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No.20584360 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have three new megas to reveal.

I can confirm Torkoal will receive a mega evolution with water as a secondary typing. I'm not joking. It's a tortoise shooting geysers out if its back.

Relicanth will have a mega. Hard to describe.

Roserade will be grass/fairy with its mega ability chlorophyll.

Not mega related, but the first sets of the elite 4;
Shiftry, absol, crawdaunt, and cacturne
Duskull, banette, sableye,and dusknoir
Walrein, sealeo, glalie and froslass
Flygon, salamence, kingdra, and hydregion
Metagross, aggron, armaldo, cradily, excadrill, and skarmory.

Post elite 4 will add two additional pokemon plus wallace taking Stevens place as champion.
His milotic will mega evolve and his team will connsist of wailord, lumineon, jellicent, starmie, and ludicolo.

By the way, expext DP legends along with BW appearing post game.

I will return next month. Bonjour.