Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen)
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen) Wed 20 Aug 2014 08:47:04 No. 20607061 Report Quoted By:
>>20607051 Anyone got HA dunsparce? Giving away Dragon pulse charmanders
>>20607051 Looking for a HA Talonflame/Fletchinder/Fletchling, was hoping somebody had one spare
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
Quoted By:
>>20607129 i got you.. is your disc already up?
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
>>20607129 ask for a fletching and put my name in the descripiton or something like that
Quoted By:
>>20607208 Disc will be up in 5 just gotta sort my little brother out
luna 3840-7600-9463
Quoted By:
shiny roselia?
>>20607208 Disc is up, my IGN is Peter and the message is "Europa", thanks in advance ^-^
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Wed 20 Aug 2014 09:28:19 No. 20607282 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a female Bagon/Shelgon with Intimidate in a Luxury ball. Any will do. Don't care about IV/EV's or nature.
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
>>20607261 okay, its done. im glad i could help
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
Quoted By:
>>20607261 eh do you need something else? maybe i have what you need
>>20607293 You are a saint thank you very much, and I could use a Pikachu with the egg move wish if you have one?
Jerome 1177-7859-2892
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
>>20607321 i dont have one but i can breed you one real quick. i have everything i need for that. perhaps you may add me?
Quoted By:
>>20607351 Sure thing, added you, my FC is 3411-2289-8631, thank you very much for this ^-^
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen)
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen) Wed 20 Aug 2014 09:42:24 No. 20607383 Report >>20607338 I have Gabites.
Jerome 1177-7859-2892
>>20607383 That would be awesome. Disc is up!
Thanks in advance
>>20607351 once again thank you very much :D
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
>>20607418 all the pokemon im sending you have at least 4 iv's and a good nature
Quoted By:
>>20607445 Awesome man thank you
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
Would anybody happen to have a Starly with Double-Edge? Would very much appreciate one. Disc is already up, IGN is Ross.
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen)
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen) Wed 20 Aug 2014 09:59:09 No. 20607487 Report >>20607404 Sorry it seems I must've released them at some point and I no longer have the safari. I do have a chomp though so let me breed one up
Still looking for HA Dunsparce
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20607467 May I get that Dream ball Ralts, please? Disc is up
>>20607445 Hey dude thanks for all the decent 'mons, I'm gonna go and breed now but if you ever need help with anything just give me a shout and I'll see what I can do :)
Jerome 1177-7859-2892
>>20607487 yea no problem bruh
IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
>>20607467 Interested in
Female Shuppet
Female Heracross
Do you need something in particular?
Btw, added you :D
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
Quoted By:
>>20607534 no problem i would give them away in wondertrade so might as well give them to a kind anon. ill let you hear something if i need help
>>20607467 Blaziken, please. IGN is Artalias.
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
>>20607530 >>20607553 Sent.
>>20607547 Don't need anything, you could trade me some breeding leftovers if you want. Adding you.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20607467 Disc up for slowpoke.
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen)
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen) Wed 20 Aug 2014 10:24:46 No. 20607659 Report >>20607536 Change it to a gible.
x/31/x/31/31/31 female w/ HA
IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
Quoted By:
>>20607474 It should be sent by now.
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Wed 20 Aug 2014 10:28:48 No. 20607679 Report Quoted By:
>>20607467 I'm interested in that Shuppet. Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>20607467 Disc is up for a female Heracross. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20607467 Disc up for audino!
Jerome 1177-7859-2892
>>20607659 k changed it. Thanks a lot!
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen)
Sydney 4081 6675 5908(magmar charmeleon braixen) Wed 20 Aug 2014 10:41:56 No. 20607770 Report Quoted By:
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 11:26:11 No. 20608026 Report Hey /ggg/ I have 60 penta perfect shiny Female Sneasels to give away! They are:>In a love ball >Jolly natured >holding a Razor Claw With egg moves:>Ice shard >fake out >Counter >Ice punch If you want one, Disc up with the message "/vp/ Shiny" And I'll send one your way!
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales]
Rens 2380-3891-1230 [Magmar, Slugma, Ninetales] Wed 20 Aug 2014 11:28:35 No. 20608035 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Discing up!
Ign: Kyle
IGN Lucy
Quoted By:
>>20608026 disc is up, thanks in advance anon
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up! Ty Angus :D
Rick 1762-3757-5744 !jCjLePIknw
>>20608026 Discing up now, thanks!
Wraith - 1349-5363-0884
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up. Thanks.
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
Quoted By:
>>20608026 disc is up. thank you very much.
IGN: Spencer
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Putting one up shortly!
>>20608026 I've put one up. Thanks a lot in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20608026 I guess I'll disc up
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up, IGN is Artalias.
Myth 3394-3800-2515
Quoted By:
>>20607467 Could I grab your Beldum if you're still around?
Ivy 4382-2626-9386
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20608088 Forgot to mention IGN is Yurobore
Nnr 0318-6601-5811 SV: 3648
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up, thanks in advance
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
>>20608026 thanks alot based angus
IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
>>20608026 >>20608070 Awesome :D You're great!
Miri [2509-2651-5477]
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc is up! Thanks a ton!
Asura 2638-0478-1013
IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
Quoted By:
Wrong quote btw :V
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 11:49:07 No. 20608178 Report Quoted By:
>>20608162 no prob, i'm going through in order so no one misses out!
Rick 1762-3757-5744 !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>20608164 Errr, thanks?
I got mine Angus, thanks a bunch!
>>20608026 Disc is up. Thanks!
Quoted By:
Does anybody have a spare Chansey with the egg moves heal bell and seismic toss? I have some 5IV trading leftovers to offer in return, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20608222 IGN is Unknown.
IGN Peter
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc is up, thanks in advance ^-^
Silver [2552-2649-4118] (FS: Normal Type)
Silver [2552-2649-4118] (FS: Normal Type) Wed 20 Aug 2014 12:05:16 No. 20608259 Report Quoted By:
>>20607467 Disc up for Gale Wing Flettching Msg /VP/ michel
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disced up.
IGN is Matt.
Marco - 2122-6799-2172
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Discing up in a sec, thank you!
Beggia 2122-7076-8867 [ROCK: Boldore-Pupitar-Shukcle]
Beggia 2122-7076-8867 [ROCK: Boldore-Pupitar-Shukcle] Wed 20 Aug 2014 12:14:15 No. 20608319 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20608026 disc is up, thank you for doing this
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up, IGN is Andrew
Aruaria 1289 - 8552 - 9697
Quoted By:
>>20608026 ign is brayden, disc going up now. thanks so much
>>20608026 Disc up bro.
IGN Jeffrey
If you don't mind me asking, why not Icicle Crash?
Quoted By:
>>20608026 disc is up, ign is selien
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 12:22:16 No. 20608388 Report >>20608341 I was sure it learned it naturally, but now i just looked it up and it is an egg move,my mistake.
Quoted By:
>>20608388 Just received mine, thanks based Angus
>>20608388 It's fine. Ice Punch is only 10BP weaker. Besides, I believe Weavile is in a weird situation where it's impossible for it to have Knock Off and Icicle Crash but possible for Ice Punch and Knock Off. Then again no move tutors for Knock Off. Hrmm. ORAS Hype Train?
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Disc up
/vp/ shiny
ign jack
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 12:31:32 No. 20608444 Report >>20608410 Yup that would be great!
I'm sure I've got everyone so far, give me a heads up if you think I've missed you. I've got 17 left!
Quoted By:
>>20608444 just got mine, that was fast. thanks a lot!
this is the first time I haven't missed out on one of these.
Quoted By:
>>20608444 >>20608341 Oh I got sniped. Attempt 2. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20608444 Disc is up, thanks
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Oh shit, discing!
Rinka 3840-7696-5394 (Eevee, Teddiursa, Audino)
Rinka 3840-7696-5394 (Eevee, Teddiursa, Audino) Wed 20 Aug 2014 12:39:44 No. 20608490 Report Quoted By:
>>20608444 >>20608026 T-There's still some left? Discing up in a sec!
Aruaria 1289 - 8552 - 9697
Quoted By:
>>20608444 D-discing up
IGN: Melanos
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20608388 >>20608444 that was surprisingly quick, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20608026 IGN Gabrielle
Disc is up!
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 12:55:02 No. 20608564 Report >>20608026 oh golly.
Could I have one sneasel named Pangus?
disk up!
Rinka 3840-7696-5394 (Eevee, Teddiursa, Audino)
Rinka 3840-7696-5394 (Eevee, Teddiursa, Audino) Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:00:17 No. 20608593 Report Quoted By:
>>20608026 Thank you, Angus!
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:00:26 No. 20608594 Report Uh, resuming from yesterday, giving away 4IV Jolly Chimchars with Fakeout/Thunder/Firepawnch Only have 6 with IronFist left. Have 8 non-HA. Yea this pales in comparison to most of the others giveaways held here, but still, disc up and quote if you want one.
IGN: Melanos
Quoted By:
Thanks based Angus. I've always cherished this little baby.
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:02:50 No. 20608608 Report >>20608564 sure doing it now.
Sasha 4957-4389-5515
Quoted By:
>>20608026 disc up! Thanks
Nico 2750-1351-6365
>>20608594 I've disc'd up for the Chimchar.
IGN: Yurobore
Message: /vp/
I'd love a flaming monkey, thanks a lot in advance.
Thanks again for the shiny, Angus.
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:11:16 No. 20608677 Report >>20608647 Sent man.
>>20608610 No its 4IV.
It wouldn't be battle-optimal even if it were shiny.
These monkeys are just useful breeding leftovers, especially if you have a genned ditto to immediately utilize them for breeding
>>20608677 any pentaperfect?
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:13:07 No. 20608690 Report >>20608681 >>20608610 i smell samefagging or it may be just me.
but refer to my OP
>>20608594 Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20608594 discing up for a chimchar!
>>20608677 Thanks a lot. Needed him both as team member and for my dex
>>20608690 can i get a female one? :D
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Discing up for a sneasel
ign Ryder
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:19:16 No. 20608740 Report >>20608608 Thanks Angus for Pangus!
>>20608691 cant find your disk man
>>20608696 welcome
>>20608698 lucky you. Ive got a only got one female parent chimchar, given these rigged 1/8 rates for starter pokes.
the moves need relearning though.
whats your IGN?
Sasha 4957-4389-5515
>>20608594 Discing for a female Iron Fist Chimchar. Thanks! If out of females, male will be fine
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:20:37 No. 20608753 Report Quoted By:
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Quoted By:
>>20608740 sorry I got d/ced, refresh it'll be there now!
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:22:19 No. 20608768 Report >>20608750 yea sorry im dry on females, sent a male your way
Sasha 4957-4389-5515
Quoted By:
>>20608768 Thank you very much
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:26:27 No. 20608801 Report Got 4 more left! Also what pokemon would /ggg/ like for the next giveaway?
>>20608690 also discing up for a HA Chimchar of u have any left.
>>20608801 shiny perfect sylveons with hyper voice ;_;
Quoted By:
>>20608815 andy baton pass
Merryn: 0361 - 7865 - 8042
>>20608801 Discing up for pink lemonade Sneasel, thank you!
if it's possible, could you nickname it? anything you'd like, I just like seeing other people's nicknames for mons Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20608026 Got sniped, putting another disc up for the Sneasel.
Quoted By:
Discing up for sneasel . Ign Dan
Olivia 2363-6158-1686
Quoted By:
>>20608801 Discing up, thanks
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:34:48 No. 20608867 Report >>20608801 Sent man.
Someone started a thread giving away shiny blue tyrantrums named Sapphire in lieu of the upcoming ORAS release...
Maybe you could emulate and instead giveaway something that is Red in its shiny form, and name it Ruby.
my 2cents haha
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:37:27 No. 20608883 Report >>20608839 I do usually nickname my mons but for a sneasel i'm drawing a blank
Quoted By:
>>20608867 First thing that comes to my mind is Breloom.
I'd be happy with anything though.
Merryn: 0361 - 7865 - 8042
Quoted By:
>>20608883 Ah, that's fine, thank you very much! I would've attached an item to the disc as a thank you, but was in a rush since I was waiting on a trade request.
I appreciate the mon tho!
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 13:47:11 No. 20608944 Report And that's all of them, enjoy your Sneasels everyone!
Quoted By:
>>20608944 I will, thanks again !
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 14:01:18 No. 20609046 Report Quoted By:
>>20608801 shiny perfect female ralts with hyper voice
Europa 0576 - 4729 - 3312
Quoted By:
>>20608801 shiny shaymin would be pretty nice...
pls make it happen
>>20608594 discing for a HA chimchar, thanks in advance.
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 14:12:16 No. 20609139 Report >>20609076 hey sorry the one i sent u was a 4IV breeding father.
you probably have to relearn all 3 moves
if you do want one without relearning, ive got 3IVs left, and feel free to disc up again
IGN: Mia
Quoted By:
Disc up. Hope there are still some.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 14:25:35 No. 20609257 Report >>20608026 disc up for sneasel,hopefully i'm not too late
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 14:30:55 No. 20609305 Report Quoted By:
>>20609290 oh ok,i missed that
Wilma/Keeki (0834-1992-8472)
Giving away kalos born pentaperfect calm natured Feebases in love ball and with eggmoves confuse ray/hypnosis/mirror coat/haze. (NB! technically feebas in love ball is illegit, so you may wanna skip this giveaway if you are strictly against that kind of stuff. All feebases itself have been bred and hatched in game tho, so the "legality defect" is purely aesthetical I guess.) With IVs 31/31/31/X/31/31 - 11x females with oblivious - 1x female with swift swim - 13x males with oblivious With IVs 31/X/31/31/31/31 - 11x females with oblivious - 1x female with swift swim - 9x males with oblivious - 6x males with swift swim Remember to define which IV spread, gender and ability you would like to have. Nicknaming possible by request.
Quoted By:
>>20609508 I'll take the 31/X/31/31/31/31 female with swift swim. IGN is JF putting disc up
Quoted By:
>>20609139 its fine, just as long as he has the HA.
Quoted By:
>>20609508 I'll take one with Oblivious! disc is up, female or male is fine
Cid psychic abra wobuffet duosion
I was doing this yesterday,got a dozen luvdiscs it okay to ask for pokemon like milotic,gorebyss,rhyperior?gts is a cunt about trading.I have the pokemon and items,if I could just find someone to trade with that wasn't an as what,I'd be fine.
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
Quoted By:
>>20609508 Could I get a female please? Disc going up.
>>20609508 I'll take that swift swim female
disc up
IGN Jack
thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>20609598 i could give you a leftover 5 IV egg move feebas if you wanna evolve that
>>20609598 my bad, didnt read that correctly. Ill trade you to evolve them and trade back
Quoted By:
Could I have one of the Female Oblivious Feebas, please? 31/X/31/31/31/31, nicknamed Phyllis ign Charlotte, discing up now. Thank You!
Would anyone be interested in some luxury ball hooundour. Hasty 3-5 iv Destiny bond Counter Sucker punch Beat up I'm going to try to make these guys later TONIGHT. (Don't put your disc up yet.)
Wilma/Keeki (0834-1992-8472)
>>20609626 I already traded the only ATT lacking swift swim female away already. I've S.ATT lacking swift swim female left, and bunch of ATT lacking oblivious females and ATT lacking swift swim males.
Which you would like?
>>20609508 I would like a 31/X/31/31/31/31 female with HA
disc up
IGN Marrec
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:14:37 No. 20609729 Report Quoted By:
>>20609703 That sounds good.
The destiny bond is useful on him.
Cid psychic abra wobuffet duosion
>>20609664 That would be awesome,the gts pisses me off so badly.And nobody near me is willing to help with this.I just traded my damn me sprit for gorebyss.feels bad man.
FC-4554 0308 1585
Kevin (1177-8894-9242) [Combee, Illumise ???]
Kevin (1177-8894-9242) [Combee, Illumise ???] Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:14:58 No. 20609734 Report Quoted By:
>>20609508 I'll take a 31/X/31/31/31/31 oblivious female please. Disc is up!
Wilma/Keeki (0834-1992-8472)
>>20609719 none of these have HA.. I'll send oblivious one, I'm out of swift swimmers
Quoted By:
>>20609704 just give me whatever
Quoted By:
>>20609732 FC is 4098 3569 5888, IGN Neve
Quoted By:
Would anyone be able to breed me an Extreme Speed Dratini? IVs and such wouldn't matter.
Have 3 impish immunity gligars with baton pass agility and counter em 4-5ivs I believe Anybody want? Nickname is possibly
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:26:28 No. 20609913 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Carvanha with speed boost. Don't care about IVs, I can breed it to get the right ones. I'll leave a disc up to whoever has one.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:37:32 No. 20610065 Report >>20609910 i'd like one,can you name it batman?
>>20609508 Are you still around?
Mind if I disc for one Oblivious female lacking attack?
Im still currently hatching Electrike so ill have more soon. Disc for as many as you want, just tell me what pokemon and what gender
Quoted By:
>>20610093 also the Electrikes have Lightning Rod, I release all the others so tell me if you want static and ill trade you the next one that hatches
Wilma/Keeki (0834-1992-8472)
>>20610068 I am, and i don't mind
>>20610065 Put something up on gts
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:42:56 No. 20610124 Report >>20610111 disc is up with msg /vp/ alan
>>20610093 I shinified one of your Feebas and put a prism scale on it. Do you want it?
Quoted By:
>>20610109 Cool, a nice disc is up.
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:50:18 No. 20610237 Report Quoted By:
Wilma/Keeki (0834-1992-8472)
>>20610210 I sniped your disc accidentally, sorry
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:52:38 No. 20610268 Report >>20609508 discing up for swift swimming female with missing ATK.
Could it be named Farkfish?
IGN: Gio
I'm gonna start breeding for a perfect 5IV Soak Chinchou. Anybody want one? It's pretty good in VGC.
>>20610133 Im looking to nickname it after a female character in a book im making my team after, if its not too much trouble could you nickname it and change the gender to female?
If not I understand, it was already kind of you to shinify it
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 15:56:25 No. 20610319 Report >>20609910 Umm could i have one?
if they're in regular balls gimme a male one
otherwise if its a dream ball could i have a female?
>>20610282 What ball and ability?
>>20610093 one female 5 IV electrike please
IGN Marrec
Wilma/Keeki (0834-1992-8472)
>>20610268 I traded the swift swim missing ATT female already. Ive missing ATT oblivious females and swift swim males left tho
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:02:02 No. 20610395 Report >>20610093 hey neve have u got any perfect swablus -ATK amongst those 5IVs?
If you do, could I have one named ChickenPuff?
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20610360 Poke Ball and Volt Absorb
Sorry but I don't have balltism
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:03:44 No. 20610416 Report Quoted By:
>>20610390 u must have gotten the wrong man,
imagine his face when he gets a farked fish he didnt ask for haha
>>20610283 Nicknames can't be changed yet, but gender should be easy. I'll put up a luvdisc (IGN: Gibril) and you can send me a feebas you've nicknamed yourself.
I'll then make it female & shiny. All you have to do is put up a luvdisc and I'll send it back
Quoted By:
>>20610319 Don't see your disc
>>20610395 Ill check after I find a 5 IV Electrike for Marrec. If I dont have one in the PC, im still hatching another box of hoarded Swablu eggs so one of them will probably have it. ill let you know when to disc up
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:04:46 No. 20610439 Report Quoted By:
>>20610390 hey i guess i misinterpreted you.
i'll do for the male then haha
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:05:47 No. 20610455 Report Quoted By:
>>20610424 thank you neve!
>>20610319 Also they're male
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:07:10 No. 20610479 Report Quoted By:
>>20610459 great no dilemma then haha.
i'll take one you have
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
Quoted By:
>>20610242 >>20610093 Okay, I'll try again
Quoted By:
>>20610367 sending in a moment
>>20610395 i have one, disc up now, im nicknaming it at the moment
>>20610417 Thats very kind of you, thank you. Nicknaming feebas now, ill send it in a minute
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:11:19 No. 20610547 Report >>20609508 thanks got farkfish!
>>20610459 ok disk is uppe,
btw people:
3IV Jolly Chimchars with Fakeout/Thunder/Firepawnch
Have quite a plenty left so quote and disc if you want!
>>20610424 >>20610417 disc up for the feebas. ready to shinify it as soon as I get it
>>20610093 Thanks for the Electrike!
Could I also get a 5 IV Swablu?
Disc is up if you are down
>>20610620 just sent you one, not 100% sure its 5 IVs since I was already in the GTS screen and didnt want to leave, check, go back on and all that. Just tell me if its not and ill send you another
>>20610547 >3IV You're a pathetic breeder.
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:19:04 No. 20610667 Report Quoted By:
>>20610459 thanks alan!
>>20610629 got chicken too neve!
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
>>20610652 Do you have any Feebas left?
>>20610671 I have plenty, disc up for a female
Mareeps are Repeat Ball. I don't generally have balltism, but that's what I caught the original with, and I just sort of liked it. Plus I was really lucky with getting good IV females with the HA.
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:21:15 No. 20610697 Report Quoted By:
>>20610663 you're welcome.
had 4IVs earlier but they're all given out.
>>20608594 But these 3IVs still have these eggmoves.
Disc up if you want it.
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:24:52 No. 20610739 Report >>20610695 i'd like croagunk please
>>20610629 the feebas is ready, just put up a luvdisc with the nickname you picked in the message. That way I'll know it's you
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:25:49 No. 20610751 Report >>20610695 um would like croagunk.
if you have a -SPATK penta one, could u nick it Crap Toad?
if you dont its ok too.
either way disc is up, thanks in advance!
Mike 0963 0207 0385
Hey yo got a few breeding leftovers here for y'all if interested 6 5IV Adamant totodiles w/dragon dance aqua jet crunch and ice punch 1 5IV Adamant Gale wings Fletchling 1 5IV Timid compound eyes Joltik 3 5IV Adamant Technician Scyther 1 5IV Modest Squirtle w/Fake out Aura Sphere and Dragon Pulse 2 5IV Adamant unburden Hawlucha 3 5IV Adamant Huge Power Bunnelby 2 5IV Adamant poison heal Shroomish w/ bullet seed and focus punch 5 5IV Adamant quick feet shroomish w/ focus punch and bullet seed Disc up if any of these interest you
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:27:14 No. 20610768 Report Quoted By:
>>20610751 just realised the name was censored.
however CrapToad without the space works too
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:27:44 No. 20610773 Report >>20610759 can i have the poison heal shroomish? i'll get it after the rotom
>>20610737 sent
>>20610745 disc is up with /vp/ and its nickname. thanks again for doing this
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:28:46 No. 20610786 Report Quoted By:
>>20610773 dang i mean croagunk
>>20610739 Can't see your disc?
>>20610751 The only one that doesn't have SpA is a 4iv one. Would you still like it nicknamed?
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
>>20610695 Any 5 IV croagunk left? 4 is okay too
Disc is up
>>20610759 I would like a totodile
Thanks a lot
IGN Alessa
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:30:23 No. 20610802 Report >>20610789 nope not necessary then, since i'd be using it as a breedfather.
thanks too for checking with me
Quoted By:
>>20610783 sent!
no problem. Thank you for giving us all these awesome pokemon
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:31:40 No. 20610814 Report >>20610759 disc up for Shroomish, thanks!
REDOX 5301-0219-1481 [Fire: Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen]
REDOX 5301-0219-1481 [Fire: Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:32:24 No. 20610823 Report >>20610759 I'm interested in joiltik, I already put up the ludvisc
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20610790 Sure, sending over a 5
>>20610802 sent
just asking mike, are these 5IVs in their relevant stats?
Myth 3394-3800-2515
Quoted By:
>>20610759 Hey just wondering, by 5IV do you mean pentaperf or just random 5s
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:33:55 No. 20610841 Report Quoted By:
>>20610790 oh sorry, all of my leftover ones are female, and you've set it to male
>>20610759 disc up for a quick feet shroomish
Noire 1134-8486-8712
>>20610759 discing for the squirtle
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
>>20610759 Discp up for quick feet shroomish!
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
Quoted By:
>>20610846 Changed it, thanks in advance
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20610831 Nope, if they are I usually specify them as penta perfect just to avoid confusion
>>20610823 >>20610814 Sent
I've got a shiny adamant Inkay with contrary and a shiny adamant huge power Marill with aqua-jet/belly-drum If you want one, give me your finest luvdisc. First to post their ign and ask for it, gets it
>>20610759 I'll disc up for a scyther then !
Quoted By:
>>20610875 discing for inkay
Aruaria 1289 - 8552 - 9697
>>20610875 disc up for inkay
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20610875 Discing up for inkay brother
>>20610875 Inkay! Ign is Alessa THANK YOU
REDOX 5301-0219-1481 [Fire: Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen]
REDOX 5301-0219-1481 [Fire: Growlithe, Slugma, Braixen] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:38:25 No. 20610894 Report Quoted By:
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:38:42 No. 20610899 Report Quoted By:
Red 3840-5810-9082 Ice
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:38:52 No. 20610902 Report >>20610875 haha for real imma try for an inkay
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
>>20610870 A totodile would be awesome, perfect set. Disc up
Quoted By:
>>20610875 hi, what're the IVs on these?
Mike 0963 0207 0385
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276
>>20610759 Disced up for a Totodile if you have any left :)
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:44:32 No. 20610982 Report >>20610875 got it,thanks!
>>20610759 disc is up for poison heal shroomish
>>20610759 balltism for pokes?
Mike 0963 0207 0385
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
>>20610759 Discing up for a Hawlucha, thanks in advance!
ign- Charlotte
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20610982 >>20610979 Sent
>>20610997 Everything should just be in a pokeball(except the Hawluchas which are in premier balls)
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
>>20610945 Thanks a lot!
I have the following pokémons in case anyone wants any:
>Impish Female Techinician Scyther with Defog >Hardy Female Trapinch with Fissure, Superpower and Feint (spanish) >Bold Male Regenerator Slowpoke (french) All in regular balls with the exception of slowpoke. Can't nickname them, unfortunately.
Charles 4785-5449-1228
Discing shortly for Hexa Ditto (non-eng) if possible! Thanks!
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:49:33 No. 20611083 Report >>20610759 disc up for female scyther.
thanks in advance!
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20610982 Disregard this
>>20611054 I don't see your disc up
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
Quoted By:
>>20611063 Oh, they're all 4-5 IVs, some in the wrong stat
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:50:46 No. 20611100 Report >>20611063 ah disc up for scyther.
>>20611083 sorry cancel this
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:51:16 No. 20611113 Report >>20611090 i accidentaly disced up for sandshrew,sorry
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20611113 No probs now it is sent
>>20611052 Sent
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
Charles 4785-5449-1228
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:54:29 No. 20611170 Report Quoted By:
>>20611081 gtfo you beggar fucker. we dont need more fagets like you here. this isnt beggar general
Quoted By:
>>20610875 Disc up for Inkay please.
IGN: Nick
>>20610759 Disc up for Scyther
>>20610875 got Inkay, thanks!
>>20610889 >>20610891 >>20610893 >>20610902 You guys were behind by just a few seconds, so ill clone the one I got if youre still here and want it. Its male and 4 IVs if you wanted more info. Just let me know if you want one and ill clone it for you. I use the 2 3DS method though, so it may take a while
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:01:18 No. 20611256 Report >>20611182 unfortunately it is sir.
get off your high chair and see that everyone is here to pool and share their resources, usually take first and hopefully give.
>>20611081 >>20611154 quoting OP:
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
Aruaria 1289 - 8552 - 9697
>>20611238 well, you sure are a gentleman !
discing up for inkay then
>>20611256 get off your knees and stop sucking cock
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>20611234 Sent
>>20611238 And that would be awesome if you did man
>>20611063 Discing up for a Slowpoke, if that's cool
Thank you in advance!
ign Charlotte
>>20611257 Like I said it may take a while, so youll probably get sniped by the time I have one ready. Im going in the order that people replied so youll be first though
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:04:11 No. 20611298 Report >>20611238 you're a goddamn gentleman you know that?
thanks anyway but i'll pass haha.
>>20611268 okay
Quoted By:
>>20611275 alright, youre second in line so it may be half an hour or so, depending on how well i can get Inkay to clone
>>20611298 Alright, just let me know if you change your mind
>>20610759 disc is up for Totodile
IGN: Nick
>>20611275 Thanks, man! Could I also take a Bunnelby?
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
Mike 0963 0207 0385
IGN: Nick
Mike 0963 0207 0385
IGN: Nick
Quoted By:
>>20611441 Thanks again, you're awesome!
IGN Lucy
Quoted By:
>>20610875 Would like marill if its still aveilable, discing up, anyway thanks
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:19:08 No. 20611511 Report >>20610759 I'll disc up for that 5 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
Desc. is "/vp/ Mike"
>>20611287 Could you point me out to a guide for this method using 2 3ds to clone?
Also is it dangerous?
Mike 0963 0207 0385
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:25:29 No. 20611587 Report Quoted By:
I've got a box of shiny brave honedges. 10 males, 10 females. Send up a luvdisc, reply to this message with your IGN, and I'll do my best to send one your way
>>20611529 this is how I learned
Ive never gotten anything bad from it, never got a bad egg or had my game erased or anything like that. As long as you do it correctly, you wont lose any important pokemon.
To sum it up:
1. you send a trade request to the 3DS with the pokemon you want to clone (this is important you send the request to the correct one. dont use wifi)
2. Send a shitmon from the 3DS that requested the trade, and the pokemon you want to clone from the other one that is accepting the trade
3. Trade them. As soon as the blue "connecting" screen comes up, count/use a stopwatch to count to about 3.5-4.5. different times work for different people I hear, but 4 works for me
4. When you get to 3.5-4.5, turn off the 3DS that RECEIVED the shitmon (this is the most important part, if you turn off the wrong one you could lose the good pokemon)
5. The other 3DS should get a black error screen after a few seconds. This doesnt mean it worked though, so turn that back on and check to make sure both have the good pokemon
It can take a lot of tries to get it to work so it gets frustrating and time consuming. Good luck!
Quoted By:
>>20611640 Could I get a male named Vaatu? Disc up
IGN Lucy
Quoted By:
>>20611640 Discing up, thanks anon.
Quoted By:
>>20611257 I have your Inkay ready, is your disc still up?
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:33:06 No. 20611676 Report Anonymous
>>20611643 Ok, thanks so much.. I will give it a try!
this is all done using the Wireless feature, right? Neve
>>20611690 yeah, everything is offline
>>20611640 male please
disc is up
IGN Marrec
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:35:18 No. 20611709 Report Quoted By:
>>20611640 >>20611676 can you name it Ronan?
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
Quoted By:
>>20611640 Disc up for male sword!
Quoted By:
>>20611640 Thanks so much!
IGN: Nick
>>20611676 can't nickname unless I haven't made it shiny yet. The stupid code changes the pokemon into "traded" status, which locks the name -_-
next time, I think i'll just take requests for names. nickname them, THEN do it
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:48:52 No. 20611843 Report Quoted By:
>>20611643 >>20611529 I used the same link too.
Player A = Good Pokemon you want to clone
Player B = Shitmon that will be gone forever
1) B sends a trade request to A
2) A and B trade their respected Pokemon
3) When the blue screen pops up, use a stopwatch to around 4-4.5 seconds
4) A turns off the game (He has the shitmon now)
5) The black top screen should occur for B. Usually it works when you get that screen
6) A and B have the good Pokemon now
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:50:24 No. 20611854 Report Quoted By:
>>20611822 ok thanks anyway
IGN: Nick
>>20611702 small question... on the vid. the guy already had himself as friend... this means should I add FC from both of my games or is there another way?
>>20610093 Disc is up for female HA Swablu.
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Wed 20 Aug 2014 17:52:12 No. 20611881 Report >>20611857 No need to add each other as a friend or FC. He just happened to have it. You just need to do it cloes to each other and not through WiFi
Quoted By:
>>20611640 Disc up, IGN is Andrew
Quoted By:
>>20611275 i have your Inkay ready if youre still here
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Wed 20 Aug 2014 18:02:07 No. 20611996 Report Quoted By:
>>20611640 got it,thanks a lot
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 20 Aug 2014 18:03:10 No. 20612004 Report Quoted By:
>>20610695 If your still here
I would like that croagunk
Disc up
Quoted By:
>>20610093 >>20611871 First disc got sniped.
New one up for female HA Swablu.
IGN Josh FC: 0748-2553-6407
Quoted By:
>>20610759 Hey, can I get a Hawlucha and Totodile if you have any left? Discing up for the Totodile right now.
IGN Josh FC: 0748-2553-6407
Quoted By:
>>20610759 Hopefully you're still here.
Disc is up for Totodile.
IGN: Alex
Looking for a Scyther and Drifloon, both with Defog. Will put up a disc as soon as I get a response, thanks!
IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>20610759 Hey man, would love a Totodile, putting disc up now!
>>20613280 That isn't how this thread works. Go away.
IGN: Alex
>>20613355 >>20613333 Didn't get that. Sorry. Won't happen again.
>>20613400 It's ok, pal.
Now I feel bad for beinbg rude since you're being cool about it lol. Rinka 3840-7696-5394 (Eevee, Teddiursa, Audino)
Rinka 3840-7696-5394 (Eevee, Teddiursa, Audino) Wed 20 Aug 2014 19:55:05 No. 20613475 Report Quoted By:
>>20611640 Discing up for one if you've got any left.
IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>20613444 It's fine friend. <3 Just been looking for those guys for a couple months, saw other people requesting and stuff, got confused. These threads are the best, wasn't going to leave anyways. Need to do my own giveaway soon.