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No.20565157 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Suddenly and out of nowhere everyone loved Pachirisu and its been their favorite Pokemon since 4th Gen

>Now everyone loves Sejun Park for using Pachirisu as a "le epic anti-smogon player xD" when last year the same that are sucking up to him now are the same ones who last year wanted TCPi to ban him from his events for the great sin of using generated Pokemon when everyone and their mom generated their teams during Gen 5

>Everyone now thinks that because Sejun won Worlds with Pachirisu, which is actually good in VGC14 because of it's well defined niche combined with Sejun being a pretty damn good player and team-builder they also will be able to use their favorite shitmon to great success no matter the format

>People actually think Smogon is butthurt over this when they don't give a fuck about VGC and the results of this influences them in any way

Gotta love the hypocrisy, bandwagoning and overall stupidity of the average pokemon fan.