Welcome to the GTS Giveaway thread! Since ORAS is just around the corner, I nominate a new mascot to become the "currency" for our giveaways: Zigzagoon! They're easy to obtain for all of your giving/receiving needs!>how do I participate? Just put up a Zigzagoon in the GTS asking for whatever Pokemon you want that's being given away here. Post your own giveaways too!>DO NOT ASK FOR SHINIES/MEGASTONES/SPECIFIC HEXAPERFECT POKEMON ETC. That is not the point of this thread. We're also unlikely to have prior generation tutor moves like Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts. Have fun, and be kind to each other! Zig up! ToTT:Have you bred each one of the new ORAS megas yet?
ign devon 1435-4647-0528 (Fighting Sawk , Manky and ?)
ign devon 1435-4647-0528 (Fighting Sawk , Manky and ?) Thu 21 Aug 2014 03:00:37 No. 20619952 Report >>20619893 could i get a hidden power frokie?
I was wondering where /ggg/ had gone. welcome back from the dead, worst thread.
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>>20619893 kek, I'm down for it.
Zoelle, is that you?
Well, it's kinda good to /be/ back, sir!
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>>20619990 Shit, meant to quote
>>20619956 Anonymous
Hey /vp/ I have 60 penta perfect shiny Female Sneasels to give away! They are:>In a love ball >Jolly natured >holding a Razor Claw With egg moves:>Ice shard >fake out >Counter >Ice punch If you want one, Disc up with the message "/vp/ Shiny" And I'll send one your way!
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>20619952 Are you asking for protean Froakies? I have a bunch of pentaperfects to give away but no zigzagoon to do the swap. The non-perfect stat is attack unless you want something else. No Egg moves
IGN: Michi
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>>20620046 Disc is up :3 Thank you!!
ign devon 1435-4647-0528 (Fighting Sawk , Manky and ?)
ign devon 1435-4647-0528 (Fighting Sawk , Manky and ?) Thu 21 Aug 2014 03:08:02 No. 20620089 Report Quoted By:
IGN Osu FC: 4656 7645 9190
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>>20620046 discing up for one! IGN Osu
IGN: Josh
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>>20620046 Been wanting one of these! Disc is up!
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>>20620046 Discing up for Shiny Sneaz.
IGN: Joseph 2664-2386-7237
>Zigzagoon Nice one retard
>>20620046 you're doing gods work anon
they'll never stop coming, never stop leeching before fleeing back to leddit and gamefags :^) Mia
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>>20620046 Disc up for sneasel
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>>20620046 Disc is up, thanks
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>>20620046 Disc up! Thanks, anon.
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>>20620139 >OP tries to change mascot away from Luvdisc >Immediate influx of people posting Luvdisc for fake shiny giveaway Stay awful, /ggg/.
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>>20620153 this thread it's already shit, at least we don't have to deal with circlejerk now
What does disc up mean? new to /vp/
ign devon 1435-4647-0528 (Fighting Sawk , Manky and ?)
ign devon 1435-4647-0528 (Fighting Sawk , Manky and ?) Thu 21 Aug 2014 03:16:11 No. 20620219 Report >>20620064 that would be dope , if you would id like that one
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>>20620213 Put a luvdisc on wonder trade, that's how people give stuff away
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>>20620213 you post a pic of yourself to get a pokemon
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20620213 you have to show your
disc Anonymous
giving out 30 shiny jirachis
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>>20620219 >that would be dope , if you would id like that one put a disc up with a /vp/ message if you can
>>20620046 so we don't have to use Zigzagoons?
>>20620046 So... Is this a ruse?
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>>20620253 Thanks! I have 30 discs ready! You're a pal!
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>>20620046 What the hell, I'll give it a shot and disc up
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>>20620290 I believe so. Ad was posted in some other thread as well, but the amount of Sneasel didn't go down since posting in this one, when it prolly would've.
D3RK [5129 - 1384 - 7688]
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>>20620046 disc is up, thank you!
>>20620046 Anon, shitpost in other thread please.
>>20620353 >yfw the replies to the phony giveaway are the only thing keeping this thread alive Does no one have an actual giveaway of breeding leftovers to trade for
Zigzagoons? Anonymous
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>>20620385 This thread shouldn't be alive in the first place.
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>>20620385 I-I have
Togepis .
But I think the problem is that everyone has everything these days, so they don't come to the threads because there's nothing they want anymore.
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Speaking of Zigzagoons, does anyone happen to have an extremespeed Zigzagoon/Linoone that they aren't using?
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I've still got some of my 5iv Adamant Dedennes, and if you really want I can go into my Bank and pull out some of my HA HP Ice Pichus (no HP/def, max attack, but they have Ice, I ain't complaning. Also come with Encore/Fake Out)
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>>20620385 There's no sense in giving out stuff to the same people everytime.
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>>20620290 They aren't shiny, but they are at least pentaperfect. So it's not all bad.
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>>20620385 I'm breeding for a perfect Hawlucha, I can do a giveaway soon. Anonymous
>>20620264 (I think) OP is saying once ORAS is out, then we use zig. Until then, disc.
I've got 3 boxes of 5iv Kabuto left. Request a nature. No egg moves (none are worthwhile IMO). 3 JPN left (all jolly). And three 6iv left (Bashful, Hasty, Quirky).
These are the last of the Feebas and Swablus since I finally hatched a shiny Swablu, even if its the wrong gender, and a kind anon shinified a Feebas for me and I was getting sick of Feebas It may be a bit for the Electriks but ill get you either gender if you wait just tell me what pokemon you want and...goon? up
>>20620441 Kabuto with no worthwhile egg moves?
What is Knock Off and Rapid Spin.
Also giving away a few timid protean froakies. penta-perfect except attack.
>>20620478 no, just overjewed
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20620447 Can I nab a Swablu? Do you want a Disc or a Goon, if it's a goon I'll have to go catch one quickly.
>>20620509 disc is fine since goons wont be working for a while
>>20620441 may i have a 6iv one ? Adamant nature
ill disc up my ign is Mando
message is /vp/
>>20620495 Jewed up and spit out.
Zigzagoon is actually much easier to scroll to instead of goin to the middle of the alphabet every time. Plus, most fake giveaways will still use Lubdisc so using a different mon will naturally deconflict that?
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20620525 Fine by me, Disc up. Thanks a bunch.
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>>20620535 You are stupid or just retarded?
>Luvdisc 100% catch rate with quick ball. >100% Appearance with old rod. >Comes with heart scale. Anonymous
>>20620490 I suppose I should have bred it with Rapid Spin, but I'm not going to use it. I don't see knock off as viable. But whatever the case, these are the kabuto's I'm giving out.
>>20620529 I only have 3 6iv one's. They are Bashful, Hasty, and Quirky as listed. So I can give you one of those, or a 5iv adamant.
>>20620447 disc up for Electrike; didn't specify gender if that's ok. it'll be there when you're ready to send~
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>>20620583 the five iv is good
Thanks in advance i appreciate it.
I miss when this thread was dead. Why won't all of you just leave and let my precious thread die?
>>20620447 Mind if I grab a electrike?
>>20620447 Can I get one of those Feebas? Disc is up. Couldn't find a stupid ass fuckin Zigzagoon after 3 minutes of searching.
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>>20620607 You can jew dead things too
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>>20620614 Fuck, forgot name. IGN is Josh.
Someone please make a new thread with the right giveaway pokemon Luvdisc. Zigzagoon a shit!
>>20620614 sent
>>20620599 will send in a few minutes when one hatches
>>20620608 sure, it just will be a few minutes to hatch
>>20620629 SHUT THE FUCK UP
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>>20620664 But first let me take a selfie.
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Isn't Luvdisc from Hoenn also?
>>20620599 sent
>>20620608 did you disc or goon up?
IGN: Josh
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>>20620637 Thank you so much!
>>20620447 can I have a swablu please? disc is up
>>20620806 IGN is Michi btw
>>20620637 Alright i can wait.
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>>20620839 Ive got a female now saved for you, disc up
IGN:nick 3196-3009-1571
I have lots of 5iv growlithes, abras, HA dratinis, and scythers to give away, just respond and disc up. All i ask for is some stuff from the battle masion
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>>20620046 Disc up Thank you in advance
ign is mando
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 04:09:06 No. 20620888 Report >>20620860 this is supposed to be a giveaway thread.
if you're looking for barters>/wfg/
furthermore, anyone attaching maison items to their luvdiscs for your mons are big snipe targets.
cheers man
>>20620888 Sup retard, ready to jew?
IGN:nick 3196-3009-1571
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>>20620888 Im not saying you have to give anything, and put up a specific pokemon other than a luvdisc if youre worried
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>>20620731 Thank you! I really appreciate it~
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
>>20620447 I'd love a Swablu please! I was just about to breed one.
Putting up an awesome great ball Bagon for you with Dragon Dance 4iv in five minutes or as soon as you respond!
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>20620894 B-but summer is over....why is the shitposting so prevalent still?
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 04:13:45 No. 20620940 Report Quoted By:
>>20620894 forgive me anon.
i come empty handed today.
im sure you've got stuff to giveaway since you've been following for quite some time already.
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>>20620932 Because of retarded people like you.
>>20620926 sent
>>20620928 thank you, you can bagon up now
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
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>>20620966 Thanks a bunch dude!
4 5IV Adamant Druddigons with Sucker Punch up for grabs.
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 04:28:05 No. 20621093 Report >>20621038 disc up.
prefer a female if you have one
thank u anon
>>20621038 >My feet hurt just looking at that picture. Disc going up for Lego Drugs.
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
>>20620966 And thanks!
Guess I'll do an ORAS Bagon giveaway.
I have 4 females left.
4/5 IV, adamant with Dragon Dance. Rock Head turns into Intimidate for sweet safe switch ins to let it boost. One of the few Pokemon that match a Great Ball.
Disc up or if anyone one has leftover lopunny, let me know! I'm around for an hour.
>>20621113 Mind if i grab one? I
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
>>20621133 Disc away
3 left
>>20621093 Female sent.
>>20621097 Sent. Laughed at your message.
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Thu 21 Aug 2014 04:34:17 No. 20621145 Report Quoted By:
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad Thu 21 Aug 2014 04:34:52 No. 20621149 Report Quoted By:
>>20620046 Disc up. This is gonna be the shit!
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>>20621038 neat, i want a lego
also, giving away male unaware woopers
and female lure ball horseas
IGN Osu FC: 4656 7645 9190
>>20621113 discing for a 5 IV one right after this battle
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>>20621137 Disc'd up. I dont have bagon in my dex. So i couldnt put female
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
>>20621161 Alright.
2 left now.
One breeding mom left too, needs heart scale to get back DDance, 4IV
ign: Michi
>>20620447 if you are still on, id like a swablu to breed with!
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
>>20621227 Bagon, not Salamence
ign: Michi
>>20621238 oh, i'll put it back up for bagon
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
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>>20621247 No worries.
1 more female baby left.
And one more female parent that needs to be retaught DDance.
IGN Osu FC: 4656 7645 9190
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>>20621178 sorry it took me a while anon. disc is now up!
>>20621113 discing for that sick salamence thanks
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
>>20621292 Hope you like what it will become when it evolves from Bagon.
Still one female Bagon left.
Not Salamence.
>>20621330 Discing for salamence thx OP
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
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>>20621333 Gonna cut you so deep
>>20621330 Can i get the female nicknamed Baggete?
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>>20621229 >id like a swablu to breed with Dude! Sick!
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Are we actually using Zizagoons, or is that gonna wait until ORAS comes around?
IGN: PKMN Mstr 1719-4079-9467
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>>20621353 I think you misspelled fagette
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>>20621229 got me just in time before i went to bed, sending in a moment
>>20620447 Im off for the night so please no requests from this
IGN Alex
Does anyone have any fucking ekans? Fuck route 14 and fuck sweet scent
IGN: Niko
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>>20620046 Luvdisc is going up asap! Thanks in advance OP!!
>>20621519 yes i even have a shiny
IGN Alex
>>20621519 Fuck off beggar
>>20621546 haha what? why?
IGN Alex
>>20621557 Oh, I don't need the shiny. Just any ekans. Because of reasons
>>20621566 What are you talking about? I dont have anything for you s:
IGN Alex
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>>20620223 Just got a basic bitch sneasel instead.. ;~;
IGN Alex
>>20621538 >>20621575 Wait, what? O-okay, nvm then
>>20621592 umm sure(?),
IGN Alex
>>20621605 Wait, do you have an ekans or not? I'm confused as to why you are confused
>>20621614 Just leave me alone, okay?
IGN Alex
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>>20621634 What the fuck. You replied to me...
>>20621634 I think you might be too stupid for this thread. Please return when you've finished with high school in 6 years.
>>20621651 Stop being so hostile nerd.
>>20621660 Ok, you're definitely underage. Reported.
IGN Alex
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Reply to this post what your current giveaway is at the moment.
>>20621676 >>20621673 I'm not doing anything, you are just freaks. I only posted that i had a shiny ekans and you started posting things.
Btw, I'm not underage, I'm 14
>>20621718 Stop, you freak.
IGN Alex
>>20621697 What is this fucking thread for? Telling people about your shitty snake? Why would you think I, or anyone else, would give a shit about your NFT shinies? Take your 11 year old ass back to the pokebeach forums
>>20621752 Why are you yelling at me? Calm down
IGN Alex
>>20621763 >yelling >on a forum u wit m8
>Zigzagoon instead of Luvdisc who the fuck let this happen? Dumbest change ever
>>20621651 >too stupid for this thread What the fuck are you on about? This thread is for the lowest tier of posters on this board. They're literal bottomfeeders. taking the shit that other people drop at them, putting no effort in themselves while shitting up the place.
>>20621774 Just stop you are making yourself look pathetic
God. You guys are insufferable. Leave the child alone. But Sabrina, it may not be a good to be on here. Go somewhere safer. Such as tumblr.
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>>20621752 Put a luvdisc on the GTS (none of the zigzagoon stuff) so I can send you the spare 6 IV ekans I have in my box. :D
>>20621807 Thanks, it's nice to see that not everybody here is an asshole
IGN Alex
Welp, someone gave me an ekans anyways. No hard feelings Sabrina, I was just bored
>>20621841 Are you fucking serious? You fucking tool. How about you fuck off to some other corner of the web, shitlord
>>20621841 Ok, I accept your apologize
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>>20621858 >i must defend all gril on inturnetts! Sabrina
>>20621872 Haters gonna hate (:
>>20621834 Maybe you should, you know, actually READ what the thread is about before posting.
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>>20621794 Well, you are only describing some of the people in these threads. There are also the people using the thread to give away pokemon that have some value.
>>20621776 No one did. It was a suggestion by OP for ORAS, not for X and Y.
>>20621763 >>20621774 You seem to be missing the (stupid) joke.
>Does anyone have any fucking ekans? You just asked if anyone has an ekans, not if they have an ekans they are giving away. It's obviously implied because of the thread, but wasn't stated. Lightly trolled.
>>20621896 I DID nothing against nobody, that freak just went crazy because i told him that i had a shiny ekans
>>20621887 Please leave 4chan and never come back
>>20621896 This thread isn't ABOUT anything anymore.
It's just a placeholder for what could have been a good thread, but instead it's clogged with reddit and gamefaqs.
>>20621905 It's time to stop posting.
>>20621905 So you want to brag about your shitty shiny? This is a giveaway thread, unless you're trading someone or offering something you're blatantly shitposting. So maybe if you actually took the time to read what the fucking thread was about, you wouldn't be bitched at for shitposting
>>20621932 He asked
>Does anyone have any fucking ekans? No
>Does anyone have a fucking ekans to give away Weirdos should learn to read
>>20621909 FYI, some boards on reddit and gamefaqs trading board works much better than this shithole.
embep 3282 3180 7404
Another day, another Squirtle giveaway. Like before, these are all Japanese in a premier ball, Modest with Torrent, and have Water Spout, Aura Sphere, Aqua Jet, and Dragon Pulse. Today's leftovers: -5 hexaperfect males -More pentaperfect males than I will ever need -4 random 5IV females Disc up if you're interested. I wish I had better girls for balltism but gender ratio's been screwing me over today.
>>20621946 This is the Giveaway thread like I've said ten times you stupid cunt, he was obviously asking for one.
Sabrina. The tizzy is because this is a giveaway thread. By posting you had a shiny ekans, some people thought you were giving it away. It's not really that big of a deal, but there are jackasses on here that enjoy blowing things out of proportion rather than being civilized human beings.
>>20621959 >Cunt Kids shouldn't use rude words.
It's not my fault that he can't specify.
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>mfw people are falling for obvious bait Are you guys retarded? I mean, literally? Bait is so obvious that even the fish are avoiding it.
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>>20621962 You can go too, mister white knight.
>>20621971 you're the kid here. please leave
>>20621954 Disc up, thank you. Hexaperfect please
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>>20621962 I know I'm not the only one sick and tired of stupid kids coming here and shitting everything up. It's like the PSS 'SHINY PLS' gravitated into /vp/ and it pisses me off. It's not all about getting shinys.
>>20621984 Sure, pokefreak
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I swear to god, this thread gets worse every time I come in here. Fuck you guys, just fuck you.
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>>20621971 I'm probably twice your age.
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:01:48 No. 20621999 Report IGN Alex
:^) Did I just breathe life back into this thread by being a dick about a snake? Disc up for a shiny ninetales. I only have 1 and it's not kb, so w/e. First reply chicken dinners
>>20621962 Female. Thanks. But I would love to be a knight.
In all seriousness. I recognize a childlike mistake when I see one. Not call a 14 year old a cunt. I'm just saying ignore her if need be.
Noire !NjdeghNnes
>>20621954 discing for female penta
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20621985 No problem, enjoy!
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>>20622009 Who keeps letting gamefaqs out of their cage?
>>20622001 Shut up you egocentric weirdo
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>>20622009 >14 years old >her pls, gtfo
IGN Alex
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>>20622019 Disc up, I guess. It's level 71
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:04:39 No. 20622030 Report >>20621954 Wow man. disc up for squirtle named SquirtHippo
Thanks embep!
Quoted By:
Best thread ever.
embep 3282 3180 7404
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20622030 I'm playing in Japanese, so nicknames are limited to six characters.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
30 shiny Cloyster>jolly, skill link 30 shiny Ninetails >Drought, timid All penta perfect with enigma berry disc up
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>>20622025 Let the hate flow.
You are so rude kid
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:06:59 No. 20622052 Report >>20622042 whoa even better.
could you give it a japan nick then?
any of your liking
Bri 5129-0992-3391
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>>20622045 Disc up for ninetails. Thanks!
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People with a conscious, I suppose.
Noire !NjdeghNnes
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>>20622045 Disc up for Cloyster, ign Serena.
>>20622052 He said they were all Japanese in the original post. Do you read anything or just skip to the pokemon being handed out and scream "GIMME GIMME GIMME" like a spoiled toddler every time?
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>>20622045 Putting one up for Cloyster~ Ty
Quoted By:
>>20622066 Why do you even bother asking?
Are you the kind anon? :)
IGN Alex
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>>20622045 >>20622001 Well that's weird timing. Your ninetales is probably more valuable than mine, so redacted. Disc up for cloyster though
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:09:18 No. 20622075 Report >>20622045 thanks!
gonna disc up for a ninetales named Saxxy
>>20622045 le epic ruse cruise begins right guys?? xD~~~ <3
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for cloyster
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622075 I cant nickname either, I'm sorry
>>20622077 hi anon:^) IGN Alex
>>20622077 Oh, psh. Durr... Well, my ninetales is still up for grabs
>>20621954 disc up for pentaperfect male
IGN Jack
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc is up for Cloyster.
Thanks Sax.
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20622052 Alright, enjoy ハドウケン the generically-named Squirtle.
>>20622104 Looks like nobody likes you s:
>>20622045 Mind if I disc up for Ninetales next? If not that's ok, no problem. Thanks for the Cloyster. Ign Serena.
Quoted By:
>>20621999 Thanks m8, let me suck you're dick later plz XD
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622119 haha feel free
everyone can disc for both if they'd like
IGN Alex
>>20622115 Yeah, guess not
embep 3282 3180 7404
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:14:14 No. 20622136 Report >>20622110 i have no idea what the name means, but im just glad the moonrunes wont disappear when squirtle evolves. Thanks again!
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>>20622130 Thank you, Sax! You're awesome!
Nike 0602 6314 3432
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up fro Cloyster, thanks
Luke 3497-0218-4596
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>>20622045 Disc up for Ninetales, thanks Sax.
>>20622131 maybe you should stop being a dick sometime, let's forget about the snake thing k? (:
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>>20622045 Discing up for Cloyster
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20622045 surprisingly not a ruse.
>>20622045 what are their moves?
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
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>>20622045 disc up, for Cloyster first please
>>20622131 Sorry Alex, I really like you, lets have sex sometimes :D
>>20622136 But they will. It will be named Wartortle, then Blastoise.
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Do these guys have some nicknames on 'em already, perchance?
>>20622158 >>20622147 Stop, fucking weirdos
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622152 Cloyster
rock blast
ice combo wombo
razor shell
solar beamu
fire miss
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for Ninetales PLEASE!
message /vp/ sax
IGN Jack
thank you very much, you're amazing.
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Up for a Cloyster, thanks
Noire !NjdeghNnes
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>>20622045 disc up for clyoster thanks sax
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>>20622165 What do you mean, I don't want to suck any dicks you impersonator
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>>20622045 Disc named Saxxypls up for ninetails~
embep 3282 3180 7404
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>>20622136 Hadouken. Because his mega ability boosts hadou attacks.
Bri 5129-0992-3391
Quoted By:
>>20622130 Thanks for the Ninetails, Sax!
IGN Alex
>>20622158 Let's just be friends, k? C:
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:19:51 No. 20622204 Report Quoted By:
>>20622160 >ハドウケン will always be my Hadouken >>20622095 no problem sax. i'll disc up for ninetales anyhow. thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for cloyster
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Quoted By:
>>20619893 But Luvdisc is also Gen III.
Disc up for ninetails! Ign is annie. Thank you.
>>20621954 Still have any of these hexa males? That'd make my life so easier to MM. If you have any, disc is up, thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for Cloyster
IGN Jeffrey
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for ninetails, thank you
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Thanks Sax
Disc is going up for a Ninetales
Quoted By:
>>20622130 Just got the Ninetales too. Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>20622045 discing for cloyster
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Looking for a mew :3 please?
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20622226 I still have two more, not including the one I just sent you.
Quoted By:
>>20622246 Thank you so much!
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20622168 I disc up for Cloyster too if you have any left. Thank you once again.
>>20622244 put disc up, mew incoming
Quoted By:
Disc for cloyster? It's up, si vous plez.
Jaime 3754-6915-8160
>>20622246 >Think I could get one of those males too? Would definitely make breeding easier for me. Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622259 umm i will need your fc
Quoted By:
>>20622273 Is this your first time on 4chan too?
>>20622274 You don't need that, just upload a disc to the GTS and you ingame name, he can find it himself
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Discing up for Cloyster
Quoted By:
>>20622045 I would like to have a nice clyt.
Disc up for cloyster
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622288 why do you obsess with the first girl that you see here? Stop using my name please
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20622273 No problem, just put up a disc and I'll send it.
>>20622303 Hah! There are way too many girls on this fucking board. You're not special.
embep 3282 3180 7404
>>20622273 Future baby daddy sent.
Quoted By:
>>20622045 ty just received the ninetails. so beautiful.
discing up for cloyster if you got any left
IGN Jack
thanks again!
>>20622312 Thanks! I shall make good use of it.
IGN Alex
>>20622045 Too late to snag a ninetales?
>>20622303 I am a girl also, you can see my name and friend code in the tread if you know which one I am
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Quoted By:
>>20622309 im more special that an asshole like you
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>20622327 Fast get! Thanks
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622332 i'm not a lesbian like you, sorry
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc'd for Ninetails, thanks
Dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:37:48 No. 20622348 Report Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for cloyster
Dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
Dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:40:18 No. 20622360 Report Quoted By:
Also anyone out there got a breeding leftover marill/azurill? I would like one thanks I've got a variety of things to trade for it just ask
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20622325 No problem.
>>20621954 My original post. I still have one hexaperfect left and three random 5IV females if anyone wants any. Plus around a box full of pentaperfect males.
>>20622342 Ignore the shitposter and he/she will stop.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Quoted By:
>>20622367 thanks (: will do
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Thanks for the Cloyster, Sax
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Thanks Based Sax. Much appreciated
>>20622045 Could I also disc up for a Ninetales as well as jewish as that is? I think I did this last time you had a giveaway like this. IGN Jeff
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Luke 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Thanks for these pokes, Sax. Much appreciated.
Quoted By:
>>20622388 For once the cunt is right.
>>20622388 I'm a self admitted jew. It doesn't make what I'm doing any better but at least I acknowledge what I'm doing.
Cookie - 1693 2954 5332 (Loudred, Aipom and Eevee)
Cookie - 1693 2954 5332 (Loudred, Aipom and Eevee) Thu 21 Aug 2014 06:46:45 No. 20622403 Report Quoted By:
>>20622045 I'd like a cloyster if you still got one
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622401 >Rape it's okay if I know I'm raping Weirdo
>>20622408 Rape is ok in moderation.
>>20622408 absolutely. didn't you know that's how it works for all things?
Quoted By:
Thank you for the ninetails :)
Ian 3582-9569-0649
Quoted By:
anyone here happen to have a toxic boost zangoose? I've been looking for one for a while. can put up a pentaperfect tyrunt with the elemental fangs and ddance for it.
Quoted By:
>>20622408 Can I rape you? :3
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622410 >>20622411 Rape it's not funny nerds
Quoted By:
Thanks for that, Sax. It'll go to good use.
Quoted By:
>>20622410 I smell a fedora
>>20622426 you're not funny either
Quoted By:
>>20622426 You're on 4chan, that sentence is practically like saying "I'm from tumblr, pls rape my face"
>>20622408 sabrino, or should i call you lesborina?
will oyu kindly shut the fuck up, and compare, with stupid shit, to justify yourself.
you are one hell of a tripfag, namecunt.
you are worse than alfredo, and tells a lot.
Merrick 4484-9409-5005
Quoted By:
>>20622426 I challenge this claim.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Quoted By:
>>20622431 I'm not supposed to be funny kid.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622434 Um? If i use a trip it's because weirdos copy my name
>>20622453 maybe if you stopped being such an cunt, and used tumblr memes, and unironical, shitposting, you would not be copied.
get your shit together.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622469 >>20622474 h8rs gonna h8 (:
grow up
So out of curiosity. I can make a shit ton of penta-perfect porygon. Not hacked or cloned, actually bred. If I made two boxes full, would that be a decent give away or would I be wasting mine and others time?
>>20622478 >h8rs gonna h8 (: >using numbers. >(: are you fucking kidding me? that is banable offenses you are doing right now.
smileys are banable.
writing l33t speak is banable.
fuck off, or i will get you banned. understood?
>>20622483 What ball? What egg moves?
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
I'm caught up with everything in the GTS, if you got sniped or want the other one put up another disc I'll be back in like 15 mins, I'm taking a break
Quoted By:
>>20622498 well final warning.
Quoted By:
>>20622488 Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>>20622488 Good lord, please ban her already
>>20622483 hidden ability?
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622516 Kept in your own business m not doing anything against you.
Quoted By:
>>20622526 attacking anons too now? wow you are truly worse than hitler.
Quoted By:
>>20622526 Well, since you're shitposting and being ignorant in a thread I commonly browse, you are.
>>20622488 She already sais she is 14; that warrens a ban already
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622544 Said the illiterate middle schooler.
Quoted By:
>>20622492 >egg moves on a porygon Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622551 >Implying that's me Yes you are dumb
>>20622539 >>20622544 Yeah I know this bitch, she is 14 and deserves a ban.
>>20622544 >4chan Global Rule 2 "If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately." Anonymous
>>20622544 anon is correct.
age restriction for /vp/ is 16 +
and if you truly are 14, well then, your arguing, is just a teenager temper.
maybe when you grow up, you will realise, that this is wrong, until then, your arguments, are just part of you.
you ain't getting anything form my giveaways anymore.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622555 you don't deserve the trips. but.
>using trips >implying it is not you. please go, and never come back.. and i meant from 4chan.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622566 Show me a post with my trip claiming my age, you can't.
Quoted By:
>>20622565 >lying. >calling people wierdos. you know this is not tumblr, but 4chan right?
we are all a bunch of weirdos.
>>20622570 >what is foolz archives? >what is finding your post. ftfy
Quoted By:
>>20622570 Babys first post :^)
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622587 Go ahead, once again stop being dumb.
This is the giveaways' or Sabrina's general? BAN THIS CUNT NOW!
Quoted By:
>>20622594 #rood.
why are you like that?
also, is dumb the only thing you can say?
is that what you tell your mother, when she asks you to clean your room?
is that what you say when your dad, says, you shall not date shady guys, or go on dangerous websites (4chan).
please don't make yourself, look more retarded than you already are.
also screencapping this, for cringe picture.
Quoted By:
>>20622594 No one fucking likes you go away
Quoted By:
>>20622594 why do you take all this bait?
geez. no one cares, and no one wants you.
are you an attentionwhore?
Quoted By:
Friendly reminder to ignore all shitposting :^)
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622602 Ups, apparrently you got deleted, I'm not claiming nothing, I'm not shitposting, all the people here just decided to turn the thread into this. It's not my fault, sorry.
Quoted By:
some could make a screenshot collage out of this kek
>>20622615 >answering back. >not ignoring. you could had stopped this, but you did not.
and now you have become unpopular. good work.
>>20622615 You're a rude bitch, stop shitposting and just leave.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
>>20622635 Just stop getting mad.
Quoted By:
>>20622637 >blaming others, for what you did start. >being this kind of person. you are truly, the worst on /ggg/.
>>20622637 You do know that nearly everyone here is older than you right
Quoted By:
>>20622650 you are the one being mad.
please stop.
Sabrina !htEcL1z5ao
Quoted By:
>>20622655 I'm so sorry for you. Just stop and go back to the thread.
Quoted By:
>>20622650 I'm not even mad, it's just pathetic how you spend your time being a cunt on the internet, your parents must be so proud. :^)
Quoted By:
>>20620046 you still around?
Quoted By:
Damn the janitor went ham on this thread. I think 100+ replies were deleted.
Quoted By:
>>20622501 Do you still have any ninetales because im putting up a disc.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
thx janitor still have 6 shiny cloyster and shiny 16 ninetails looking for a caring hame
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20622687 I'll take a Cloy, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20622687 discing for ninetales
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
Quoted By:
>>20622687 can i grab a cloyster, discing up
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
Glorious, I thought it would never end.
>>20622687 Disc up for a Ninetales, please.
>>20622687 Discing for a cloyster.
Thanks ahead of time Sax.
Now let's get back to giveaways! I'm giving away some shiny Aerodactyls! Jolly, 6IV, HA males!
Quoted By:
anyone having a HA 4-5iv golett? have stuff to offer, but not much really..
Quoted By:
>>20622523 Analytic. They can have the other two abilities, though. I'd make them to what's most popular for people. I'm relatively new to breeding, put I've picked up fast. I haven't really touched egg moves because I was planning on a competitive moveset for porygon z. But, if I were to make a ton, would they be worth giving away? Penta perfects.
Quoted By:
>>20622687 Disc up for Ninetales, thanks
IGN: Emily
>>20622749 discing up, thanks anon
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
>>20622749 Disc up, thank you so much
>>20622777 >>20622779 >>20622758 Getting to them in a minute, sorry for a bit of a delay
Quoted By:
>>20622749 oo disc up!
IGN Jack
message: /vp/ !!
thanks in advanced. I love you.
Quoted By:
>>20622749 Disk up. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20622749 Discing will be up soon, thanks in advance
>>20622687 I actually have a friend that would love a ninetails but can't come online right now. Is it okay if I disc for one more?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20622789 its okay im gonna be a bit to
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>20622834 kek
yea go ahead its good
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 07:46:54 No. 20622862 Report Quoted By:
>>20622749 thanks anon disc up!
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622749 based on the discs stacking up I'm guessing this is a ruse?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20622789 Alright, disc is up sorry if i took a whhile
Haz 0130-2571-6204
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc goin up for a tails.
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
>>20622045 Disc up for cloyster if there is any left.
Quoted By:
>>20622869 Damn really? That'd be a damn shame huh.
I thought the guy seemed pretty earnest based on
>>20622789 but who knows
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
2 cloyster and 9 ninetails left (that's like 81 tails) and if you see me in you're acquaintance list send me a trade request, I have some shiny moonblast HP fire jirachi and 6iv manaphy I cant GTS
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>20622869 Thanks Sax, you're one of the best people on /vp/.
>>20622922 Damn. You're a god. Do you want anything particular in return?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622929 you take that back, I'm a hacking scoundrel
thx >>20622934 not in particular
penta perfects tto breed are cool but I'm not worried about it
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20622922 Could I still possibly get a Cloyster?
Quoted By:
>>20622922 I see, ya, I'm gonna try to trade you and get a Jirachi please!
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20622922 Yo mind if I go for that HP Fire Jirachi? Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20622922 Disc up for Ninetails. IGN is Unknown. thanks Sax
>>20622922 C-can I get the Manaphy?
Didn't see you on the Acquaintance though
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
>>20622940 Hey Sax, I'm going to give you my pentaperfect Shiny Klefki so you can clone it and do a giveaway with it.
Thanks for the Jirachi.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622952 have you disced up for both? throw up a disc for a Blastoise if not and Ill find you in a bit
Whoever showed me the shinu keys, I accidentally hit cancel before you showed it. I'll get back to you.
Michele 0430-9117-9614
Quoted By:
>>20622922 Could I grab a Manaphy? Need one bad for dex completion ;_;
Quoted By:
>>20622961 >>20622922 could i get one of those jirachis
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622960 I currently dont have access to one, mine kept not recognizing the hardware and I returned it for a refund. Still waiting on amazon.
I'm planning on buying a new one after
Quoted By:
>>20622922 asking to trade you now.
going to offer a 5 IV male eevee with Wish for a HP Jirachi just so you know
>>20622961 yo Sax how many do you have of each? if there's only a small amount I'll back off. I've been enough of a jew haha.
Quoted By:
>>20622961 Alright, throwing a disc up
Quoted By:
>>20622961 could i get a manaphy too pls
im looking for you in game but no luck sofar
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20622974 of manaphy and jirachi
40 ish a piece or so
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
>>20622991 damn i wanna grab a jirachi but i cant find you
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623018 have you disced for anything from me yet?
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
>>20623019 yeah just before i grabbed a cloyster
Quoted By:
>>20623019 thanks the zapdos is hp ice
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>20622922 May I have a Manaphy?
I'm sending you a TR as we speak.
>>20623019 i got the Blastoise, but i still can't see you
i'll just add your FC instead
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
Thanks so much, Sax ur a pretty swell dude
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623031 >>20623023 just hold tight I'll find you in a moment
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20623031 forget to include FC
>>20623019 just wondering. why do giveaways when you don't really get anything of use in return? also I'm wondering if it gets annoying when you see the same people over and over eating entire boxes. I know it's nice and all and pokemon are just lines of code.
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623047 ...
ok that's actually a very valid reason. I guess it's better than wonder trade.
Quoted By:
my bad sax didn't know you were giving away both. thanks for the jarachi though! hopefully you find some use for that wish eevee
IGN: Lontrain 1375-8556-8113
Can I still disc up for Dactyl?
Michele 0430-9117-9614
>>20623047 Can I send you a trade request for the Manaphy, if I see you online?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
embep 3282 3180 7404
Quoted By:
>>20623040 Because releasing/wonder trading Pokemon with perfect IVs just seems like a waste sometimes. It's better to offer them up to people who might appreciate them.
>>20623065 tbh I think it might be a ruse. I don't see anyone saying thanks. I don't think I got anything yet either.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>20623070 Could I trade the Jirachi for a Manaphy? I don't want to seem greedy or something..
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623074 you can have both haha Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20623065 >>20623073 I didn't get anything either.
IGN: Lontrain 1375-8556-8113
You're probably right, so I'll switch to Ninetales, if that's still possible
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623082 I got you shortly
Andy I see you only but you're busy
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20623087 should be ok, now
Someone just send me a TR and i thought that was you
Michele 0430-9117-9614
Quoted By:
>>20623087 Thanks so much Sax, you're awesome as usual!
>>20623053 >>20623040 you only find it annoying when you hold another person in contempt, for simply doing whatever that happens not to align with your thoughts and values.
quite a few lose their cool and burst into bouts of trolling, shitposting and rusing to try derail the thread's purpose.
i think you're pretty zen to be aware of what you're seeing and asking questions
>>20623079 So when can I hit you up with a request? Also I think I might end up giving shitmon in return if you don't mind because I have a bunch lying around that might end up in the wild anyways.
or the cesspool known as Wonder Trade Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>20623100 when you see me not busy, I'm juggling a couple things at once at the moment
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
>>20623087 i just disced up for a ninetales are there any left?
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623106 yea once I finish this TR ill be filling tthe ones on the gts
Quoted By:
>>20623112 alright I'll wait for when you're done with GTS stuff I guess
Quoted By:
Anyone here have an extra HA female Goomy?
Andy 4227-2210-9843
Quoted By:
>>20623112 Thank you so much for going through the trouble, Sax
The Genie has almost perfect iv, the Kecleon has 4iv missing speed and Spatk, and they are both EV trained
Hope you would find them useful
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe
Shawn 4957-3261-5687 Braixen/Charmeleon/Growlithe Thu 21 Aug 2014 08:30:47 No. 20623144 Report Quoted By:
>>20623097 haha categorically doesnt this fall under shitposting then?
just sayin
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
>>20623166 was anyone else waiting?
not currently busy
>>20623171 D you have any leftover ninetales?
IGN: Lontrain 1375-8556-8113
Quoted By:
Ninetails received, thanks a lot! <3
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Quoted By:
>>20623199 Can I have a 6iv Manaphy?
Quoted By:
>>20623199 Thanks bro. I'm don't remember what the IV's on those are. iirc they were from WT which is probably a bad sign.
Quoted By:
>>20623199 Ty so much for everything
Quoted By:
>>20623199 THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Quoted By:
>>20622991 I'd like to get a manaphy
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Thu 21 Aug 2014 10:14:11 No. 20623896 Report >>20623199 sax i disced up for a shiny rotom and didn't get it even tho you still giving it away
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita)
Angus 0404-7609-0698 (Psychic Abra, Wobuffet, Gothorita) Thu 21 Aug 2014 12:31:43 No. 20624963 Report Quoted By:
>>20620046 Bit late but I did to this exact give away yesterday. But if people still want it I could grab some more?
>>20623896 Quit you're bitching and wait
He'll v get to you eventually
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Thu 21 Aug 2014 15:17:48 No. 20626459 Report Quoted By: