[27 / 2 / ?]
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New one since the last one died!
Trade, battle or discuss!
For friend safaris go to the safari thread.
Looking for a dratini with extreme speed, preferably one with good IVs and nature but most important is the move.
In return I have my own shitmon breeding leftovers,
>torchic with 4 good IVs but not speed and spatk
>Honedges/rotoms with 3/4 good IVs
>marill with 4 IVs
Some japanese mawiles, I have most common pokemon with good/decent IVs and moves leftover, including:
rotom, litwick, marill, honedge, marill, gligar and few torchics
If you dont have a dratini but still want one of these leftovers feel free to ask.
Also looking for megastones exclusive to X,
>I return I offer fishing shinies, berries, and battle maison items
Trade, battle or discuss!
For friend safaris go to the safari thread.
Looking for a dratini with extreme speed, preferably one with good IVs and nature but most important is the move.
In return I have my own shitmon breeding leftovers,
>torchic with 4 good IVs but not speed and spatk
>Honedges/rotoms with 3/4 good IVs
>marill with 4 IVs
Some japanese mawiles, I have most common pokemon with good/decent IVs and moves leftover, including:
rotom, litwick, marill, honedge, marill, gligar and few torchics
If you dont have a dratini but still want one of these leftovers feel free to ask.
Also looking for megastones exclusive to X,
>I return I offer fishing shinies, berries, and battle maison items