Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>20530598 Guess I'll post it up.
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
>>20530598 adding you now!
Domi 4399-0249-6788
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
>>20530598 I would like one. Thanks for the giveaway OP.
>>20530598 Michael 3239-3936-7076
Jonathan 2208-5462-3594
Nick 4210-5006-7796
ArchDukeLuke FC: 5456-0376-3514 Thanks anon
>>20530598 Serena
Please, and Thanks
Justin 3282-3089-0624
Nilus 0559-7044-6157
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
Paul 5386-9598-2263
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530619 >>20530622 >>20530633 >>20530635 >>20530637 >>20530638 OP here. I'll contact 6 of you at a time in order.
I'll post here when I'm about to add you guys later in the queue!
Mike 4871-3702-1838
Quoted By:
>>20530598 >>20530619 I'll give you a shiny Palkia.
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
Mika [4167-5299-5854]
Hey mate i'm obviously interested :) Mine is; 4570 - 8418 - 0754
JoshCJ 2423-3129-1815
>>20530598 Harry 3153-4226-3916. Added. Thanks OP!
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:00:20 No. 20530699 Report Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada]
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:01:04 No. 20530709 Report Colour me intrigued! I dont have much but I have a couple of spare phiones, a terrakion, and a zapdos if you want? :3
Rick 1762-3757-5744 !jCjLePIknw
>>20530598 Adding now, thanks OP!
Sam - 4957-2823-7726
Michael 3239-3936-7076
Quoted By:
>>20530666 sweet thx OP
also sweet trips
Louis [4699-7161-2308]
Added you, friend code is in the name ^^ Thanks for doing this man
IGN: Payo (0619-5274-7939)
Iker 5386 8519 7563
OP, don't give to this guy
>>20530638 Jonathan has been exposed as a beggar/jew in other threads. He begs for hacked/cloned pokes to trade them for legit shiny pokes of kids.
I still have links to his gaia, twitter, tumblr, fb and all to prove if you want.
Pic related.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
Quoted By:
>>20530598 >>20530619 Just got mine, thanks Jason.
Quoted By:
Im waiting for Jonathan to be skipped kek
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:04:05 No. 20530749 Report Quoted By:
>>20530666 >>20530699 Also, do you need a Darkrai?
Gray (0877-0640-6058)
Quoted By:
>>20530666 thx OP. that lugia is a psycho boost lugia from Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness :)
Toki 1865-0700-5604
Jonathan 2208-5462-3594
>>20530729 I'm not that guy dumbass.Look at MY FC.
Quoted By:
>>20530729 Seconding this.
Vitto 2277-7408-3154
>>20530729 Wrong friend code, man. That Jonathan is probably cool.
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada]
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:05:35 No. 20530767 Report Quoted By:
Also got some v-create rayquaza too, OP! Just let me know what you need! :D
Dimium 4227-2834-5401
IGN Richy 0962 9841 8451
Jonathan 2208-5462-3594
Domi 4399-0249-6788
>>20530729 A pic of an ugly fat kid and some random pokemon shots is related how?
Also it seems like a common enough name, as he says what's the FC of this supposed cunt?
>>20530598 Trevor 2724-0654-9969
Sad to say I may not have much that will entice you, Legendary wise.
Serena 0834-1758-6939
>>20530598 Adding you right now.
Javier 0104-0684-2024
>>20530787 Nice samefag Johnathan. Get back to making MLP vids on youtube
Quoted By:
>>20530757 >>20530766 My bad.
OP, see
>>20530766 That's the friend code to ignore.
IGN: Payo (0619-5274-7939)
Quoted By:
>>20530787 It's a pretty common name unfortunately. I'll make sure to posts this in giveaway threads in case any Jonathans are framed for being that guy.
Quoted By:
Jonathan isnt exactly an uncommon name guys. Dont get paranoid.
Quoted By:
Hey mate i'm obviously interested :) Mine is; 4570 - 8418 - 0754 Ps; You missed out my reply before ):
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Adding...
IGN: Pablo
I hope my internet connection let me trade Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:10:15 No. 20530822 Report Quoted By:
>>20530598 Added n the chance there may be one left!
Marko 2852-8425-4107 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillon)
Marko 2852-8425-4107 (Illumise, Ledyba, Vivillon) Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:10:28 No. 20530827 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20530792 Some anons have a personal vendetta against some underaged furshit begging for a Diancie earlier. Instead of looking at the FC that was posted, he assumed it was the same Jonathan.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>20530598 Uh you gave me two? If anyone wants it I'll trade them.
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530640 >>20530641 >>20530643 >>20530650 >>20530657 >>20530660 OP here. You guys are up next. Those that just traded with me, thanks a lot! Enjoy your diancie!
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada]
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:12:57 No. 20530858 Report >>20530838 Sure, I'll bite! anything you need?
R.J [3625 - 9630 - 8210]
Quoted By:
ADDED, thanks in advance.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>20530858 If you have a Vanillish I will take it.
Quoted By:
>>20530729 Everyone in here are jews trying to get free Pokemon.
Michael 3239-3936-7076
>>20530849 OP i never got mine :(
I'm this guy
>>20530637 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20530804 Nice shitpost faggot.Look at the FC retard.
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada]
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:14:40 No. 20530877 Report Quoted By:
>>20530863 I should do! Adding you now.:D
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Knyvz
I'd like a Diancie pls.
Mack 4811-6939-6398
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Added. I'd love one. I've got all night
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>20530872 I think he might have sent me the trade request instead. I'll give you the one I got as I only needed the dex entry.
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
Quoted By:
Postin up. Thanks OP.
Louis [4699-7161-2308]
Quoted By:
>>20530722 Think I got skipped
Michael 3239-3936-7076
Quoted By:
>>20530889 Much appreciated!
Xygon 2492 - 5318 - 6420
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Thanks for the giveaway OP.
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada]
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:17:40 No. 20530913 Report Quoted By:
>>20530889 Thanks man! If you need anything else, just shout!
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
Michael 3239-3936-7076
>>20530849 Hey OP, don't worry about me.
>>20530863 was able to help me out.
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530872 Shoot! There are 2 Mikes, my bad. I'll clone you one once I'm done the box after, let me know if that other guy contacted you.
CJ 4613-8334-5499
Nilus 0559-7044-6157
Hey OP did I decline your trade offer? Somebody offered me something but I declined by accident
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530957 Nope, I will get to you soon!
Mike 4871-3702-1838
Quoted By:
>>20530945 Sorry OP. I traded him my Diancie so you should be fine.
Michael 3239-3936-7076
Quoted By:
>>20530945 He did. Here's my post
>>20530936 Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
Quoted By:
>>20530966 Adding. Diancie pls.
Nilus 0559-7044-6157
Quoted By:
>>20530966 Ok awesome thanks
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada]
Kth/ Steve - 0275-7141-0857 - Ground [Diggersby | Sandshrew | Nincada] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:24:43 No. 20531001 Report Quoted By:
Yeah, dont worry about me, OP! Mike did me a solid!
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
Quoted By:
>>20530966 Fingers crossed you'll get to me soon. I was just after your last batch.
Nilus 0559-7044-6157
Quoted By:
Thanks op enjoy the phione!
Quoted By:
>>20530598 >Momo 0731-5207-4882 I have Terrakion if you need one.
[IGN] Jazz [FC] 2793 0601 2483
Quoted By:
>>20530598 I would like one if there's anymore left OP
Mason 4468 0995 6972
Justin 3282-3089-0624
Quoted By:
>>20530849 sorry i only had a cyndaquil to give you m8 its penta perfect tho
cheers for the diance
Lance FC 3024-6205-8554
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Could I get a diancie if I'm not too late?
>>20531050 Thank you based anon, saving for future use.
Quoted By:
>>20531074 np, took me some time coz some passerby challenged me to battle
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530664 >>20530669 >>20530670 >>20530675 >>20530682 >>20530691 Ok, you guys are up next! Giveaways are harder than I thought, thanks for being patient!
I have two more rows after these 6 people, just to let you guys know. Thanks for all the awesome pokemon guys, there are a couple that I haven't seen before!
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
Quoted By:
>>20530598 I hope I'm not too late for this.
FC: 435617007121
Homer Y: 4914-4213-5107 OP !!tu9qAw0jHQa
Quoted By:
>>20531088 They can be. Glad more people are doing giveaways. Nice job OP.
Ice Knight: 2895-7602-2448
Quoted By:
>>20531088 Can you add me anyway? I'm looking for a Battle Maison partner with Typhlosion
Quoted By:
In-game name: Kyle (if I remember correctly) FC: 1392-4710-7561
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
>>20531088 Thank you! I hope you needed a wynaut.
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20531190 I got disconnected on my end, did you still get the Diancie?
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
Quoted By:
>>20531203 didn't take. Try again?
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530675 Liam, are you online? I don't see you on the list and it looks like you didn't add my friend code. Let me know if you're still here!
Quoted By:
In game name: Truxton FC: 4141-3500-0484
Mika [4167-5299-5854]
Quoted By:
>>20531262 Thank you so much.
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel
Quoted By:
>>20531203 There we go! Thanks again!
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530695 >>20530699 >>20530709 >>20530711 >>20530719 >>20530722 You 6 are up next. Liam, if you're here then please respond!
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:55:52 No. 20531319 Report >>20531295 im here! No darkrai though, i swear i had one...
Quoted By:
>>20530598 4914 4310 3369 ign Ryan I would really like one of these
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
Quoted By:
>>20531319 It's fine, feel free to unload anything!
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
Quoted By:
>>20530598 is there one for me by chance?
Thedrumal 2036-8677-5537 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Thedrumal 2036-8677-5537 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sat 16 Aug 2014 03:59:32 No. 20531352 Report Quoted By:
>I thought giving out diancies would be a good way to fill up some friend safaris. I'll just add you; there's no need to give me a Diancie.
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Hope you still have some left
4914 - 5131 - 7669
IGN: Henry
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
Quoted By:
>>20530709 Steve, are you still online? I saw you when I added you, but I can't find your IGN. Can you tell me what your IGN is again?
Sam - 4957-2823-7726
Quoted By:
>>20531295 I'm here, pls dont skip me ;_;
Trevor 2724-0654-9969
Quoted By:
>>20530598 Added you earlier, but like I said earlier, I have pretty much nothing worthwile in return. I suppose if you want a female cyndaquill or totodile, but otherwise, I can't thinking of anything off the top of my head.
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785 - 5852 - 2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Sat 16 Aug 2014 04:03:48 No. 20531404 Report Quoted By:
>>20530598 If you've got one, I'd like it.
I can give you a monsoon vivi, or a quickball, female, timid joltik, 5IVs.
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530723 >>20530728 >>20530754 >>20530765 >>20530775 >>20530779 You 6 are up next. Sorry guys, these are the last 6 that I have.
Liam, Steve, and Louis from earlier in the line, if you're online then please respond! Or I will give them to the next 3 people in line!
Mason 4468 0995 6972
Quoted By:
>>20531457 Maybe next time, thanks though!
Yosuke 4914 3485 7607
Quoted By:
>>20531457 If one of those three dont respond I'll hope in please
IGN: Payo (0619-5274-7939)
Quoted By:
>>20531457 Thanks a lot, Jason! Just received it.
Iker 5386 8519 7563
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
Quoted By:
>>20531457 Damn, missed out again. Oh well.
Toki 1865-0700-5604
Quoted By:
>>20531457 Just got mine. Thanks Jason!
Vitto 2277-7408-3154
Quoted By:
>>20531457 I got mine. Thank you, Jason!
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
>>20530795 >>20530797 >>20530802 Liam. Steve and Louis didn't respond so you 3 are in line. Are you guys here? Please respond within 5-10 minutes!
Quoted By:
Is this still on-going?
Trevor 2724-0654-9969
Quoted By:
Jason, you're amazing. Again, sorry for my shitty mon selection!
Javier 0104-0684-2024
Hoffmad 1306-5668-6589
Quoted By:
If there are any left I would like one. I have all gen 3 starters if you want any of those. Adding you anyway.
>>20531628 If there are any spaces left(due to no shows), may I have one?
Javier 0104-0684-2024
Quoted By:
>>20531686 thank you jason!
Quoted By:
>>20531737 On mobile, ign rodrigo. Added you either way.
Jason 1220-6751-1110 !WK6Dn2/FXw
That's the end of the giveaway for today. Thanks for all those who participated, and thank you for all the awesome pokemon! I will probably run a giveaway maybe sometime this weekend or next weekend, depending on my schedule (I'm studying for my CPA exams during the week). Hopefully I'll see you there!
Nilbog 3067-5646-9596
Quoted By:
>>205317 Aww sucks I missed it but oh well!
Good luck on those exams brotha
Faith 1005-9227-0453
Sydney 4081 6675 5908
>>20535862 >>20531774 Come on man it's been 11ish hours since the thread went up. At least monitor it
Sydney 4081 6675 5908
Quoted By:
>>20536102 I just got here yo. I was sleeping