Welcome back to the sixteenth day of this giveaway. And no, we're not rejoining the attention whore general threads.
>what are you giving ? A slug. A fully-evolved slug. Shiny. With Pokerus. Level 100. In a classic Pokeball. Male. Competitively viable. With an Ability Capsule. Named "Male only"
>how can I get it ? Go on the GTS. Drop a Scraggy there, and ask for a level 91+ male fully-evolved slug. Wait.
>I still don't have it ! Just wait. I'm probably the only one doing this, and I'm doing it from the first to deposit and then to the last. This takes time. Please understand.
>A-Am I late for it ? No. There'll always be someone who'll try to send you your slug. Just drop your Scraggy on the GTS and wait.
>Can you rename them or remove the nickname? No, but here are some options for you to do so :
- Ask about a Cyber Gadget user, considering they can rename a poke easily
- Ask about a Powersaves user, considering they can make a poke theirs (and thus rename them) by shinify, then unshinyfy them (the first move gives them their sID, while the second gives them their OT and ID)
- Wait for Will to grab an unnamed one and to propose it
>How many have been sent thus far ? More than 95 boxes. More than 2800 people love male Goodra!
>How can I help to distribute these ? Grab one via the GTS. Clone it with the Powersaves and either another save or Pokemon Bank. Answer the requests on the GTS. If there aren't, you can drop them massively on the Wonder Trade, too.
>I have other questions! Feel free to post them.
Old thread -
>goodra >competitively viable
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20719187 It can be. I've seen several 6th gen rain teams using it as a special tank, and it works wonders there.
Can I get a female Goodra?
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20719194 We don't have that, sorry.
>>20719193 Sub-1500 maybe.
A competitively viable Goodra is just like the male ones; they don't exist.
Quoted By:
>>20719196 Then fuck you. Male Goodra sucks.
>male WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS ANDROGYNOUS It needs to have its gender ratio altered. This is ridiculous. Why bother even cloning the thing if you're not going to make it THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
>>20719202 Try doing a genderless Goodra giveaway.
>>20719194 Sure; you can ask for one on the GTS.
>No Hydratation. Drought only. Final Destination. Top kek.
What happened to have her mother change her mind? Did she die or something?
>And hotels were chosen because I could sleep there (assuming I paid the price), and her mother wouldn't search her there (as she always thought she was sleeping at friends' homes). Also because you wouldn't need to clean the sheets after, right? ;)
>And she's cute, yes. Not the "OH MY GOD WHAT A QT3.14 !" cute, but I'm not looking for that on her. I can totally respect that. Good looks are always nice, but they're not as important as the person themselves, I think. It's great to see that you have such a nice bond; as would make sense after twelve years.
>And she plays Pokemon too. Not as big on it as me, but she enjoys playing it, especially with me. Bahaha, that's the best. Do you give her suggestions and whatnot? I breed some special Pokemon for mine because Fire Emblem's his favourite series and so I figured he'd love some Pokemon based off of Fire Emblem characters.
I also want a Houndour because I'm going to breed Pokemon versions of his dogs; I have two already, but I need one for the last one, who died about a year ago. I also caught a shiny Luvdisc for him and named it Je t'aime Anonymous
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>>20719229 Shit, should have also quoted
>>20719188 Anonymous
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>>20719183 This is still going on? I guess I'll get one.
IGN: Chandler
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20719229 She confronted her mother on the fact she couldn't have me near her because her mother was doing everything to make her leave me, up to the point she directly told her mother she hid the fact she kept seeing me those four years.
And she doesn't only play Pokemon. She's actually on Fire Emblem Awakening, Bravely Default and Golden Sun.
And nice Luvdisc.
Name is meh but hey, a free shiny Goodra is a free shiny Goodra. Scraggy up, male Goodras ftw!
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
>>20719255 I can understand the name issues, and provided ways to fix it in the OP post, so feel free to try them once you'll get your Goodra.
>>20719246 And her mother didn't explode? Wow. Ta blonde's very brave.
>Awakening, Bravely Default Godly taste. 10/10 would hang out with.
You should... fill up all of the boxes in her Pokemon game with shiny Luvdisc named "Je t'aime" :^)
Speaking of which, you most assuredly have a penta Blaziken named Wallonie, right? Anonymous
I have a question. Why are you doing this? 2800 people? I had no idea there is that many on this board, and now there is that many having the same Pokemon.
>>20719266 >ta blonde's very brave >ta blonde >TA BLONDE There it goes again. I did that before when I asked "what's that plushie beside the Roussil"? and even when I was arguing with someone ("at ton avis," I said)
im dumb
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>>20719273 tfw you fuck up your own quote
I said "at ton opinion"
With a flat English accent.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20719266 Her mother calmed down and accepted our relation.
Et oui, ma brune est très brave. And no, I have no such Blaziken. I may try get one, though.
>>20719268 Many people grabbed several Goodras, for trading. I'd say a quarter of that were the number of different people asking for these. And there aren't only /vp/reons, considering I've seen that giveaway talked about on Gamefaqs and Reddit.
Sage 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA
Sage 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA Wed 27 Aug 2014 10:45:21 No. 20719307 Report I love you guys.
>>20719287 Wow. Very lucky her mother didn't hurt her; or is she not violent?
Et toi, t'es aussi brave que ta brune ? >not having a countrymon Shoot, dude. I'd get right into that if the most likely 'mon for my country wasn't pic-fucking-related.
Get a Politoed for your girlfriend Speaking of which, do you play competitively?
>>20719307 I love you, too. Let's make out.
Chandler FC:1564-3311-2793
>>20719287 Thanks OP! Mind if I get another for trading?
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>>20719314 >tfw my standard grade French classes were not in vain Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Requests cleared.
>>20719314 Her mother could have hurt her, but she didn't, considering she understood.
Et faire une distribution de ce genre, c'est pas de la bravoure ? I played competitively in 3rd gen, and got out of it on 4th gen. Now I'm only breeding for matches with friends and for
shiny hunting >>20719307 Love is all at the Slimedragon Ball.
>>20719322 Feel free to do so, there are people who grabbed more than two boxes of them.
George 5327 1400 0999
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>>20719183 Scraggy deposited. Thanks
Chandler FC:1564-3311-2793
>>20719337 Jesus two fucking boxes? I'm bored so I'll just keep breeding Scraggys for a shiny and deposit the leftovers.
IGN Ben 1821-9795-7417 ICE [Begmite, Snorunt, Lapras]
IGN Ben 1821-9795-7417 ICE [Begmite, Snorunt, Lapras] Wed 27 Aug 2014 10:52:54 No. 20719353 Report Quoted By:
Scraggy up, thanks m8s
>>20719337 It's good that she's finally okay with it. Admittedly, she /was/ only trying to protect her daughter.
Eh, c'est un shitposter, pas un nazi, c'est pas vrai ? >shiny hunting Honhonhon, you should get a shiny kickin' mcnuggets, then. POUR LA PATRIE
>third gen Dayum, I got Emerald when I was ten or so, and you were already rocking the Battle Frontier? That's awesome. Did you play on-cart or just simulators?
>Love is all at the Slimedragon Ball Lo me gusta mucho. I'm using that, now.
Quoted By:
>>20719382 Damn, forgot to add the picture.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20719347 Feel free to do so, they can be a good trade money.
>>20719382 Yeah, and I am a DANGEROUS stranger trying to steal her dear only daughter.
Et c'est un nazi du shitposting, donc ca compte. Also, I already have a shiny Blaziken, he's just not competitively viable.
And about 3rd gen competitive, it happened on carts. Thus, 3+IV pokes were rare, and the OU was way more diversified. But I play only on-cart.
>>20719406 Kek. Debonair Distributor comes in the black of night and jumps through his girl's window right when her mother's not looking to hold her in his arms and jump over the rooftops to his hotel, where they make sweet, unadulterated love.
T-that's what happened, right? Please tell me what's what happened.
>he Mais c'est LA Wallonie, c'est pas vrai ? That's true, but they also had Netbattle and whatnot. Did you have friends that called it "OU" or was it just "no using Mewtwo/Kyogre/etc"?
Silver [2552-2649-4118] (FS: Normal Type)
Silver [2552-2649-4118] (FS: Normal Type) Wed 27 Aug 2014 11:09:33 No. 20719444 Report Quoted By:
>>20719183 Should be female and reproduce asexually only.
Quoted By:
>>20719183 Scraggy up, thanks.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20719429 I can say it happened to please you, if you want.
Aussi, c'est LA Wallonie, mais UN Wallon, donc les deux sexes sont valables. There was a OU at the time, it just wasn't enforced that much until 4th gen.
Silver [2552-2649-4118] (FS: Normal Type)
Silver [2552-2649-4118] (FS: Normal Type) Wed 27 Aug 2014 11:15:23 No. 20719476 Report Quoted By:
>>20719452 O-okay, but it was close, right?
Also: watch this. I found it looking through my friend's old twitter posts because I'm a creep like that.
http://youtu.be/sAzzbrFgcUw M-mais Braségali doit être une femelle, c'est pas vrai ? ;n; Fair enough. What's your favourite Pokemon, then?
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
All requests clear, except the recurring ones.
>>20719503 Close enough.
Braségali est un wallon ou un Pokémon représentant la Wallonie, donc ca peut être au choix un mâle ou une femelle. Le mien est un mâle, par contre. And my favorite ? Starmie. A bro that carried my 3rd gen victories and became a permanent member of my teams since then. Four powerful and precise attacks covering a huge number of threats is the norm on many pokes nom, but Starmie did it first. What about yours ?
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>>20719531 Come on; you do cute, romantic things right? Plz gib ideas for charming frogs using your big Belgian brain.
UNE FEMELLE /SEULEMENT/ Starmie's great, and I've always liked it, too. It's getting really popular in OU again after the Aegis ban, so perhaps it, like Gengar, will still be OU in every gen.
Me? Pic related. Not only are they great in battle with lots of options, but they're two of my favourite types, I think they're cute, a-and...
Et mon copain et moi, nous sommes Latios et Latias; je sais bien c'est tellement banal mais wahhhhhh ;n; Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
I'm off for urgent personal matters. Sorry to drop the giveaway for the moment like that. Drop your Scraggies, I'll trade them once I'll be back.
Quoted By:
Les francophones sur ce board sont vraiment des putain d'autistes. Je vous déteste tous.
Will 1118-0348-9461 !V36MtTbkMQ
>>20719633 I'm up, so I'll take over from here until you return.
Why do I always miss stuff... Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20720554 I'm back and clearing requests. And yes, you seem to miss stuff. Too bad for you.
Feel free to give your opinion about the recent shitposting from the giveaway general if you want, I already gave mine.
Will 1118-0348-9461 !V36MtTbkMQ
>>20720874 Thank goodness, I was wondering who was sniping me.
I can't really remark about the shitposting. Making a general isn't really the way to go. I prefer these threads. Stuff goes up, it's traded, no remarks. It's clean.
Gray 3866 - 8535 - 7944
>>20719183 I guess I'll get one, scraggy is up
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
>>20720902 Their opinion has the idea that doing giveaways is attention whoring. And in the end, some people are doing it for that, so it's not entirely wrong. But mindlessly calling everyone attention whores because of that and massively shitposting because they don't have what they want is worse than what they're criticizing.
In the end, all they did was ruining themselves.
>>20720918 Sent.
Scraggy going up, kind anon. I'm able to clone so I can probably help in future.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
>>20720974 Sent. And you're welcome to help, all you have to do is to follow what's written in the OP.
Ign Pimenta FC 1075 1000 0963
Scraggy up, thanks !!
>>20719183 Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
>>20721167 Sending. You're welcome.
IGN Frotto
Quoted By:
Scraggy is up, thanks a bunch!
>>20720943 I love that you are doing a giveaway with your own thread because once it gets rolling i know its real, not to menton its not hard to memorize the people who do good giveaways (like this one).
I just want to know how do people like you go about stopping the filth in that giveaway general thread?
Well, the problem with a general is finding out who's doing actual giveaways to those who just want to ruse especially if the actual one giving away is not well known. From what I see on that thread, there are legit ones. As a side note this giveaway lasts for days from what I see.
IGN: Ivy
Quoted By:
>>20719183 scraggy going up :D thx op
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>>20719198 You seem a little mad, faggot, male gooe
dra will make you feel better
Quoted By:
>>20719268 Because that shitposting slugfucker has delicious tears
>>20721494 But the entire idea of containment is stupid, GOOD giveaway people deserve their own thread. Also they want visibility so the front page is where they aim to be, putting them all in a general just hides it from the people too stupid to use the filters and the catalog button (which is alot of the pro /gg people).
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Scraggy up. Thanks a bunch OP
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>>20719183 Scraggy is up. Thanks in advance.
>>20721549 I agree with this, don't listen to those cocksuckers, they don't own /vp. If you actually have something worthy of a giveaway people will come to your thread to get it, they wont give a fuck about weather it has its own [spoilers]cancerous[/spoiler:lit] section for it.
IGN Aleister
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Scrag up, youre doing gods work sir
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scraggy up! IGN Tim
ign roger
Quoted By:
>>20719183 Scraggy up, thanks!
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Sorry, fell asleep. Starting to clear the requests again.
>>20721453 I don't care about what they do in the giveaway general now. It's people's choice should they associate with them and accept their choices to work with people only doing that to reduce the number of giveaways, but I'm not okay with their methods of shitbombing threads because "hey, we have a proper thread, go that instead".
>>20721494 16th day and counting. And we're not gonna stop soon.
>>20721682 Unless mods ask for a giveaway general to be the only one, expect to see these threads, and don't expect me on the generals.
Jazz 0774-5401-3898
Quoted By:
>>20719183 Just put mine up! you're practically a god, OP
>>20722817 I was in the original thread and I can almost guarantee that those people who were shit posting everywhere else were the same shit posting in there too. The idea of the giveaway thread was to basically have all the give aways in one thread without all of the discs up and thanks based anon. This way it would basically be a list of the giveaways currently going on and nothing else.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
>>20722974 That idea is interesting. Listing the giveaways, redirecting people there, but not forcing anything on anyone, I like it.
But the shitposters aren't strangers to /vp/, I saw them complaining about giveaways because they "took so much place and it's not normal I had to filter more than half of /vp/ because of those", days ago. And I honestly wasn't surprised to see them shitbomb like that.
Expect them. Again and again.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Quoted By:
All requests cleared. And we're only six pokes far from the 100th box cleared.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
And there it is. The last slug of the 100th box has been sent. Thanks everyone. On an unrelated note, I'm off for the day,
Quoted By:
>>20719183 Ign Andres.
Thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20719183 IGN: Oxy'
Thanks for your time, I apreciate.
>>20722974 The idea's great but it has a lot of flaws; you're not really allowed to see if it's fake due to general reaction (one "fake" could be someone who doesn't like the distributor, or that got skipped because they got the message or received Pokemon wrong, or replied to the wrong thread), you can't tell what's taken unless they say right away (things like the misc legendary giveaways have this problem), and you always have the problem of some shitter replying "giveaway over" when it's not unless the OP used a trip.
It's also pretty fucking annoying to go to the GTS ad-infinitum and sorting through the shit to see if anyone put something up for your giveaway, especially since you get much less exposure because you don't get your own thread, so less takers overall.
Finally, all this shitposting for little end. There aren't really many giveaways up at any given time; not enough to really warrant a "containment thread" - when the thread was initially made, there were four total giveaways across ten pages. Four. Meanwhile there were two "general" threads. Wow, thanks for taking two threads off the map guys, I'm lovin' this optimization!
>>20725504 The idea prevents sniping and gets mons to the receivers faster.
The problem with this thread is that goosupplier created a meme and then claims he need to "contain" it thus giving himself some twisted form of attention.
He does nothing but clog up the gts for his own selfish means and shitpost the general in favorite of his attention whore general over here.
>>20725504 >It's also pretty fucking annoying to go to the GTS ad-infinitum and sorting through the shit to see if anyone put something up for your giveaway, especially since you get much less exposure because you don't get your own thread, so less takers overall. That could be avoided by the people doing the giveaways taking a look at what is given away on /vp/ and avoiding to ask for the same com mons.
>Finally, all this shitposting for little end. There aren't really many giveaways up at any given time; not enough to really warrant a "containment thread" - when the thread was initially made, there were four total giveaways across ten pages. Four. Meanwhile there were two "general" threads. Wow, thanks for taking two threads off the map guys, I'm lovin' this optimization! The shitposters were talking about "a tenth of the board", which means ten threads. I never saw that much, it never went up to five of them to me. But an excuse is an excuse, see what they did at the precedent thread.
>>20725550 How does it prevent sniping? How does it improve speed?
There's more than one goosupplier, first of all, and secondly, why does it matter if someone's an attentionwhore?
>clog up the gts for his own selfish means Oh waaaaah I'm sure someone really wanted a Scraggy.
Weren't people from the general just shitposting in the other thread? Talk about pot calling the kettle black.
>>20725573 >That could be avoided by the people doing the giveaways taking a look at what is given away on /vp/ and avoiding to ask for the same com mons. How? The issue is that there might be little to no interest, /especially/ due to lack of exposure, and you're still constantly refreshing the GTS to see if someone put something up anyway.
>The shitposters were talking about "a tenth of the board", which means ten threads. I never saw that much, it never went up to five of them to me. But an excuse is an excuse, see what they did at the precedent thread. Are we of accord here? I can't really tell.
>>20725581 The one who you're talking about is one of the shitposters, deluding himself into believing Goodistributor is slugfucker, and that shitbombing these threads is the way to go to bring every Goodra distributor to the general, for publicity's sake.
>>20725610 >How? The issue is that there might be little to no interest, /especially/ due to lack of exposure, and you're still constantly refreshing the GTS to see if someone put something up anyway. I've done a GTS giveaway, and I can tell you this - If you wait for people to ask and then try to clear the requests, you'll have to send 20 to 30 pokes at once, while having no control about when you want to stop the giveaway.
>Are we of accord here? I can't really tell. We are of accord. Those accusations of "giveaway threads taking too much place" are as coherent as the accusations of Goodistributor being slugfucker or an attention whore.
>>20725581 >this is the internet! people need to pay attention to me! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! >defending the slugfucker Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20725659 >Those accusations of "giveaway threads taking too much place" are as coherent as the accusations of Goodistributor being slugfucker or an attention whore. So very coherent?
>>20725659 >I've done a GTS giveaway, and I can tell you this - If you wait for people to ask and then try to clear the requests, you'll have to send 20 to 30 pokes at once, while having no control about when you want to stop the giveaway. Yes, this is true. I've done a few giveaways for /gtsg/ as well, and those requests can definitely pile up, but when the requests aren't as frequent (past "prime time"), how do you know when to look if someone's put something up?
>>20725701 >pay attention to me! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! Irony.
>>20725701 >this is the internet! people can't know who I am! NEED TO BE SHITTY! >attacking the giveaway threads >>20725729 That's when you need to frequently check GTS, or when you need to bring up the thread.
>>20725729 A general makes it easier to find current giveaways than just hope a dead one bumps.
There is literally no logical arguement against it outside of wanting attention.
>>20719183 Scraggy up.
IGN: Robin.
Thanks OP.
>>20725767 The giveaway has moved to the general. Post there
Quoted By:
>>20725783 My bad. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20719183 I wants a Goodra.
>>20725783 You know, acting like that is plainly stupid. People will go to the general, will see there's no Goodra distributor, will come back here and see OP's post clearly telling "And no, we're not rejoining the attention whore general threads". Which means such posts will do nothing.
>>20725753 No it doesn't, though. I can just search "giveaway" and find all of the giveaway threads easily, with a convenient thumbnail and description to tell me what it is to see if I'm interested.
>>20725744 I'm aware that it's possible, but it's pretty damn annoying, especially if I'm breeding or just generally busy with whatever. I'd like to know if there's still interest before I reboot the internet and hop into the gts to sift through the unrelated offers to see if anyone's interested - which takes a while, as I'm sure you recall.
>>20725852 But this *is* the attention whore general thread
>beggars reading the OP Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20725874 People usually only read the OP and the posts immediately following or preceding their own. But OP is read, if only for people to know what to drop.
>>20725873 >I want to help people! Honestly! But only when they kiss my ass. Just do a certain time a day. No need for instant recognition.
Hey, I got one of these the second (third?) day. Do you guys mind if I take another?
Quoted By:
>>20725923 Drop a Scraggy and wait for OP, Will or one of the others.
>>20725923 Go the general. This is a stealth slugfucker thread. Will was all over the last one
>>20725914 >implying they wouldn't take their shit down by then, leaving me with useless extra stock Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20725783 Fuck the general. Never happening.
>>20725956 >you have something worth a shit to give out in the first place Theres a luvdsic thread for breeding leftovers
>>20725949 Thanks. Thought you might be lying but I actually got my slug.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547
>>20719183 Hello, lovely OP, just passed by to say hi!
>>20725949 O-oh, okay.
>>20725987 Dont pretend to be me.
Quoted By:
>>20726003 You don't pretent to be *me.*
I actually got what I came for, you can enjoy waiting.
So this has been confirmed for a dead giveaway, right? confused about all this...
>>20725973 Sir, I meant that when the giveaway trickles down to less of an amount of posting, that's when you'd need to keep checking when there might not be anybody there, especially in the case of things like the Goodra threads, where are a serial occurrence.
>>20726038 It's not. It's still up, there just may or may not be a distributor up at this exact moment. This is still very much going on, and yes, it is going on in this very thread.
>>20726045 *by Goodra threads I meant this one, not the shitposting
Quoted By:
>>20726045 If they need to post in the first place you are doing it wrong.
Richard 1263-7345-2051 [Buttefree,Venomoth,Volbeat]
Richard 1263-7345-2051 [Buttefree,Venomoth,Volbeat] Wed 27 Aug 2014 22:25:15 No. 20726097 Report Quoted By:
Scraggy going up
Quoted By:
>>20726063 This thread is the same thing as the shitposting. Goosupplier posts his troll pasta, one or two people get like 6 slugs a piece from this thread, and people think its a big thing.
Quoted By:
>>20726038 The only place with a legit giveaway today is the general. If you can sort through the shitposting, that is. This is more a self contained meme.
>HURR THIS THREAD IS LE SHITPOSTING MAYMAY! GO TO THE GENERAL! >>20723522 The OP already fucking said he was done for the day. This is exactly why your shitty general won't work, because none of you faggots know how to read.
Quoted By:
>>20726243 Or its because there is literally nothing going on here. I've had a Scraggy up for days and not a single thing happened. Only trips and "anons" seem to get anything here.
You tell me why that would be? Containment? Shit you sheep are so gullible.
Will 1118-0348-9461 !V36MtTbkMQ
Quoted By:
Hoooly shit I'll get to the requests jesus christ guys
Quoted By:
Guys its much more easier and fun to bait at the giveaway general thread.
Goodistributor !7ucfO3MbRI
Well, hello everyone.
Due to some IRL problems, I'll have to be absent from here for nearly a week, having to go to a place with Internet access but without computers available to me.
Expect requests to be cleared at any moment, but don't think you'll see me for a bit.
>>20725994 Hope you'll pass soon, I have something for you.
Quoted By:
Scraggy is up. Ign is Travis
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>>20733614 What will we do with our protector.
kingabry 1907-9162-7724 (Swalot, Cascoon, Drapion)
kingabry 1907-9162-7724 (Swalot, Cascoon, Drapion) Thu 28 Aug 2014 12:56:36 No. 20735156 Report Quoted By:
>>20719183 The scraggy is up