>>20665084>The autists are the ones that get mum and dad to buy them some extra hardware so that they can cheat at a kids game.Autists enjoy doing repetitive tasks, and breeding is repetitive as all hell. Probably the most repetitive mechanic ever put into a Nintendo game in recent memory. Ergo, breeders are more likely to be autists, not genners.
>I hate the idea that my boxes of perfectly bread Pokemon and the time and effort I spent breeding them, plus the fortune I've had with shinys counts for nothing now that someone can create them in two minutes. Should have thought of that before investing all that time into a franchise with a well-known history of being pretty damn negligent when it comes to dealing with hacks, eh? If you care about legitimacy, play a different game.
>Why not play showdown if you want to create and battle Pokemon?Showdown doesn't support triples and rotationals, is mainly secluded to western players, and has a poor playerbase for any metagame that isn't singles.