I am extremely displeased with the 3D models and overall I prefer previous gen sprites. The problem is, as you said the colors for the most part. But some models are just bad and they didn't translate it properly from the sprites.
>Exeggutorthe upper part of his body is too fat, it looks worse too. The colors again.
>SwampertThey gave him thin arms and a fat lower body, looks like a shit weakling. The colos are a disaster.
>AzumarillLooks surprisingly good, good coloring, but it's body is bigger than in the sprites. This is not a problem for Azumarill imo, looks good.
>GengarWashed out color. Just look at those pink eyes, horrible, they should be dark red for extra spookyness and its body should be way darker, but also its body is a tad bigger than before, but unlike azumarill, its primary features, the eyes and the huge grin come out a little less. Very disappointing for one of my favourite Pokémon.
>HeracrossAwful coloring again, the lines on its body just looks like they are drawn on them. The sprite is much better in this regard, which gives a better feel of the exoskeleton armor parts.
>>20715652>>20715699These look good to me thoug, maybe Toxicroak colors could've been a little darker.
>>20715929This is actually much more fitting for these Pokémon and is an improvement in my opinion.
>>20716414This is so much better.