wiped I have to go beat the first gym real quick.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20509610 It will pass, but they can't trade it to you.
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
>>20509622 It should go through the GTS though, right?
>IGN: Jada Fire >Pokemon: Arceus >Nickname: No Nickname >Level: Doesn't matter >Nature: Doesn't matter >Ability: Doesn't matter >Game of Origin: Doesn't matter >Pokemon Gender: Doesn't matter >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Doesn't matter >Date of Creation: Doesn't matter >IV's: Doesn't matter >EV's: Doesn't matter >Moves: Doesn't matter >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Jada Fire
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle)
Ewan 4313-2144-9816 (Rock: Boldore, Pupitar, Barbaracle) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:42:12 No. 20509664 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20509652 oops my FC is 0146-9813-3654
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20509617 dont worry bro
since i got fired from my job i have I have all the day free... ;_; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20507278 >IGN: Trae >FC: 0018-1593-1870 >Pokemon: Ralts >Nickname: Sapphire >Level: 1 >Nature: Timid >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Nimbasa City >Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >Date of Creation: 8/14/2014 >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Growl, Hyper Voice, Destiny Bond >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: any >OT: any I have a variety of BP items I'll trade for it. Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, Assault Vest, Leftovers, Ability Capsules, Life Orb
Quoted By:
>>20509594 loc: Faraway Island
shiny: no
>>20509673 How'd you get fired?
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:44:59 No. 20509699 Report Quoted By:
>>20509384 Alright got them all genned and ready now I need to trade and see if they go through bank.
Quoted By:
Are illegal ball combinations do able or do i keep dreaming?
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509673 Ouch man, been there. Anything else you want while I[m mashing A?
By illegal ball combos i mean from gen 4-ish. Where you can get all manner of balls. If not i'm going to have to rethink something.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20509691 I am not sure
>>20509712 nah dude, I am okay with just the latios
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
>>20509659 Ughhhh, okay, thank you. I've been researching all day to try to find a way to get this female Serperior w/ HA in a nest ball... It seems that it can, in fact, be /listed/ on the GTS-
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/696959-pokemon-x/68531259 I know this is such a pain to ask someone to do... offering my 5IV Kalos bred Shiny Sentret
>>20508948 Was playing around with PokeGen for awhile, sorry. I'll give you a Diance (Shiny or not) if you do this one quickly.
https://mega.co.nz/#!stAWVJrS!sFjGB9EKe9rd0Bwofmd61GFeuIiYd7CZBEj_imAeHto >>20509712 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20509830 >Shiny diancie >Tradeable Kek
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509830 Not too worried about Dianice sine I have a few but I'll get you in the next wave of people. Should be 20 minutes tops.
Xen 2234-7723-6853
>IGN: Xen >Pokemon: Regice >Nickname: Borris >Level: 100 >Nature: +SDef -Atk >Ability: Clear Body (I think that's all it gets.) >Game of Origin: Whatever works >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No thanks >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: Whatever works >Date of Creation: Whenever >IV's: 31 across the board >EV's: 252 SAtk, 252 Speed, 4 Def >Moves: TBolt, Ice Beam, Ancientpower, Flash Cannon >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Whatever works >OT: Xen There is a 2-5 IV Minccino on GTS with the description "/vp" for a level 100 Regice. I doubt anyone will snipe that. If someone will help I will be most grateful.
>>20509853 Well can I offer you any event legendary you possibly don't have?
>IGN: Benson >Pokemon: Mudkip >Nickname: Swimmy >Level: 10 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Damp >Game of Origin: Black >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Entree Forest >Specific pokeball: Net >Date of Creation: >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: None >Moves: Yawn, Counter, Tackle, Growl >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 36856 / 24355 >OT: Steven
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
>>20507278 >IGN: Ric >Pokemon: Latias >Nickname: Mami >Level: 50 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Levitate >Game of Origin: Pokemon Sapphire >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: Roaming >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Doesnt matter >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: >Moves: Draco meteor, roost, calm mind, psychic >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: doesnt matter >OT: Ric Anonymous
Quoted By:
Heey OP, can I ask for the following pokemon>IGN: Ditto >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 30 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: n.a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Giant chasm >Specific pokeball: quick ball >Date of Creation: 14-08-2014 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: n.a >Moves: transform >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >OT: Jasper >IGN: Eevee >Pokemon: eevee >Nickname: n.a >Level: 30 >Nature: calm >Ability: Anticipation >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: hidden grotto >Specific pokeball: love ball >Date of Creation: 18-07-2014 >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: hyper voice/heal bell/wish/curse/wish >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: >OT: Harime Thanks!
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:58:53 No. 20509953 Report Hey guys, I'm requesting a Porygon 2 because I don't want to go through the pain of breeding a pentaperfect for his unfortunately neutral gender. But he's a bro of mine so I'd be very thankful for some help!>IGN: Justin >Pokemon: Porygon 2 >Nickname: DUCK.exe >Level:72 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: White 2 >Pokemon Gender: N/A >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works best >Specific pokeball: Poke'ball >Date of Creation:7/02/12 >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: (Can do these myself) >Moves: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Toxic, Recover >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Trainer: 34867 (Don't care about secret id) >OT: Justin I can offer breeding leftovers, or any BP item. Thanks a bunch! Also, if you can make the same exact porygon but with a bold nature and trade me both, I can double my trades and it would be so appreciated!
Can offer: HP Ground Yanma, Larvesta HP Fire Eevee, Staryu, Roselia, Rotom HP Ice Rotom, Electrike, Houndour Or a host of other non Hidden Power pokemon for this
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 21:59:20 No. 20509964 Report >>20509384 Okay everything but Ampharos made it through, so I will be trading those soon!
>>20508110 Unfortunantely I can't seem to be able to make it pass through Bank. I'll give it one more look but if I can't get it through I may not be able to get it to you today.
I won't be doing any more after this since I don't have much time for it, so sorry to anyone who was hoping to get something from me.
Ric - 3308-5789-7291
Quoted By:
>>20509930 forgot what i can offer, i can offer a meloetta (shiny)
>>20509753 I have a Friend Ball Bulbasaur, Moon Ball Piplup and Repeat Ball Archen, so yes.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20509964 awesome, i'm ready to trade any time, unless you want to do it over GTS if you don't have space in your f.list
Jasperwtje 2981-6706-7224
Quoted By:
>>20507278 Heey OP, can I ask for the following pokemon
>IGN: Ditto >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: >Level: 30 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: n.a >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Giant chasm >Specific pokeball: quick ball >Date of Creation: 14-08-2014 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: n.a >Moves: transform >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: >OT: Jasper >IGN: Eevee >Pokemon: eevee >Nickname: n.a >Level: 30 >Nature: calm >Ability: Anticipation >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: hidden grotto >Specific pokeball: love ball >Date of Creation: 18-07-2014 >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: hyper voice/heal bell/wish/curse/wish >OT Gender: female >TID / SID: >OT: Harime Thanks!
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:02:04 No. 20510010 Report >>20509964 Meant to quote
>>20509326 >>20509990 Put something on the GTS for what you asked for and I will deliver it!
>>20508110 Ampharos can't learn Dragon Pulse below 6th Gen.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:03:04 No. 20510028 Report >>20507620 Also I need your FC since shaymis isn't tradeable on GTS
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20510010 Perfect!
I put up a Froakie that has HP Fire asking for level 91+ Ditto, message is "/vp/".
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20509870 I can gen anything not gen 6, I'm fine though really
IGN: G FC:1650-3187-8586
Okay, if there's still ppl workin on genning, Im really looing for this:>IGN: G >Pokemon: Parasect >Nickname: Frank >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Dry Skin >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Route 11 >Specific pokeball: Net Ball >Date of Creation: Whenever >IV's: 31/31/31/xx/31/31 >EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP >Moves: Spore/SeedBomb/XScissor/SwordsD >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Whatever works >OT: G >IGN: G >Pokemon: Ludicolo >Nickname:Ludicholo >Level:100 >Nature:Modest >Ability:Rain Dish >Game of Origin:Black 2 >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny:Yes >Hatched/Met at location:DW >Specific pokeball:Whatever >Date of Creation:Whenever >IV's:31/xx/31/31/31/31 >EV's:252 SpAtk 252 Spe 4Hp >Moves:FocusBlast/GigaDrain/Scald/IceBeam >OT Gender:Male >TID / SID:Whatever >OT:G
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:04:28 No. 20510053 Report Quoted By:
>>20510025 Ah, that explains why I can't gen it for him
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
Alright, still here. I got distracted with MM'ing.
>>20510041 Need any items? Ability Capsules? I have loads if you need some
Benji 1934 - 0658 - 8398
Quoted By:
Is there anyone taking requests currently? I'd love to have these two. >IGN: Benji >Pokemon: Heracross >Nickname: Rockman >Level: 100 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Moxie >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: hexaperfect >EV's: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe >Moves: Pin Missile / Close Combat / Rock Blast / Swords Dance >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Benji >IGN: Benji >Pokemon: Magnezone >Nickname: Armads >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Magnet Pull >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: N/a >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: hexaperfect >EV's: 252 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 Spe >Moves: Thunderbolt / Volt Switch / HP Fire / Flash Cannon >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Benji
Quoted By:
>>20509954 forgot to connect these two posts:
>>20509926 >>20509954 shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20510028 Alright no problem, FC in the namefield. I just added you now!
Cecilia (3995 6670 2929)
>>20509980 OH sweet then I can do this.
>IGN: Cecilia >Pokemon: Bagon >Nickname: Bagon >Level: 100 >Nature: Naive >Ability: Rock Head? (the default one it gets) >Game of Origin: Which ever works >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: MOON BALL >Date of Creation: Which ever >IV's: 31 on everything except Spdef. That needs to be a ??. >EV's: none >Moves: default level 5 moves >OT Gender: which ever works >TID / SID: which ever works >OT: whomever This bagon is going to be used as a breeding fodder mon for XY so im not too picky on it's "legality" i just need it in a moon ball, to appease my Ball o phile self.
Won't have access to my DS for at least another hour so no rush.
I can offer some fodder pawnards with (Srocks, Sucker punch, iron head, pursuit) and BP items.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20509765 Listen. I'm not trying to be an ass. I just "sent" this to the GTS for a level 100 magikarp. Try finding it.
Xen 2234-7723-6853
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:09:36 No. 20510139 Report >>20510039 Can't seem to find it on GTS for some reason, can you try relisting it?
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
>>20510010 okay, i'll put up a Charmander for the Honchkrow
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20510139 Reuploaded. I had some connection issues which might have caused it.
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:12:25 No. 20510186 Report Quoted By:
>>20509953 Bumpin'. I've got a ton of bp and so many good breeding leftovers
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
>>20510109 I'm really sorry if I came off as rude... I truly am thankful for you trying to help me :(
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>20510190 The point I was making is that it won't show up for anyone else. They're (Gamefaqs) is wrong. It doesn't really go on the GTS, it just looks like it does from their point of view.
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510074 Sure that works.
Emily (5386-8562-7088)
Quoted By:
>>20510218 Oh, I see. Lol I was about to start grinding for a lv 100 Magikarp to trade... thanks again.
>>20510232 I'll put an ability capsule on a Luvdisc and put it up on the GTS?
shanks 4785 6545 3606
Quoted By:
>>20510028 Thank you so much Rin! I really appreciate it!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20510139 There should be a Larvesta up for avLv 100 Ampharos in the GTS.
Arkkai 2165-5935-0661
Quoted By:
>IGN: Arkkai >Pokemon: Clefable >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Nature: Bold >Ability: Magic guard >Game of Origin: Any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Any >Specific poke ball: Any >Date of Creation: Any >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252HP 252Def. 4SpD >Moves: softboiled, calm mind, flameT, heal bell >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: any >OT: Arkkai
Eagle 3781 0467 4535
Quoted By:
>>20508240 I forgot my code (just in case). Thank you very much!
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:20:04 No. 20510323 Report >>20510182 >>20510155 Alright, I'm just going to do a direct trade since the GTS hates me for some reason. I already have you as an Acquaintance Ahmed so I'll trade you first.
>>20510290 I need to regen yours since
>>20510025 mentioned it can't learn Dragon pulse below gen 6
Arkkai 2165-5935-0661
Quoted By:
If anyone could do that girl it would help me a lot.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20510232 how is the latios transfer going?
btw do you want a 5iv kb torchic holding a lifeball for the genned pokemon?
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20510323 Cool. I've added you.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
>>20510323 thank you so much Rin :^)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:22:56 No. 20510368 Report >>20510155 Thanks for the Diancie! Enjoy your Honchkrow!
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
Quoted By:
There are certain Hidden abilities and I guess pokemon/ball combinations which simply cannot be traded, even when they go through bank. Gen II and V starter HAs are one of those abilities which cannot be traded any way yet (gts, wondertrade, directly). and thus they remain stuck in your cart. Only way to move them from one cart to another is pokebank (bank mon from cart A, switch to cart B to 3ds slot, open bank and move mon to box)-
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>20507278 >>IGN:Glen >>Pokemon: Aggron >>Nickname: >>Level: 100 >>Nature: adamant >>Ability: Rock Head >>Game of Origin: White >>Pokemon Gender: Male >>Shiny: Yes >>Hatched/Met at location: whatever >>Specific pokeball: no >>Date of Creation: today i guess >>IV's: 31/31/31/0/31/31 >>EV's: 4HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpDef >>Moves: Iron Head, EQ, Automize, Head Smash >>OT Gender: Male >>TID / SID: whatever >>OT: Glen Can offer 5IV oblivious slopoke
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510351 Nah I'm fine, transferring up now for you and Gavrill.
>>20510266 Sure, gonna be just a few though.
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
Genner reporting for duty. Post your requests or point me to your preexisting one. Lets do this~
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510351 scratch that, it was rejected. Working on getting latios 2 in the next batch coming up.
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
>>20510407 That's fine, I dont mind waiting, I put the message as /vp/ Flubber
Eagle 3781 0467 4535
>>20510431 Hey! I can offer Salac Berries, Adamant Huge Power Marill with Belly Drum, and a Mawilite.
>>Pokemon: Cofagrigus >>Nickname: Osiris >>Level: 50 >>Nature: Bold >>Ability: Mummy >>Game of Origin: B/W >>Pokemon Gender: Male >>Shiny: no >>Hatched/Met at location: any >>Specific pokeball: pokeball >>Date of Creation: any >>IV's: 31 for Def, Sp.D and Sp. Atk >>EV's: 252 Def / 252 Sp.D / 4 Sp. Atk >>Moves: Pain Split/Nasty Plot Thanks
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20510433 >>20509367 try this one instead
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:28:32 No. 20510465 Report >>20510290 What move would you like me to replace Dragon Pulse with since it can't be learned?
>>20510431 >>IGN: Trae >>Pokemon: Ralts >>Nickname: Sapphire >>Level: 1 >>Nature: Timid >>Ability: Trace >>Game of Origin: Black 2 >>Pokemon Gender: Female >>Shiny: Yes >>Hatched/Met at location: Nimbasa City >>Specific pokeball: Premier Ball >>Date of Creation: 8/14/2014 >>IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >>EV's: None >>Moves: Growl, Hyper Voice, Destiny Bond >>OT Gender: Male >>TID / SID: any >>OT: any >I have a variety of BP items I'll trade for it. Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, Assault Vest, Leftovers, Ability Capsules, Life Orb Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20510368 Thank you so much! I hope you like the pentaperfect HP Fire Froakie!
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
IGN: G FC:1650-3187-8586
>>20510431 Try this out for me please
>>20510043 Glen 2852 7802 6717
Quoted By:
>>20510431 >>20510401 I hope you like slowpoke
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510445 Alright, I'll find you. What level is it?
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:30:19 No. 20510507 Report Quoted By:
>>20510431 Right down there. Thanks!
Can offer any BP items, as well as a bunch of breeding leftovers
>>20509953 Anonymous
>>20510501 its level 15 if you mean the luvdisc
Quoted By:
>>20509926 Casually bumping this request
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510462 Working on that after I finish this trade.
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
>>20510461 >>20510467 >>20510479 >>20510493 you have been heard. ill get these done and through
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510443 There you go! Thanks for the Charizard.
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>>20510526 Thanks so much, Ben!
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
>>20510543 And you're very welcome. I missed my little Bug. ;_;
IGN: G FC:1650-3187-8586
Quoted By:
>>20510541 Thanks. Waiting for ou to tell me how u want to do the trading and what would yo like in retrn :)
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20510567 Glad I could help albeit after a long wait.
>>20510519 >>20510543 IGN is Llyd if that helps.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Eagle 3781 0467 4535
Quoted By:
>>20510541 Thank you very much! Just tell me what you want in return.
Chonze 2750-1281-8932
Quoted By:
>>20510431 >Pokemon: Spinda >Nickname: Spinda >Level: 100 >Nature: Jolly >Ability: Own Tempo >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: [Met] Route 113 >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: 05/16/2014 >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 4 HP/252 Att/252 Spe >Moves: Dizzy Punch/Seismic Toss/Trick/Metronome >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: N/A >OT: Chonze Thanks a lot!
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510597 Hunting you down now.
>>20510351 Also failed, I'll take a closer look and see what I can do after I grab some food.
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:40:01 No. 20510648 Report Quoted By:
>>20508914 Bumping. Can provide items.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20510659 Okie dokie, just gonna be a few since the proccess of adding it to the file, booting up the cart trading to a legit copy then two programs before finally getting to Y can be a slog.
IGN: Ahmed / FC: 3840-7633-1897
Quoted By:
hi again, requesting another poke if possible:>IGN: Ahmed >Pokemon: Gliscor >Nickname: Nope >Level: 50 >Nature: Impish >Ability: Poison Heal >Game of Origin: B/W >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Don't mind >Specific pokeball: Pokeball >Date of Creation: Don't mind >IV's: All 31 >EV's: 244 HP / 248 Def / 16 Spe >Moves: Earthquake / Toxic / Ice Fang / Roost >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: 55165 >OT: Ahmed Like before, I can offer any Battle Maison item, leftovers, any berry, megastones etc, just ask, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20510541 Thank you! Let me know what item or items you want
Quoted By:
>>20510431 Hello!
i've been patiently waiting on here for a bit however don't feel the need to skip anyone for me
>>20508411 Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20507278 If i could get someone to make it for me, that would be great!
i can offer pancham with 5 iv, admant nature with rare candies or ability capsule. try and name what you want, and i'll do best to apply~
>IGN:Elad >Pokemon: Suicune >Nickname: Suicune >Level: 50 >Nature: bold >Ability: water absorb and if not then pressure >Game of Origin: heartgold >Pokemon Gender: genderless >Shiny: i like both, do whatever you chose :) >Hatched/Met at location: tin tower >Specific pokeball: a regular pokeball >Date of Creation: 30.11. 2010 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: none >Moves: Hydro Pump
Aurora Beam
Bubble Beam
>OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 42520 >OT: Elad thank you!
Quoted By:
IGN : Tristan Pokemon : Suicune Nickname : None Level : 100 Nature : Bold Ability : Pressure Game of Origin : Whatever Works Gender : N/A Shiny : Please <3 Hatched/Met : Wherever Possible Pokeball : Cherishball if possible Date of creation : Whatever works <3 IV's : Max Please EV's : None Moves : (Scald, Rest, Sleep Talk, Calm Mind) OT Gender : Male TID/SID : Whatever works OT: Whatever works (Possibly Tristan?) Trading : Marvel Scale 5IV Dratini w/ ES
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20510597 traded, enjoy your jellybaby.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20510465 Any is fine really. Maybe Light Screen.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:48:47 No. 20510822 Report Quoted By:
>>20510779 Yeah I just replaced it with another tutor move, about to transfer it now.
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Rin 0361-7368-9419 (Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:53:39 No. 20510902 Report >>20510779 There we go, should be sent now! Sorry for taking so long to realize Dragon Pulse wasn't valid!
Ign: Ibri (2852-9029-0570)
>>20507278 >IGN:Ibri >Pokemon:Tornadus-Therian >Nickname:Tornadus >Level:100 >Nature:naive >Ability:Regenerator >Game of Origin:Black 2 >Pokemon Gender:Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location:any >Specific pokeball:No >Date of Creation:01/4 >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SpA 252 Spe 4 Attack >Moves: Airslash, Superpower, knock off, U turn >OT Gender:any >TID / SID:any >OT:any I can offer shiny aegislash and shiny virizion or coballion and a mega stones even a shiny jirachi
Quoted By:
>>20509926 Anyone free to do this? If it's impossible to get through Bank then dropping the egg moves is fine, and if it's still bad then i can deal with Torrent instead of Damp. I just really want a Net Ball Swampert.
Offering these:
>>20509954 Ign: Ibri (2852-9029-0570)
>>20510926 My bad the date of creation can be any
Ign: Ibri (2852-9029-0570)
>>20507278 >IGN:Ibri >Pokemon: Azumarill >Nickname: Luca >Level:100 >Nature:Adamant >Ability: Huge Power >Game of Origin:any >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: No >Date of Creation: any >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Attack 16 Hp 240 SpDef >Moves: Aqua Jet, Superpower, Knock off , Waterfall >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any I can offer shiny aegislash and shiny virizion or coballion and a mega stones even a shiny jirachi
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20510681 Alright I'm back and working on getting the revised Latios up through the gens.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
Quoted By:
>>20510461 >>20510467 >>20510479 >>20510493 got these genned, starting transporting - i think they'll go through without problems
Glen 2852 7802 6717
Quoted By:
>>20510401 I'm not trying to be rude or impatient but i think I was skipped... or does no one want to do this? I have an ability capsule as well if that works
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511109 Thanks for being patient.
Okay so now that I have everything on my end fixed I'm looking for 3 or so people that have a .pkm file at the ready. Things should go smoothly provided that they're valid and able to be traded up easily.
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:25:16 No. 20511393 Report >>20511344 Could I request javascript:quote('20508914')
If it's not too much trouble? I'm willing to provide items/megastones provided I have them
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511393 Sure, might want to try that link again.
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:30:28 No. 20511471 Report >>20511447 Oh, sorry. Phone is being kind of janky.
>>20508914 (IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20511344 thanks based ben
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511479 No problem man.
>>20511471 Sure, give me 10-15.
Quoted By:
can someone here do a cloning request?
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
>>20510602 JK, how you fixed that file? what program do you use to gen pokemon?
Xen 2234-7723-6853
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
I have the ability to gen some Pokémon so I can help, but seeing as I'm lacking a few things (including BP items) I'd like something in return. No idea how trading/distributing them works but I'll try my best. Just quote with your request or something and I'll see what I can do.
>>20511673 >IGN: Trae >Pokemon: Ditto >Nickname: Flubber >Level:100 >Nature:Adament >Ability: Imposter >Game of Origin:any >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: any >Specific pokeball: any >Date of Creation: any >IV's:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 0 >Moves: Transform >OT Gender: any >TID / SID: any >OT: any Here's what I have: Ability Capsules, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, Leftovers, Life Orb, Assault Vest. If there's anything else you need I'll try an get it.
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:47:49 No. 20511782 Report >>20511673 Request down there V
I can get you any BP items you need!
Thank you!
>>20509953 Ariana 5429-8118-1966
>>20511522 Can you please make this for me?
>>Pokemon: Slowbro >>Gender: Male >>Level: 100 >>Shiny: No >>Pokeball: Whatever works >>Ability: Regenerator >>Nature: Relaxed >>IVs: 31/XX/31/31/31/0 >>EVs: 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpD >>Moves: Scald, Ice Beam, Slack Off, Amnesia >>OT Gender: Female >>OT Name: Ariana >>OT ID: 46599 The rest don't matter.
Thanks in advance either way. There is a Mareep in the GTS for it in case you decide to do it.
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>>20511673 >>20509005 Just let me know what you want in return and I'll do my best to make it happen. (I only have 72 BP at the moment)
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20511471 Alright I added you, lemme know when you are online so I can hop over.The fungi is ready.
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511792 No, no .pkm file.
>>20511807 Yes I can, just going to be a few minutes
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:53:51 No. 20511919 Report >>20511848 Online and ready whenever you are. Any items you'd like in particular?
Ign: Ibri (2852-9029-0570)
Quoted By:
>>20510926 >>20510944 Will you guys be able to do these?
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511919 Nah, not really. Will be one moment.
Also done for the night after
>>20511807 , Speaking of which I need your FC.
>>20511969 FC: 1036-7446-9726 IGN: Afmart
what shoul i trade you for your kind service sir?
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511807 Which cannot be transferred.
Also since you haven't gotten back to me I'm done for the night.
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
>>20510461 >>20510467 >>20510479 >>20510493 Hey Eagle/Trae/Avaricious/G, Ive your Cofagrigus/Ralts/Smeargle and Pinsir/Ludicolo and parasect finally ready. Put pokemon on GTS to claim.
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20501792 Make it an Ampharos for a Slowbro.
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20512018 I'll be on again tomorrow at 6pm EST, I just have to go but I'll add your FC, hunt you down and give you what you were looking for after I tinker with it.
>>20511919 Shoot me a trade request. Any shiny from Kalos would be cool but not needed.
Quoted By:
>>20512052 Trading Arbok for ralts. IGN trae
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Any chance I could fit in another request? I can give you Life Orbs, breeding Leftovers, Ability Capsules, etc.>Pokemon: Mawile >Nickname: Filia >Level: 10 >Nature: Adamant >Game of Origin: Emerald >Pokemon gender: Female >Shiny: Sure >Hatched/met at location: Route 117 >Specific Pokeball: Regular Pokeball >Date of Creation: Today >EVs: 172 HP / 252 Att / 80 Spe >Moves: Fake Tears, Focus Punch, Astonish, Poison Fang >OT Gender: Female >TID / SID: 00071 Thanks a lot.~
Sena 3411-1581-7756
Quoted By:
>Pokemon: Cradily >Nickname: n/a >Level: 100 >Nature: Calm >Ability: Storm Drain >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: Female >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: Entree Forest (not sure, needs to be from Dream World) >Specific pokeball: Nest Ball >Date of Creation: n/a >IV's: all 31 >EV's: n/a >Moves: Ingrain / Confuse Ray / Amnesia / Giga Drain >OT Gender: n/a >TID / SID: n/a >OT: n/a I'm only actually looking for a female Storm Drain Cradily in a Nest Ball. Everything else doesn't matter. I can offer some breeding leftovers and a few shinies. Thanks in advance!
Ben 4184-2400-1016
>>20511919 Hey I'm looking for you, is your IGN William by any chance?
>>20512052 Thanks Wilma :) any other item you need?
Quoted By:
>>20510103 Hey I'm wondering if anyone got to mine yet. Finally home from employment so I'm around if Ya need any specfic items or mons
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>>20512140 Forgot to mention, the OT name should be Gavrill.
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton
Trevor 4098-2193-8800 Bronzong Skarmory Magneton Fri 15 Aug 2014 00:12:42 No. 20512243 Report >>20512204 Sorry, it's my sister's birthday and I was finishing dinner for her. Thanks based Ben, you're a lifesaver!
Belvedere 1650-2816-7676
Quoted By:
Can anyone gen this maractus for me?
.PKM file:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/s9rz384twhqce7s/Maracacchi.pkm Thanks in advance~!<3
Wilma (0834-1992-8472)
Quoted By:
>>20512211 not really. ill welcome any "tip" people feel like giving out, but I'm not doing this genning for any specific "reward" in mind
Ben 4184-2400-1016
Quoted By:
>>20512243 No problemo man, take care everyone!
I'll be online tomorrow and much more prepared, so have your files ready for the queue!
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
Finished genning all of the below and trying to transfer them via bank at the moment.
>>20511782 Safety Googles and Choice Band would be cool. Went ahead and made the two versions for you.
>>20511779 I'll take the Choice Scarf.
>>20511770 The Slowpoke should be fine.
>>20511797 Life Orb would be appreciated.
I'll come back and reply whenever I've got all of them through bank. Trading between cartridges takes a while.
Glen 2852 7802 6717
Quoted By:
>>20512300 thank you so much
I have you added and i'll be ready whenever
Paul 4081-5628-5834
Quoted By:
Are there any available genners around?
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Fri 15 Aug 2014 00:27:09 No. 20512462 Report >>20512300 Sweet. I'll prep those for ya
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>>20512300 Aight, Ability Capsule and Life Orb it is. Thanx man, you're a life-saver. Just like Glen, I've got you added and am ready when you are. (Just let me know which legends you want as well)
>>20512300 Alright ready when you are. FC: 0018-1593-1870
>>20512563 >FC: 0018-1593-1870 IGN Trae
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20512470 I seem to have a problem transferring the Keldeo. Do you know where you obtain it specifically?
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>>20512704 Serebii doesn't say exactly, but their Eventdex entry for it says "Lovely Place"
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20512563 >>20512621 Just realized I misspelled the nickname, woops. Let me redo that.
Ronin 5043-2447-4329
Quoted By:
Could someone gen this for me in exchange for shiny penta perfect espur + some bp item?>IGN: Ronin >Pokemon: Gardevoir >Nickname: Gardevoir >Level: 100 >Nature: Modest >Ability: Trace >Game of Origin: Black 2 >Pokemon Gender: whatever >Shiny: yes >Hatched/Met at location: whatever works >Specific pokeball: whatever >Date of Creation: whatever >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe >Moves: Hyper Voice / Shadow Ball / Psyshock / Focus Blast >OT Gender: whatever >TID / SID: whatever >OT: whatever
Quoted By:
>>20512813 It's all good. I put the choice scarf on an HM slave lol. Let me know when you're ready.
>>20512813 I apologize, my internet failed
It should be working now
>>20512851 The nickname is fine. I actually prefer Flabber now then Fluber lol
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20512926 Cheers.
>>20512793 Doesn't seem to let it through. I'll try to figure something out. Sorry for taking longer than needed.
Xen 2234-7723-6853
>>20509869 Scratch this, changed my mind. If anyone is still genning:
>IGN: Xen >Pokemon: Abomasnow >Nickname: Borris >Level: 100 >Nature: +Satk -Speed >Ability: Snow Warning >Game of Origin: B2/W2 >Pokemon Gender: Male >Shiny: No >Hatched/Met at location: Whatever works >Specific pokeball: Doesn't matter >Date of Creation: Whenever is easy >IV's: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 HP, 252 Satk, rest in Def >Moves: Blizzard, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sheer Cold >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Don't care >OT: Xen There will be a Minccino with several perfect IVs on the GTS for a level 100 Abomasnow with the description "/vp" if anyone would be so kind to help me with my Obamasnow. :)
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>>20512981 No problem man, I'm not in a rush. (I've just been watching Cops the whole time XD) Maybe it's the day or the ribbon.... You could try changing it to August 28 if you want. Also, could you try typing in "Lovely place" exactly, just without the quotes?
Ben 1650-2877-2429
Quoted By:
>IGN: ben >Pokemon: arbok >Nickname: n/a >Level: 51 >Nature: adamant >Ability: intimidate >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: castelia city >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: 10/23/12 >IV's: all 31 >EV's: n/a >Moves: fire fang, thunder fang, ice fang, poison fang >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 50548 >OT: gold i have a timid pokeball pattern vivillon for trade if this can be done.
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20512462 Ready to trade?
>>20513188 Just tried changing the location and adding the ribbon. Didn't work. I'll try changing the date.
Ign: Ibri (2852-9029-0570)
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>>20511077 >>20510926 Will you guys be able to Gen these?
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Fri 15 Aug 2014 01:21:01 No. 20513275 Report Quoted By:
>>20513236 All ready!
Thanks Again
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>>20513236 Dang. If that doesn't work, I'll just take the Victini and give you the Life Orb for it. I feel kind of guilty about taking up so much of your time ;_;
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20513295 There we go. Finally got it through. I'll be ready to trade whenever.
Ben 1650-2877-2429
>>20513447 yo alex, do you have time to do this for me? got that pokemon pattern vivillon if you're into those.
>IGN: ben >Pokemon: arbok >Nickname: n/a >Level: 51 >Nature: adamant >Ability: intimidate >Game of Origin: black 2 >Pokemon Gender: male >Shiny: no >Hatched/Met at location: castelia city >Specific pokeball: pokeball >Date of Creation: 10/23/12 >IV's: all 31 >EV's: n/a >Moves: fire fang, thunder fang, ice fang, poison fang >OT Gender: male >TID / SID: 50548 >OT: gold Colton (3754-6474-3726)
>>20513447 Thank the heavens! (And you, my good sir :D) I'm ready to trade right now, but which two Pokémon do you want in return?
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
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>>20513508 Uxie and Mesprit is alright.
>>20513496 Sorry, have to go off now.
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20513508 That's odd. It's telling me that I can't trade Victini.
Glen 2852 7802 6717
>>20513593 I didn't get a chance to thank you I was afk
Thanks! It means a bunch
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
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>>20513593 That's weird.... *scratches chin*
Everything looked okay on it, hell it even made it through the bank's scrutiny
Alex: 2122 - 6794 - 3595
>>20513642 Are you fine without Victini? I can't redo him now but maybe some other time if you still haven't gotten him.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Colton (3754-6474-3726)
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>>20513669 Yeah, I'm good. Thanx for the Keldeo!
Xen 2234-7723-6853
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IGN : Tristan Pokemon : Suicune Nickname : Suicune Level : 100 Nature : Bold Ability : Water Absord if possible. (Pressure) Game of Origin : Doesn't matter Pokemon gender : N/A Shiny : Yes please. Met Location : Wherever Possible Specific Pokeball : Cherishball if possible. (pokeball) Date of creation : October 30th 2011 Iv's : Max please Ev's : none Moves : (Rest, Sleep Talk, Scald, Calm Mind) OT Gender : Male TID : Whatever possible OT : Tristan I'll offer a Shiny Charmander with Choice Specs :3
I apologize for not using the format, but I really badly need 7 Pokemon and it would be way too cluttered to post the forms for them all. Instead, I have the .pkm files linked.
>IGN: Riley >FC: 3196-5228-5382 >Pokemon: https://www.mediafire.com/?ul45onq8nql7ebc >Offering: Perfect 5iv Furfrou, Perfect 5iv Inner focus Abra, Non-perfect 5iv Aerodactyl, Kangashkan, Abra, Swablu, Drilber, Scyther, Foongus, Gible, Furfrou, and a few extra mega stones. Anonymous
>>20515086 of course you do
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>>20515332 Do you mean of course I really badly need them?
Basically my friend and I both generated 6 random Pokemon for a team. He's nearly done his, while I need past gen moves on all 6. The 7th is a trick room ditto, to breed the team to make it legitimate after it's over. Of course, they won't keep the past gen moves but whatever. tldr is that he's done his team and I don't have the resources to start.
Xen 2234-7723-6853
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>>20513042 Bumping again. Is this thread dead or are the genners gone?
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
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>>20512052 Putting up Charmander for both.
can you guys explain how you do this without gts? I'm interested
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>>20516286 >Gen Pokemon >Put on R4 or something similar >Trade to legit copy of game >Transfer up Alice
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Good Afternoon /vp/, any genners online that have a 6iv foreign ditto handy? Will fill out the format if i get a reply. Cheers. Can offer leftovers, prism scale, 6iv jolly charmander.
Renzo 5429 - 8211 - 3938
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>IGN: Renzo >Pokemon: Victini >Nickname: N/A >Level: 50 >Nature: Adamant >Ability: Victory Star >Game of Origin: White >Pokemon Gender: Genderless >Shiny: Yes >Hatched/Met at location: Doesn't matter >Specific pokeball: Any >Date of Creation: June 13, 2012 >IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp. Def >Moves: V-Create, Zen Headbutt, Bolt Strike, U-Turn >OT Gender: Male >TID / SID: Any >OT: Greg Offering: Anything in Battle Maison except Ability Capsule and Blazikenite, Ampharosite, or Abomasite.
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So is this up in the sense that there are people delivering right now or should I wait until next thread?