(though I also strongly suspect it might be 1 angry samefag, but w/e) obviously shitting themselves over the fact that another Ground/Dragon might finally see some use. It's like they can't get through their thick skulls that there can be more than 1 viable Pokemon of the same type. See: Salamence and Dragonite, both of which are concidently also Dragon types and yet fill completely different niches.
>>20576591I know, one trip to your daily "whats your favourite Pokemon of each type" can confirm this.
>>20576597Except that for the past 2 weeks for every 1 thread dedicated to Flygon mega there were at least 3 starting with something along the lines of "what should be the next ORAS mega evolution? (Flygon.jpg) pic unrelated".
I mean it's fucking obvious the possible Flygon mega evolution is the cause of the recent Garchomp vs Flygon butthurt, seeing as before the Secret Bases dude was revealed both fanbases didn't care much about each other.