Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here! Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need. Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Have Fun!
>>20754332 Is it even worth posting my list?
Quoted By:
This is not a thread for requests or for beggin
I have Bagon, Hawlucha, Aron, Klefki and Ralts all going from 2IV to 5IV, some of them are pentaperfect. Bagon have Dragon Dance and Thrash and the only ones with Ballism are Hawlucha . Hawlucha and Bagon are Jolly, Klefki is Bold, Ralts are Modest, Aron and Skorupi are Adamant. All are at level 1. Is anyone interested?
>>20754533 disc up for aron! my ign is beandragon
>>20754533 Does the Aron have any egg moves?
Quoted By:
>>20754533 Fucking phone, I wrote Skorupi right before Aron
>>20754543 sorry now the disc is up, i was frantically searching for it
>>20754545 N-no. The only ones with Egg Moves are Bagon and Ralts (Confuse Ray) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20754586 Oh well. Thanks anyway!
Jason 1220-6751-1110 [Azumarill, Bibarel, Wartortle] !WK6Dn2/FXw
Jason 1220-6751-1110 [Azumarill, Bibarel, Wartortle] !WK6Dn2/FXw Fri 29 Aug 2014 19:01:30 No. 20754642 Report Anyone have a spare Baltoy/Claydol? Trying to complete my Pokedex. Thanks!
>>20754642 Not a thread for requests
Quoted By:
>>20754533 Is anyone else interested? If not, I'll just wondertrade them at night
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
Is anyone even here? Giving away these pentaperfect leftovers~ x11 Vullaby. Luxury Ball. Impish, Overcoat. - Knock Off, Fake Tears, Roost, Foul Play. x11 female Skarmory. Heavy Ball. Impish, Sturdy. - Brave Bird, Stealth Rock, Drill Peck, Whirlwind.
Wraith - 1349-5363-0884
>>20755126 Discing for a skarmory. Thanks!
>>20755126 Discan for Vullaby.
Ign Andres
>>20755126 skarmory please. My disc is up.Thank you.
>>20755126 Discing up for vullaby
Ign alan
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 29 Aug 2014 19:47:20 No. 20755182 Report >>20755126 Disc up for the Vullaby
>>20755126 Disc up for Vullaby
Thanks in advance
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
Quoted By:
>>20755126 discing up for vullaby please
Quoted By:
>>20755126 Disc is up for a Vullaby. Thank you.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 29 Aug 2014 19:55:44 No. 20755268 Report Quoted By:
Red 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
>>20755126 Disking up for Vullaby
Red 1762-4103-7368
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Here's my list: If you want multiple mons go ahead and ask.
No pokemon has less than 4 IVs and some mons that have 5 IVs have one in the wrong stat.
Please take away Riolus and Cyndaquils before /ggg/ dies.
I also have a pentaperfect Riolu that is not on the list and I'm giving it away because a 6IV appeared in the same batch.
Stephen 5129-2535-3783
Quoted By:
>>20755126 disc for vullaby
I have an array of bugs. 4 IV Pinsirs and Heracrosses with HA and 4iv and Scythers with 4iv and technician and I think 2 5iv but with Swarm. Also Pinsirs and Heracrosses with normal abilities if you want.
>>20755314 Discing for a male electrike !
>>20755314 cynaquil please. disc is up.
Quoted By:
>>20755126 Disc up for a baby vulture if there's any left.
Stephen 5129-2535-3783
>>20755314 disc for that rotom
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20755314 disc up for a Cyndaquil. Thanks!
>>20755314 disc up for riolu. Thanks
Quoted By:
Anyone got a Dream Ball Dratini?
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
IGN: Taylor
Quoted By:
>>20755126 Discing for Skarmory.
Quoted By:
>>20755126 disc up for a vullaby.
>>20755314 i'll take a riolu, if you don't mind. discing up in a sec
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20755314 Disc'd up for Cyndaquill
IGN: Johny
It has message "hey bubbles"
>>20755314 Discin up for a Litwick and a Cynda
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20755703 Cyndaquil sent
>>20755731 Litwick sent
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412 (Sigilyph, Drowzee, Xatu)
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412 (Sigilyph, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 29 Aug 2014 20:44:27 No. 20755786 Report >>20755314 Disc up for Gible please!
Quoted By:
>>20755703 Got it! thansk a bunch
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20755786 Damn, you got sniped just as I was about to trade please upload again
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
>>20755813 Such is life in the GTS... Up again!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20755829 Okay, sent this time.
Quoted By:
>>20755770 >>20755832 Awesome, cute candle and best starter. Thank you!
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
Quoted By:
>>20755845 Thanks! Funny thing is, the guy who sniped me gave me a HA Gible as well.
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
>>20755314 Might i disc for Smogonbird as well? Male if possible
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Quoted By:
>>20755126 Discing up for a Skarmory
Does someone have adaptability Corphish ?
>>20755948 I have some extras laying about.
IVs aren't good though.
Got Aqua Jet and DD though.
>>20755973 Would a female one would be too much to ask ?
>>20755995 Sorry if I'm in the wrong thread, I don't really know where to ask. I'm not asking for hexa perfects beasts, just breeding leftovers
>>20756006 This isn't a thread for requests, so I suggest looking elsewhere next time
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>20756018 What if someone had some and just waited for someone to ask ?
Sorry, I do not want to sound like a douchebag. English is not my first language
Quoted By:
>>20755995 Dude, why the fuck are you still here? Fuck off somewhere else. You're not doing these threads justice.
CaioNipz 1779-1750-5412
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20755988 Lemme check if I still got females.
>>20756080 Okay. I have some.
>>20756106 Sweet ! FC is 2122 7789 7828 and IGN is Paul.
Do you want anything in return ? Or is luvdisc enough ?
Quoted By:
>>20755995 Begging is fine as long as they aren't doing it excessively/pressing/asking for something ridiculous. Stop being an ass anon.
Quoted By:
>>20755995 Ravi go back to wfg
>>20756123 Eh whatcha got?
Yoruyoru !!KACLeiYrCbX
>>20755126 A disc is up for a Skarmory, please. Thanks in advance!
>>20756139 Different breeding leftovers, can't say which are perfect since I got them of wondertrade.
5IV sancoki
5IV krabby
5IV clauncher (bred myself !)
5IV aron
are certified.
>>20755314 disc up for cydaquill
Not enough to warrant a pastebin, I think. Pachirisu x3 (2F 1M) Dive | Impish | Volt Absorb Pentaperfect | Iron Tail / Ion Deluge / Follow Me / Bite Swinub x1 (M) Dive | Jolly | Oblivious Pentaperfect | Stealth Rock / Freeze-Dry / Fissure / Icicle Crash Swinub x1 (M) Dive | Jolly | Thick Fat 5IV (-Def) | Stealth Rock / Freeze-Dry / Fissure / Icicle Crash It's not much, sorry. Still breeding the little ice piggus so more HA pentas to come. Nicknames available at request, etc. pls take
>>20756206 Disc up for pachirisu
>>20756188 Clauncher is good.
Crustacean for crustacean.
GTS it looking for a female level one Corphish.
Be quick though.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20756201 I can't see any disc up for Cynd
Yoruyoru !!KACLeiYrCbX
>>20755314 Mind if I have a Froakie? Disc is up! My Ign is Yoru! Thanks in advance!
>>20756248 I put it up again how about now?
ign sodapop
Golberg (2079 - 6066 - 7075)
>>20756206 Disc up for that Swinub with Thick Fat ability.
>>20756206 Discan for penta Swinub
Ign Andres
ING: Fernando (0963-0981-5323)
>>20755314 disc up for Riolu
breakfast Take anything you want. I also have Healer Spritzees with the same egg moves.
>>20755314 One Froakie please! My IGN is Nikki. Thanks in advance!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20756321 >>20756266 Sent
>>20756283 Nope, still nothing. I don't know if you got sniped or is it the server's fault because I can see discs for the other giveaways.
Quoted By:
>>20756206 discing up for pachirisu, thanks
IGN: Seth
>>20755314 Disc up for Relaxed Ferroseed.
Golberg (2079 - 6066 - 7075)
>>20756340 Disc up for that Spritzee, thx Breakfast.
IGN : Golberg
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20756357 Sent
>>20756342 You got sniped just as I wanted to trade. This happened for the second time today.
Reposting since I forgot to add the natures. Take anything you want.
>>20756362 Sending it now.
Don't supose anybody has any spare mon with pkrs on it do they? I'm so tired of sorting out evs without it
ING: Fernando (0963-0981-5323)
>>20756379 Gotcha. I sent another one up!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
Quoted By:
>>20756385 discing in 1 minute for spritzee !
IGN: Michi
Quoted By:
>>20756385 disc up for spritzee
>>20756387 indeed I do have anything decent to trade?
Quoted By:
>>20756385 discing up for Minccino
IGN: Gio
Quoted By:
>>20756385 Disc up for Spritzee
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225
Quoted By:
>>20756385 Discing for a karrablast. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>20756385 Disc up for helioptile. Thank you.
Jack - 0061 1017 0919
>>20756437 i got a 5iv no hp calm oblivious slowpoke, thats about it really
>>20756492 doesn't have to be high Iv or anything. any shinys by chance or starters?
Gavrill: 0189-9552-8739
Quoted By:
>>20756167 Are you still here? My 3DS Internet is being screwy. ;_;
Jack - 0061 1017 0919
>>20756536 I restarted a little while ago so my boxes are pretty much bare atm apart from a few safari pokes and random catchs, that slowpokes the only thing worth trading imo
Sent mons to everyone who has replied. Only one female Spritzee left. I also have some male Spritzee with Aroma Veil and egg moves if you don't care for the Heal Ball (also have Healer of both genders).
>>20756536 >pokerus >worth a shiny Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20756492 sodapop 4768-8841-9784
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
>>20755314 Sorry to ask for two, but can I get an Electrike as well? Can't seem to find one.
The disc is up. Thanks in advance! (IGN Yoru.)
>>20756585 I've got pokerus on a crappy flabebe, just throw a disc up.
Quoted By:
>>20756601 I have shinys and legends with pokerus maybe he had some he wants to trade.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>20756626 No problem. Sent.
Jack - 0061 1017 0919
>>20756638 Done, thanks man much appreciated
Quoted By:
>>20756678 No problem. Sent.
Quoted By:
>>20756578 ok that works Lv.26 pidgeotto sound good.?
you can give me anything for it
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Quoted By:
>>20756665 Thanks a lot. Sorry for the trouble.
zoe - 3496-9920-4687
hey, looking for a ha timburr/gurdurr thanks!
>>20757598 No requests faggot
>>20757771 Begging is still not allowed
This thread is only for anons to dump their leftovers
Quoted By:
>>20757771 This, why don't people understand?
>>20757598 Fuck off beggar
zoe - 3496-9920-4687
>>20757745 i've been away a while ^^ didn't know they changed the rules for the luvdisc threads sorry x
Quoted By:
>>20757856 it became necessary when entitled faggots from reddit and gamefags stuck around
Quoted By:
>>20755126 Can I get a vullaby?
>>20757799 Where does it say that begging is forbidden? Stop being a spoiled kid
>>20758034 And where does it say that begging is allowed?
Stop bitching and deal with it
>Where is everyone? Edition >>20757745 >>20757823 Try asking these faggots. Maybe they'll tell you why everybody left.
OH SHIT, I'm sorry, I forgot, asking is against the rules! How silly of me.
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Fri 29 Aug 2014 23:53:46 No. 20758076 Report Quoted By:
>>20755314 Can i have a Riolu?, disc up in a moment... hope youre still around.
Quoted By:
>>20758061 Are you really that retarded? No wonder these threads are almost dead, faggots like you keep the good posters away
Quoted By:
>>20758072 stop shitposting anytime, faggot
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:15:20 No. 20759742 Report Back again with more to give away! Please make sure to specify in your request what gender, nature, and IV amount (if I have different ones). Disc up people!
>>20759742 discing up for the growlithe in a bit
thank you
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:27:55 No. 20759924 Report >>20759802 Sent, happy breeding!
Quoted By:
>>20759924 Thanks once again!
>>20759742 Disc is up for a growlithe. Thank you.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:31:01 No. 20759955 Report Quoted By:
IGN Nico
I'm looking for a female HA Eevee in a Luxury Ball. Does anyone have it? I've had no success at the Safari threads. I don't give a shit about IVs, nature or EM, pure balltism.
>>20759742 Discing up for Turtwig
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:37:04 No. 20760028 Report >>20760009 male or female?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:40:30 No. 20760065 Report >>20760048 Sent, happy breeding!
>>20759742 Can I disc up for the Chimcahr ,if you still have it?
>>20759742 IGN:Ray
disc up for skrelp, cheers
>>20759742 Luvdisc up for a chespin. Thank you Lana.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:44:09 No. 20760107 Report >>20760080 Absolutely! Sent and happy breeding!
Quoted By:
>>20760107 Thanks,and same to you.
>>20760065 >>20759742 Can i also get a Charmender?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:46:41 No. 20760137 Report Quoted By:
>>20759742 Could I get a totodile please? And if its not too much trouble could you name him Shane?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:48:03 No. 20760168 Report >>20760130 Sure, keep forgetting to post that double dipping is totally fine with me.
>>20760166 Dunno why my name was gone
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:49:18 No. 20760191 Report >>20760166 Sure, go ahead and disc up and I'll send him your way. What's your IGN?
>>20760191 I also have a bunch of dratini leftovers. Ivs are probably shit but theyre adamant, dream ball, extreem speed, and dragon dance.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:52:46 No. 20760238 Report >>20760182 Found ya and sent!
>>20760168 Dearl lord, Not sure If I have enough Luvdisc.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:54:30 No. 20760257 Report Quoted By:
>>20760234 I'm good on dratinis but thanks anyway!
Quoted By:
>>20760238 Thanks! And I dont know why I just directed that to you. My shits all over the place today
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:55:49 No. 20760276 Report >>20760253 Haha, since we should have each other in acquaintances we can normal trade that way too. If you have any junk pokemon you dont want you can send them to me.
>>20759742 Disc up for a Ponyta too if thats ok. Thanks again.
Zim Chaos 1950-8112-3526
>>20759742 lvl 15 female Disc up for a male Snivy, better the iv's the better :D
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Natu/Xatu with Skill Swap?
>>20760276 Would you mind and double dip and get that tirtuga named Zane? After seeing it it seems interesting to use
>>20760276 Thanks, I'd really appreciate it.
Could I trouble for an archen, turtwig, and Chepsin?
stopped playing a while ago but have this still anyone want? perfect ivs
>>20760361 >moon ball. 'no'
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:04:58 No. 20760434 Report >>20760357 Sure lemme get the three above you done real quick then i'll initiate a trade
Quoted By:
>>20760389 hey man i didnt breed it
Quoted By:
>>20760434 K t-thanks. I was too shy to do it myself.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20760361 I want, to use on competitive team, can you add me?
>>20760434 i put a disc up for turtwig as well. i really appreciate this
>>20759742 Discing up for Bulbasaur! Thanks a bunch.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:12:01 No. 20760550 Report >>20760320 Sent!
>>20760338 Sent, missing sp attk
>>20760347 He's ready but not seeing your disc?
Zim Chaos 1950-8112-3526
Quoted By:
>>20760550 Woooo, thanx a bunch :D
>>20760550 Thanks so much
D-does this mean you like me?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:19:53 No. 20760693 Report >>20760504 Sent!
>>20760537 Sniped perhaps? Not seeing disc.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:20:58 No. 20760713 Report Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:21:43 No. 20760725 Report >>20759742 Disc up for Male Froakie pl0x.
IGN:Matt - /vp/ message.
>>20760713 Thanks for baby turtle !
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
Quoted By:
>>20760361 I have to do to get one?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:25:05 No. 20760769 Report Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:26:38 No. 20760783 Report >>20760769 Thank you so much.
Would it be too much to ask for a Chimchar too? :C
>>20760693 Yeah it was! >_<
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:28:50 No. 20760812 Report >>20760783 Nope, disc up!
>>20760796 If you can catch another disc I'll send one your way?
Quoted By:
>>20760475 Don't you think you've taken to much already today?
At least give someon else a chance
>>20760812 Got it! Thanks!
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:33:45 No. 20760872 Report Quoted By:
>>20760862 Not a prob happy breeding!
>>20759742 disc up for togepi
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:37:34 No. 20760925 Report >>20760812 >>20760812 Disc up, thank you.
...i-i think i love you.
Quoted By:
disc up for an aerodactyl
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:40:25 No. 20760967 Report >>20760925 Is your IGN Matt or Alan?
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:42:22 No. 20760992 Report Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:43:15 No. 20760999 Report >>20760909 Sent
>>20760992 Sent! Happy breeding ya'll
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:44:01 No. 20761008 Report Quoted By:
>>20760999 Thanks again. :C
>>20759742 Disc is up for Shinx
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:53:22 No. 20761109 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20761109 That was fast
>>20755314 I'll be putting a Disc up for a Cyndaquil, if you're still around
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
>>20759742 disc up for bulbasaur pls
Quoted By:
testing, lost my old trip
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Sat 30 Aug 2014 04:04:24 No. 20761226 Report thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
Bawby !BawbyrFma.
Please adopterino: 4 Moon Ball Absol 2 Lure Ball Magikarp 5 illegal Dream Ball Mienfoo 3 Sport Ball Pinsir 3 Sport Ball Scyther 2 Moon Ball Shuppet All are female, have 3-4 Egg Moves, 2-5IVs, and their competitive natures.
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
>>20761249 Discing for a Shuppet please.
>>20761249 Disc up for Shuppet, please. Ign is Serena.
I'd also like a karp if you don't mind... Wanted to breed a shone Gyarados but was missing this ball. Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20761249 Disc is up for a Magikarp, thanks!
Wraith - 1349-5363-0884
>>20761249 Disc going up for one of those Scythers.
If you don't mind double dipping I'll take a Mienfoo as well.
>>20761313 Shuppet receive, thank you so much!
I've put one up for the karp, if you don't mind. Really apprecciate it.
>>20761365 Karp also received, thank you for your kindness, Bawby!
>>20761249 I'll adopt a pinsir, disc up
Bawby !BawbyrFma.
>>20761489 Hello, Bawby, it's been a while
>>20761249 disc up for for absol :^)
Bawby !BawbyrFma.
Quoted By:
>>20761550 Yep! I'm just cleaning out my boxes, idk how long I'll stay though.
>>20761568 Sent
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>20761489 Received, thanks Bawby! Mind if I disc for a Mienfoo If there's still extras?
Bawby !BawbyrFma.
Quoted By:
>>20761662 Sent!
Alright, I'll be back later, gonna play some league.
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Sat 30 Aug 2014 04:42:38 No. 20761731 Report i miss this thread so much
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>>20761731 shut the fuck up nerd
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>>20754332 Disc up for a Corphish with the Hidden Ability if anyone has it
luna 3840-7600-9463
Trading away 10 Meloettas! Add me and post your friend code as well!
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Sat 30 Aug 2014 08:08:51 No. 20763825 Report Quoted By:
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
>>20763819 I'll bite. 1005-8858-9789. IGN is Yoru. Thanks in advance
Myth 3394-3800-2515
>>20763819 take it to the giveaway general
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye]
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350 [Mightyena,Cacturne,Sableye] Sat 30 Aug 2014 08:14:33 No. 20763862 Report Quoted By:
>>20763819 got it,thanks a lot Luna!
>>20763819 349718159392
>>20763858 fuck off
no one wants to be part of that cesspool
Oxy | 3024-7196-8789
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
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Thank you very much for the Meloetta, Luna!
>>20763882 Aren't we already in the giveaway general?
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>>20763904 no, another one was created because this one is too full of shit to contain anything
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>>20763868 ign is Finnic btw
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>>20763819 Thank you so much to give me my own idol master!
IGN: Loki 2208-5654-9636
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>>20763819 Adding if you have any left
IGN: Loki 2208-5654-9636
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Anyone happen to have any spare Togepi leftovers with egg moves?
Ign: Serena FC: 2723-9730-8766
Ign: Serena FC: 2723-9730-8766
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>>20763819 Yay, thanks Luna.
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>>20763819 Damn it.
Too late.
Conor !cLAc5rAVRA
Been Away for a while, didn't realise giveaway threads had been split. Nearly everyone at /gg/ are total dickholes but if anyone's interested 1x HA Dratini (Adamant) w/ Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet, Extreme Speed & Iron Tail 4x Oblivious Feebas 1X Adaptability (Bold) w/ Hypnosis, Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse & Confuse Ray 2x Trapinch (Jolly) No EMs 2x Magikarp (Adamant) No EMs None are perfect, but all are female so you can use them for breeding
>>20767700 may i get that dratini? Disc is up. Thank you.
>>20767700 discing up for Feebas
Doge 4356 0644 3028
>>20767700 Discing up for Oblivious Feebas.
Conor !cLAc5rAVRA
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>>20767760 >>20767776 Both Sent
>>20767768 Dratini's gone but was in Luxury, Feebas is in Dream, other 2 in regular Pokeballs
Conor !cLAc5rAVRA
>>20767816 Whoops, thought you were
>>20767776 I'll just fix that
Doge 4356 0644 3028
>>20756206 Updating.
Pachirisu x1 (M)
Dive | Impish | Volt Absorb
Pentaperfect | Iron Tail / Ion Deluge / Follow Me / Bite
Swinub x1 (M)
Dive | Jolly | Oblivious
Pentaperfect | Stealth Rock / Freeze-Dry / Fissure / Icicle Crash
Swinub x1 (F)
Dive | Jolly | Oblivious
5IV | Stealth Rock / Freeze-Dry / Fissure / Icicle Crash
Swinub x6 (3F 3M)
Dive | Jolly | Thick Fat
5IV | Stealth Rock / Freeze-Dry / Fissure / Icicle Crash
A lot of these are missing
Speed because Masuda is the devil, my bad.
>>20767892 disc up for pachirisu
>>20767892 Discing for the female oblivious swinub
Conor !cLAc5rAVRA
>>20767892 Disc up for Thick Fat female please
Roselyn 3711-8103-3026 [Sandile, Vullaby, Liepard]
Roselyn 3711-8103-3026 [Sandile, Vullaby, Liepard] Sat 30 Aug 2014 18:04:56 No. 20767988 Report Does someone got a spare 6IV Solosis?
>>20767892 Disc up for Female Thick Fat Swinub.
>>20767892 I would love a Thick Fat 5 IV female
disc is up
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>>20767988 Go away, we're busy
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>>20759742 Ae you still here?
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Man, I'm about to give up on breed Munchlax and just do Snorlax so I can guarantee the nature. This shit is getting old.
>>20767892 Disc up for the Penta Swinub please, IGN is Artalias.
Growlithe Guy
I need of space for MMing, so I'm dumping out some extra mon I don't need. (I apologize for the format)
Whatever isn't taken by the end of the weekend will be dumped into WT, so take whatever.
>>20768240 I'll take that Jolly Absol please. Disc is up. Thanks man.
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
>>20768240 Disc up for Justified 4em growlithe
>>20768240 Discing up for the Yamask. Thanks.
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
Quoted By:
>>20768347 Dog receieved, thanks
Growlithe Guy (IGN: Paula)
>>20768391 Did the big bad trolls at /gg/ finally scare you away. This place is perfect for you. Discing up
IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
>>20768240 disc up for timid cyndaquil pls
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 18:43:22 No. 20768520 Report >>20768240 Karp up for the quiet bulba, thanks.
IGN Alex
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Have some dive ball bold feebas w/ hypnosis, haze, mirror coat, dragon pulse. Random 5Vs. Also have a couple unchecked lure ball sniper horseas w/ outrage, muddy water, signal beam, and disable that should all be 4V or more
Does anyone have a Ponyta with Morning Sun?
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>>20768441 What the hell are you even talking about?
>>20768548 Is that an egg move? Also why would you want to use that over arcanine?
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any one got a zubat, golbat or crobat with giga drain?
>>20768559 >not catching them all MODS
Growlithe Guy (IGN: Paula)
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>>20768559 Yup an egg move, and I want a Ponyta cause I feel Mega Raidash will be amazing.
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>>20768574 >implying cuz i use a superior mon i havent caught them all Stay pleb
Sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>20754332 I have 11 pentaperfect gastly with Smog, Clear, Smog, Disable and Perish Song. They are females and they come in a moon ball. If you want them, disc up and respond with your ign.
>>20754651 Im pretty sure you can make requests for less specific things.
I never seen anyone call someone out on a single mon.
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>>20768600 Don't reply to those posts
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 18:51:22 No. 20768616 Report >>20768579 Thanks, man. Karp up for the Ralts, too. If its not too much.
>>20768600 You fucking kidding me?
It happens all the time. Why do you think these threads are dying?
IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
Growlithe Guy (IGN: Paula)
>>20768616 It's no problem. Sent.
>>20768620 You're welcome!
>>20768617 Im pretty sure these threads are dying because of the twats that discourage people from posting here. So people make their own giveaway and trade threads.
>>20768653 Drop it. Even talking about this attracts the very retards you're upset about. Just shut up right now.
>>20768595 Disc up
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric)
Newb 4511-0822-9792 (Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric) Sat 30 Aug 2014 18:57:03 No. 20768672 Report Quoted By:
>>20768646 Well, thats enough mooching. Thank you much, now i can breed them.
IGN Alex
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What's the best balltism for piplup line, milotic, and lapras? Legality be damned. Also, anybody have any piplups with egg moves?
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>>20768653 I hope you live on /ggg/ you might be bad at time but you are nowhere near as bad as that other place.
>>20768664 >Calling people retards when dex completion requests have always been allowed ayy lmao
>>20768685 And yet that isn't who I was talking about at all, you scum-lapping shitface.
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>>20768703 You are and cunt
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>>20768703 So youre shitflinging for no reason? Gotcha
>>>/b/ Anonymous
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>>20768697 Got it, thanks!