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CYOA: Scrumptious Calem and Kuudere Serena's Tubular Voyage Part 59: Skin Deep

!PM597lkh2g No.20517516 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Part 58: + + +
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You haven't seen a faster bait and switch than the one that just took place right now. Mere moments ago the menacing wyvern posed high and intimidating with a piercing cry, and now it's on the flat on the ground, no greater than a bird with an injured wing.


In spite of the fact that the creature represents everything and anything about death and despair, the brighter side of you feels compelled to assist it regardless. Concerned for its well-being, you slowly approach it.

"Uh, hey... Are you alright?"


There's not much you can do for it. You're no doctor and you could fall unconscious at any moment, just being near the creature alone is evoking bad vibes.