Holi cabrones, take my shit and recommend me music. breeding;; HA Premier Ball Absol [Sucker Punch, Mega Horn, Play Rough, Perish Song] - Naive TAKE THEM PLEASE THEY ARE OVERLOADING ME also have;; 3x Premier Ball Furfrou - Impish 2x Luxury Ball Sneasel [Fake Out, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Pursuit] - Jolly 3x HA Eevee [Yawn, Charm, Stored Power, Wish] - Timid Sandy's guarantee, all of the above are French, Four IVs or better, and are Female if the ball was mentioned. wt stuff; ENG Luxury Ball Electrike - Timid ENG Nest Ball Summer Deerling [Worry Seed, Agility, Baton Pass, Synthesis] - Jolly
>>20726862 adding to this, I have two or three Premier Ball Togepi [Extrasensory, Psycho Shift, Nasty Plot] with Modest natures.
This thread should merge into giveaway general to avoid 3 threads at once syndrome.
>>20726576 Please excuse the shit OP
>>20726862 Would love one of those Sneasels. Don't know what you like but try Carpark North
Quoted By:
>>20726928 Enough. The system of no replies does not work with breeding leftovers.
>>20726955 Alright, I'll give it a shot. Feel free to disc up!
x3 female x4 male abras random 5ivs, HA, egg moves : encore and barrier, modest nature they come in luxury balls disc up if you want one
Quoted By:
Anyone want this Tornadus for dex fodder?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:19:32 No. 20727107 Report Back again with more to give away! Please specify gender and IV amount if I have different ones in your request.
>>20727107 A-ah, I'd love that cute little hexa Bulbasaur! You don't happen to do nicknames, perchance?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:23:18 No. 20727168 Report >>20727130 Sure, what would you like?
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Alright nerds, time for a giveaway. I have: Oblivious Adamant Barboach in heavy balls with the egg moves: Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Spark, Whirlpool. Infiltrator / Shed Skin Adamant Seviper in luxury balls with the egg moves: Iron Tail, Assurance, Body Slam, Switcheroo Swift Swim / Rain Dish Modest Lotad in Safari balls with the egg moves: Teeter Dance, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Counter All of these Pokémons have females and males available. Please mention what ability and gender you want your Pokémon you have.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:24:31 No. 20727195 Report >>20727107 Disc up for Archen
>>20727170 >hydro pump >dragon dance you know that it's special???
>>20727168 How about... BUBBA? In all caps. I know a little weird, but it's reminiscent of the good 'ol days, and I was pretty uncreative as a kid.
Quoted By:
>>20727170 Lotad please.
Ign Andres.
>>20727211 Ah, but make sure it doesn't have a question mark in the name, ehehehe.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:26:39 No. 20727240 Report >>20727195 Sent, happy breeding!
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727205 I was too lazy to change Hydro Pump with Double Edge. I'll do that eventually.
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>20727170 Aw hell naw hook a nigga up with that lotad.
Let's go rain dish male.
That seviper sounds badass, btw
Issac (427025259743)
>>20726862 I'll disc up for a sneasel momentarily.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:28:27 No. 20727267 Report >>20727233 Haha that's fine go ahead and disc up and I'll send him your way. What's your IGN?
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727255 So do you want a Seviper as well?
>>20727249 haha, it's okay; thanks for trying, its nice to see people learning to breed just to help you :P
>>20727267 Disc's up! My IGN's Alex. Thanks a bunch for the giveaway!
>>20727263 No problem, I'll get to you straight away.
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>20727268 Hell yeah, i-if that's okay.
Tryna fill up that pokedex
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727284 >New to breeding Nope, just lazy
>>20727292 Put a disc up m80
>>20727107 Tirtouga sounds nice.
Nickname it Riot Rush.
Carracosta always looked like it was wearing riot gear to me.
Ign Andres
Captcha umsheathe guns
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:31:38 No. 20727315 Report Quoted By:
>>20727240 Thanks, at lets I have a better start at breed it this way.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:31:59 No. 20727322 Report >>20727286 Sent, have fun with BUBBA!
>>20727170 are those fish hidden ability?
>>20727263 Done!
>>20727322 Thanks, I sure will!
Best Bubbasaur.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727326 I listed the ability I have. Also, HA and Heavy Ball is illegal Anonymous
>>20727345 why?? you can use a ha male and a female in the pokeball
I've put /ggg/ and GTS General in my filters. Why is this thread still showing up?
kingabry 1907-9162-7724
>>20727107 The disc is up for a female Horsea
Issac (427025259743)
>>20727107 Female protean froakie please. Disc up.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727356 Because people balltism. I can't satisfy everyone
>>20727368 >not reading the subject Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20727107 Can I reserve an Omanyte? Can disc up shortly, i'll post back when
Issac (427025259743)
>>20727399 can you breed me a barboach in a luxury??
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727440 I can. But I won't.
I will toss you a male and you can change the ball though.
Quoted By:
>>20727440 i will put a disc up
Quoted By:
>>20727368 Because we love you too much, anon.
>>20727457 please, disc is up (:
ign: alexa
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Quoted By:
>>20727170 Barboach please! Discing up
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:41:39 No. 20727521 Report >>20727382 >>20727385 Sent, happy breeding!
>>20727412 Sure, just post when you're ready. I'll be lurking for a while
Quoted By:
This thread is good, that gibeaway general is a mess and totally shit.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727492 I don't see the disc m8. Maybe it got sniped.
Quoted By:
>>20727572 Yes, gonna try again let me go catch one
>>20726881 is the Togepi French?
>>20727107 disc up for female froakie! appreciate the help.
>>20727598 Yep, they're both French.
You faggots have given birth to yhe worst kind of threads this bosrd has ever known. Giveaway General
Blake 2981-6757-4289
>>20727521 gonna disc for an omanyte now!
/gag/ is fucked right now Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727629 But gts general has been around way longer than "Giveaway General". This thread didn't just magically appear.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:50:59 No. 20727660 Report >>20727307 So sorry didn't see your post. Give me just a min, IVing some chimchars atm
>>20727650 >/gag/ Haha, that's great, in more ways than one.
Question, guys, are we /gtsg/ as in GTS General, or /ggg/ as in... uh... what does /ggg/ stand for again?
>>20727660 It's okay.
Take all the time you need.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20727624 Ok, can I get an Eevee and a Togepi, then... if you have any left, that is.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:53:24 No. 20727696 Report >>20727685 Do you want a male or female? I'm guessing male?
>>20727679 /ggg/=GTS Giveaway General, M80
>>20727679 >GTS >GIVEAWAY >GENERAL newfag pls
>>20727696 Yeah male is good.
>>20727689 Absolutely. Feel free to disc up.
>>20727697 >>20727703 S-sorry...
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 27 Aug 2014 23:56:10 No. 20727747 Report >>20727650 Sent!
>>20727620 Not seeing your disc?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
This is what I have. They're all pretty good, most of them are pentaperfect and have HA, if you want more info, just ask. You can request a nickname. Disc up.
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
Quoted By:
>>20727305 Word. Catching them now. Was busy for a sec there
kingabry 1907-9162-7724
>>20727521 Thank
Can i get an Heracross?
>you still have one timmy
>>20727758 may i take one of each,,, pl-please?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20727778 If you stop using commas as reticences and stop the anime stutter, then sure.Disc up for any of them.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>20727791 Thank you, I'll put up a disc for the Togepi now.
>>20727798 what is a raticences?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:00:16 No. 20727808 Report Quoted By:
Blake 2981-6757-4289
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:01:31 No. 20727825 Report Quoted By:
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20727806 Forgive me, it's a false cognate. I meant to say ellipsis.
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>20727658 Aight Lovedick for Lotad it up.
>>20727107 hey you still there? If so, could i get a technician female scyther with 31 in atk and speed?
>>20727107 Would it be too much to ask for you to equip the 6 IV Onix with a Metal Coat so it evolves into Steelix? If so, I'd really like that. If not, would I be able to just take it as it is? My Disc is up, IGN is Artalias.
>>20727658 ironic, that's what /ggg/ ignores when it gives out breeding leftovers, which should be reserved for /wfg/
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:06:56 No. 20727883 Report >>20727852 Sure, disc up and post when ready. And what's your IGN?
Quoted By:
>>20727876 give her a metalcoat back at least
>>20727679 What would the difference be, between the two? One's for event Pokemon that can't be GTS'd and this one... is for GTS available Pokemon?
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
>>20727758 disc up for larvitar
IGN: Freki FC: 0318-8884-1011
>>20727834 That's not what a false cognate is.
Quoted By:
>>20727895 already asked for it, sorry
just catching luvdiscs
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:09:08 No. 20727916 Report Quoted By:
>>20727876 I'd have to go thief one from a friend safari. Give me a few minutes this shouldn't take long.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
I'll be here for a little bit if anyone wants something: Also have boxes full of Luxury ball litleos, good IV's etc, trying to get a decent HP Ice...
IGN:Elijah FC:3609-2282-7971
>>20727758 Luvidsc is up for a Lileep. Can it please have "Tangled" as it's nickname.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20727902 I don't care.
>>20727895 Disc up.
>>20727930 Sure, give me a minute.
>>20727883 for sure. IGN is Osu. disc is up.
Quoted By:
>>20727917 can i take a paras? discing up
BreloomGuy !!E2gO2KORySG
Giving away 35 shiny Brelooms, Technician, Jolly, with Rock Tomb, Bullet Seed, Spore, and Mach Punch. EVs are 252 ATK/252 SPD/4 DEF
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>20727880 /wfg/ is full of circlejerk. no one does shit there except ask questions about pokemon and battles.
>>20727845 Sent
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:14:49 No. 20727987 Report >>20727917 Disc up for Cubone.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:15:51 No. 20727997 Report Quoted By:
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20727983 There's a giveaway thread now for cloned stuff like yours
>>20726576 Francisco 0087-2327-8084 !fGs1rTCxXg
Quoted By:
>>20727987 I only have a 2IV and a mother that needs to re-learn eggs. Any preference on which one?
>>20727984 Clearly you know nothing about /wfg/ other than what people spoonfeed to you and expect you to believe
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:17:50 No. 20728021 Report >>20727876 Metal coat acquired. Disc up and post when you are ready. What's your IGN?
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>20727983 Uh. Hell yeah. Curious about IVs
>>20727984 Disc up for Seviper
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Quoted By:
>>20728015 >Arguing with people on the internet Lel
>Clearly you know nothing about /wfg/ Yup. I clearly know nothing about a thread that I used to regular.
>>20728026 Alright.
Quoted By:
>>20727999 fuck off, that thread is shit
BreloomGuy !!E2gO2KORySG
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
>>20728021 Artalias is my IGN, and my Disc is up.
Thank you so much!
Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:21:34 No. 20728066 Report Quoted By:
>>20728041 Stay here, don't listen these faggots.
I will give my life out for penta perfect Typhlosion or Flygon A-anyone? Guys?
Quoted By:
>>20728073 Shut up beggar. Nobody wants genned shit here
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
Quoted By:
>>20727983 Disking up! IGN Riley. Thanks a ton BreloomGuy!
I'm really confused now, so say I want to trade genned Pokemon, request them or give them away, where do i go? Too many threads.
>>20728097 This thread is meant primarily for breeding leftovers. Pokegen for is for requesting, make a thread to give them away (or if there's a giveaway thread like right now). And trade thread to trade them if there's any up. It's not hard. If you don't see the thread anywhere, make a new one.
Quoted By:
>>20728157 This. And make sure to check the Catalogue.
Issac (427025259743)
>>20727758 I'll disc up for a lileep. Preferably female for breeding.
>>20727107 hey
are you still here because i want to jew you out of like 5 mons
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:32:41 No. 20728213 Report >>20728202 Hahahah yes still here. What would you like? Be aware both 6IVs are gone.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20728197 No females, I keep them because of the shitty gender ratio.
Quoted By:
>>20728076 Yea I'v never seen those around
Does anyone have the Typhlosion/Cindaquill?
Issac (427025259743)
>>20728227 That's fine! Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>20728260 Discing up for that starly
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20728271 Are you still going to disc up? I'm waiting for it.
>>20728260 Discing up for Spritzee
Issac (427025259743)
Quoted By:
>>20728260 Will disc up momentarily for female mincino.
Aries 4914-2782-5779
>>20728213 ill disc up in this order (gotta go catch some real quick) or I could give you a lot of 4 iv electrikes-bagons
Skrelp female
Deino female,male is fem gone
Fletching female
Bulbasaur male 5iv
Horsea female
or we could trade instead of gts
lemme know what you prefer
Issac (427025259743)
Quoted By:
>>20728290 Oh I got sniped.Dx
Issac (427025259743)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 00:43:33 No. 20728369 Report >>20728318 disc up for the first skrelp so i can get you in acquaintances and then we'll trade regularly from there, it'll be easier i think. You can trade me your breeding rejects if you like, if you dont want to go catch luvdiscs.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Issac (427025259743)
Quoted By:
>>20728260 Disc up for mincinno
Aries 4914-2782-5779
Quoted By:
>>20728369 oh okay will do that
yeah ill disc up then youll get the rejects haha
Quoted By:
>>20728260 > discing up for that ferroseed! IGN Osu
Issac (427025259743)
Issac (427025259743)
Ago 1993 8149 1781
>>20728369 i put some disc up for one of your totodiles, thanks!
Aries 4914-2782-5779
>>20728369 just disced up right now
sorry took long
ty again
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 01:06:30 No. 20728616 Report >>20728514 Sent!
>>20728539 Enjoy all your pokes! I saw you put up another bagon at the end, did you want something else?
Aries 4914-2782-5779
>>20728616 oh no i just didnt realize you gave me the skrelp
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 01:51:24 No. 20729221 Report Quoted By:
>>20729122 You are very welcome!
frost: 3368 2141 4338
Please take these: If you want something, luvdisc up and answer to this post with your IGN so I can find you.
frost: 3368 2141 4338
>>20729489 forgot to add there's 7 baltoys and 8 male tyrunts.
someone have a starly with HA?
>>20729513 dising for a magby if that's cool, thanks!
>>20729489 also discing up for magby
>>20729518 Hordes have a chance of HA, anon.
It's hell with that rate but I believe in you.
>>20729489 Disc up for female Carvanha in a moment.
Pie !qneApzZcRc
Quoted By:
Could I possibly get some oddball suggestions for a sunny day team? Nothing just stupid...Just not seen much
Golberg (2079 - 6066 - 7075)
>>20729489 can i get that porygon?
Disc UP in a second
thanks frost
>>20729599 i will try then best, ball for staraptor?
>>20729489 Disc up for carvanha, IGN is John. thank you!!
Quoted By:
>>20729635 female if you have it
Quoted By:
>>20729617 shit, rare encounter hordes, this will take alot of time
Quoted By:
>>20729489 May I have the Elekid?
Discan up.
If possible, could you call it Col. Volgin?
Ign Andres
>>20729489 discing up for skarmory
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
Quoted By:
>>20729489 Disc up for Combee.
Quoted By:
>>20729691 a female sturdy would be nice please
frost: 3368 2141 4338
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:26:37 No. 20729743 Report Repostan for visibility. Please take these fuckers, they're clogging up my boxes. Have some new Iron Fist Chimchars that need to go! Please specify gender and IV amount if I have different ones in your request.
>>20729743 if you really want to give them away, also try /wfg/
just another place to dump them
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:30:54 No. 20729803 Report >>20729752 Not a bad idea, the only reason I'm leery about posting over there is that pretty much all of these pokemon are imperfect and really only good for breeding fodder.
>>20729743 Disc up for Totodile.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20729743 What's the ball of that female Bulbasaur? I'm interested in it.
>>20729735 >male MUH BALLTISM
Quoted By:
>>20729803 there are plenty of imperfect mons given out there, why not
IGN: Sebastian
>>20729743 disc up for that chespin
Quoted By:
>>20729823 Sorry. I sent the females in the last 2ch event.
Please understand Anonymous
>>20729743 Discing up for Sker;p
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:40:10 No. 20729914 Report Quoted By:
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:41:03 No. 20729922 Report Quoted By:
>>20729489 Disc up for Baltoy
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:41:16 No. 20729925 Report >>20729813 Regular pokeball. Ball breeding seems like a whole nother headache to me.
frost: 3368 2141 4338
>>20729743 Discing for tirtouga.
female pls.
Thank you.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>20729925 Can I have it? I'm going to disc up.
I have like 10 balltism projects to do, it's as bad as it sounds. Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:43:46 No. 20729961 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20729489 May I have a Male, Flash Fire, Litwick?
Disc up
Quoted By:
>>20726928 As the person who created the first two threads:
Giving away
> x6 HA dratini with E.speed and (2F and 4M) > x7 houndour (4F and 3M) Everything comes with random 5IV
>>20729743 Disc up for Chespin
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20729743 Can I disc up for one of those Totodiles and then a Magnemite right after?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:46:44 No. 20730002 Report Quoted By:
>>20729941 Sent!
>>20729946 Sent! Yeah I don't think I'm ready to get into that yet... Breeding by itself is time consuming as it is.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:48:45 No. 20730031 Report >>20729966 Sent!
>>20729980 Sent and you sure may! Disc up and post when ready.
>>20729966 Disc up for femtini
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20730031 Got Totodile, disc up for magnet now! Thanks!
Czero 1521-3804-2764
>>20729743 Discing up for the Female Iron Fist Chimchar,
Thanks in advance Lana.
"/vp/ Chimchar"
>>20729743 Disc for Totodile first, then I'll take a Chimchar off your hands!
>>20729966 Can I get some more info on those Houndour? Their natures, specifically?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:55:15 No. 20730122 Report >>20730066 Sent!
>>20730067 Sent!
>>20730069 Sent, disc up and post when ready for the Chimchar! All I have left now are males though.
Quoted By:
>>20730031 Thanks!
>>20730039 Sent
>>20730084 Sorry i forgot to put that in the description houndours are timid a dratinis are adamant
Luna - 3738-0580-1889
Would anyone here happen to have a female moon ball ghastly?
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Thu 28 Aug 2014 02:59:48 No. 20730183 Report >>20729743 Disc up for skrelp
>>20730168 I'll breed you one for it
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Thu 28 Aug 2014 03:00:56 No. 20730198 Report Quoted By:
Luna - 3738-0580-1889
>>20730184 Thanks! Should I put a disc up now or wait?
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>>20730206 i'll tell you when im ready
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 03:02:35 No. 20730233 Report Quoted By:
>>20730183 Sent you a female, hope that's okay?
>>20730122 Male is fine. Disc is up.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 03:06:57 No. 20730297 Report >>20730234 Sent, happy breeding!
Golberg (2079 - 6066 - 7075)
>>20729743 can i have one of that male chimchars with Iron Fist?
Thx Lana
>>20730297 done! disc up
it's pentaperfect Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Thu 28 Aug 2014 03:17:42 No. 20730455 Report Quoted By:
Luna - 3738-0580-1889
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>>20730398 Alright, disc is up!
Golberg (2079 - 6066 - 7075)
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>>20729743 Disc UP for that Chimchar with Iron Fist
IGN : Golberg
Thx Lana
Luna - 3738-0580-1889
>>20730398 Thank you so much!
Chonze 2750-1281-8932
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>>20727917 Could I get a Male Litleo? Disc is going up.
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
Found these in a box. Don't want them. First come first serve. 1x Sneasel - Female - Love Ball - Jolly - Inner Focus - Counter/Fake Out/Ice Shard/Ice Punch - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Shiny - KB 1x Eevee - Female - Pokeball - Bold - Adaptability - Wish/Curse/Covet/Charm - 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Shiny - KB 1x Vulpix - Female - Pokeball - Timid - Drought - Disable/Heat Wave/Power Swap/Hypnosis - 31/31/x/x/31/31 - Shiny - KB - JPN 1x Shiny Pansear - KB (2IV) 1x Shiny Treecko - KB (3IV)
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>>20730641 discing up for that sneasel
Chonze 2750-1281-8932
>>20729966 You still here, my good sir?
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>>20730641 Putting a disc up for eevee.
>>20730709 Yes, need something?
Chonze 2750-1281-8932
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>>20730641 Groovy, thank you.
>>20730740 I'd love to grab one of those spare Houndour if it's not too much trouble.
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>>20730641 Thanks for the eevee!
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>>20730641 holy shit thank you based Michel!
>>20730772 Sure, just put a disc for it and you got it
Male or Female?
>>20730815 Sweet, thanks a tonne! I'll throw it up ASAP.
Doesn't matter to me, close your eyes and touch one with your stylus?
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>>20730882 Thanks a bunch, man. Been lookin' for a good one of these little guys for a while now.
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20729966 I'd love a Dratini, Discing up for that, male preferably. I hope you have more and thanks in advance
Kevin 0130-1871-8750
>>20731021 Thank you so much. Very curious question, have you bred any adaptability Corphish by any chance? Crawdaunt is literally my favorite pokemon.
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>>20731080 Sorry I haven't breed that yet.
Anyway hope you like the dratini
Phoenix 0189 - 9505 - 0261
Can anybody send me a drillbur or an excadrill with hidden ability?
>>20731261 fuck off beggar
>>20731261 I'll see if I can't sift through the friend Safari to find something.
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>>20731279 Yeah he should make his own thread for that kind of thing instead of trying here at all.
Fuck off shitposter, keep the beggers in their containment thread.
Phoenix 0189 - 9505 - 0261
>>20731279 I can always send you something in return or work out a trade if that's what your interested in.
>>20731303 Thanks I appreciate it.
>>20731331 Got it. Disc up? Excadrill.
Phoenix 0189 - 9505 - 0261
>>20731352 Thanks again! disc is up now.
>>20726862 Are you still there?
>>20731561 Yes, I am. Would you like something?
Narue 1736-0823-8636
>>20731584 Can I disk up for one of those Absol? I've been trying to get one desperately
>>20731597 Sure, no problem at all. Tell me when you disc up?
>>20726862 can i grab a furfrou please?
>>20731645 Yep, you most certainly can.
Narue 1736-0823-8636
Quoted By:
>>20731606 My wi-fi is dying for some reason but I think the disc went up successfully.
>>20731662 Oh, nice
Thanks, dude
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
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>>20730641 I'll take the pansear, why not
I thought these threads died Looking for a Dream Ball Dratini, by the way
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>>20731826 What? Nahhhh. It's just that people have gotten a lot of what they want already. ORAS Newfigs should probably revitalize it somewhat.
Aaron 3754-6462-4993
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>>20727028 Luvdisc up if you still have one
>>20731826 not a thread for requests, man
Chlamydia [0087 2346 4094]
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>>20727107 If you're still here I would like a shinx and horsea~
If it isn't too much trouble
Ign: Mario
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Hello! I'm looking for a leftovers of Lapras with Freeze Dry and Dragon pulse! do you have any?
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Please take these mons: If you want multiple mons go ahead and ask, the more of them I get rid of, the better.
No pokemon has less than 4 IVs and some mons that have 5 IVs have one in the wrong stat.
I also have one pentaperfect Riolu which is not in the list and since I bread a 6IV one, this one is up for giveaway.
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>20730641 has anyone taken that treecko yet?
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>20733360 nvm, just saw this happened 5 hours ago
>>20733357 discing up for that chansey
>>20733357 disc up for relaxed ferroseed
>>20733357 Can I get a male Elektrike? Luvdisc is up
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20733357 Disc up for a female electrike. IGN: Kagura
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20733505 Electrike sent.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Anyone got a HA Spritzee?
>>20736768 not a thread for requests
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>>20733357 if you're still here i'd love a cyndaquil. Disc is up. Thank you.
>>20736896 Fuck off already, will you?
>>20736908 I wish your kind would
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>>20736927 Right back at you
>>20733357 disc up for female ferroseed
to all the shitposters, who are coming from here. will you please stop doing it, in the other giveaway thread. this one is for breeding leftovers, and as you previous had in the ruleset.>do not ask for shinies, nor distribute them, make you own threads. now that we have made one, will you just stop trying to destroy it. it is honestly nervewrecking.
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>>20737856 yeah i kind of agree, will you stop this shit now.
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>>20737856 Why do you like ruining good things?
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>>20729489 Disc up for porygon if you still have one pls
IGN Bluesummers
I'm looking for a Deerling for main quest purposes, but I can't catch Luvdiscs yet. Wat do?
>>20741047 Just mention whatever pokemon you can put up and ask for a deerling.
>>20741107 Alright, I've got a Bulbasaur up for trade on GTS. Any level or season is fine, although I'd prefer it be lower level. Thanks to anybody who obliges.
Hey guys, I have 30 Shiny Freki ready for a new home. Post up a Luvdisc up in the GTS with the description "/vp/ Freki" and wait I'll be here for more than an hour or so
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>20726862 Still here n shit.
>>20742591 Shrek's retarded cousin.
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>20742607 froakie, klefki?
>>20742637 It's probably spelled R-U-S-E.
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
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>>20742652 on this board, you never know when someone use a new name for a pokémon.
specially with the greninja haters
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>>20726862 Can I have the Absol? I dunno if you're still here but
I have a luvdisc up, message: holy cannoli