Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Nicknames available upon request.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Reposting my giveaway and request. HA Dreamball Onix 4 (1 reserved for Faucin) Sturdy Dreamball Onix Disc up for BR ninetails, discing up for Cloyster after
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
>>20526833 Are any of those Yanma female?
If so I am discing up.
Quoted By:
Looking for Analytic Elgyem/Beheeyem.
Alright guys I've got a bit to give away if anyone is interested, all are 5 random IVs and in PokeBalls unless noted. 1f/2m Fletchling, Adamant with Gale Wings 1m Bulbasaur, Modest with Overgrow (Giga Drain) 2m Cloyster, Adamant with Skill Link (Rock Blast/Icicle Spear) 2m Marril, Adamant with Huge Power (Belly Drum/Aqua Jet) 2f/2m Tynamo, Modest with Levitate 3 Porygon, Modest with Trace 3 Rotom, Modest with Levitate Disc up and let me know.
>>20526851 should i disc up or put up the murkrow for it?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20526874 You didn't read :/
JoshCJ 2423-3129-1815
>>20526833 Could I get any of the bunnies with a moon stone? Disk going up
>>20526885 I want the Bulbasaur.
Booting up the console, disc'ing soon.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20526888 Murkrow or Vulpix would be great :)
>>20526833 Could I get a female Buneary please? Disc is going up now.
>>20526908 cool, i'll put a murkrow for the onix. i actually couldn't breed the vulpix yet. bird is up
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
>>20526889 Oh, didn't see the text on the side, very sorry.
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20526833 Any chance I could nab a Yanma? With a sun stone would be nice if possible! Disc going up
>>20526885 about to disc up for female fletchling. ign chihiro
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20526934 Sent, i tend to only breed in the evenings.
School will start soon but i hope to make a few giveaways during that time :)
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20526912 >>20526899 Two bunnies sent!
>>20526986 >>20526955 Waiting on discs for two Yanma.
>>20526885 >>20526904 Disc up. Message is "/vp/ bulba"
Quoted By:
>>20527003 don't worry, i'll have a vulpix soon. thanks for the onix!
>>20526833 could i get one of those female zigzagoons please? disc is going up, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20527039 Thank you so much!!
I'll breed a HA Modest bulba and offer it back here once I'm finish, the leftovers as well.
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20527019 Thanks for the Yanma and the Sun Stone!
>>20526885 Guess I'll ask for one of the Gale Wings Fletchlings if you don't mind. Want to breed one of those badly haha
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
Quoted By:
>>20527124 Thanks for the Fletchling!
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20527093 >>20527098 Sent; you're welcome Nicholas!
>>20526874 Oscar, are you going to disc up for Yanma? I haven't seen it yet.
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
>>20527170 I am sorry, my 3ds doesn't catch up my internet signal for some reason. I do not think I will be able to access the gts for a while.
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
>>20526833 Discing up for yanma female
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20527241 If you got a android phone you can use it as a wifi hotspot.
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
>>20527263 No problem anymore, I got connected.
I also found a random Pokerus luvdisc in my PC, so I suppose you can have that in exchange for your time.
Louis [4699-7161-2308]
Quoted By:
Hey does anyone have a Sableye? Need it with his Hidden Ability (prankster), since the person I added on friend safari never added me back Put my disc up
Quoted By:
does anyone have a decent iv abra? i just need someyhing to start off with for my breeding my last member dream team
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20527283 >>20527257 Yanma sent to both of you. Enjoy!
IGN: Oscar 4699-6040-2428
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:06:43 No. 20527370 Report >>20527263 hello chanizu, have you bred slowpoke and corphish yet? I'm so desperate for them >< anyway, I've got dream mons for you: igglybuff, smoochum and swablu... don't know if you have any of them, so tll me what you want
>>20526833 Disc up for Zigzagoon. Thanks!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20527370 I don't need swablu and i am hatching corphish as we speak.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
So, /vp/ i've been MMing for a shiny Hawlucha. Haven't got it yet, but i need to clean my boxes. I've got:>2 perfect ones >11 with perfect ivs, wrong ability >A box full of 5ivs, with ivs in spatk >A box full of unchecked ones, but i've been breeding with 2 hexaperfect so they have at least 5. All of them are Adamant. Someone interested? Disc up, comment here, /vp/ as description.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
Quoted By:
>>20527423 Discing for a perfect one! Want to MM a shiny Hawlucha too
>>20527423 Can you nickname them?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20527450 I have not balltism.
What pokeball should be used, anyway?
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20527455 K
I'd like a perfect one (with the right ability) please, I guess.
Name it Brazil if possible.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20527455 Disc up for a unburden male.
Quoted By:
>>20527478 >should Whichever you like
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20527423 DIsc goin' up for a perfect one if you still have one, thanks in advance
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
>>20526833 Disc up for Yanma
>>20527499 Nope.
Want a 5iv?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20527478 I would use Luxury ball if going for a shiny.
Timer ball non-shiny.
Good luck with your MM'ing :)
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20527521 Sure, as long as its in Atk and Speed, its just perfect, thanks again man.
Oh, male by preference, but female is fine aswell
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:21:35 No. 20527556 Report My mons, tell me what you want, gimme your IGN and disc up! **(please read the descriptions!)**>2 TOGEPI (dream ball/ male / 2egg moves) >2 SHELLDER (moon ball/ female / 4egg moves/ shell armor) >2 SHELLDER (poke ball/ female / skill link) >2 BELLSPROUT (dream ball/ male) >1 STANTLER (dream ball/ male / 4egg moves) >1 MARILL (dive ball/ female / 2egg moves/ huge power) >14 MARILL (dream ball/ female / 3egg moves/ thick fat) >7 IGGLYBUFF (dream ball/ female / 1egg move/ random abilities) >9 SMOOCHUM (dream ball/ 4egg moves/ random abilities) >8 SWABLU (dream ball/ female / 4egg moves *if you get lv.11 or 12 take it to move reminder to recover the moves )
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20527503 Yanma is on its way!
Quoted By:
>>20527525 I really couldn't care less about balls.
Anyway thanks.
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20527554 Unburden aswell please, forgot to mention that
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
>>20527572 Already sent. If you want another disk up again.
Quoted By:
>>20527556 i'll take that dive ball marill please
ign javier
Quoted By:
>>20527556 Can i have a Smoochum, please
HA one will be nice, but i'll take anything
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
Hatching the remainder of my Corphish eggs then moving onto Slowpoke
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Quoted By:
>>20527556 disc up for Smoochum!
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20527590 Yea I rly want an Unburden one, gonna disc up in just a sec, sry for all the trouble man
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
>>20527556 Those swablu look cool. I've disc'd up for a swablu.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20527615 Disc up for Yanma if you don't mind
I have a box of wurmple, a box of mareep, a box of charmander and a shit ton of pachirisu. IV's are probably all over the place, if you want a specific gender/name/nature let me know and I'll see if i have it.
I have 20 5IV Repeat Ball except for two Jolly Limber Hawluchas; put up a Luvdisc asking for a 1-10 Hawlucha and tell me, so you don't get snipped.
>>20527556 egg moves and iv's on togepi?
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
>>20527556 I'll take a dream ball marill, disc up. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20527556 I'm going to disc up for a igglybuff, if you don't mind.
Quoted By:
>>20527655 OH, I forgot to say, four of them have Unburden instead of Limber
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:29:50 No. 20527676 Report >>20527650 I'd like female wurmple please, I'll disc up right now!
Quoted By:
>>20527556 Discing up for a Smoochum
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20527649 I don't mind at all. Yanma is sent!
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:31:42 No. 20527707 Report Reposting from last thread: If anyone has a Castform they don't want, I really need one for breeding. I've put a disc up if anyone wants to help me out! Thanks in advance
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
Quoted By:
>>20527625 Disc up, thank you so much man
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:32:39 No. 20527725 Report Quoted By:
>>20527659 i dont remember the iv spread, but i think its 4 perfect ones. has esxtrasensory and mirror move...
IGN Osu FC 4656 7645 9190
Quoted By:
>>20527556 discing up for the shellder with skill link please!
Bri 5129-0992-3391
>>20527707 I've had it for a while, guess you didn't see my post. Disc up whenever
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20527707 I only have one :/
I can give it to you if you give one of its offspring.
inbefore it is unbreedsble
Quoted By:
>>20527423 Still 9 imperfects 5iv umburden remaining, aswell as 10 perfect 5ivs with the wrong ability.
And tons of limber ones aswell.
Bri 5129-0992-3391
>>20527771 oops, meant sent. sorry!
>>20527556 thanks for that.
As for everyone else, I don't have much to offer right now, as I cleaned out my spares box earlier in the week, but here are my few left overs:
2 Drillbur, Jolly, Mold Breaker, Rapid Spin, Crush Claw, Iron Defense, Metal Sound. Dreamball.
1 Charmander, Adamant, Blaze, Outrage, Dragondance, Luxuryball.
1 Cottonee, Calm, Prankster, Encore, Diveball.
all are imperfect 5IV females with nicknames.
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
Quoted By:
>>20527556 Disc is up for smoochum
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20527841 Female drilbur please :o
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:41:51 No. 20527870 Report >>20527841 save me drilbur!! I'll disc up now!!
IGN Osu FC 4656 7645 9190
Quoted By:
Thanks to the anon that sent me the shellder!
Quoted By:
>>20527841 Discing up for a drilbur
Yesi (4656-7728-9436)
Quoted By:
>>20527556 Disc is up for igglybuff!
>>20527865 >>20527870 sent. Out of Drillbur.
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp
Sayunnaise(4811-6991-2091) FS: Druddigon, Noibat, Garchomp Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:46:58 No. 20527946 Report Quoted By:
>>20527827 Received it, thanks a bunch!
Josh: 0447 6520 7511
>>20527650 Still here? Discing up for a mareep.
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Fri 15 Aug 2014 23:48:03 No. 20527962 Report >>20527935 thanks a ton!
wtf is this name penatrator?! haha Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Reposting giveaway: Dreamballs 2 HA Corphish (one reserved for Faucin) 1 Hypercutter 1 Shell arnor 3 Ha Onix 4 Sturdy Onix 1 HA Rattata (idk if Faucin needs this one) 2 Run away Rattata Corphish males are available
Quoted By:
>>20527962 would help if I spelt it right, I like naming eggs I hatch while looking for pentas so I can rename them for use. Normally they get a cataloguing name.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20527556 Thank you for the Swablu!
>>20527948 still here
any preference for gender or nature?
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20527966 Hey if Faucin doesn't need the HA Rattata. I'll gladly disc up for it. Just keep me posted if you don't mind!
Yesi (4656-7728-9436)
Quoted By:
>>20527966 Disc is up for rattata
Josh: 0447 6520 7511
>>20527993 Nah, I'll be re-breeding anyway. I just don't have one for the pokedex yet.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20528010 We'll see if he shows up before the thread dies.
He was here breeding vulpixes earlier
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20527966 >>20527966 Discing up for HA corphish
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
How many of you are interested in Dreamball slowpokes?
Quoted By:
Does anyone here have any skarmory leftovers? One with whirlwind and sneaky stones would be lovely.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
Quoted By:
>>20528054 Sounds good. I'll go ahead and hold off on posting the Luvdisc till you know for a fact then.
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:04:35 No. 20528275 Report reposting (updated) **(please read the descriptions!)**>2 TOGEPI (dream ball/ male / 2egg moves) >2 SHELLDER (moon ball/ female / 4egg moves/ shell armor) >1 SHELLDER (poke ball/ female / skill link) >2 BELLSPROUT (dream ball/ male) >1 STANTLER (dream ball/ male / 4egg moves) >13 MARILL (dream ball/ female / 3egg moves/ thick fat) >5 IGGLYBUFF (dream ball/ female / 1egg move/ random abilities) >5 SMOOCHUM (dream ball/ 4egg moves/ random abilities) >7 SWABLU (dream ball/ female / 4egg moves *if you get lv.11, 12 or 15 take it to move reminder to recover the moves )
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:11:26 No. 20528385 Report >>20528347 I'd like love ball mime jr! thanks
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20528347 Discing for the Dedenne! Traded my shiny one away recently and want another to MM
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20528275 Disc for Smoochum, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20528275 **(please stop being a faggot)**
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Josh: 0447 6520 7511
>>20528347 Discing up for a Pumpkaboo.
Quoted By:
I need Goomy or Rhyhorn leftovers. Do you kind guys happen to have any? Really, any. Even having Rhyhorn safari helps.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???)
Emo Hitler 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:21:41 No. 20528540 Report >>20528347 Discing up for a Timid Penta-Chatot.
IGN: Czero
"/vp/ Chatot"
>>20528347 love discs in love balls, how meta, I want one. Discing up.
>>20528347 Adding a Disc for Pumpkaboo. Thanks.
>>20528347 Disc up for Love Ball Luvdisc. Thanks!
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Quoted By:
>>20528275 Thanks for the Smoochum
Discing again for female Maril
Quoted By:
>>20528645 thanks, these will be useful.
Czero 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???)
Czero 1521-3804-2764 (Nincada, Phanpy, ???) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:31:47 No. 20528735 Report Quoted By:
>>20528645 Thanks Francisco
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
>>20528736 Disc up for a chatot as well
Day Dreamer
Day Dreamer here, how's everyone doing? Anyone participate in the Global WT event with 2chan earlier today? Get a lot of cool stuff/crap? I have for you all 13 shiny Lure Ball Chatots, each for 1 Disc. Each Chatot is Timid Nature, 5IVs (Random), female, and all nicknamed Enigma (holding an Enigma berry). They all have the following egg moves as well: -Nasy Plot -Encore -Defog -Boomburst As mentioned, I only have 13, so Disc up with the message Day Dreamer asking for a female Chatot level 1-10. I will get to those who request one as swiftly as possible. Enjoy!>was also wondering if anyone had any spare HA Lileep they were willing to put up.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
>>20528780 Any one specifically?
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20528793 Disc will be up soon
Josh: 0447 6520 7511
Quoted By:
>>20528793 Discing up now for Chatot
>>20528793 Disc up. Thanks!
>>20528801 5 IV's with boomburst and nasty plot
>>20528793 got anything good to give away?
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:38:56 No. 20528833 Report Quoted By:
>>20528793 discing now!! thanks!
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
Ricky !!NWmonodRARe
Quoted By:
>>20528275 Disc'ing for a Bellsprout
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
>>20528830 Alright, IGN? Too many other discs up for Chatot to know which one is yours.
IGN; Drew/América FC:0688-6249-0732
Quoted By:
>>20528793 I want one, uploading disc...
Day Dreamer
>>20528832 Maybe sometime next week
>>20528825 Sent
>>20528806 Sent
Didn't think I'd get so many replies so quickly, trying to go in order asked.
Bri 5129-0992-3391
>>20528347 disc up for dedenne. thanks!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20528881 By shiny you mean the Lure ball?
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
>>20528275 Discing up for a 5IV Pumkaboo if possible. If not, then a 4IV one.
>>20528881 >Maybe sometime next week wow thanks for nothing
Mari 4871-4496-5152
Quoted By:
Got it, thanks Francisco!
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:46:20 No. 20528973 Report >>20528953 oh I think you quoted the wrong guy, I'm not giving pumpkaboos
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
>>20528973 Ahh shit yeah I meant
>>20528347 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20528964 >ugh they have a life and can't giveaway stuff when I want them to Do you need a doughnut to sit on Anon?
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Quoted By:
Awesome, thanks dude.
0817-5165-5203 Anieru
>>20526833 hope you're still here, could i possible have a female electrike? disc up
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20529041 It'll be a few minutes, I'm in a multi battle circuit!
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20528793 >>20528838 So ... I didn't post the message nor ask for a female with that specific level. Guessing I'll be skipped over. Just saw that
Day Dreamer
>>20529103 It just made you harder to find, no worries.
Almost done, please no more requests, after the 13th Chatot, I'll be out for good.
Finishing in order of replies to original post.
Open to ideas of what to breed/giveaway here.
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 00:59:16 No. 20529204 Report >>20529180 I didnt pay attention to the fact it's a shiny haha thats even better! thanks!
>>20529204 Mine wasn't shiny.
Day Dreamer
>>20529252 IGN? Did you put the message on? You may have been sniped
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 01:03:25 No. 20529275 Report Quoted By:
>>20529252 so have you checked your mon? I think you may have got sniped.......
>>20529273 I was the first, it is Enigma but it wasn't shiny.
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
Quoted By:
>>20529180 Cheers mate! May be the first Chatot that I'll try to train!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20529180 Thanks for Enigma!
Day Dreamer
Quoted By:
>>20529285 You're kidding me right?
>>20529252 you should file a report
"the thing i begged for wasn't what i wanted"
>>20529273 It is what Day Dreamer said but not shiny.
Quoted By:
>>20529354 Yeah you are trying to look badass on the internet I got it.
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20529340 That's weird, mine is shiny.
Day Dreamer
>>20529340 Oh dang, hold on, then allow me to make up for it.
Put it back up with the message Day Dreamer and ask for a female Aipom level 1-10
Quoted By:
>>20529404 shiny pineco a shit
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Sat 16 Aug 2014 01:14:14 No. 20529417 Report Quoted By:
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20529404 I'll try for one. Disc going up
Lucy 4012-5693-3179
>>20529400 It's ok, I release my other Chatot and I already have a shiny Ambipom. so I'll keep this one, thanks anyway.
Day Dreamer
Quoted By:
>>20529427 Again my apologies. Thanks for Discing anyway.
IGN: Taylor
Quoted By:
>>20528793 In case you still have one, I'm discing up.
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507
Quoted By:
>>20529041 Anieru, you still here?
Day Dreamer
>>20528793 Everyone (with the exception of one mix up) that were the first of 13 to reply should have received there Enigma.
As of right now, I am out of Chatots (shiny/non shiny) to give out.
I'll be back next week.
If you still have a disc up, please take it back. Thank you.
Captcha: ifSound Manage
>>20529687 >I'll be back next week. don't bother
Quoted By:
>>20529720 You gonna cry Anon?
Anyone have geodude, HA cubone, or baltoy breeding leftovers?
>>20529794 fuck off, beggar
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Okay this will be my last giveaway for quite sometime.
Dreamball edition:
4 Hyper cutter Corphish males
4 Shell armor Corphish males
6 HA Corphish males
2 Own Tempo Slowpoke males
1 HA Slowpoke male
1 Rockhead Onix male
3 HA Onix females
4 Sturdy Onix females
1 HA Corphish female
1 Oblivious Slowpoke female
1 Hyper cutter Corphish female
1 Shell armor Corphish female
>>20529424 1 HA female rattata for Nicholas
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Quoted By:
>>20529794 I can breed you a regular baltoy if you give me a minute
Quoted By:
>>20529913 ill take one of those corphish females please. HA would be nice. disc is going up
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20529913 Disc going up for the Rattata! Thanks for that mate.
Also... wouldn't mind the HA slowpoke. But don't want to be too greedy
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20529913 Discing up for a HA onyx female. IGN: Kagura
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 01:58:53 No. 20529999 Report >>20529913 has our other dream ball friend showed up?
I'm still waiting for that vulpix/ sharpedo combo!
if you get any let me know ;)
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20529974 Sure, disc up
>>20529990 Sent
>>20529999 He was on earlier and gave me a Murkrow but i haven't seen him since.
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
>>20530047 Cheers for the Rattata and Slowpoke (just put the disc up for the slowpoke!)
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20530083 Accidentally sent you the female :/
I only have HA males
Nicholas 4313-1821-3717
Quoted By:
>>20530126 Thats fine man. I could keep the female or throw it back up for the male HA one. (or another disc). Whatever is easier on you
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey)
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419 (Hariyama, Throh, mankey) Sat 16 Aug 2014 02:13:01 No. 20530194 Report >>20530126 I've just remembered I got a shiny dream ball wooper on vp some days ago. I'll try to breed her if you want one (so bad shininess doesn't pass on... D; )
ign: Zapata
Does anybody happen to have an Elgyem, preferably with HA?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20530194 Breeding with 2 shiny parents should increase the odds imo.
Although the shiny rate is decently high.
Even if getting a hexa Perfect female shiny Eevee with 2 5IV parents is 1 in 2,3 billion.
ign: Zapata
>>20530228 Alright, thanks! Discing up now
>>20530277 gotta breed it first
ign: Zapata
>>20530288 No problem, take all the time you need
Starting with pic related for trade. Looking for a cleffa, anything will do.
>>20530349 >Trading not the thread for that
Quoted By:
>>20530349 Got a cleffa. Disc is up for paras.
Any takers on what I've got?
>>20530458 Not trading, if any wants it for disc. You want me to call it discing rather than trading or some stupid shit like that?
>>20530485 >coming into this thread >disrespecting its customs Rude as fuck. Also your Pokemon are shit.
Disc for both if youd like. I just have females at the moment since I release the males because everyone asks for females To make it less likey for you to get sniped, please use the "level 1-10" and pick female Just tell me which one youd like and disc up
>>20530521 Discing up for a swablu, thanks a ton
Quoted By:
>>20530521 >Dive Ball >Dream Ball Ehhhh
Sasha 4957-4389-5515
>>20530521 Discing up for both. Discing for feebas first. Thanks! IGN Sasha
Quoted By:
>>20530521 Disc up i will thank you a lot for that swablu :3
Ign: Magia
>>20530542 Sent
>>20530571 Sent, disc up for swablu now
Sasha 4957-4389-5515
Nicholas FC 4313 1821 3717
Quoted By:
>>20530521 I'm gonna disc up for both if that's okay mate
>>20530496 refer to >>20526807 > put a disc up asking for a Pokémon > dump your leftovers I'm sorry if using incorrect terminology was rude but I'm just trying to help for whoever could use what I have and askin for what I need in return.
IGN: Edgar FC: 1907-9193-9465
Quoted By:
>>20529913 Discing for female HA Onix
Sasha 4957-4389-5515
Quoted By:
>>20530732 Got it. Thank you very much!
>>20530821 ignore the anon
Nicholas FC 4313 1821 3717
Quoted By:
>>20530631 Got swiped. Putting up another. First for Swablu then for Feebas
If no one wants any of the stuff in my previous pic I have 4 HA nidoran female 2 HA gligar female 2 HA swinub female and one male
Got my paras, thanks anon
Anyone want one of these
>>20530944 Anonymous
ign: Zapata
>>20530944 I'll disc up for a gligar
Anyone have a timid Larvesta?
Quoted By:
I have a disc up for venonat if anyone has a spare
>>20526807 فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ: فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ҈(: فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ: فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ҈(: فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ: فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉ͩ҈(: فͤ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͥ҉ͦ҈ͧ҉ͨ҈ͩ҉ͪ҈ͫ҉ͬ҈ͭ҉ͮ҈ͯ҉ͨ҈ͬ҉ͧ҈ͨ҈҉ͯ҈ͮ҉ͭ҈ͤ҉ͦ҈ͥ҉ͧ҈ͩ҉ͭ҈ͨ҉ͣ҈ͪ҉ͧ҈ͭ҉
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Quoted By:
>>20531842 i'll take one jirachi too thanks
Quoted By:
>>20531842 would love one, thanks
Anyone have an ariados that knows toxic spikes?
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Sat 16 Aug 2014 05:07:52 No. 20532203 Report Quoted By:
>>20530521 I've put a disc up for a Swablu, thanks.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:20:48 No. 20532942 Report Back with updated list. Please make sure to specify in your request what gender, nature, and IV amount (if I have different ones).
http://pastebin.com/DRzNt8PB Bob (IGN Corey) 4484-8082-1922
>>20532942 i'll disc up for a female deino. thanks, lana
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:39:10 No. 20533168 Report Quoted By:
>>20533121 Sure, not seeing your disc yet though?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:40:13 No. 20533183 Report >>20533121 Nvm, found it. Sent, happy breeding!
Luftigt 0275-9483-5683 [Helioptile, Dedenne, Zebstrika]
Luftigt 0275-9483-5683 [Helioptile, Dedenne, Zebstrika] Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:47:00 No. 20533244 Report >>20532942 Discing up for Magnemite!
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:49:59 No. 20533269 Report >>20533244 Sent! Love you too Luftigt
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
>>20532942 Disc up for Togepi. When I finish breeding these Fletchling I'll have to do a giveaway myself.
Bob (IGN Corey) 4484-8082-1922
>>20533183 ha, sorry. wasn't thinking, and had to finish a battle before discing up. thanks for being patient with me!
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:53:42 No. 20533311 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Nick 3067-5646-9596
Quoted By:
>>20526807 Dis going up for a Gabite
Thanks friends <3
Luftigt 0275-9483-5683 [Helioptile, Dedenne, Zebstrika]
Luftigt 0275-9483-5683 [Helioptile, Dedenne, Zebstrika] Sat 16 Aug 2014 06:56:44 No. 20533347 Report Quoted By:
>>20533269 Thanks a bunch!
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
so I was messing around and made a couple shiny multiscale lugia. From what I've heard its an illegal combination because dream world pokemon couldnt be shiny or something, and they wouldnt transfer from gen V. After powersaving them, I tested trading them over wifi and wondertrade, and both seem to workI have 28 left, hexa, includes WP, disc up
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20533621 Disc is up, thanks!
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 07:44:28 No. 20533707 Report >>20533621 Sax, you going to be on for a while? I'm trapped in restaurant le wow right now and would like to take one of those Lugias if i can?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>20533699 so yea, that confirms they can be GTSed
I'll be lurking a while, dead hours are dead
>>20533707 Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 16 Aug 2014 07:50:46 No. 20533749 Report >>20533621 Alright finally done. Disc is up. Trade at your leisure good sir (or ma'am?). Thanks in advance!
>>20533621 I'll take one if you don't mind. I put up a level 15 female disc. IGN is Totally Tim.
>>20533621 Hey Sax, so that's what that was lol.
Do you need a surf pika for clone? I saw your msg
IGN: Kaylee (2122-7833-0558)
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20533779 >>20533749 sorry, got into a lengthy awkward passerby trade
both sent
>>20533823 holy shit yes, I'll clone it and give it back, I just was never lucky enough to get one
thanks for helping me test as well haha
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
>>20533621 I'll take one. Disc is up!
>>20533847 Trade me when you get a chance, I'm not busy.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20533853 do you want anything?
I have a couple injected jirachis
>>20533862 You happen to have any Giratina cloned? If not I'll really take anything, I've gotten plenty of shit from you
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20533875 not at the moment, I have one of the shinies from the gamestop givaways I can clone when I clone the pikachu though
Quoted By:
>>20533889 That sounds sexy as hell
ign: Zapata 0748-3978-0393
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20533875 random EVs and IVs, bold let me finish the discs here and then I'll clone
>>20533913 It's a cloned event, not genned
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20533920 yea, unfortunately
I dont have a genned one
Quoted By:
>>20533928 Can't change IV's with powersave, and genners can't legally gen a pikachu with surf or fly, so I don't know if it's possibly like the legendaries.
Conjunct IGN:Noire 1134-7894-2606
Quoted By:
>>20533621 I put a disc up.
Also have a random shiny Ninetales with Flash Fire that just turned up when I was breeding. Anyone want it? Hp/Spd/Spe 28/29 Spatk and 10 Def
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Quoted By:
>>20533852 Got it, thank you Sax!
Quoted By:
>>20531842 please give link to text generator
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Sat 16 Aug 2014 08:37:20 No. 20534007 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Nick
ING Gepfel
>>20533621 have u one left?
Disc is up
Thanks anyway
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu)
Cookie - 0989 2022 0494 (Throh, Mienfoo, and Riolu) Sat 16 Aug 2014 08:42:09 No. 20534026 Report Quoted By:
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20534011 13 to be exact
I dont see your disc though
ING Gepfel
>>20534029 really? I'll reupload the disc
ING Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20534029 >>20534048 u found it
Thanks a lot Sax
>>20534029 >mfw I was accidentally first to a giveaway while I was watching legend of korra new episode >mfw I still haven't finished the episode Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20534056 kek imo
If anyone see me in your acquittance list and trade me, I'll send you an HP fire moon blast jirachi event as well, I just dont feel like going through all the adding process
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>20534077 wow I cannot spell or use grammar tonight
Raven 0275 8004 3176
Quoted By:
>>20526833 Could I please have the wynaut?
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Sat 16 Aug 2014 08:53:48 No. 20534094 Report >>20534077 thanks!
can i take the jirachi?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20534094 there's like 10, I just cloned a few, and yea
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Sat 16 Aug 2014 08:55:43 No. 20534098 Report Quoted By:
>>20534095 thank's man you totally made my day
Aleph 2208 5633 7617
>>20534095 can I have a jirachi? adding you
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20534102 can you just send me a trade request or do I need to add you back now?
Raven 0275 8004 3176
Quoted By:
>>20526885 Disc up for a Porygon
(3239-3246-5281) IGN:wunderkind
>>20534106 hey sax, can i have the jirachi?
Aleph 2208 5633 7617
>>20534106 I dont have you on my FC list. Unless you want me to GTS something and trade through acquaintances
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20534120 >>20534118 both of you put up a disc for lugia (complimentary) and I'll TR you after
(3239-3246-5281) IGN:wunderkind
Quoted By:
>>20534124 disc is up, thank you!
Aleph 2208 5633 7617
(3239-3246-5281) IGN:wunderkind
Quoted By:
thank you sax!
Aleph 2208 5633 7617
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
>>20533621 I'd love to get one if you have any left and are still around. Disc is up.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20534585 I got you when I finish this wifi trade
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
Quoted By:
>>20534603 No hurry. Thanks so much!
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
Quoted By:
>>20534603 Thank you so much for the Jirachi as well!
Lisa- 2964-9022-3850
Quoted By:
>>20533621 you still got one? i'd love one!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519