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Random Giveaway: Marill Flavored

No.20596744 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm giving out a bunch of Pokemon again, ranging from Arceus to Whiscash, all 5 IV with competitive movesets/items. Give me your friend code and I'll send you one. Please accept and cancel trade quickly afterwards.

PLEASE BE PATIENT. Be prepared to wait for 15-30 mins between groups, as trading takes forever. I will be adding and trading in groups of 6. IF YOU ARE NOT READY, YOU WILL BE SKIPPED.

Finally, if anyone's able to send in return a good Marill for a competitive Azumarill, it's greatly appreciated. Stick a stupid name on there while you're at it. Marills are prefered Adamant, 31/31/31/x/31/31 w/Huge Power and at least Belly Drum and Aqua Jet. If you can't trade one of those don't worry about it, you can send whatever else.