[38 / 7 / ?]
Hello gentlemen, I come from the future. I know you're all enjoying your newly-acquired Black 2 and White 2 games but I'm going to provide some information about the next generation Pokémon games, specifically on the competitive side.
>Knock Off will be the new Stealth Rock : you'll see this move everywhere
>Kangaskhan became so good she's now in Uber tiers under Smogon, and they're in the process of banning Mawile as well
>Charizard is now a top threat in OU, as well as the new early bird (which is fire/flying, by the way)
>Clefable is now very hard to kill
>Defog is now relevant
>Baton Pass teams are so good they got nerfed to one Pokémon with the move in OU
>Lucario and Gengar are now ubers
>Knock Off will be the new Stealth Rock : you'll see this move everywhere
>Kangaskhan became so good she's now in Uber tiers under Smogon, and they're in the process of banning Mawile as well
>Charizard is now a top threat in OU, as well as the new early bird (which is fire/flying, by the way)
>Clefable is now very hard to kill
>Defog is now relevant
>Baton Pass teams are so good they got nerfed to one Pokémon with the move in OU
>Lucario and Gengar are now ubers