Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Do you like Luvdisc? Last thread:
Alvaro 0903-3444-5841
>>20637445 anyone with a female kabuto in a nice ball?
>>20637486 Not a begging thread, fuck off
>>20637514 Not an asshat thread, fuck off imbecile
If anyone has any tropius, I'd like one for horde training. It can learn sweet scent, fly, and razor leaf which hits all 5 targets. Thanks! I'll disk up if someone replies.
Quoted By:
who want a regular kyurem? i have one, I repeat, just one
>>20637524 Keep encouraging it, you're only helping shit up the thread
>>20637541 Keep replying, you're only helping shit up the thread
>>20637526 here's a reply for you:
fuck off to somewhere else Anonymous
>>20637526 Do you care about the stats?
>>20637549 I guess this:
>>20637555 applies to you, too
Quoted By:
>>20637569 I guess this:
>>20637555 applies to you, too
>>20637555 gr8 b8 m8. Have any idea what this thread's about?
>>20637557 Nope. Could be straight 0 and I'd still trade for it. Do you have one you could trade?
Quoted By:
Hey, remember when people gave out breeding leftovers instead of shitty cloned Legendaries and Shinies? Yeah, me neither.
Is this truly necessary, guys?
>>20637582 Yeah, hold on a sec though it's in my bank.
>>20637582 >Have any idea what this thread's about? Do you? This thread was great until beggars like you flooded it and ruined it
>>20637589 Ikr? If you don't like shitposting, don't reply.
If you don't like beggars, simply don't reply.
>>20637601 Thanks! Just realised I ran out of disks. I'll just quickly go catch one.
>>20637617 And let the thread gradually become shittier? No thanks, I'd rather the beggars fuck off for good
Quoted By:
>>20637615 >Have any idea what this thread's about? Do you? This thread was great until faggots like you flooded it and ruined it
>>20637617 it just adds fuel to the fire
>>20637615 >Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here! >Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need. /argument
>>20637646 You sure? shitposters love attention. And if beggars don't get what they ask for, they won't come back.
>>20637615 It's ok to ask as long it's not a rare or specific request
Quoted By:
>>20637661 oh, I was agreeing with you there
>>20637653 >dump your leftovers Nowhere does it say "ask for things like an entitled brat"
>>20637661 >if beggars don't get what they ask for, they won't come back. HAHAHA
Yeah, as if. Those children see this place like it's their parents' house and they can just barge in and take what they want whenever they want
>>20637670 It's really not
>>20637688 It really is, though. It's just not guaranteed that you'll get it.
>>20637631 K, just got it, sorry.
My internet was acting up.
>>20637643 The thread is becoming shittier because assholes like you are caring too much to what other people do or don't.
>>20637688 I'm convinced this is shitposting
To everyone else, it really is fine as long as it's not the stuff on the OP
Quoted By:
>>20637703 THIS
now let's stop the shitposting
Quoted By:
>>20637700 >It really is, though. It's just not guaranteed that you'll get it. And it never should be, it sends the wrong message of "come and ask here, you are entitled to take everything so long as you ask for it"
>>20637703 If you think caring about something is shitty, I sure don't want to know how you live your life
>>20637709 I'm convinced you people are actually idiots for going for this nonsense
>>20637701 Thanks, disk up.
Oh look actual leftovers giveaway Disc for as many as you want. Just tell me what pokemon youre discing for, and what gender if its Electrike.
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
So anyone got a ferrothorn
NautX !!/u8a/95iZZz
Giving away shiny Togekiss! Calm with Defog and Nasty Plot! All male, can't nickname them, sorry!
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
>>20637739 i would like a swablu please
Quoted By:
>>20637745 Whoa! Brb catching a disk.
>>20637736 Hey, I didn't have a normal one so I sent you a shiny, hope that's alright.
>>20637745 what are the IVs on those boys?
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass (Petilil, Pansage, Gogoat)
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass (Petilil, Pansage, Gogoat) Fri 22 Aug 2014 03:42:44 No. 20637777 Report >>20637745 I'll throw a Flechling up right now
NautX !!/u8a/95iZZz
Quoted By:
>>20637761 Woops, forgot to mention, haha.
31/0/31/31/31/31, no less
Quoted By:
>>20637745 please tell me this isn't a ruse because I have a disc up for something else and I'd rather have this
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
Quoted By:
>>20637745 Disk up, thanks in advanced
>>20637739 >Dive ball >not Lure ball Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20637777 Fletchling confirmed.
>>20637757 Oh shit! Thanks a ton anon, that's totally alright!
>>20637798 Lure's illegal, though.
Quoted By:
>>20637798 I got it as leftovers from someone else so I cant change the ball, sorry. Im trying to get a shiny Totodile anyway so all blue will look better
Quoted By:
>>20637745 swimmer heart up xD
ign: kalm
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 03:45:36 No. 20637824 Report Quoted By:
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20637745 Sounds sweet (if it's real), disc is up.
>>20637806 Haha, ok, that's good. Happy you like it!
Quoted By:
>>20637745 pls don't be bullshitting us, OP
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
>>20637739 Thanks a bunch, now how about that feebas?
IGN: Akeem
>>20637739 I'll take a swablu
>>20637809 It isn't stop lying in the internet.
>>20637859 How do you catch one?
>>20637745 Disk up! that's awesome thanks NautX!
>>20637867 Females pass down balls while breeding. Anonymous
>>20637739 Discing for feebas
Quoted By:
>>20637745 Disc is up
I need a wall, thanks a bunch!
>>20637867 I heard you can get one in Pokemon Colloseum.
>>20637880 How do you get the first female?
Protip: You can't legally IGN: Leonard
>>20637895 Catch it in an earlier game and transfer. All kalos born are VGC legal, even if bred from a previous gen Pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>20637893 With a ball that's exclusive to gen four?
>>20637893 Can you get Lure Balls in Colosseum? The answer is NO, you retard
Erin [0018-1796-0159]
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20637745 Disc up for one of those.
>>20637905 See:
>>20637907 Dumbfuck.
I bet you think Ray Rizzo's Dream Aegislash was totally legal, too
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20637902 Thank you very much.
Quoted By:
>>20637917 Wait shit. Didn't realise what Pokemon it was. You're right I'm an idiot thanks for pointing that out anon.
>>20637884 sent
>>20637745 my disc was the 3rd or so put up and 15 minutes later still nothing, not looking good
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
>>20637745 discing for 1 of these bad boys
Quoted By:
Looking for scizor please. or at least a scyther with metal coat. message is /vp/ metal coat. luv disc is up
Quoted By:
>>20637745 discing up for a togekiss! IGN Osu
Anyone wants a Hustle Timid female Nidoran in a Dive Ball? I have 5 of them.
Does anyone want one of those shiny pentaperfect Treeko that was being given out yesterday (I think that's when it was)? I have some.
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
>>20638070 hey i will take one
IGN: Akeem
>>20638111 I'll take one, just because I don't have a Treeko yet.
Quoted By:
>>20638111 Yeah! I'll put a disk up. That would be really nice anon.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638111 I don't have treeko yet, that would be great. Discing up for one now.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
So have 3 more immunity gligars with counter baton pass and agility (1 four iv 2 five iv) 4-5 iv timid noibats Jolly speed boost venipedes and adamant mold breaker drillburs all with varying ivs
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Quoted By:
>>20637745 Exactly what I need, discing up now
Ign Sandra
>>20638111 I would love one
>>20638161 >Jolly speed boost why
>>20638171 outspeed other scolipede
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20638171 Because I knew it would agitate you
Quoted By:
>>20638161 all in pokeballs right? Ill disc for a male venipede in a moment
Quoted By:
>>20638171 So you can do cool shit like invest in more bulk while still keeping your speed up.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
Quoted By:
O also have bold also have bold yamask Should all be 4 ivs
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20638161 discing for the veinpedes
>>20638070 Sure thing bra. The luvdisc I just caught will be named "vp bait" and have a Lum Berry for faster navigation. Thanks!
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:19:59 No. 20638267 Report >>20638111 i want one,disc is up
Quoted By:
>>20637745 discing up,thanks!
Ign Sandra
Quoted By:
>>20638169 Apologies but I am currently suffering from wi-fi issues, trying to reconnect
>>20638111 Hm, despite the trips, I don't think this one's true. I was second in line and still haven't gotten one.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:21:33 No. 20638283 Report >>20638111 >>20638267 also,can you name it green day?
>>20638280 Did you put up a disc? I've been refreshing the GTS all this time and only like 2 people have put a thing up for one.
>>20638283 I cannot, terribly sorry about that...
This thing isn't mine.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20638111 I'll disc up for one if there's still extras left, thanks!
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:24:19 No. 20638321 Report Quoted By:
>>20638308 oh it's ok then,thanks for the thought
>>20638290 Yeah, it's level 15 and still holding the scale. I'm pretty sure the message is /vp/ thanks anon. want me to re-up it?
Quoted By:
>>20638253 >>20638112 Sent, still 3 to go.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:25:44 No. 20638335 Report Quoted By:
>>20638308 got it,thanks a lot
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:26:07 No. 20638340 Report Anybody want some candles and roses? Litwick x7>Pentaperfect (-atk) >Infiltrator (HA) >Modest >Luxury Ball >Female >Egg Moves: Heat Wave Roselia x8>Pentaperfect (-atk) >Leaf Guard (HA) >Timid >Nest Ball >Female >Egg Moves: Spikes, Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm Just post your IGN and deposit a disc. Don't be afraid to ask for both pokemon, I want these things gone
>>20638322 yeah, give it a shot
I had this problem yesterday with someone else as well
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20638290 In my case, I misspelled the name as "Treeko" and not "Treecko". Well Disc up now.
>>20638340 D-do you do nicknames?
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20638290 Just realized that I mispelt, reup
>>20638340 OH SHIT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A PERFECT INFILTRATOR LITWICK. WITH HEAT WAVE TOO! Will disk after I get the Treeko from the other kind anon, thanks a ton!
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:28:43 No. 20638364 Report IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20638290 Thanks man, it took me by surprise, never seen a shiny treecko before, pretty badass.
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Roselia pls. discing up soon.
Sandora [IGN Alex]
>>20638364 Sounds sweet! Do you think I could grab a Litwick named "Noire" if it wouldn't be too much trouble?
Ign Sandra
Quoted By:
>>20638111 Okay, disc is up, would love a treecko.
>>20638347 Re-upped. Thanks anon!
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638340 How romantic, and sweet of you.
I'd love one after Treecko
Quoted By:
>>20638340 I want both.
IGN: Duids
Disc'ed up first for a Roselia first.
message is /vp/ Litwick Anonymous
>>20638393 And sorry about calling you a liar.
Quoted By:
>>20638111 disc going up, thank you!
Okay, been asking for a while and it probably will get annoying but does anyone have an Eevee with yawn? Preferably HA and Timid nature for an Espeon but mostly just looking for one with yawn. Anyone care to help out?
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638359 Luvdisc up with correctly spelt request this time
sorry for the inconvenience and I hope I didn't miss out
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:33:45 No. 20638447 Report >>20638380 sure, deposit a disc
>>20638111 Thanks for the shiny Treecko
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20638340 I'd love some scented candles and some roses.
I'll disc up litwick first.
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Disc up for a litwick!
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
Quoted By:
>>20638340 I would love to get a litwick please. Nick named Kerzenlicht.
>>20638361 Disk up! Thank you so much anon!
Quoted By:
>>20638449 Ha, I love that gif
You're welcome!
Quoted By:
I have a box Espurr leftovers to give away. They only have 4IV, but all of them are bold, with 4 egg moves, HA and in net balls. I have both genders. If you need a female for starting a project yourself, disc up for it. Or if you want a male without speed (with Prankster, whatever) just to start using him right away, you can have too.
>>20638421 I have a 3 IV Jap HA Yawn/Wish/Charm/Covet Eevee, disc up
Sim [0533 - 5450 - 3855]
Quoted By:
>>20638111 discing up for treeko
Sandora [IGN Alex]
>>20638447 Right on! It's up, and has a little present attached.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:37:10 No. 20638490 Report >>20638471 what is your IGN?
Quoted By:
>>20638479 Cool thanks so much. Discing up now.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:38:21 No. 20638504 Report >>20638486 you got sniped, don't attach any decent items please
Quoted By:
>>20638490 Riley. Message is /vp/ thanks anon, and it's holding a scale. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
>>20638340 disc up for a litwick pls
IGN: Kalm
Sax | 0361 7812 5846
Shiny 6IV Gardevoirs with Hyper Voice. Timid for the best experience. Disc up for a shiny waifu.
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Thanks for the Roselia, anon!
If when you finish trading the others anon and you still have litwicks, there's a luvdisc waiting.
Sandora [IGN Alex]
Quoted By:
>>20638504 Apologies. It's up again.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Upping for litwik
Quoted By:
>>20638111 I am also disking up
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Disc up for Rosalia
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Up for Roselia afterward
Quoted By:
Thanks a TON Ocean! For the Litwik and the little gift with it!
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Catching Luvdisc right now, save one for me urrgh
Quoted By:
>>20638532 giving it a shot, disc is up
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Discing up! Thanks!
Nick 0447-7071-7278
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Discing up now, thank you
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Loki (2208-5654-9636)
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Thanks so much!
>>20638532 disking
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Wow! Disk up, ign Riley!
Quoted By:
>>20638532 I don't think this is the real Sax, guys...
Matt 1289-9321-1151
Quoted By:
Anybody have a cranidos? I need one for breeding
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass (Petilil, Pansage, Gogoat)
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass (Petilil, Pansage, Gogoat) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:46:29 No. 20638616 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Josh
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Disc is up, thanks!
>>20638532 disc up / IGN:Kalm
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:48:10 No. 20638634 Report Quoted By:
>>20638340 If your still here I'll take a Roselia
Disc up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>20638340 Disc up for a litwick, or both, both is good.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:48:15 No. 20638636 Report Quoted By:
ign: Michi
>>20638532 I really want one D: hope i'm not late disc up
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Disc is up. IGN is Unknown. Thanks Sax
IGN matthew 4055-3985-9065
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 04:50:41 No. 20638672 Report Well looks like everyone went after shiny waifus. All Litwicks are gone and I still have 5 Roselias that I'm sure people had disced up for them, but took their discs down. I'll be waiting for you all to redisc
>>20638653 >I really want one D Lewd
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20638672 the shiny NONEXISTENT waifus at that
IGN: Erin [0018-1796-0159]
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Hope this is real. Luvdisc up!
IGN: Lilly (189-1176-5689)
>>20638111 i-is there any treecko left??
disk is up
Quoted By:
>>20638672 >stuck in a wifi battle Dear god no.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
Quoted By:
>>20638672 r-ruses.. ruses everywhere. Discing up for roselia
Quoted By:
>>20638678 Well, I'd only want one D myself. Two'd be crowded as hell; how could you fit those into your boxers?
Has anyone actually gotten a Gardevoir? If so, reply. If nobody replies within a couple minutes I'll disk down.
ign: Michi
Quoted By:
>>20638706 Just a regular one.
Quoted By:
>>20638672 disc up for roselia, hope im not too late for this one too.
Quoted By:
>>20638672 I disc up for a roselia
Quoted By:
>>20638672 If you end up with one no one came back to claim, could i get it?
IGN: Erin [0018-1796-0159]
Quoted By:
>>20638672 I am a fool. Have any left?
Quoted By:
>>20637643 Lets cut the bullshit, everyone begs here. Youre not an altar boy.
Matt 1289-9321-1151
Quoted By:
>>20638672 discing up, I want that roselia, ign is matt
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
>>20638722 ima disc up for one
Quoted By:
>>20638722 In that case, disc up
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20638759 Got it, thank you
Quoted By:
>>20638672 Roselia received thanks a whole bunch m8
I know I'm gonna sound like an absolute noob but I've got a couple questions on breeding. Im trying to breed a bagon with hydro pump and dragon pulse, so I have a male horsea that knows the moves and a female bagon at the daycare center. The daycare man says they dont get along well, is this a case of just needed to find another bagon and trying again, or do either of these pokemon need to be evolved before they breed? Cheers in advance.
IGN:Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20638672 ima put one up just incase
>>20638111 Anymore Treeko's left?
Quoted By:
me waiting the gardevoir
>>20638780 as long as the guy doesn't say "they prefer to play with other pokemon" you're fine. they may take a while to make eggs, but they'll do it
>>20638780 no, that means that it's working, don't worry about it.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Fri 22 Aug 2014 05:03:13 No. 20638808 Report Just sent out my last Roselia so go check your deposited pokemon's status. If you don't have a Roselia waiting for you then you missed out, but I'll be breeding them for a while so you'll get another chance later (probably tomorrow or Saturday). I will NOT be rebreeding the Litwicks
Quoted By:
>>20638780 next time, don't ask here
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20638780 Don't worry about it, rape is a regular thing among pokemon, you'll get your egg. Unless the guy says they rather play with other pokemon, they'll always breed an egg, the only difference is how long it takes.
Imma leave the disk up for gardevoir until something else pops up that I'd like. In the meantime, anyone want a breedject Abra, Aerodactyl, Kanga, Swablu, Drilbur, Foongus (Effect spore for doubles, no regenerator), scyther, or bidoof? Have plenty of all of them but bidoof. They should all be 4/5 iv.
IGN: Erin [0018-1796-0159]
Quoted By:
>>20638808 Just got mine now. Thanks a bunch!
>>20638835 any more info on your 'dactyl?
>>20638835 I can choose two?
>>20638789 Cool, i got a lovedisc up if you're still giving them out
IGN: Lilly (189-1176-5689)
IGN: Akeem
>>20638835 Does your Drilbur have mold breaker? If so, i'll disc up for one.
>>20638844 Adamant, one egg move, whirlwind, and like I said should be 4 or 5 iv.
Quoted By:
>>20638868 You're welcome! :)
>>20638846 Go ahead.
>>20638869 Yeah I have a few. I'll go lok for you.
Quoted By:
>>20638849 Also, did you just put it up 'cause I'm not seeing anything.
>>20638888 great! I disc up for scyther and then for abra
IGN: Kalm
Quoted By:
>>20638888 Replied to correct *look then realised I got quads. Nice.
IGN: Akeem
Quoted By:
>>20638888 Got it, thanks a lot.
>>20638877 >Adamant Perfect.
May I disc up for one? IGN's Alex if so.
>>20638944 Saw the scyther disk when I was trading drilbur but can't find it now. Did you take it down?
>>20638957 Go right ahead!
Quoted By:
>>20638959 Never mind found it again and traded.
>>20638969 Sweet! Alright, it's up.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 05:19:10 No. 20639007 Report >>20638835 i'd like the foongus please
dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
dan 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Fri 22 Aug 2014 05:19:18 No. 20639012 Report Quoted By:
>>20639003 Traded!
>>20639007 Alright, looking for the disk.
>>20639025 Thank you very much!
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 05:23:56 No. 20639059 Report Anonymous
>>20639059 No problem! Anyone else want something?
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Putting a disc up.
IGN: Erin [0018-1796-0159]
>>20639065 May I have a Scyther?
Quoted By:
>>20639099 Sure! looking for the disk.
>>20639099 Traded! Just thought this was interesting, we live in the same province anon.
IGN: Erin [0018-1796-0159]
>>20639120 Well shit. This and the Slowpoke song have made my night. Thanks for the Scyther!
Myth 3394-3800-2515
>>20638111 I'd really like a Treecko if there's any left. I've disc'd up
>>20639196 There's as many left as I need.
Quoted By:
>>20639214 Also, did you get sniped?
Sorry if you did, I shoulda been paying better attention...
Quoted By:
>>20638111 I spelled it Treeko too, putting disc back up.
Myth 3394-3800-2515
Quoted By:
>>20639214 Thank you for making my day, i luv Treecko, favourite starter 5eva
IGN: Andy
Quoted By:
>>20638532 Disc up! <3 your mons
But not as much as I love best waifu
Quoted By:
>>20639193 No problem anon! Have a nice night.
>>20638111 Thank you Based anon, Shiny Mega sceptile is going to be 2 gud
Quoted By:
>>20639305 It's one of my favorite shinies, to be honest.
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
Quoted By:
>>20639214 Disc is up for Treeko! hope I'm not too late!
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
>>20638532 Disc up in case you are still around.
Andy 4227-2210-9843
>>20638532 Disc going up, thanks
IGN Santi
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someone with a female misdreavus/mismagius on a special pokeball? preferably a dream ball, luxury or dusk ball
>>20638111 Disced up in case
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>>20639359 >>20639379 I'm 99 percent sure nobody got that shiny Gardevoir.
Gary 5300-9151-7766
Gary 5300-9151-7766
IGN matthew 4055-3985-9065
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
x6 female Inkay. Nest Ball. Adamant, Contrary. - Destiny Bond, Power Split, Simple Beam, Camouflage. x4 female Buneary. Love Ball. Jolly, Limber. - Ice Punch, Switcheroo, Encore, Fake Out. x4 Porygon. Regular Pokeball. Modest, Download. - Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen. All listed Pokémon are pentaperfect and marked accordingly. Take them, I could really use the box space. ;_;
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>>20638111 Hope I'm not too late for this, disc is up, thanks
>>20639494 you didn't list IVs
how fucking useful
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
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>>20638111 You're fuckin great bruh thanks
Red 2165-6282-0123 (Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder)
Red 2165-6282-0123 (Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder) Fri 22 Aug 2014 06:04:13 No. 20639515 Report Quoted By:
>>20639494 Sorry if this sounds greedy, but do you think i could disk for all of those? I was actually thinking of training them all.
I mean, if you need the box space anyways, why not... Madvillain
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>>20639494 How do I take, I'm reaching into my screen but nothing's happening.
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>>20639494 i'll take an inkay if that's fine
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
>>20639512 If you bothered to read the bottom, you'd see that I mentioned they're all penta. Way to go you.
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>>20639512 >All listed Pokémon are pentaperfect and marked accordingly. IGN matthew 4055-3985-9065
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>>20639512 He said pentaperfect in the post.
Gary 5300-9151-7766
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>>20639494 Disked up for inkay
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Fri 22 Aug 2014 06:06:26 No. 20639555 Report >>20639494 i'd like the inkay if it's okay
can you name it nebula?
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
>>20639518 Sure, what order will you Disc for them?
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>>20639494 Disced up for porygon
>>20639494 How cool! You don't do nicknames, do you?
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>>20639555 trips confirm cute name
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>>20639565 Thanks! I have the inkay up first, then Buneary then Porygon I guess. My ign is riley. :)
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
>>20639570 Yeah, I can nickname it'll just take an extra couple seconds~
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>>20639494 As always, thanks a bunch m8
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I now have all three, and can confirm that Gavrill is an awesome person.
>>20638111 a-are you still here? i was really hoping to get one of those yesterday but missed out.
>>20638111 >>20639854 Mind if I disc up for one? Ign is Serena. Thanks.
>>20639854 awesome man, throwin that disc up now if you're cool with that. ign is corbett
>>20639948 >>20639965 Don't mind one bit, go for it.
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>>20639854 discing up as well if you got some left !
>>20639979 sweet thanks man! disc is up, much appreciated!
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>>20639979 Got it, thank you!
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>>20640018 Your appreciation is appreciated :)
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>>20638111 discing up for one
hopefully you have some left
ty for your time either way
>>20639979 thanks ! I'll keep it for ORAS
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>>20640132 That's what I'm doing as well
>>20639641 Whoah, I totally forgot about this thread. Sorry about that! I was helping a friend of mine.
You don't have any extra Buneary, do you? Can you name one Panne if so?
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
>>20640152 I'll second this guy; I'm looking for a Shiny Buneary IVs don't matter. Thanks
>>20640170 Do you care if it can't be nicknamed, 'cause I have one I can give ya
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
>>20640202 It doesnt matter ^.^
I really appreciate the help
IGN: Michi
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>>20639494 I have a disc up for a buneary.
>>20640219 Awesome, just put up a disc then.
I know you said you didn't care about IVs but it's pentaperfect.
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
>>20640236 Look for Yesi (4656-7728-9436)
its a gift for my kid sister thanks ill put up a disc
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Looking for Tirtouga please!
Snoop (4957-4340-4270)
IGN: Alex
Hey friends, I want to do a giveaway soon, but do people in these threads care about 4IVs? Or should I wait until I have more 5IVs?
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>>20640308 I think most people would prefer the 5IV ones but I honestly don't care.
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
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>>20640308 I generally use /ggg/ to get rid of 4IVs and only keep the 5IVs. But sometimes if I have too many 5IVs, then I give those away too.
4IV with egg moves is pretty much as good as 5IV for breeding anyway.
Have 3-5ivs Jolly iron fist chimchar with thunder fire punch fakeout Timid non ha joltik in quickball Put up your shiny mons if u want em. Kidding just disc up and quote
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>>20640597 I think we require some new bread.
Does anyone wanna make it, or should I?