Have you been looking for a Shiny Ditto? Did you want it to be Foreign cart? And Hexaperfect? Well you're a greedy one arent ya? Lucky for you it just so happens that I have a German Hexaperfect Shiny Imposter Ditto and its all yours! Standard GTS giveaway rules apply. Toss a scatterbug on the GTS asking for a lvl 91-100 Ditto and the message /vp/ DItto and I'll do my best to get it to you. I have 240 to give away, so hopefully everyone who wants one can get one. I'll just go in GTS order since this is my first giveaway, but ill try and fill earlier requests as much as possible as I see them.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, thanks
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Gavrill: 0361-8113-2240
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I'll bite, throwing up a Bug. Thanks a lot!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I'm early for once. IGN:Kaitlyn
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth)
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:39:51 No. 20510645 Report >>20510515 Bug is up! Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Thanks, OP. Been a while since anyone did Hexaperfect shiny dittos. You are a good guy and not a faggot.
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Buggy up, thanks OP
IGN: Jeremy
IGN:Frank Dux
Quoted By:
Put mine up thanks alot
Matt 0301-9825-2437 (Fairy: Snubbull, Swirlix, Floette)
Matt 0301-9825-2437 (Fairy: Snubbull, Swirlix, Floette) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:42:48 No. 20510702 Report Quoted By:
Bug is up. Thanks in advance, OP!
Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
>>20510515 bug going up thanks
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, kind sir.
Koda -[3411-2109-8227]
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug going up now. Thanks, OP!
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
Quoted By:
Bugging up in a sec, thank you so much OP. (I really need a hexa ditto)
Quoted By:
>>20510515 bug up
thanks in advance op
Quoted By:
Thanks mate, bug is up.
Merando (0146-9448-5969)
Kenshin: 1349-4947-8992
Quoted By:
>>20510515 And it's up. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 bug is up
ign: michael
Quoted By:
>>20510515 ign max
scatterbug is up and thanks in advance
IGN : Zelos / FC : 5472-6872-5564
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug up, thanks OP :)
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I'll take one please, bug up
Ikkai 3625-8893-7501
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, thanks !
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Putting up a Scatterbug, thank you a lot OP!
IGN: Cameron
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up! Thanks Op
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20510736 Adamant, i just picked one since theres not one nature thats perfect for a Breeding Ditto.
Also, my 3DS is being a fucktard and wont connect to my wireless for some reason all the sudden. I'll get it figured out and get back onto the GTS trading asap
gal 1332-9087-1613
Quoted By:
>>20510515 scatterbug up thanks!
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) sandile, mightyena, absol
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) sandile, mightyena, absol Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:49:35 No. 20510834 Report IGN Josey 4768-7936-2258
Quoted By:
Bug up. Thanks, OP.
Quoted By:
Bug's up, thanks OP.
Yansan 4055-3581-9996
>>20510515 Scatterbug is up, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20510853 Bug's up. Thanks, OP.
Train 5000-3602-3785
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug up. Thanks.
Quoted By:
Bugs up! I forgot to pick a level, and in the rush of getting one up mine only says /vp/ is that a problem? Souls I take our down and restart?
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Ign Andres.
Thanks in advance!
Carlos 3883-5403-7894 (wartortle, panpour, poliwhirl)
Carlos 3883-5403-7894 (wartortle, panpour, poliwhirl) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:53:41 No. 20510904 Report Quoted By:
Mine is up. Even if I don't get one. Thanks for doing this.
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) sandile, mightyena, absol
Adrian (4785-5681-9523) sandile, mightyena, absol Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:53:50 No. 20510908 Report Quoted By:
>>20510834 I was sniped... Kinda impressed that someone forked over a 100 lvl ditto
Scatterbug is up. IGN: Xochitl This will make my attempts at getting a shiny Crobat that much easier! Thanks OP!!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 >/vp/ DItto Bug is up!
IGN: Zack
>>20510515 puttin one up, OP. thanks!
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:55:59 No. 20510937 Report Quoted By:
>>20510515 scatterbug up!
Thanks, OP!!
>>20510515 I'll bite. Bug is up, thanks OP!
Akira 0877-0089-4238
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Thanks OP, bug is up!
John 4897-6021-8284
Seanicorn 3110-4348-2791
Quoted By:
>>20510515 putting bug up now thanks!!!
Peter 1547-5693-4766
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20510813 Alright, i have no idea what that wifi problem was all about but its resolved now and im back in business
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up! IGN: Allan
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I'd love one! Scatterbug up soon!
Gray 3866 - 8535 - 7944
Quoted By:
Bug is up thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>20510515 >>20510962 I forgot to reply to the OP
Walter 0318-7863-5433
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up. thanks!
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
Dan [0662-4058-4151] (Ghost: Phantump, Lampent ,Golurk)
Dan [0662-4058-4151] (Ghost: Phantump, Lampent ,Golurk) Thu 14 Aug 2014 22:59:06 No. 20511000 Report Quoted By:
>>20510925 Bug is up. Thanks Danae
Jose Maria: 5000-3090-1920
John 4897-6021-8284
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Btw, awesome giveaway. Gotta love ditto.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up
Thanks a lot op
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
Bug is up Thanks a bunch
Ign: Kei 2535-3771-8823
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, thanks Op
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Is this ditto kalos born? Since the dittos in B2/W2 with imposter couldn't be shiny.
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:02:11 No. 20511048 Report Quoted By:
Putting one asap bro. Hit me up
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen)
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:02:24 No. 20511052 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Bugs up, cheers :)
mfw when I despiretly need a 6IV foreign Ditto, but i'm german
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Ohh just in case someone didn't already figure it out, this is in no way a "legit" pokemon. Its hacked to hell and back. So standard hacked mon disclaimer applies.
Quoted By:
What nature is it?
>>20510515 I've put a bug up, thanks.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20511060 damn man, i picked German because i figured it was going to be the least conflicting region.
>>20511068 so like If I posted early do I have to take my bug back and put it up again since you do newfig first?
I mean this way if I just let it up I'd be last forever.
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix)
Tanis 2921-9283-3486 (Floette, Snubbull, Swirlix) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:04:53 No. 20511095 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20510515 bug up, thanks OP
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Oh snap, scattering up!
You're far too based by the way!
Quoted By:
bug is up thanks op
IGN: Daniel 4527-8077-3651
Quoted By:
>>20510515 bug is up, thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20511082 not you fault dude, gotta look out for the next giveaway then
Forest 0576-4711-3060
Peter 1547-5693-4766
>>20511060 I can trade you a US one if you want
Wordle - 1908-0396-4005 Water: Wartortle, Bibarel, Azumarill
Wordle - 1908-0396-4005 Water: Wartortle, Bibarel, Azumarill Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:07:22 No. 20511138 Report Quoted By:
Bug up :D
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20511093 I spend about 20 seconds each Ditto looking through names for ones who have posted first, If i dont find any i usually just pick someone past that point.
Though sometimes ill just do a quick ditto trade with the first name that pops up.
The gts seems like a horrendous format to try and keep a "line" for.
Quoted By:
goddamn Im on page 2 guess ill spam my trade since op is not going in order of post
IGN: White
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, thanks OP!
>>20510515 240 dittos, that is fucking lot!
Quoted By:
>>20511146 my bug has been up OP, i shouldve posted before
ign: beandragon
>>20511135 my FC is 1090-8762-6393 IGN is Paul
i can give you a normal 6 IV Ditto in exchange.
Would really appreciate it!
Perry 4441 9596 0262
Quoted By:
>>20511146 well now I'm on page 2. if you reduce the thing for pokemon you have even if page 1 can contain page 2 pokemon they won't be on. You'd have to go to page 2 to find the people who asked first imo you should do it like normal. I don't feel like competeting for an hour by reposting my bug just for this
IGN: Miggle
thank you so much bug is up
Peter 1547-5693-4766
Quoted By:
>>20511173 I tried adding but it says your FC is invalid
Evil P-Prime 0259 - 0275 - 2881
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug is up sir, Thanks alot! :D
Mike -.-
>>20511173 fuck, i ment 1091-8762-6393, sorry
ign: Brosusmoses
Quoted By:
scatterbug is up thanks op
>>20511161 Also my bug is up!
Zim Chaos 1950-8112-3526
Quoted By:
Awesome, Lil bugger is up <3
IGN: Zack
Quoted By:
>>20510515 >>20510925 forgot to put mine up... it is now
Quoted By:
Scatterbug up! IGN Tennikah Thanks OP! :)
Selena (0146-9973-7576)
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I put one up! Thanks based OP!
Peter 1547-5693-4766
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Chris 3625 8244 9814
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug is up
Thanks in advance
Ign Chris
Quoted By:
Bug is up IGN:Archie
>>20511231 Also why 240 dittos OP?
Miri [2509-2651-5477]
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug is up! Thanks so much OP!
Quoted By:
scatterbug is up! Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, Thanks!
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20511311 i dunno, i just stopped after 8 boxes. Didnt feel like deleting to many of my shitmons.
plus, i didnt want to have to worry about sticking to close to an order since i would likely fuck it up anyways.
>>20511274 thank you, based Peter <3
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug is up! Cheers OP!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 bug is up. thanks OP
IGN: Foo
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up. Thanks OP!
Lolita Rika (4081-5578-8854)
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up! :) thank you so much OP.
Peter 1547-5693-4766
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bugs up! Thank you OP <3
IGN Under
Quoted By:
Bug's up! IGN is Gruellaume. Holla back!
SnwFlkz FC:1521-4168-2364
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up, thanks op
Merando (0146-9448-5969)
Quoted By:
>>20511343 holy shiet thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Tossing a scatter bug up OP.!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Putting a bug up, IGN is Seth. Thanks OP, you're a cool guy.
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
Quoted By:
>>20511343 Gonna have to go now, I hope you get to give me one of your Dittos.
Again, thanks OP. You're the real MVP.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Hoping to be a chosen one OP.
Quoted By:
bug up, thanks OP. His name is scott
I guess I will participate. I always wanted one of those. IGN Damian
Jaxzoid - 1736-1726-5206
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up
Thanks in advance m8
Farah ~ 4957-2781-6550
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I'd love one OP! bug is up!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Ign: mad
Bugged up
IGN: Lyra
Thanks a lot OP, putting up one right now.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug up.
It's female, level 3, in a master ball. Message reads: /vp/ Danae
IGN: Lyra
Quoted By:
Bug is up! IGN Manvel if any are left. (: Thanks a bunch
Quoted By:
>>20511075 Got it, thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>20511104 IGN is Jonathan. Nilusx
Quoted By:
I got sniped on the gts so I guess I'm redepositing
IGN: Rob
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bugging up for glorious generosity you magnificent Stallion, you.
Quoted By:
>>20510793 Op Delivered
Thanks Op
Callum FC: 5241 2433 5825 (breloom/mankey/pancham)
Callum FC: 5241 2433 5825 (breloom/mankey/pancham) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:37:10 No. 20511600 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Bug is up IGN: Shard
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up! IGN Manvel
if any are left. (: Thanks a bunch
(Forgot to quote <3)
Quoted By:
>>20511505 Got it!
Thanks a lot OP Danae!
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up, thanks in advance
Javier 0104-0684-2024
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up! thanks for doing this IGN javier
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
OP, throw one my way and I'll clone some and help distribute them in this thread.
Quoted By:
>>20511505 Bug is up, IGN is Vitor. Thanks Op.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug up. Thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>20510515 >>20511084 This is me IGN:Nick forgot that in previous post.
ign: Zapata
Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
>>20510515 Not sure what order you're going in OP but some of the first people to post have not gotten a ditto yet...
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20511679 ill see if i can find it, unfortunately the GTS is convluted as shite
Chip - 0602-6264-7235
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug up. Thanks OP!
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20511745 I can take it down and throw it up again.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye)
Justin 2750-1351-8486 (Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Sableye) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:48:29 No. 20511804 Report Quoted By:
Just got it. Thanks OP!
IGN: Xyran
Quoted By:
Bug is up OP, thanks.
Quoted By:
IGN: Mattay. Thanks op.
Quoted By:
Just got my ditto, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20511675 Oh yeah IGN: Jésus
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???)
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???) Thu 14 Aug 2014 23:52:20 No. 20511900 Report Quoted By:
Putting a Scatterbug up. Thanks in advance anon IGN: Czero
>>20511741 I'm sure he'll get everybody now that he has help.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up IGN Mattay Thanks OP.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up ! thanks
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20511909 If I can get one before other people get theirs, I'll clone loads and help out.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20511949 you should have it now, go ahead and check
>>20511949 You're a standup guy.
Quoted By:
>>20511949 >>20511973 Thank you two very much
IGN: Taylor
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up, thanks!
>>20510515 OP, are you trading them Dittos in a random order or from right to left?
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug is up! I wish I could hug you, OP. :)
IGN: Emily
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Btw, just as an update. i've only given out 48 Dittos so far, I still have 192 left to go. So those of you worried about not getting one, just relax, you'll probably get one.
Quoted By:
IGN: Sequoia bug is up thanks!
Niklus 5472-6805-5442 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Niklus 5472-6805-5442 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Fri 15 Aug 2014 00:02:18 No. 20512072 Report Quoted By:
IGN : Zelos / FC : 5472-6872-5564
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Got it, thank you so much !
IGN: Irosel
>>20510515 Scatterbug up!
Thank you very much for this
Quoted By:
>>20512058 thank goodness
thanks for the update
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20511976 I've got mine, proceeding with duplication.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20512039 right to left, filtered for Pkmn I have.
Quoted By:
>>20512058 Thanks for the update based OP.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Ign gateway drug, I put a bug up a while ago, just want to check in for availability
Quoted By:
Thank you based Anon Scatterbug up
Quoted By:
bug is up :) IGN: Ayesha
Merrick 4484-9409-5005
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Please Op IGN:Suvi
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up. IGN Jeffrey
Quoted By:
I put a bug up. I'm Brian.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
mike 1177-8924-9741
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up. IGN Malachi.
All of my thanks, OP.
Quoted By:
My bug is up! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
>>20512099 Awesome, hopefully some of the earlier posters can get dittos now
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512223 I'll be handing out loads after I've made a box. Shouldn't take a minute.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 IGN is Duffy, Scatterbug is up. Thanks!
Jacques 3024 - 6097 - 8478
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up. Hopefully not catching this too late.
Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
Quoted By:
>>20512237 sounds good thanks a bunch for helping!
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up, IGN is Emma. Thanks!
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Number 60 is out the gate, 180 left to go.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatterbug up. ign: jeydis
Ditto is always a great giveaway.
ign: chase
Quoted By:
Scatter up! Thanks op
>>20512237 Thanks man, I haven't got one yet and I've needed one for several months now. I already put one up awhile ago.
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Fri 15 Aug 2014 00:18:46 No. 20512332 Report Quoted By:
Thanks op, youre the best
ign: chase
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Scatter up! Thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bugger is up, IGN is Ian
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512319 No need to thank me, I'm getting something out of this too.
Elad 4983-6313-9157
>>20512311 should i reupload my bug if i haven't got one yet?
its kind of in the back..
IGN Rick
Bug is up.
>>20512368 Making a Vivillon collection?
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512427 Yes, I urge everyone else to do the same.
Quoted By:
Bug is up, IGN Jazz. Thanks OP!
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20512440 I wasn't planning on it. Pokeball would be nice if you had it though
Elad 4983-6313-9157
Quoted By:
>>20512445 okay, done.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
Quoted By:
>>20512445 Reuploaded.
This is great. Thanks guys.
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth)
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth) Fri 15 Aug 2014 00:29:02 No. 20512490 Report Quoted By:
>>20510645 >>20512445 Thanks, I've upped mine again.
IGN: Miggle
Quoted By:
ReUP Please make my fantasies come true senpais
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20512427 I'm going right to left order, hopefully it knocks down some of that backlog.
Btw, if we even get close to the end and theres still a large number of people who want a ditto, havent received it yet I can always just clone another set of boxes.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20512477 Every time you do it, it throws it in a more recent spot
Quoted By:
>>20512445 I just put mine up? am I good?
Quoted By:
Just got mine!
Peter 1547-5693-4766
>>20512105 >tfw i put the scatterbug on the gts almost two hours ago >was about the 40th to post >no ditto It happens. I know the GTS is pretty messy.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 You are a badass OP. Much thanks!
Bubba 3050-7579-1664
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I just put mine up, if there's any left.
Quoted By:
it would be nice if others who are able to could clone and deliver a few since there are now over 240 posts
Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
Quoted By:
>>20510705 >>20512445 Just re-upped mine hopefully i can get one
Quoted By:
IGN: Daniel Hopefully I get one. If not, thanks for the giveaway anyway.
IGN: Sol Let my fantasies come true!
my bug is up although it is most likely too late now, I appreciate what you're doing anyway op
Quoted By:
>>20510945 Oh well, guess I'll re-up, since I got skipped.
Bubba 3050-7579-1664
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Also, it's real big of you to give out such an awesome prize like this
Quoted By:
240 you say? Scatter is up
>>20512669 >two distributors >240+ dittos lol doubt it
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20512562 Yeah, GTS is a disaster, but trying to do it the old fashioned way and trade one at a time would take forever.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512722 Proceeding trading shenanigans
Quoted By:
>>20512734 You have a weird cat.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Just got mine.
Thanks a lot OP. This will be soooo handy
Quoted By:
>>20512734 I appreciate it kind anon, I love your cat too
:3 Nikky
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20512734 Putting bug up, hope to god you still have more dittos
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512806 I can just keep cloning boxes at a time. It's all good.
IGN: Taylor
Quoted By:
Reupped just in case
Bubba 3050-7579-1664
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20512816 how do you want to divide the distribution up? I've been getting a few, "this pokemon has already been traded," messages.
IGN: Miggle
>>20512884 No pls no
say it aint so
You senpais still havent fulfilled my fantasy yet
Quoted By:
>>20512659 Re-Upping since some random asshat traded me a shit Ditto.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512884 I dunno. You wanna start from the most recent?
I can scroll to the far right of the first page and start from there.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20512816 thank god, my friend and I are speaking to eachother and we're literally racing to catch a bug for this giveaway.
If you may, can you tell me, or, us how you're cloning boxes?
Quoted By:
Bug is up thanks! That was the hardest thing whilst fucked up. Also watch out tho, that bug is modest, and the nigga is a spain bug ;)
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20512914 Sure, sounds good. that way we dont waste time with stupid messages
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
Bug is up, hope I still get one
Danae 0490-5820-2510
91st Ditto out the door. Lets go on to box 4!
Quoted By:
Thank you based OP!
Bromide = IGN
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Bug up if this is still going on. Thanks OP
Quoted By:
Thank you. I'm Brian.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20512941 I'm more than willing to help clone and host giveaways of my own if and when I buy this, but I must know how to use it. Is there somewhere where I can get a proper tutorial?
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
If there are any other cloners lurking, let me know. I'll trade one to you to expedite the process.
Quoted By:
>>20512956 Again, Big thanks OP! Checking on my bug making sure no jackass takes it
Quoted By:
Got a bug up, thanks for the giveaway.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20512998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIUK9pkI1Sg easy as pie. I like to clone a whole box, save, then clone boxes at a time.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20513001 I'll do some.
I got one earlier in this thread but I already traded it to my sister.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20513026 May I have a tutorial on cloning? Or does powersave take care of that as well. Thanks for your time in telling me all this btw
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513039 I'll add you after this GTS trade, add me and I'll give you one. Make sure you actually do help.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Quoted By:
Taking advantage of the wave of Scatterbugs, anyone here have one with Sandstorm Pattern? I just need this to complete my collection. I'm offering a Mewtwo KB for it.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513072 Refer to my previous post:
>>20513026 Xenas
Quoted By:
Got it. Thanks again OP!
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???)
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???) Fri 15 Aug 2014 01:10:06 No. 20513112 Report Quoted By:
>>20513091 Thanks for the previous post.
Discing mine up again
Quoted By:
bug up! thank you OP!
Quoted By:
ign Serena bug up you're a saint, OP bless your heart
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
Got one up, IGN Ethan. Thanks again
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20512956 Bug still up, excuse my impatience.
I might very well get powersave with my first paycheck tomorrow, with that, ill probably help out with these giveaways.
Bubba 3050-7579-1664
Quoted By:
Do I have a better chance of getting one if I leave it up? Or should I refresh putting one up?
3583 0679 4663
Quoted By:
I don't have one but Bug will be up shortly! Just said it in case it goes up to bump limit. Hope i'm not too late!
Quoted By:
Got mine, thank you whoever gave it to me!
Milk 4871-3824-6123
Quoted By:
Bug up, hope I'm not too late
Quoted By:
Bug up! Ign celso
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Wait, I don't see any on the second page. Everyone who's still here, re-up your bugs. I don't wanna miss anyone.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Onawae 3153-3806-6670
Milk 4871-3824-6123
Quoted By:
Just got ditto, thanks!
Peter 1547-5693-4766
IGN: Andy
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
Almost got a box of these Ditto already, doing this as fast as I can
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
3583 0679 4663
Quoted By:
Alright, bugged up, thanks in advance!
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Andrew: 2062-9136-1691 (Psychic: Espurr, Reuniclus, Grumpig)
Andrew: 2062-9136-1691 (Psychic: Espurr, Reuniclus, Grumpig) Fri 15 Aug 2014 01:26:52 No. 20513359 Report Quoted By:
>>20513274 re-uploading mine now
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Buggie going up if the giveaway is still going on.
Quoted By:
>>20513274 re--up mine, just in case.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Thanks, guys. I'll need to generate another box soon. That'll take about 10 seconds.
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth)
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth) Fri 15 Aug 2014 01:28:21 No. 20513375 Report Quoted By:
Javier 0104-0684-2024
Quoted By:
got ditto, thanks!
Bromide = IGN
It's gettin all buggy up in here! ...Yea, the bug is up. Thanks OP! IGN: Sketchit
IGN:Frank Dux
Quoted By:
I still havent gotten on ign is frank dux
>>20513374 I got a question, how does the power save thingie work? I may get one to help distribute more of these for people who don't have.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20513388 i have so damn many scatterbugs in my boxes...its insane
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20513403 thank you based anon
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
I recommend everybody just take a nice relaxing listen to some music and wait as we serve. We'll get to everyone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgwmnCMpGKw Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20513398 Pix or it didn't happen
Quoted By:
>>20513274 IGN: James
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
K I'm gonna start giving these away now, where should I start?
Quoted By:
>>20513429 Take your time man, you're doing gods work.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20513429 How considerate ;l
Reup since I've been sniped
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513443 I suggest checking the third page. If that's clear, then as far to the right of the second page as possible.
>>20513384 sniped, but re-upped a bug
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20513455 K, sounds like a plan
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513464 Worry not about the sniping. I'll be here for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
Quoted By:
>>20513274 Re-uploaded. IGN is Ian, thanks again OP
Quoted By:
My bug is up. Thanks for the giveaway.
IGN: Irosel
Quoted By:
>>20512084 Re-upping - looks like I got sniped
Quoted By:
shit, I was gone for 10 minutes. re upping my bug
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20513473 You're.. too kind
Is this real? Or am I in a fantasy
Kamon 3866-9248-9470 Electric {Electabuzz - Zebstrika - Some Other}
Kamon 3866-9248-9470 Electric {Electabuzz - Zebstrika - Some Other} Fri 15 Aug 2014 01:39:14 No. 20513531 Report Quoted By:
>>20513473 Thank you, friend! If I get sniped again, I'll just re-up... no big deal! You ARE providing a service, after all.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513504 I did move away from Perth about 11 years ago. So That's probably why I'm not a cunt.
Bromide = IGN
Quoted By:
>>20513429 Got sniped by a Jap. Re-upping with a new bug
OP, later on in the night I'd like to trade you something for all your hard work if you'll take it.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20513469 >>20513473 I just filter to show only trades that i have pokemon for. I dont even see this second or third page you're talking about
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513545 You should trade me something nice. I'll clone it and do a giveaway.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20513535 Reup, sniped
Id still like to notify since my phone is just about dead. I'll be out for an hour or so I guess, but, I hope you get to me sooner or later
IGN Kevin
Thank you op and pokephile, I'll help you on the giveaway endeavors soon~.
IGN: Andy
Matt 0301-9825-2437
Quoted By:
Re-upping for the 3rd time, maybe this is my lucky break
Quoted By:
>>20513564 That I can do, cap'n
Bug is re-upped
I'm eating now so I'll check it later on
Quoted By:
Just got the ditto OP! Thank you so much! Also, thanks for the other distributors too!
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513560 Pfff, sounds like you don't have one of every pokemon in your boxes, in order of pokedex number.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
And there goes the 120th pokemon, to be traded yet again for 120th scatterbug.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20513591 nope, If im gonna do this giveaway stuff seriously I'm gonna try and limit my pokemon count to exclude as many dead returns as possible
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Holy shit, I love scatterbug
Quoted By:
>>20513594 Thank you very much!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20513620 Haha, same.
It's honestly probably one of my fave bug types.
Quoted By:
People are getting sniped left and right and nobody wants to snipe me. Oh the feels.
How are there still so many people with scatterbug and /vp/ on GTS, are there really that many people on this thread right now?
Quoted By:
>>20513659 I've been waiting for a while, these things take a while
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20513659 Must be. These pokemon are very popular.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20513659 theres probably a good number of them who didnt even post. Also, I've noticed a few people I've already sent a Ditto to reupping to try and snag a second or third ditto
Quoted By:
>>20510515 I would really appreciate one if there are still more!
IGN: Mr.Man
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513711 Apparently it's too hard to get a powersaves. Greedy little shits.
>>20510912 I've reupped twice already and still haven't gotten one. IGN is the same.
Kamon 3866-9248-9470 Electric {Electabuzz - Zebstrika - Some Other}
Kamon 3866-9248-9470 Electric {Electabuzz - Zebstrika - Some Other} Fri 15 Aug 2014 01:54:42 No. 20513756 Report Quoted By:
Ditto shipped in! Thanks guys!
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
>>20513740 Really? What the fuck. That is ridiculous. I'll have to keep reupping to get ahead of them.
Quoted By:
BB I will wait 5ever
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513759 Don't do it too frequently, or it'll just take longer.
Quoted By:
>>20513740 Bug up! IGN Foxxi
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
Oh, ha, just passed a Scatterbug with the name "RobugWiliams". Might snatch that one
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
Quoted By:
>>20513769 Yeah, I haven't in a bit.
IGN Serena 4940 5460 7007 OP just TR me whenever you want. I've already figured out what I'm going to give you Thanks for the Ditto, Maggie
Quoted By:
After I get my ditto, when I get my power save i'll try and give away some dittos too after cloning them since it will be the only good thing I have to give away since I can't into ev, iv training and breeding ect
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513788 We're doing this the GTS way.
Scatter up or get out.
Peter 1547-5693-4766
Quoted By:
>>20513742 Same here, m8 just be patient you'll get it eventually
Quoted By:
Shit, i need to go soon, past 3 am here, britfag, should I re-upload my scatterbug or leave it where it is? I only reuploaded once here
>>20513274 once again thanks for what you're doing based anons
Hey guys. Not to be a pain, but I've upped my bug like two hours ago, but nothing. Not even a snipe. Wondering if I can even be seen? My ditto is Japanese.
IGN: Irosel
Quoted By:
shit, for some reason I thought I was sniped - just realized that it was blue after checking it out - taking down my bug and thanks!
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513820 If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor. I thought you were asking one of us to add your friend code.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513854 We're looking for scatterbugs, not dittos. Try reading the OP.
>>20513896 Oops. meant Ditto.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
I swear I've given this Jeremy a ditto.
Quoted By:
hey weren't you the guy sniping in other giveaway threads?
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513905 Hey dude - I have like, three of your goomy from that time you were sniping the goomy giveaway.
not even mad - they've got nice IVs
Quoted By:
>>20513910 or maybe everyone is just uploading scatterbug after scatterbug hah.
IGN:Frank Dux
Shit i was the tenth post and i still aint got one but im in no hurry these people are making sure everyone gets one dat dedication
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20513945 If you could give me one of those when we're done, I'll love you forever.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
Quoted By:
>>20513957 GOT MINE.
To the distributors, FUCKING THANK YOU.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20513947 the list finally feels like its shortening up a bit. I'm not scrolling as long.
If you havent gotten one please make sure you are asking for a Lvl 91-100 Ditto and you have a scatterbug uploaded. I wont see it otherwise
>>20513879 No no, sorry I worded terribly
I understand time is a factor, which is why I said "later on in the night"
after this giveaway is all over and done with, I'd like to give you sometehing for free as a token of appreciating for what you're doing here tonight. I was just letting you know I have you added and giving my information, add it at your leisure.
I was also thanking for the Ditto I got on GTS, because I got it from Maggie.
I apologize for not wording clearly
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20513980 Forget it, I already have. Just take some time and we'll get to you.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20513947 I don't recall seeing yours...
Dramatica 3583 0679 4663
>>20513971 Still haven't gotten mines yet, then again I never reup'd so I think I should do that.
But no rush though, I'm patient.
IGN:Frank Dux
>>20513971 This is how i have it should be right (damn sideways pic srry)
>>20513945 Thanks. They were leftovers from breeding pic related. Sorry man I was just having a little fun that day hah.
>>20513930 Typing faster than my brain here lol. and I got my ditto as well. Thanks mags. Stay based guys!
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514028 >>20514010 ill take a look for you two when i peruse through next time
Quoted By:
Just got my ditto! Thank you so much!!
Peter 1547-5693-4766
>>20514044 Could you look for mine too? I don't want to be an asshole but I've been waiting like three hours
IGN:Frank Dux
Quoted By:
Confirming ditto Thanks alot!
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514060 Found you. There you go.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514028 Was just about to send one to you but it seems that someone got that covered.
>>20514060 I just sent one to a Peter, maybe it's you.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
IGN:Frank Dux
Quoted By:
>>20514087 Yea i got it thanks
Andrew: 2062-9136-1691 (Psychic: Espurr, Reuniclus, Grumpig)
Andrew: 2062-9136-1691 (Psychic: Espurr, Reuniclus, Grumpig) Fri 15 Aug 2014 02:22:43 No. 20514116 Report Quoted By:
re-uploading mine since I need to be going, I hope you can get round to it at some point, I won't need it for a while so i'm not in desperate need for it to be traded soon, but I hope you don't forget me anyway. Thanks again op + anons
Peter 1547-5693-4766
>>20514087 >>20514085 Just got it from Maggie! You guys are awesome thanks so much
I know this is a thread about dittos and whatnot but I have a quick question: Someone traded me a pokemon with pokerus, use up the pokerus til midnight, midnight hits and I don't get the smiley face like I'm supposed to when pokerus disappear. Why's that?
Danae 0490-5820-2510
90 left in my boxes and the list of VP dittos is MUCH smaller now. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20514130 I hoped someone hadn't sniped one of us.
Veedrock 3583 0679 4663
Quoted By:
I just wanted to say thanks OP.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Got my chiny Ditto. Thank you OP. You were not a faggot.
>>20513957 Hey Pokephile, I have a spare 31/x/31/31/31/31 Gooey Goomy if you want it.
Maybe shinyfy that bad boy and use for a future giveaway?
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
got mine. thanks op/other guy.
>>20513957 Sure, I actually evolved them already though - is that alright?
I actually planned on spreading them to spite a certain shitposter (after breeding some of them myself) Anonymous
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514189 I don't see why not. That'd be great.
I can get it into a goodra easily.
Quoted By:
>>20513957 >>20514199 >>20514189 Ah, never mind - French has a better one for you
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Got my Shiny Ditto. Thank you OP. You were not a faggot.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20514193 That's one of my favorite songs...
Well, this one mashup of it and Viva la Vida is. The original is... alright.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20514199 Absolutely fine. I'm not bothered by that.
Quoted By:
Got mine, awesome thanks =)
Danae 0490-5820-2510
BTW, those of you who are still here. What would you like for the next giveaway?
>>20514131 Pokerus lasts 12 hours, not til 12
French |4613-7530-4304|
>>20514212 Cool. I'll add you. Just request whenever you can.
Quoted By:
Mine is still up, might reload in a bit. IGN: Sol
>>20514236 Even so, that doesn't change why I am never left with a pink smiley after pokerus disappears.
hey its been 2 hours. Any way I can get mine soon? If not, its cool I understand.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514249 >>20514270 find me one to clone and sure
Quoted By:
>>20514267 Is your pokemon in the box?
the 12 hour countdown only applies when the pokemon is in your party
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514255 Sure. After this GTS trade.
Quoted By:
I accidently set mine to the wrong level and got a different ditto, i'm so sorry, i've re-uped mine with the correct settings
Quoted By:
>>20514234 0/0/0/0/0/0 ditto
30/30/30/30/30/30 ditto
Tri Attack Togepi Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514286 Think I just got you.
Gotta go reset for another box now.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
One box down, going to take a crap. Be back shortly.
Quoted By:
Ditto received! Thank you so much OP! It's really appreciated.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20514335 I have yah covered.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514335 >>20514321 thanks guys for helping out with this. I had no idea that 240 dittos would take so damn long to send out.
Quoted By:
>>20514321 got it! thanks!
>>20514335 While you're taking a crap you should add me so I can give you the 6IV Togepi I was going to give you
>>20514355 Well assuming it takes 1:30 to find and complete a trade, that's 6 hours.
Veedrock 3583 0679 4663
Quoted By:
OMGOMGOMGOMGMYSHINYDITTOOMGOMGOMG Thank you all very much! And hope everyone else gets their ditto very soon! Buh-bye!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20514355 No problem, I like helping out.
Kinda wish I got in a little earlier, though.
Pokephile's the real trooper
based OP is BASED thank you so much, now I can rest easier about my future shiny crobat's IVs <3
Matt 0301-9825-2437
Quoted By:
Just letting you know I got mine. Thanks, both of you!
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514367 Can you post your IGN and FC again if you didn't already?
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514367 Eh, I wouldn't say it takes that long, but yeah, the time sure adds up
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Quoted By:
>>20514408 I wish you the best of luck on your shiny zubat pentaperfect
with 0 speed stat, cause you know its gonna happen Anonymous
>>20514420 Serena
4940 5460 7007
Quoted By:
>>20514408 >Using a Crobat Anonymous
>>20514423 my math is probably fucked, but yeah it takes a while
the 3 of you are fucking troopers and saints
IGN: Miggle
>>20511198 Going to re up my Scrotumbug
Senpais didn't notice me...
I just wanted my fantasies fulfilled IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514444 Added.
>>20514407 I'm gonna trade request you when I'm back in game.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514462 I noticed you, i keep passing over trying to get some of the bugs at the back. Don't worry, im not running out of Dittos any time soon, in fact im gonna wondertrade off everything i have left after this
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20514455 It's my pleasure.
Alicia 3926-5088-5552
Quoted By:
Scat bug up! Thanks guys<3
Quoted By:
>>20514472 Gucci
just TR whenevre you please
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Crap, I chose the wrong option regarding game chat. Game was like: Fuck you.
Quoted By:
>>20514043 >Trixie Tang lel
IGN: Miggle
>>20514479 I was worried it had gotten lost somewhere, thank you though.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514505 I hate it when it does that
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20514515 It makes me want to kill a small animal that's hanging around my bedroom.
>>20514505 lol
Thanks a ton for the Ditto!
Quoted By:
Got my Ditto! Thank you so much!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514511 did you get yours?
Dont see your name on the list anymore...infact i dont see much of anyones name on the list anymore. Might be over, finally
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20514533 I'm sure you REALLY needed that ditto
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514552 Well, that was time-consuming.
Quoted By:
got it! thanks!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
Ok I've seen this Zim Chaos person like 4 different times. Sent him one the second time but come on...
IGN: Miggle
>>20514555 no I must have not set the lvl right when I reposted it as it got sniped by some level 50 ditto
reupping quickly
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Alright, I dont see anymore /vp/ Scatterbugs, so if there is anyone in here who didnt get a ditto please let me know. Next Giveaway is going to be Suicune (mostly because I want one for my Battle Maison team so i may as well gen one up.) Probably wont happen till next Tuesday though, I keep a pretty jam packed weekend schedule what with MTG and DnD and Pathfinder.
Alicia 3926-5088-5552
Quoted By:
I got my Ditto, thank you so much :3
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514609 ohh he's probably gotten 4 or 5 so far. I think i sent him two...but whatever. I've still got 72 dittos in my box that im going to WT away
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514610 Thank you for doing this in the first place, Danae.
I'll be here a little bit if anyone comes in later for a Ditto.
Amelia 4210 5243 5303
Quoted By:
Scatterbug is up. You're cool op.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514609 there you go, sent one you're way
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20514619 Yeah, with things like this I don't care that much since it's so easy to get more but it's still a little frustrating, especially considering how backed up it was at some point. It's like there's already so many people deal with. You don't need to come back for seconds before some haven't even gotten the first serving.
IGN: Miggle
Quoted By:
>>20514641 Thank you, I got it. I really appreciate all your efforts!
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth)
embep 3282 3180 7404 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Venomoth) Fri 15 Aug 2014 03:03:12 No. 20514655 Report Quoted By:
>>20514624 >>20514619 >>20514591 I got mine! Thanks, all of you! I've been trying to find a non-Japanese 6IV ditto for a while. You are good people.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514624 no problem, this was more of a test. I just got my AR and Powersaver Yesterday so I wanted to do some trial run through to get back into genning and learn the ins and outs of Powersave
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
Quoted By:
>>20514659 It's pretty simple once you've done it a few times.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514659 I was quite surprised at how easy it is to clone with that thing when I first got mine.Looked up on how to do it on YT and was like "... wait, that's seriously it?". Only complaints I have is with Pokemonbank, where you can't select more than one Poke at once. That'd make thinks a bit faster.
Quoted By:
>>20510515 Thanks for the ditto!
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514692 you can drag a box, press select twice and get a green cursor
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514692 >clone one poke >save >clone two >save etc.
Just keep a box of them for future giveaways once you're done.
Quoted By:
>>20514610 Got the Ditto. Thank you, OP.
Aruruu: 0318-7679-3036 (Pupitar Webble Barbaracle)
Aruruu: 0318-7679-3036 (Pupitar Webble Barbaracle) Fri 15 Aug 2014 03:11:52 No. 20514757 Report >>20510515 bug up, hope i get a ditto as well
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514722 ...
Wow, just checked and you are correct.
Exactly what I wanted, thanks! ... I feel dumb now.
>>20514726 Usually I do 1 till I get to five and then that's when I double it.
O-Oh, Pokephile went offline before I got to trade him a-alright
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20514619 he wants even another
Danae 0490-5820-2510
>>20514768 nah its ok, I was really pissed when i started using it. I was all like...REALLY GAMEFREAK, FUCKING REALLY?
Nevermind the lack of touch pad interaction, or batch deleting.....
so much wasted potential
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514791 I'm still here. Had to go into pokebank. Try again.
Aruruu: 0318-7679-3036 (Pupitar Webble Barbaracle)
Aruruu: 0318-7679-3036 (Pupitar Webble Barbaracle) Fri 15 Aug 2014 03:17:30 No. 20514837 Report Quoted By:
>>20514757 omg thank you so much, ive missed a lot of giveaways due to my timezone, and was sort of bummed and didnt to get it this time either, since i only saw your most recent post suggesting you might have given out all of them for today, thank you so much
>>20514827 Oh, alright.
I'm just trying not to be a bother and waiting for you to tr me, I thought you just went offline. didn't realize you were cloning more again
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514843 I went to retrieve some shinies I left there. Training them up and stuff.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>20514825 Yeah, it's a pretty sloppy program overall... wasn't sure exactly what I was expecting from it at first but I've made due.
At least Powersaves has a whole box deletion.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
Alright, I'm out for the night. Maggie and Pokephile i added you, If you're around next giveaway and want to help out I'll just do a direct trade with you guys that way you don't have to wait.
>>20514852 Neat
Any good/useable ones? Plan to use them to battle?
Sorry I'm incredibly annoying, muh autism. IGN: Miggle
>>20514805 Nope.
I only received one.
And only wanted one.
If I want more than one I will buy a Power Saves, which I plan on doing anyways.
IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
>>20514868 They all have random IVs as I don't have any way of genning perfect ones.
I just like showing them off in casual battles.
Danae 0490-5820-2510
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>>20514879 not you, Zim sum
>>20514863 Sweet, I'll add you as well. I'm on every day so I'll try to help when I can.
>>20514879 Huh?
I don't think I was referring to you...
Unless you have two games.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>20514888 Good enough, they are fun to show off.
Oh boy a ditto, just what I've always wanted!
Thanks again for helping out with this giveaway, you guys are all saints and I love/respect you all
Looking forward to seeing that togepi as a giveaway IGN: Poképhile 1091-9479-6843
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>>20514863 Alright, cool.
I can be found on Steam most of the time if you can't get hold of me here or on the game. Feel free to leave a message on my profile if you can't add me. I'll find someone to remove.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mazaar Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Ok, Zim, you're just playin' with us now... Of course, it probablyyy would help if we (aka me at this point) stopped playing back
>>20515089 Cut him off, he's had one too many, and its last call.
Let him stumble out of this bar alone
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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I hope this is real. Just posted a bug. Waiting so much!